What constitutes a minimum baremetal hypervisor and does a open source one exist? - hypervisor

I know there are a number of full featured hypervisors(type 1) in existence including Xen, KVM and VMWare. I am however curious what constitutes a bare minimum as a bare metal hypervisor and if something that is quite small LOC wise exists for hacking purposes or if something of the sort would be difficult to implement with (unoptimized drivers). Thanks.

It seems there is a paper and source code on the internet for a hypervisor called Nova which claims to contain around 9k lines of code. This is significantly smaller than Xen and combines the notion of a microkernel with a hypervisor.


What exactly is a machine instruction?

The user's program in main memory consists of machine instructions and
data. In contrast, the control memory holds a fixed microprogram that
cannot be altered by the occasional user. The microprogram consists of
microinstructions that specify various internal control signals for
execution of register microoperations. Each machine instruction
initiates a series of micro instructions in control memory. These
microsinstructions generates microoperations to fetch the instruction
for main memory; to evaluate the effective address, to execute the
operation specified by the instruction, and to return control the
fetch phase in order to repeat the cycle for the next instruction
I don't exactly understand here the difference between machine instruction, microinstruction and micropeerations. i certainly do understand that microinstructions according to the paragraph given are the intermediate level of instructions but which of the other 2 is the one that is more close to the machine language. Are CLA, ADD, STA, BUN, BSA, AND etc machine instructions or microoperations?
A CPU presents itself to the outside as a device capable of executing machine instructions. For example,
mov (%esi,%ebx,4), %edx
is a machine instruction that moves 4 bytes of data at address ESI+4*EBX into register EDX. Machine instructions are public - they are published by CPU manufacturer in a user manual. Compilers such as gcc will output files that contain machine instructions, and these will typically end up in EXE/DLL files.
If you look closely at the above instruction, you will see that it is a fairly complex operation. It involves some arithmetic (multiplying and addition) to get the memory address, then moving data from that address into a register. From CPU's perspective, it would also make sense to use the arithmetical unit that is already there. So it makes natural sense to break down this instruction into microinstructions. In essence, mov instruction is implemented internally by CPU as a microprogram written in microinstructions. This is, however, an implementation detail of a CPU. Microinstructions are internal to CPU and they are invisible to anybody except to CPU manufacturer.
Microinstructions have several benefits:
they simplify internal CPU architecture, design and testing, thus lowering cost per unit
they make it easy to create rich and powerful sets of machine instructions (you just have to combine microinstrcutions in different ways)
they provide a consistent machine language across different CPUs (e.g. Xeon and Pentium both implement basic x86_64 instruction set even though they are very different in hardware)
create optimizations (i.e. the same instruction on one CPU can be implemented by a hardware, the other can be emulated in microinstructions)
fix bugs (e.g. you can fix Spectre vulnerability while the machine is running and without buying a new CPU and opening your server)
For more information, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro-operation
I think the answer to your question is in these three sentences:
The user's program in main memory consists of machine instructions and data
Each machine instruction initiates a series of micro-instructions in control memory.
These micro-instructions generate micro-operations.
The user supplies machine instructions
Those get translated into micro-instructions
Those get translated into micro-operations
The mnemonics you mentioned are what the user might use to write or read a list of machine instructions (the actual instructions just being patterns of bits understood by the processor). The "occasional user" (i.e. everyone other than the chip's designer) never needs to deal directly in micro-instructions or micro-operations, so would never know individual names for them.

How does on-demand pruning of kernel work in context of Unikernel?

In Unikernel computing environment, kernel sometimes can be pruned targeting the need of specific user application.
How does this process work? is it manual or can it be automated?
There is no 'pruning' of the kernel. To be clear all unikernel implementations don't use linux - they have written their own kernel (whether they want to admit to that or not).
There are well over 10 different unikernel implementations out there today and some are very focused on providing the absolute bare minimum of things to work. Others, such as nanos of which I work on are in the 'posix' category meaning if it runs on linux it'll probably run on here.
Whenever you see references to people talking about 'only including what you need' and picking certain libraries to use -- most of these systems are not much more than a hello world -- which is simple enough to do in ~20 lines of assembly. When you start trying to run real world applications, especially ones that you use everyday (did you write your own database? did you write your own webserver?) and compare things like performance you start running into actual operating system components that you can't just pick/choose.
Having said that, supporting the set of syscalls that linux has is only a portion of the battle. There is a lot of code that goes into a general purpose operating system like linux (north of 20M loc and that's a 'small' kernel) or windows or macos that is not readily recognizable by it's end users. The easy things to point at are picking which network driver to use depending on which hypervisor you want to run it on (xen/kvm/hyper-v).
The harder, less clear things are making choices between things like apic or x2apic? How many levels are your page tables? Do you support smp or not? If so how?
You can't just 'prune' this type of stuff away. It needs to be consciously added and even if you did have a linux that you were 'unikernelizing' you wouldn't be able to prune it cause it just touches too much code. As a thought exercise try removing support for multiple processes (no unikernel supports this). Now you are touching multiple schedulers, shared memory, message passing, user privileges, (are there users?), etc. (this list goes on forever).
Your question is actually a very common question and it highlights a misunderstanding of how these things work in real life.
So to answer your question - there is no work that I'm aware of where people are trying to automatically 'prune' the kernel and even the projects that exist where you can select what type of functionality via config file or something is not something that I would expect to see much progress in because of the aforementioned reasons.

