How to get a numbered count of different items in powershell - powershell

Im using the following powershell query to get a list of disks:
Get-NcDisk | Select-Object -Property model | Sort-Object -Property Model -Descending | foreach {$_.model}
It outputs like below:
How can I get it to output a numbered count of each type of disk like below:
1 X316_SMKRE06TA07
3 X316_HARIH06TA07

Group-Object will do this for you..
I can't use Get-NcDisk but it may just be:
Get-NcDisk | Select-Object -ExpandProperty model | Group-Object
Example output using a string array:
"X316_SMKRE06TA07","X316_HARIH06TA07","X316_HARIH06TA07","X316_HARIH06TA07" | Group-Object
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
1 X316_SMKRE06TA07 {X316_SMKRE06TA07}
3 X316_HARIH06TA07 {X316_HARIH06TA07, X316_HARIH06TA07, X316_HARIH06TA07}


Outputting sorted sections of sorted data to a variable?

I have the following PowerShell code:
[xml]$xml = Get-Content uccxResourceList_forReference.xml
$xml.resources.resource |
Select-Object firstname, lastname, extension,
#{Name="Team"; Expression={($}} |
Sort Team |
which produces a table like this:
firstName lastName extension Team
--------- -------- --------- ----------------
Homer Simpson 1000 SafetyInspectors
Frank Grimes 1001 SafetyInspectors
Lenford Leonard 1002 SafetyInspectors
Carlton Carlson 1003 SafetyInspectors
Montgomery Burns 2000 Executives
Waylon Smithers 2001 Executives
What I would like to do is output each team into its own file. So not just a simple | Out-File teamlist.txt at the end, but I would like to output a text file containing all of the "SafetyInspectors" and another with all of the "Executives".
I know I could get this done with a subsequent foreach loop but I feel it could also be done in the pipeline and I just don't know how to do it.
I'd prefer to output to a csv file (which easily is imported again) , so:
[xml]$xml = Get-Content uccxResourceList_forReference.xml
$xml.resources.resource |
Select-Object firstname, lastname, extension,
#{Name="Team"; Expression={($}} |
Group-Object Team | ForEach-Object {
$_.Group | Export-Csv ("{0}.csv" -f $_.Name) -NoTypeInformation
Should return something like this:
> gc .\Executives.csv
> gc .\SafetyInspectors.csv

Compare objects and export the difference

I would like to make a script that compares O365 tenant settings. Reading them is fine, now I would like to make some kind of difference object.
A related question is here, but no answer.
Powershell Compare-Object and getting the Differences into a File
I already have a json file from both tenants created like:
$srcTenant | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "$targetfolder\$targetfile"
Now, I would like a file that only contains the properties that are collected with the script below:
I am so far:
$properties = ($srcTenant | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
$selectedproperties = #{}
$i = 0
foreach ($property in $properties) {
if (Compare-Object $srcTenant $trgTenant -Property "$property") {
$selectedproperties.Add($i, "$property")
The $selectedproperties variable contains 9 properties and I would like to export only this 9 in the same format as the other two.
Name Value
---- -----
8 StorageQuotaAllocated
7 StorageQuota
6 ResourceQuotaAllocated
5 ResourceQuota
4 OwnerAnonymousNotification
3 OneDriveStorageQuota
2 DefaultLinkPermission
1 ConditionalAccessPolicy
0 AllowDownloadingNonWebViewableFiles
So, I am looking for something like:
$srcTenant | Select-Object -Property (that 9 property above) | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "$targetfolder\$targetfile
Other options achieving the same result are welcome too :)
Select-Object -Property can take an array of property names.
see the first example here

Powershell Group Paramter - Count over 100 adds value to variable

I found the below article to help me group a list of IP addresses.
Using Powershell, how can i count the occurrence of each element in an array?
The command I am currently using is:
get-content c:\temp\temp3.txt | group
This would get the following output:
> Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
3 {,,}
3 {,,}
What command can I use to find all IP's with over a count of 5?
I imagine I would need to put my orignal command as a variable like below:
$groupedoutput get-content c:\temp\temp3.txt | group
Unsure where to go from there. Any help would be appreciated.
In full:
Get-Content -Path c:\temp\temp3.txt |
Group-Object -NoElement |
Where-Object { $_.Count -gt 5 } |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
In short:
gc c:\temp\temp3.txt | group |? count -gt 5 |% Name
The -NoElement switch means the groups don't gather up all this stuff: {,,} , it's not really necessary here but it saves memory if you aren't going to use the grouped items.

