uber_rides.errors.UberIllegalState: Bad Request. Missing state parameter - uber-api

I'm trying to just retrieve all my receipts amount from my Uber account and dump into excel.
I installed uber_riders and trying to do that. I have no intention of creating a website or any other business purpose. My mere purpose is just fetch trips bills and dump to excel sheet.
So in my code.
from uber_rides.auth import AuthorizationCodeGrant
auth_flow = AuthorizationCodeGrant(
print auth_flow
auth_url = auth_flow.get_authorization_url()
session = auth_flow.get_session("http://localhost/redirect_uri")
So what should i fill in the redirect_uri ? I believe i don't need it. Can someone help me on what to do with this. I currently get uber_rides.errors.UberIllegalState: Bad Request. Missing state parameter.

I was also facing the same problem, after spending some time thinking, I found this solution:
Execute till this statement as it is:
auth_url = auth_flow.get_authorization_url()
After executing this instruction copy the auth_url and paste it into a browser.
If everything is fine, you would get to your redirected link with two parameters, 'code' and 'state', now copy this complete url along with the parameters, and use it for the get_session()
session = auth_flow.get_session(<new_url_here>)


Service Account for google sheets returns not found

I am trying to read a spreadsheet using a service account (I cannot use OAuth, which works, since the process will be running on a server to periodically check sheet data)
I tried several approaches. If I follow the example using oauth I can see the sheet values. However, I need the run the script without any GUI on the background.
I have found this tutorial https://github.com/juampynr/google-spreadsheet-reader
I have created a projec, service account, added viewer role, shared the spreadsheet with the service account email. Generated the key.
It seems that the test program can connect to the google services but the moment it request the spreadsheet the end result is "404 not found".
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$service_account_file = '/secrets/readsheetmar2019-08b737d1c1cb._portfolio_test.json';
$spreadsheet_id = '1TAWybckPrnWlQxBZh0ScDsFOvftwi2dvTBNGarSdY30';
$spreadsheet_range = '';
putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=' . $service_account_file);
$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);
//added by me
if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
print "expired\n";
print "not expired\n";
$result = $service->spreadsheets_values->get($spreadsheet_id, $spreadsheet_range);
Error:PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_Service_Exception' with message '
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
When the access token retrieved by OAuth2 is used, the Spreadsheet of $spreadsheet_id = '1TAWybckPrnWlQxBZh0ScDsFOvftwi2dvTBNGarSdY30'; can retrieve the values.
When the access token retrieved by Service Account is used, Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 is returned.
If my understanding is correct, please confirm the following points.
Confirmation points:
As a test run, please set the range $spreadsheet_range = '';.
For example, it's $spreadsheet_range = 'Sheet1'.
If the error message of The caller does not have permission is returned, please confirm as follows.
Whether the Spreadsheet of 1TAWybckPrnWlQxBZh0ScDsFOvftwi2dvTBNGarSdY30 is sharing the email of Service Account.
If you didn't share the Service Account to the Spreadsheet, please share the email of client_email in the file of readsheetmar2019-08b737d1c1cb._portfolio_test.json to the Spreadsheet you want to access.
If the error message of Google Sheets API has not been used in project ### before or it is disabled. is returned, please enable Sheets API.
If this was not the solution for your issue, I apologize.

