How to encrypt databags and use them in recipes for chef solo - chef-solo

All I want is to encrypt my passwords that I am using inside recipes. I am using chef-solo. Databags with chef-solo looks promising but i didn't encounter any step by step tutorial helping me to understand the same I found a couple of blogs online but nothing working for me. I tried encrypting creating databag items
EDITOR=vi knife solo data bag create apps --json-file "/Users/akthakur/Documents/Code/chef-playground/certification/lcd_web/secrets.json" --secret-file "~/.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret"
ERROR: TypeError: no implicit conversion of Array into String
but everything failing. Any tutorial or guide , bloglink is much appreciated.
I even followed this
but all commands give me same error.
knife solo data bag create apps app_1
ERROR: TypeError: no implicit conversion of Array into String

I had the same error.
I fixed it by adding into my knife.rb file the following
data_bag_path "/opt/chef/data_bag"


Difference Between Local Nominatim and OpenStreetMap Website results

I have installed nominatim 4.1.0 (tokenizer= ICU) via following instructions on nominatim documentation, added wikipedia data during the installation, and imported an updated pbf file from
All works but when I sent some kind of request (e.g. Cagliari via Roma) the answer I get from Nominatim Website ( and my local installation are very different. The right results are on nominatim website of course.
The problems seems to be with the search candidate algorithm or the attribuition/calc of AdressImportance parameter.
The very strange thing is that I get these wrong results only for some requests.
There is any particular parameter to set or anything else to verify?
I hope it is clear for you and even small advice or comment would be very helpful for me
After a discussion with the maintainers (, I found an acceptable solution by editing the Geocode.php file line as follows:
$this->iLimit = $iLimit + max($iLimit, 150)
the result is not exactly the same as that of the online version but it works fine for me

Tableau Command Line - Refresh datasource

I have a Tableau Workbook which connects to server-side data source. Researching online it seems the accepted way to refresh this is something like
tabcmd refreshextracts -–datasource “Number of Goals”.
My datasource is named "aggregated usage table". I have tried basically copying what I saw online, using
tabcmd refreshextracts -–datasource “aggregated usage table”, and receive the error message "*** Item not found". Clearly I am not correctly identifying my data source.
Can someone help me determine the correct syntax for this?
The O/E is Linux. Thank you!
Longshot, but something looks off about your dashes...
When I copy yours vs mine:
-– vs --
When I put yours into word and enlarge they look even weirder. Sometimes this can happen if copying and pasting from the web to import into your script.
Try copying and pasting my command and see if it works:
tabcmd refreshextracts --datasource “aggregated usage table”

Undefined parameter in Google Action

I have a DialogFlow agent I am trying to test on Google Assistant. I've created a relatively simple Intent called "Set name" with the following Training phrases:
My name is Ryan.
I'm Steve
The name's Bond. James Bond.
It has two parameters:
Required: given-name with the Entity #sys.given-name and the value stored as $given-name
last-name with the Entity #sys.last-name and the value $last-name
I'm able to test in just fine in the DialogFlow test console. But when I try to "See how it works in Google Assistant." I get the following error:
Request contains an invalid argument. The query pattern 'The name's
Bond. $SchemaOrg_Person:given-name $SchemaOrg_Person:last-name.'
contains an undefined parameter 'last-name.'
If I delete the "James Bond" training phrase, it works okay. But I would like to include that. What am I doing wrong?
Here is a screenshot of the intent that is causing the problem:
Here is the link I'm clicking to try in Google Assistant:
And finally, here is the error message that appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen when I click that link:
I suddenly got a few of these error messages when both clicking the "See how it works in Google Assistant" link and submitting the app for production.
It seems like characters like apostrophes and hyphens in the training phrases creates trouble and can give that error message.
In addition it complained about a variant of the training phrases that I could not find anywhere no matter how much I looked at all languages, all pages of the phrases and all intents. I finally found the phrase in question by exporting the project and searching through the JSON files. Then I could delete the phrase locally, delete the intent in Dialogflow and do an import back to Dialogflow. (From my understanding it had messed up a follow-up intent which it also in the JSON (nowhere in the UI) had attached parts of some training phrases.)
Try to remove the dot from the sentence. So it will be:
"The name's Bond. James Bond"
I ran into same error and finally it was found to be an issue with the additional language I have added.
There was default "en" language and "en-IN" added by me. The issue was with training phrases in "en-IN" language. I didn't need it so removed it and it worked fine.
So, do check how many languages are enabled in your agent and whether training phrases are set properly for them or not.

How to decode a string in Visual Basic 6

I'm trying to read .DB (Paradox 5) file within my Visual Basic 6.
Everything's OK except encoding/charset. It shows as Iieiei 75a instead of cyrillic string.
This is my ODBC Connection string:
Driver={Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.db )};DriverID=538;Fil=Paradox 4.X;DataCodePage=ANSI;BDE=2;CollatingSequence=ASCII;AutoTranslate=No;DBQ=C:\Database;DefaultDir=C:\Database
Please note that software like Borland Database Desktop shows this strings without any problems. Also everything is fine in another PC.
I set following settings via regedit, by it doesn't help:
I also tried to use CharToOem/Oem2Char Win API functions, it doesn't help.
Any ideas?
Okay I have solved this by changing following registry values:
Last setting has solved the issue.

Confluence pocketquery macro fetching unwanted word along with result from PostgreSQL

Hi I'm using a Confluence macro called 'PockketQuery'(PQ). I have connected to a server located at my client's base through PostgreSQL. I run PQ to fetch results from the db into my confluence page. However, it's fecthing an extra unwanted word "Hallo" along with every result. I m unable to figure out where this string maybe coming from and getting attached to my results like this. Please help me get rid of it.
For example I run a PQ on the db which is supposed to fetch me result "Jack London", so the result that I see is "hallo Jack London".
Note: I use VPN to connect to my client's server and Confluence.
Are you using the latest version from the Marketplace 1.14.6? This issue shouldn't exist in the latest version.
I got an upgrade to version 1.14.6 of Confluence's PocketQuery macro. The issue that I had is resolved, the unwanted string in the result is there no more. The bad part is they don't mention it anywhere on the macro's bug fixes. There are no release notes attached to this fix.Thank you Felix for your help.