How to reference a View from within a Window Controller? - swift

I'm having a Window Controller with a toolbar. I also have a View Controller containing some views. How do I reference a view from the View Controller within my Window Controller? I'm still learning macOS development and I'm missing the bigger picture how code is structured and classes are meant to interact.
My concrete problem right now is this: Using XCode 9.4.1 I have a window with a toolbar and a button in it. That's how my WindowsController.swift looks like:
import Cocoa
class WindowController: NSWindowController {
override func windowDidLoad() {
window?.titleVisibility = .hidden
#IBAction func startExport(_ sender: NSButton) {
print("Start Export")
In the ViewControllerScene there's a WKWebView that's loading a web page. When the button in the toolbar is pressed, I want to call that Web Views takeSnapshot method. So I need a reference in WindowsController.swift to that Web View, but control-dragging the Web View from the storyboard to WindowsController.swift in the assistant editor doesn't let me create that outlet.

let vc = contentViewController as? ViewController
will take you to your view controller.


Using NSPageController in History Mode (Content Mode) and no View Controllers?

I'm building an app with three views and I want the user to be able to swipe between them but also navigate between them by using custom buttons, like browsing in safari but only with three available views. The user can navigate between them in a somewhat random order and I provide back and forward buttons in a toolbar.
After reading Apple's documentation I believe history mode is the option I'm looking for as I can provide the views separately and navigation is not predefined like in book mode, however when I implement it it adds my view to the arrangedObjects property but the view itself doesn't change. I've correctly wired the page controller view programmatically to a subview of the app's contentView and I can see said view correctly displayed while debugging the view hierarchy.
The "Page Controller Managed View" is set as NSPageController.view programatically.
When I try using navigateForward(to:) the view gets added correctly to the arrangedObjects and the selectedIndex is correctly set but the NSPageController.view doesn't change at all (remains a blank NSView like the loaded view from storyboard). This is my code:
class MainViewController: NSViewController {
// MARK - Instance Properties
var notificationObservers: Array<NSObjectProtocol> = []
var pageController: NSPageController?
// MARK - Interface Builder Outlets
#IBOutlet var mainContentView: NSView? // Named "Page Controller Managed View" in storyboard
override func viewDidLoad() {
pageController = (NSStoryboard.main!.instantiateController(
withIdentifier: "MainPageController") as! NSPageController)
pageController!.delegate = AppDelegate
pageController!.view = mainContentView!
forName: NSApplication.didFinishLaunchingNotification,
object: NSApp,
queue: .main,
using: { [weak self] (notification) in
// If the 'arrangedObjects' property is 0 it means no other object has set the first view
if self?.pageController!.arrangedObjects.count == 0 {
// Set the first view
self.pageController!.navigateForward(to: AppDelegate.firstView.nsView)
deinit {
// Perform cleanup of any Apple Notification Center notifications to which we may have registered
notificationObservers.forEach { (observer) in
This is the view hierarchy while running the app:
What am I doing wrong? Why is the page controller view not being updated with the navigateForward(to:) view?
This could shorten the amount of code I have to use by a lot compared to using view controllers (Book mode) so any help is appreciated.

macOS application like on macOS

I'm trying to create a macOS app like The NSWindowController has a toolbar with a segmented control. When you tap on the segmented control, it changes out the the NSViewController within the NSWindowController.
What I have so far is an NSWindowController with an NSViewController. I have subclassed NSWindowController where I have the method that gets called whenever the user taps on the segmented control.
Essentially, whatever segment is clicked, it will instantiate the view controller that is needed and set it to the NSWindowController's contentViewController property.
Is this the correct way of doing it?
Also, the NSWindowController, I am thinking, should have properties for each of the NSViewControllers it can switch to that get lazy loaded (loaded when the user taps them and they get held around to be re-used to prevent re-initializing).
import Cocoa
class MainWindowController: NSWindowController
var secondaryViewController:NSViewController?
override func windowDidLoad()
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
#IBAction func segmentedControlDidChange(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl)
print("Index: \(sender.selectedSegment)")
if sender.selectedSegment == 3 {
if secondaryViewController == nil {
let viewController = storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "SecondaryViewController") as! NSViewController
secondaryViewController = viewController
self.window?.contentViewController = self.secondaryViewController
I'm new to macOS development, however, I've been doing iOS for quite some time. If there is a better way, I'd like to know about it. Thanks!!!
to move the tab/segmented-control to the titlebar, you need:
add toolbar to window, and add the controls to the toolbar,
hide title:
class TopLevelWindowController: NSWindowController {
override func windowDidLoad() {
if let window = window {
// reminder like style
// window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
window.titleVisibility = .hidden
// window.styleMask.insert(.fullSizeContentView)
now, toolbar will be merged into the top bar position.

How to switch UIViewController programatically for tvOS with Swift?