how to get dictionary value from webrequest using sharepoint designer

I am trying to retrieve a value from a HTTP web service call in sharepoint designer. This should be simple. the Rest query is simple, and always returns only a single value:
In the Sharepoint Designer workflow, I'm setting the required Accept and Content-type header to the value of "application/json;odata=verbose
I am unable to get the value of the "Title" field that is returned by the call.
when I execute the REST query in the browser, I get the following data returned:
{"d":{"results":[{"__metadata":{"id":"af9697fe-9340-4bb5-9c75-e43e1fe20d30","uri":"https://site.sharepoint.com/sites/aSiteName/_api/Web/Lists(guid'6228d484-4250-455c-904d-6b7096fee573')/Items(5)","etag":"\"1\"","type":"SP.Data.MyListName"},"Title":"John Doe"}]}}
I've tried dozens of variations of the dictionary 'query', but they always return blank.
I'm using the 'get an item from a dictionary' action in SP Designer, using item name or path values like:
and literally dozens of other variations - but it always returns blank.
I'm writing the raw response from the webRequest to the list for debugging, and it shows the value like this:
{"odata.metadata":"https:\/\/site.sharepoint.com\/sites\/aSiteName\/_api\/$metadata#SP.ListData.MyListTitle&$select=Title","value":[{"odata.type":"SP.Data.MyListTitle","odata.id":"616ed0ed-ef1d-405b-8ea5-2682d9662b0a","odata.etag":"\"1\"","odata.editLink":"Web\/Lists(guid'6228d484-4250-455c-904d-6b7096fee573')\/Items(5)","Title":"John Doe"}]}
I must be doing something simple that is wrong?
Using "d/results(0)/Title" is right. Check the steps in article below to create a workflow.
It working fine in my test workflow.
I faced the exact same issue. In my case the reason was that in the API call, the header was not set properly.
As you would have noticed many times, that if you type the variables inline when creating the "Call Http Web service" action, those might not get set properly. The surest way is to open the properties and set from there. In my case when i opened the properties i found that RequestHeaders was not set. Once i set it from there, i got the desired results.
Hope this helps to someone in future, this question being unanswered till now!!
tried dump those json called from sharepoint workflow into a list. Sometimes you'll get a different format than when you called that from browser. I experienced this issue when calling API projectserver (project online). When I called it using servistate (chrome extension) it returns d/results, but when I dump the value into the list I got value and yet I used same request header value.

Get the first product id in a magento system via soap api (2)?

Question: Is there a way (api call) to get the first product id in a magento install via the soap api.
I'm attempting to download all the products from a magento system and insert them into a different database (I do the conversion myself so that's not a bother) What is hard to understand though is how do I get a list of the product id's without getting all of them, if all I know is that the site is up.
Here's the info I have.
soap end point
soap username
soap apikey (aka password)
Here's what I don't know.
the id of any of the products
the date any of the products were created on or last edited.
For my initial load, I have to do a where product id in, because I expect 20 to 40k product lists won't come back in one soap call.
So I call
where id in (1 -> 100) Nope
where id in (101-> 200) Nope..
Now as you can imagine that code smells something fierce. It works, but I have to think there is a better way..
To expand my question: Is there a better way?
I can post the XML that I'm sending if that helps. The language I'm using to create the soap(xml) is vim, so I don't have code I can paste.
Try This
$client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/magento8/index.php/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('soap username', 'soap apikey');
$filters=array('entity_id'=>array(array('lt'=>'1','gt'=>'100')));//get fist 100 result
$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.list',array($filters));
for more attributes check this

Automatic mediawiki import with powershell_script

I found a nice script to import xml using powershell
Currently I don't get them run. I'm sure, this is a problem with the permissons.
First I set the wiki to allow anybody to upload an import
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['import'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['importupload'] = true;
Then I get this error: Import failed: Loss of session data.
I try to figure out to pass the user and password to this line in powershell
$req.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
and changed it to
$req.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::("user", "pass")
Import failed: Loss of session data. Again?
How can I pass the user/password to the website?
The Loss of session data error is generated when the edit token sent with the request does not have the expected value.
In the script you linked to, the $wikiURL string contains editToken=12345. That does not look like a valid MediaWiki edit token, so it's not surprising that it will fail.
In current versions of MediaWiki, the edit token for non-logged-in users is always +\. You could try replacing 12345 in the script with that (or, rather, with its URL-encoded version %2B%5C) and see if it helps.

How do I use and debug WWW::Mechanize?

