Adding Listener for TreeViewerColumn - eclipse

I have a treeviewer with dynamic number of columns. I am using ColumnLabelProvider. Every column cell is populated with a image (not text) using getImage() method of labelProvider.
I need a listener that will be triggered when i double click on column cell and an editor should be opened upon double click. I tried using selection listener for tree column but that doesn't work.
My tree item already has a listener that performs another operation so this listener that i add for column should be independent of it. This is the reason
i didnt create my tree using SWT.FULL_SELECTION because if i use full selection the operation intended for my tree item is performed though i double click the column cell.


Select single row with checkbox in sap.ui.table

I am trying select single row of sap.ui.table with checkbox.
There are 2 modes for this table
In multi selection mode there are checkboxes for each row and multiple rows can be selected - but I want only a single row to be selected
In single selection mode, it allows only a row to be selected - but there are no check boxes.
How to achieve a table with checkboxes with only one selectable row?
It is possible with sap.m.table, but my requirement is to make it work with sap.ui.table.
Why I wouldn't recommend doing this:
Checkboxes (selectionMode="MultiToggle") are usually used to signal the user that he's able to select no, one or more options, while radio buttons (selectionMode="Single") tell the user that he's only able to choose one option.
See:, nngroup, uxplanet-radio, uxplanet-checkbox
In your case, I'd recommend using the selectionMode="Single" and either set the selectionBehavior attribute to Row, RowOnly or RowSelector (SelectionBehaviour).
As #jasbir pointed out, you could use the rowSelectionChange event in order to invoke a function that grabs the index (getSelectedIndex) of the row that was just selected. You can then call the setSelectedIndex function on the sap.ui.table.Table and pass it the grabbed index. This will remove previously selected rows and set the currently selected row as selected.
<Table id="yourTableId"
And in the controller.
onSelectionChange: function(oEvent) {
var oYourTable = this.getView().byId("yourTableId"),
iSelectedIndex = oEvent.getSource().getSelectedIndex();
Note: Since the setSelectedIndex function triggers a rowSelectionChange the above function gets triggered twice (another indicator that this solution isn't intended behaviour).
Check the SAP Fiori Guidelines for the sap.ui.table.Table for further information.
You can use rowSelectionChange event whenever a selection is changed you can unselect other rows and keep the selected one.
Hope this helps

How to set css class to a row which has focus in Dojo datagrid

I am using DOJO datagrid version 1.10 What I want is on tab indexing the row in the grid should get highlighted so that user will be able to know on which row the focus is. But I am not getting the row focus.
You could listen on the dojox.grid.DataGrid::onCellFocus event. The event arguments are the focused cell-Object itself and the corresponding rowIndex.
function onCellFocus(cell, rowIndex) {
// first clear selection
// select the focused row
grid.selection.setSelected(rowIndex, true);
// invoke manually the render method
I've created a working fiddle for you, which can be found here.

Disable JFace TableViwer single row

Does anyone know how to disable a single row of a JFace TableViwer? I have a TableViwer constructed as follows:
TableViwer tv = new TableViwer(composite, SWT.NONE| SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.BORDER);
tv can have many rows, but I am adding a particular unique row to the table dynamically(when an external button is clicked) and I need to make only that row disabled (grayed out and not selectable. Not selectable can also be achieved through existing handler, if there is no other option).
I searched in google but did not get much information. I am new to SWT/JFace, so any help would be appreciated.
You would have to do something in the selection listener to reject selection of the row.
To make the row gray you can make your Label Provider implement IColorProvider which lets you define the two methods:
public Color getForeground(Object element);
public Color getBackground(Object element);
which can color the row.
You could also use a label provider derived from StyledCellLabelProvider which lets you define more complex coloring.

Check if a record is selected from a dataPointGrid

I have a dataPointGrid and I want to check if a record from it is being selected (mouse clicked on)
Data point grid above. I want to check if a folder (record) is being selected.
Is there a method that does this?
Add ListGrid#addSelectionChangedHandler() on list grid that is called when (row-based) selection changes within this grid. Note this method fires for each record for which selection is modified - so when a user clicks inside a grid this method will typically fire twice (once for the old record being deselected, and once for the new record being selected).
Look at the ListGrid#setSelectionType() as well that defines a listGrid's clickable-selection behavior (MULTIPLE, SINGLE, SIMPLE or NONE)

Reordering Tree Node in GWT

I am using GWT 2.4. I am using Tree in my project. I want to move tree node up or down on Button click next to particular node. Is there any way to do so?
#Janki, You can try the following property of Tree to reorder TreeItems attached to it.
myTree.insertItem(beforeIndex, item);
This property inserts a child tree item at the specified index containing the specified
text, where beforeIndex is the index where the item will be inserted
& itemText is the text to be added.