Can flutter or ionic mobile app interface with Thermapen through Bluetooth? - ionic-framework

We are looking at developing a mobile application that interfaces with Thermapen ( through Bluetooth for as part of our IoT integration.
We will eventually need mobile application for both Android and iOS platforms. We are looking at flutter or ionic as hybrid mobile framework so that we can have a common codebase across mobile platforms.
Can flutter or ionic mobile app interface with Thermapen through Bluetooth? What is the plugin/add-on to be used for bluetooth communication from these frameworks? Will that be a reliable solution to expand the interfaces to more bluetooth devices in the future?


ModBus on Dart/Flutter through Bluetooth?

Our team develops custom device and an Android app which communicate through Bluetooth and ModBus, and we're going to recreate our app using Dart/Flutter so we will also have an iOS version. But is it possible to use ModBus with Bluetooth on this platform? I've found modbus package for Dart, but found nothing about using it with Bluetooth. Or, is there any analog to modbus which can be used on our device programmed in C, Java Android app, and Dart?

Best development framework for both desktop and mobile apps which can also be connected to raspberry pi

I want to develop an app which can be used in mobile phones and desktops and laptops. The app should be compatible to all mobile phone Operating Systems(Android, iOS etc.). The app should also be connected to Raspberry Pi. So please suggest me the best free framework for this purpose.

Can we develop mobile browser based Chat application without using WEBRTC?

I need develop chat application in mobile browser(android,iphone) as no mobile browser supports WEBRTC most of my browser based chat app is not working in mobile(android,iphone), there is any way develop mobile browser application that works in mobile browser ?
This doesn't answer your question, but the WebRTC APIs are available on Chrome for Android (currently in Beta behind a flag) and implementation is planned for Opera on mobile and desktop. That means a lot of mobile and desktop devices with full support for WebRTC...

CrossPaltform Mobile Application

I want to do the following:
1- mobile friendly Portal - accessed through different Mobile Phones.
2- A mobile Applications that does the same functionality of the portal to different Platforms:
iOS(iPhone,iPad), BlackberryOS(Blackberry mobiles and Playbooks),Android OS (Android mobiles and Tabs), WindowsOS, Symbian OS (Smartphones).
I am mainly a web Developer and an iOS programmer using Objective-C, and I have resources that can develop on android, blackberry and other platforms using native languages.
the Application mainly present data from internal database and deals with different types of web services, and write data to the file system of the device itself.
what is the best practice for the mobile applications, do each one alone with its native language, or using HTML,CSS,JS and produce them to all platforms using PhoneGap or something else???
Thanks a lot.
Also check this thread : best cross-mobile framework
With a javascript solution, your app will be available on stores but also directly on the web !

Communication between android tablet and iphone

I want to communicate between an iphone and an android tablet. The tablet as well as the iphone work on different 3g data services. Can any body give me an idea how to communicate and send messages between the devices...
You could use the Bump SDK, which is available for both iOS and Android: