Linkedin member profile in angular 2 - linkedin-api

When I put this in the template, it does not run. It is in the page source:
<script type="IN/MemberProfile" data-id="" data-format="inline" data-related="false"></script>
Is it possible to use this plugin directly in Angular 2?


Integrate GTM snippets with AEM pages

Is there any direct way to integrate Google Tag Manager JS snippets in AEM pages ?
The AEM Tools provide only for Google Analytics snippet using cloud services component. But GTM needs two code snippets on a page, one in <head> and one in <body> section of the page.
Hard coding the JS snippets in my HTML's is not a good idea.
GTM scripts is based on website specific tracking. So you can create sitelevel configurations for GTM containerID(think for future) and add header footer script in page component with dynamic containerID that you can configure in site level config so that it will be available across all pages.

How to post form using angular js 4

I am creating single page application with angular js 4.
How can I post form on submit button click using angular js 4.
Thank you.
Simply get your form value using this and post to the database or wherever you want.
for more detail see demo example by angular

Dynamic Facebook Share/Comments in Ember

After trying a few different packages to help with updating meta and og tags unsuccessfully, I am exploring other options to integrate Facebook sharing or commenting onto my Ember site. But I seem to be unable to dynamically generate the data-href value in my HBS templates.
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="{{}}" data-width="510px" data-numposts="10"></div>
Whenever you access the first review, the comments load fine. But once you go to another, even though the href is updated the comment plugin no longer loads. Is there a way to incorporate this with dynamic URLs?

Is GA code needed when I use Google Tag Manager

I am trying to use Google Tag Manager and implement a custom dimension in a website. I use code igniter and need to get how many facebook, twitter and googleplus logins there are. I already inserted the dataLayer in the body above the GTM code but it seems the dataLayer.push isn't sending anything to GA. I am not seeing any pageviews or custom dimensions fired in GA. Is there anything else I need to do?
dataLayer = [];
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
<noscript><iframe src="//"
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
dataLayer.push({'socialType': '<?php echo $adapter->id; ?>'});
Do I need to put the regular GA code or does GTM insert this for me?
From what you already have you also need to do the following:
Make sure that you have created a tag for Google Analytics in your tag manager account for page views, I assume that you have already done this.
Make sure that you have created another tag for Google Analytics, set the Analytics ID and then set the type of tag to Social.

Kynetx plugin vs Site Tags -- How can I tell the difference?

My application has a homepage where you can download and install the plugins. It also uses site tags to call the same ruleset to show potential users what the app does.
I'd like to hide the plugins and replace that div with one that says 'Thanks for installing the plugin.' How can I tell the difference between KRL called from the site tags and KRL called from the plugin?
Here's my ideas, but perhaps there is a better way?
Option 1: Use page parameter, maybe the plugin won't see it.
Option 2: Use a second ruleset that calls into my primary ruleset. The plugin ruleset will hide the plugin div and unhide the 'thank you' div. I just have to have the primary ruleset support explicit events.
I think your best option is to use a page parameter, as you said. This will only be sent to the ruleset from your site tags--not from the browser extension--so that should solve your problem. Your site tags will look something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var KOBJ_config = {
"rids" : ["a999x99"]
"called_from_site_tags" : "true"
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
Then in your app you just have to check the page:param and do whatever you want with it:
is_site_tags = page:param("called_from_site_tags");
See here in the docs for more information. Hope that helps!