EC2 Linux MarkLogic9 start service failed

I added an instance that is RedHat Linux64. Installed JDK successfully. Then used SSH to send MarkLogic9 installation package to Linux and install finished. When I start MarkLogic service the messages came as following. (P.S: this is my first time to install MarkLogic)
Instance is not managed
Waiting for device mounted to come online : /dev/xvdf
Volume /dev/sdf has failed to attach - aborting
Warning: ec2-startup did not complete successfully
Check the error logs for details
Starting MarkLogic: [FAILED]
And following is log info:
2017-11-27 11:16:39 ERROR [HandleAwsError # awserr.go.48] [instanceID=i-06sdwwa33d24d232df [HealthCheck] error when calling AWS APIs. error details - NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
Using the Source of Infinate Wisdom, I googled for "Install MarkLogic ec2 aws"
Not far down I find [https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/ec2.pdf][1]
Good document to read.
If you choose to ignore the (literally "STOP" in all caps) "STOP: Before you do Anything!" suggestion on the first page, you can go further and find that ML needs a Data volume, and that using the root volume is A Bad Idea (its too small and crash your system when it fills up, let alone vanish if your instance terminates). So if you choose to not use the recommended CloudFormation script for your first experience, you will need to manually create and attach a data volume, among other things.
. [1]: https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/ec2.pdf
the size and compute power of the host systems runnin ML are othaomal o the deployment and orchestration methods.
entirely diverent issues. yes you should start wit the sample cloud formation scripts... but not due to size and performance, due to
the fact they were built to make a successful first time experience as painless as possible. you would have had your ML server up and running in less time them it took to post to stackoverflow a question asking why it wasn’t,
totally unrelated - except for the built in set of instance types for the amis (1)
what configurations are possible v recommended o supported,
all large;y dependent on workload and performance expectations.
marklogic can and run on resource constrained system — whether and how it works well requires the same mythodology to answer for micro and mega systems ..., workload. data size and format, query and data processing code used, performance requirements, working set, hw, sw, vm, networking, storage ... while designed to support large enterprise workloads well,
there are also very constrained platforms and workloads in use in production systems. a typical low end laptop can run ML fine ... for the some use cases, where others may need a cluster of a dozen or a hundred high end monsters.
(1). ‘supported instance types’ with marketplace amis ...
yes these do NOT include entry level ec2 instance types last i looked.
the rationale similar to why the st dre scripts make it hard to abuse the root volume for a data volume — not because it cannot be done,
rather an attempt to provide the best chance of a successful first time experience to the targeted market segment ... constrained by having only one chance to do it, knowing nothing at all about the intended use. ... a blind educated guess coupled with a lot of testing and support history about how people get things wrong no matter how much you lead them.
while ‘micro’ systems can be made to work successfully —in some specialized use cases, usually they don’t do as well as, as easily, reliably and handle as large a variety of whateveryouthrowatthem without careful workload specific tuning and sophisticated application code —
similarly ,,, there is a reason the docs make it as clear as humanly possible, even annoyingly so, that you should start with the cloud formation templates —
short of refusing to run without them.
can ML run on Platform X with Y-Memory, Z hypervisor, on docker or vmware or virtual box or brand acme raid controller ...
very likely —,with some definition of ‘run’ and configured for those exact constraints
very unlikely for arbitrary definitions of ‘run’ and no thought or effort to match the deployment with the environment
will it be easy to setup by someone who’s never done it before, run ‘my program’, at ‘my required speeds’ out of the box with no problems, no optimization’s, performance analysis, data refactoring, custom queries.
for a reasonably large set of initial use cases — for at least a reasonable and quick POC, very likely — if you follow the installation guide, with perhaps a few parameter adjustments
is that the best it can do ? absolutely not.
but it’s very close given absolutely no knowledge of the users actual application, technical,experience, workloads, budget, IT staff, dev and qa team, requirements, business policies, future needs, staff, phase of the moon.
recommend, read the ec2 docs.
do what they say
try it out with a realistic set of data and applications for your use,
test. measure, experiment , learn
THEN and ONLY THEN worry about if it will work on. t2.micro or m4.64xlarge9orbclusters thereof .. )
that is the beginning not the end
the end is never, you can and should consider continual analysis and improving IT configurations as part of ongoing operating procedures.
minimizing cost is a systemic problem with many dimensions —
and on aws it’s FREE to change. It’s EXPENSIVE to not plan forchange.
change is cheep
experimentation is cheep
choose instance types, storage, networking etc last not first.
consider TCOA . question requirements ... do you NEED that dev system running sunday at 3am? can QA tolerate occasional failures in exchange for 90% cost savings ? Can you avoid over commitment by auto scaling ?
Do you need 5 9’s or is 3 9’s enough ? can ingest be offloaded to non production systems with cheaper storage ? Can a middle tear be used ... or removed to novevwork to the most cost effectiv4 components ? is labor or it more costly
instant type is actually one of the least relevant components in TCOA

