sails-mysql username cannot accept special characters - sails.js

I am deploying the sailsjs code to a production environment where the username has a special character. For example, user#sitename
As of Sails v1 onwards, the mysql connection is based on a URL string format.
If we have "#" for the username, the site1 becomes the host.
Anyone knows how to fix this?


Redirect subdomain to Odoo database

I want to find out if anyone has an idea for doing this:
Indeed, I installed Odoo 11 on an Ubuntu 18 server, and I am trying to do this:
I have a domain, and I would like to redirect my demo1 database to
I have configured Apache so that it redirect to:
But at each this brings me back to the part where we select the databases.
Can you help me configure without having to display the list of databases and be redirected to the login area of
Thank you
You have to specify dbfilter in your odoo.conf like so:
To quote Odoo documentation:
--db-filter <filter>
hides databases that do not match <filter>. The filter is a regular expression, with the additions that:
%h is replaced by the whole hostname the request is made on.
%d is replaced by the subdomain the request is made on

Rancher Cluster `cloud_provider` YAML: How to use Active Directory Domain Credentials (i.e. user name with back slash) in YAML?

I'm attempting to put my AD domain credentials into the YAML config file created by rancher so that I may use vSphere storage within Rancher / Kubernetes, however, I'm running into an issue with the formatting of the virtual_center config portion:
user: "DOMAIN/username"
password: <PASSWORD>
The cluster doesn't seem to like a backslash (or two backslashes including the escape character), and it also doesn't seem to like a forward slash.
How should I enter my domain credentials in here?
nvm, i figured it out.
JK, answer below.
Apparently the solution is to use a format rather than a DOMAIN\user format.

mulesoft sftp Auth fail - password with special characters

I am having a problem with mulesoft SFTP outbound. I am keep on getting Auth fail from Mulesoft to connect to SFTP server. My password has special characters. I tried to change them to URL encode, but couldn't get through. My password is like $$xyz123. I am also trying to use the private key file with the passphrase, which also has the special characters. Can anyone please help to resolve this.
Here is my sftp outbound endpoint:
<sftp:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" host="" port="22" path="/cygdrive/d/SFTPROOT/dev/" user="user" password="%24%24xyz123" responseTimeout="10000" doc:name="SFTP" outputPattern="#[sessionVars.originalFileName]"/>
Many thanks

auth fails despite (i believe) correct credentials

I signed into with the same credentials, but can't seem to successfully connect with curl. (
curl -s -d 'ACCT=5105105105105100&
However I get back an error.
RESULT=1&RESPMSG=User authentication failed
The only issue I can think of is that the password includes encoded characters (an exclamation point) but I'm using Ruby to parameterize the curl shell command so it should be encoded properly.
Yeah , sometimes its related to the special character in the password . You can try to change your password to the new one with only characters and numbers and retry again .
And one more thing you can check in your manager account under "Account Administration" that you have not specified any IP address for "Allowed IP Addresses (For API Transaction Processing)" . If you have specified any IP address there make sure your server IP initiating the API call is listed there .

BizTalk MSMQ userid and password in a bindings file

I'm setting up a solution to deploy, driven by a batch file so it's reproducible
- I've got a binding file that works but I've now added on my MSMQ adapters
- works on my local machine, but I've found I have to add a userid and password to get it to work on the actual server
- it's in the domain, my virtual dev machine is just workgroup
Is there someway to add the userid and password to the file ?
- seems unlikely as that'd have the password in clear text, but what's the solution
- I sort of think something w.r.t. SSO, but that is an area I've not been near
You can put the userid and password into any BizTalk binding that supports authentication, including MSMQ. For security, the password is not exported, you just get a mask.
The userName and password sections of the binding file are not exported unless they have been configured, so the simplest thing to do is configure a MSMQ send port with userName and password manually and export the bindings - this forces the elements containing userName and the masked password to be generated into the binding file.
What you are looking for in your binding file is the <TransportTypeData> element of your MSMQ send port. This contains all of your adapter config information as encoded data.
Within that element there is a userName and password section. The password will be masked out with asterisks. Put the password for the environment there and import the binding.
The part of the encoded data with username and password will look something like below:
For security reasons, when you export
bindings, BizTalk Server removes the
passwords for the bindings from the
file. After importing the bindings,
you must reconfigure passwords for
send ports and receive locations
before they will function. You
configure passwords in the Transport
Properties dialog box of the BizTalk
Server Administration console for the
send port or receive location. For
instructions, see How to Create a Send
Port. See also How to Create a Receive
If you however open the biding file and scroll down to the line with the properties for the MSMQ Adapter you'll find the empty nodes. All you then have to do is to fill these out and the right values and they will be used the next time you import the binding file.
Of course you'll have to remember to redo this every time you export a new binding ...