How to sort unique most recent file with Powershell

In my folder testtemp, I've got this files
PS C:\scripts\testtemp> Get-ChildItem | select name,lastwritetime
Name LastWriteTime
---- -------------
AABASSI.TMC049913.mapdrives.txt 27/02/2015 11:01:11
AABASSI.TMC049916.mapdrives.txt 02/03/2015 14:29:31
AABASSI.TMC050020.mapdrives.txt 26/11/2014 18:08:48
aabassi.TMS064845.mapdrives.txt 06/03/2015 14:14:50
aaboud.DLECLERCQPC.mapdrives.txt 03/04/2015 09:02:03
aaboud.FHP030221.mapdrives.txt 30/12/2014 15:05:04
aaboud.FHP045846.mapdrives.txt 18/11/2014 10:15:05
Aaccus.FHP047416.mapdrives.txt 25/07/2014 08:16:19
AADRIENVASSE.PHP049659.mapdrives.txt 02/10/2015 14:18:15
AADRIENVASSE.RBXXAMET10.mapdrives.txt 06/08/2015 10:33:33
aagostini.FHP047082.mapdrives.txt 05/03/2015 13:38:07
aagricole.PHP053341.mapdrives.txt 30/03/2015 15:09:03
aagricole.TMS064745.mapdrives.txt 25/03/2015 12:32:06
aaiad.PHP053346.mapdrives.txt 09/06/2015 09:18:58
aaissaoui.FHP029908.mapdrives.txt 28/08/2014 14:41:09
aaissaoui.FHP030685.mapdrives.txt 15/11/2014 18:27:55
aaissaoui.FHP048791.mapdrives.txt 12/09/2014 10:22:19
aaissaoui.FHP048963.mapdrives.txt 06/11/2014 09:55:00
I just want to get only the most recent file for each login (for exemple AABASSi is a login)
If I try sort-object lastwritetime -descending and sort-object -property name -unique, there is a problem because for exemple, AAISSAOUI 28/08/2014 14:41:09 is NOT the most recent file :
Get-ChildItem | select #{l="name";e={($".")[0]).ToUpper()}},lastwritetime | Sort-Object lastwritetime -Descending | Sort-Object -Property name -Unique
name LastWriteTime
---- -------------
AABASSI 26/11/2014 18:08:48
AABOUD 30/12/2014 15:05:04
AACCUS 25/07/2014 08:16:19
AADRIENVASSE 02/10/2015 14:18:15
AAGOSTINI 05/03/2015 13:38:07
AAGRICOLE 25/03/2015 12:32:06
AAIAD 09/06/2015 09:18:58
AAISSAOUI 28/08/2014 14:41:09
Is ther a simple solution for my problem ?
The reason you're having the issue with sorting is that you sort it by the property you actually want, and then you sort it again by a different property (Name). Instead, group the objects by the string before the ".", and select only the newest object from each group. #PetSerAl's method is great:
Get-ChildItem | Group-Object {$_.Name.Split(".")[0]} | % {
$_.Group | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

Count the comma in each line and show the line numbers in a text file

I'm using the following script to get the comma counts.
Get-Content .\myFile |
% { ($_ | Select-String `, -all).matches | measure | select count } |
group -Property count
It returns,
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
131 85 {#{Count=85}, #{Count=85}, #{Count=85}, #{Count=85}...}
3 86 {#{Count=86}, #{Count=86}, #{Count=86}}
Can I show the line number in the Group column instead of #{Count=86}, ...?
The files will have a lot of lines and majority of the lines have the same comma. I want to group them so the output lines will be smaller
Can you use something like this?
$s = #"
multiple, commas, to, count,
#convert to string-array(like you normally have with multiline strings)
$s = $s -split "`n"
$s | Select-String `, -AllMatches | Select-Object LineNumber, #{n="Count"; e={$_.Matches.Count}} | Group-Object Count
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
2 2 {#{LineNumber=1; Count=2}, #{LineNumber=2; Count=2}}
1 1 {#{LineNumber=3; Count=1}}
1 4 {#{LineNumber=4; Count=4}}
If you don't want the "count" property multiple times in the group, you need custom objects. Like this:
$s | Select-String `, -AllMatches | Select-Object LineNumber, #{n="Count"; e={$_.Matches.Count}} | Group-Object Count | % {
New-Object psobject -Property #{
"Count" = $_.Name
"LineNumbers" = ($_.Group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber)
Count LineNumbers
----- -----------
2 {1, 2}
1 3
4 4