How do I correctly switch between different UIControllerView programmatically for tvOS with Swift?
For example, by default when I create a tvOS project in Xcode I have FirstViewController and a SecondViewController created. Is it possible to create a ThirdViewController not defined in the tab bar controller that I can switch to programmatically whenever I want?
Yes you can add more vc programmatically in TVOS.
If you have story board with tabbarcontroller change it class to custom tabbarcontroller and inside that you can add more view controllers.
Something like this
class DashBoardTabVC : UITabBarController {
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
let vc = UIViewController()
And you can select any of them like
self.selectedIndex = 0

tvOS - Detect when TVML is dismissed from my UIViewController

I have a view controller for my app that calls another view controller modally to cover the screen with a blur effect. Inside this other view controller, I'm displaying a TVApplicationController to display TVML content with transparent background on top of this blurred view.
let appControllerContext = TVApplicationControllerContext()
guard let javaScriptURL = NSURL(string: AppDelegate.TVBootURL) else {
fatalError("unable to create NSURL")
appControllerContext.javaScriptApplicationURL = javaScriptURL
appControllerContext.launchOptions["BASEURL"] = AppDelegate.TVBaseURL
appController = TVApplicationController(context: appControllerContext, window: nil, delegate: self)
appController?.navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.OverFullScreen
self.presentViewController((appController?.navigationController)!, animated: true, completion: nil)
What I want to do is, when I press the MENU button, to make the TVML content go away and to dismiss my modal blur view controller. The problem is that I'm not being able to detect the "dismissal" of the TVML content so I can close my modal view controller.
I tried to use the TVApplicationControllerDelegate to receive the messages that might come while using it but nothing helped.
I just found a workaround for this. I created a small class like this:
import UIKit
class HiddenView: UIView {
override func canBecomeFocused() -> Bool {
return true;
Then, what I did is to create an instance of this HiddenView on the ViewDidLoad of the blurred view controller and add it to the view controllers's view.
let hiddenView = HiddenView(frame: CGRectMake(0,0,10,10))
// it won't appear on the screen since it has no color/text/etc
Now, when I press the MENU button on the remote, when the TVML content is dismissed, the delegate method didUpdateFocusInContext on my blurred modal view controller is called, so I can dismiss it like this:
override func didUpdateFocusInContext(context: UIFocusUpdateContext, withAnimationCoordinator coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) {
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
If anyone knows a better way to handle this than having to do this workaround, it would be nice to know.

iPhone popup menu like iPad popover?

How can i implement this popup menu in iphone app like a popover in ipad?
EDIT: This is the best at moment:
iOS 8 and later
Beginning with iOS 8, you can use UIPopoverPresentationController for iPhones in addition to iPads.
Add a UIBarButtonItem to your main View Controller.
Add another View Controller to the storyboard. Change it to the size that you want the popover to be and add any content that you want it to have. For my example I just added a UILabel. If you want a whole menu, then just add a table view or list of buttons.
Add a segue from the bar button item to the view controller that you will use as the popover. Rather than show, choose Present as Popover.
Select the segue in the storyboard and set the identifier to popoverSegue (or whatever string you called it in the code).
In the Attributes inspector for the popover view controller, check Use Preferred Explicit Size and confirm that it is the size you want it to be.
This is the code for the main view controller that has the bar button item in it.
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate {
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "popoverSegue" {
let popoverViewController = segue.destinationViewController
popoverViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.Popover
popoverViewController.popoverPresentationController!.delegate = self
// MARK: - UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate method
func adaptivePresentationStyleForPresentationController(controller: UIPresentationController) -> UIModalPresentationStyle {
// Force popover style
return UIModalPresentationStyle.None
Popover at an arbitrary anchor point
If you want to set the popover to appear somewhere besides a bar button item (on a UIButton for example) then you need to set the sourceView and sourceRect. See this answer for details.
Further reading
The above example comes mostly from the first link.
iPad Style Popovers on the iPhone with Swift
iOS 8 Popover Presentations
UIPopoverPresentationController on iOS 8 iPhone
General overview of popup options in iOS
Have a look at the iPhone UIPopoverController implementation: WEPopover
On iPhone you would generally use a UIActionSheet for a stack of buttons like that. It slides up from the bottom, rather than popping up next to the button, but that's the standard behavior on iPhone.
There is one that is even better than WEPopover. Developed by a company called 50pixels, it is called FPPopover.
You can download FPPopover at
You would have to manually instantiate a UIView using a custom background image or drawing with transparency, add some UIButtons (or other type of custom view) on top, and also somehow handle all touches outside that view.
Note that is is non-standard UI. An actionsheet would be more HIG compliant.
To get a popover from a right side bar button item on a navigation controller that is part of a tableview controller, the following worked for me for Swift 4 and Xcode 9.
Follow the steps in Suragch answer above (as edited by the Community.)
Do not implement the Segue as shown in the answer above. For some reason, the segue causes the popover to go full screen despite setting the explicit size.
Give your popover view controller a title in Attributes Inspector
Add the following code in the TableView controller where the popup will show.
Modify the string identifier (the one here is referencing a Constant.swift file)
Modify "as! FilterVC" to use the title of the your popover view controller.
/// Shows a filter popover view
#IBAction func filterBtnPressed(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
let popover = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: FILTER_VC) as! FilterVC
popover.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.popover
popover.popoverPresentationController?.backgroundColor =
popover.popoverPresentationController?.delegate = self
popover.popoverPresentationController?.backgroundColor = ColorPalette.Blue.Medium
popover.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = self.view
popover.popoverPresentationController?.sourceRect = CGRect(x: self.view!.bounds.width, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0)
popover.popoverPresentationController?.permittedArrowDirections = .up
self.present(popover, animated: true)
} }
func adaptivePresentationStyle(for controller: UIPresentationController) -> UIModalPresentationStyle {
return UIModalPresentationStyle.none
You can check WYPopoverController:
The screenshot above is not a UIActionSheet. It looks like a simple UIView subclass with custom UIButtons on top of it. So go ahead and create the subclass according to your needs and then add it as a subview to your view every time you need it.