I am very new to Perl and i am learning on the fly while i try to automate some projects for work. So far its has been a lot of fun.
I am working on generating a report for a customer. I can get this report from a web page i can access.
First i will need to fill a form with my user name, password and choose a server from a drop down list, and log in.
Second i need to click a link for the report section.
Third a need to fill a form to create the report.
Here is what i wrote so far:
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my $url = 'http://X.X.X.X/Console/login/login.aspx';
$mech->get( $url );
form_number => 1,
fields =>{
'ctl00$ctl00$cphVeriCentre$cphLogin$txtUser' => 'someone',
'ctl00$ctl00$cphVeriCentre$cphLogin$txtPW' => '12345',
'ctl00$ctl00$cphVeriCentre$cphLogin$ddlServers' => 'Live',
button => 'Sign-In'
die unless ($mech->success);
I dont understand why, but, after this i look at the what dump outputs and i see the code for the first login page, while i belive i should have reached the next page after my successful login.
Could there be something with a cookie that can effect me and the login attempt?
Anythings else i am doing wrong?
Appreciate you help,
This is several months after the fact, but I resolved the same issue based on a similar questions I asked. See Is it possible to automate postback from the client side? for more info.
I used Python's Mechanize instead or Perl, but the same principle applies.
Summarizing my earlier response:
ASP.NET pages need a hidden parameter called __EVENTTARGET in the form, which won't exist when you use mechanize normally.
When visited by a normal user, there is a __doPostBack('foo') function on these pages that gives the relevant value to __EVENTTARGET via a javascript onclick event on each of the links, but since mechanize doesn't use javascript you'll need to set these values yourself.
The python solution is below, but it shouldn't be too tough to adapt it to perl.
def add_event_target(form, target):
#Creates a new __EVENTTARGET control and adds the value specified
#.NET doesn't generate this in mechanize for some reason -- suspect maybe is
#normally generated by javascript or some useragent thing?
form.new_control('hidden','__EVENTTARGET',attrs = dict(name='__EVENTTARGET'))
form["__EVENTTARGET"] = target
You can only mechanize stuff that you know. Before you write any more code, I suggest you use a tool like Firebug and inspect what is happening in your browser when you do this manually.
Of course there might be cookies that are used. Or maybe your forgot a hidden form parameter? Only you can tell.
WWW::Mechanize should take care of cookies without any further intervention.
You should always check whether the methods you called were successful. Does the first get() work?
It might be useful to take a look at the server logs to see what is actually requested and what HTTP status code is sent as a response.
If you are on Windows, use Fiddler to see what data is being sent when you perform this process manually, and then use Fiddler to compare it to the data captured when performed by your script.
In my experience, a web debugging proxy like Fiddler is more useful than Firebug when inspecting form posts.
I have found it very helpful to use Wireshark utility when writing web automation with WWW::Mechanize. It will help you in few ways:
Enable you realize whether your HTTP request was successful or not.
See the reason of failure on HTTP level.
Trace the exact data which you pass to the server and see what you receive back.
Just set an HTTP filter for the network traffic and start your Perl script.
The very short gist of aspx pages it that they hold all of the local session information within a couple of variables prefixed by "__" in the general aspxform. Usually this is a top level form and all form elements will be part of it, but I guess that can vary by implementation.
For the particular implementation I was dealing with I needed to worry about 2 of these state variables, specifically:
Your goal is to make sure that these variables are submitted into the form you are submitting, since they might be part of that main form aspxform that I mentioned above, and you are probably submitting a different form than that.
When a browser loads up an aspx page a piece of javascript passes this session information along within the asp server/client interaction, but of course we don't have that luxury with perl mechanize, so you will need to manually post these yourself by adding the elements to the current form using mechanize.
In the case that I just solved I basically did this:
my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new( );
# fetch the login page to get the initial session variables
my $login_page = 'http://www.example.com/login.aspx';
$response = $browser->get( $login_page);
# very short way to find the fields so you can add them to your post
$viewstate = ($browser->find_all_inputs( type => 'hidden', name => '__VIEWSTATE' ))[0]->value;
$validation = ($browser->find_all_inputs( type => 'hidden', name => '__EVENTVALIDATION' ))[0]->value;
# post back the formdata you need along with the session variables
$browser->post( $login_page, [ username => 'user', password => 'password, __VIEWSTATE => $viewstate, __EVENTVALIDATION => $validation ]);
# finally get back the content and make sure it looks right
print $response->content();