Mapbox Animated SVG In Studio Without Code - mapbox

I want To add Animated SVG In Studio Without Code Please Share Me Some Reference I Tried To Search Google And Other Websites But Unable Get Examples Please Share some info Related To this.

This is not possible.
You can upload SVG images to a style in the Mapbox Studio style editor, but behind the scenes it is rendered to PNG (see
So your animation will not be preserved or (more likely) you will not be able to upload your animated SVG in Studio.
If you are interested in animated images with some code, you may have a look at this example:
You could also try if it is possible to add an animated GIF or SVG like this:


Can SVG images be used?

For some reason, I can't get SVG images to show up on my phone, only the simulator. Is this bug / feature that is in progress / expected? I can't find any documentation on file formats in the guide.
Don't know if this affects it, but I'm using API.AI's Actions on Google tab to create the carousel.
Thanks in advance!
The phone doesn't support SVG, and that's the expected behavior.
You can use JPG, PNG or even GIF with animations.
I agree that this should be available in the documentation.

How to use vuforia and unity to create a ppt or pdf reader for an AR app

I am trying to use vuforia and unity to create a ppt or pdf reader.But I am stuck with the problem that I don't know how to display a ppt or pdf in unity. Besides, I want to use some gestures to slide these ppt.. Is there any package which I can use?
My guess would be to use some libraries to convert your PDF or PPT files to images (slideshows) and then to display them on screen simply by using unity integrated UI system. Then you could use some scripts based on input detection to change images (slides).
Finally, my solution is to use UIImage to display these slides. So at first, I need to convert these slides to image.

Where to find a pause styled disclosure button for iOS audio application

So I've been hitting my head for awhile now, trying to dig up the correct Apple styled icon. It's not listed in the standard provided icons. Does anyone know how to get access to it without having to build it from scratch in photoshop?
Here's the image:
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
There is no accessory style for this. However, you don't need to build it from scratch in Photoshop. You just linked it to this post. Save that image, add the PNG to your project. When setting up your cells, create a new UIImageView, load the image from your project, and then sett the UIImageView as your cell's accessoryView.
There's some example code here.

Zoom support while page curling effect present in pdf reader app

I am developing an ipad Magazine app where I need to display pdf files.I am using leaves project for page curl effect.This works great.
But in landscape page fits to height(768px) and it becomes difficult to read the font.
Thats why I want to support zoom in/out on this view.
I am a newbie to Core Graphics.I think in leaves project they parse pdf to show image of each page.But I dont know why zoom is not supported if it is an image.
There are some more branches of leaves project for implementing this feature but all of them are not perfect.
Shall I continue using leaves or UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp/Down will help me for both the problems?
here is the code for your requirement. check out this
You can refer this tutorial. Provided by APPLE
Hope it helps.

How to embed links in a Quartz PDF View

I am using Quartz to display a PDF if my iPad app rather than a webview as I dont link the borders and drop shadow effects the webview adds.
Can I still use embedded links in the PDFs? If so do I need to do anything special or will they just work?
See this question:
Get PDF hyperlinks on iOS with Quartz