Factors in designing Instruction set Arcitecture

What are the two majors factors to be considered while designing Instruction Set Architecture ?
I know what ISA is . But What are the factors to be considered? I already reviewed Wikipedia but it doesn't help much.
I found this as design issues for ISA.
Backward Compatibility
Are interrupts needed?
But are this two factors I am bit confused ! Please help any one ! Preparing For exams of Computer Organization and Architecture
you can read full article from here
The Importance of the Design of the Instruction Set
In this chapter we will be exploring one of the most interesting and important aspects of CPU design: the design of the CPU's instruction set. The instruction set architecture (or ISA) is one of the most important design issues that a CPU designer must get right from the start. Features like caches, pipelining, superscalar implementation, etc., can all be grafted on to a CPU design long after the original design is obsolete. However, it is very difficult to change the instructions a CPU executes once the CPU is in production and people are writing software that uses those instructions. Therefore, one must carefully choose the instructions for a CPU.
You might be tempted to take the "kitchen sink" approach to instruction set design1 and include as many instructions as you can dream up in your instruction set. This approach fails for several reasons we'll discuss in the following paragraphs. Instruction set design is the epitome of compromise management. Good CPU design is the process of selecting what to throw out rather than what to leave in. It's easy enough to say "let's include everything." The hard part is deciding what to leave out once you realize you can't put everything on the chip.
Nasty reality #1: Silicon real estate. The first problem with "putting it all on the chip" is that each feature requires some number of transistors on the CPU's silicon die. CPU designers work with a "silicon budget" and are given a finite number of transistors to work with. This means that there aren't enough transistors to support "putting all the features" on a CPU. The original 8086 processor, for example, had a transistor budget of less than 30,000 transistors. The Pentium III processor had a budget of over eight million transistors. These two budgets reflect the differences in semiconductor technology in 1978 vs. 1998.
Nasty reality #2: Cost. Although it is possible to use millions of transistors on a CPU today, the more transistors you use the more expensive the CPU. Pentium IV processors, for example, cost hundreds of dollars (circa 2002). A CPU with only 30,000 transistors (also circa 2002) would cost only a few dollars. For low-cost systems it may be more important to shave some features and use fewer transistors, thus lowering the CPU's cost.
Nasty reality #3: Expandability. One problem with the "kitchen sink" approach is that it's very difficult to anticipate all the features people will want. For example, Intel's MMX and SIMD instruction enhancements were added to make multimedia programming more practical on the Pentium processor. Back in 1978 very few people could have possibly anticipated the need for these instructions.
Nasty reality #4: Legacy Support. This is almost the opposite of expandability. Often it is the case that an instruction the CPU designer feels is important turns out to be less useful than anticipated. For example, the LOOP instruction on the 80x86 CPU sees very little use in modern high-performance programs. The 80x86 ENTER instruction is another good example. When designing a CPU using the "kitchen sink" approach, it is often common to discover that programs almost never use some of the available instructions. Unfortunately, you cannot easily remove instructions in later versions of a processor because this will break some existing programs that use those instructions. Generally, once you add an instruction you have to support it forever in the instruction set. Unless very few programs use the instruction (and you're willing to let them break) or you can automatically simulate the instruction in software, removing instructions is a very difficult thing to do.
Nasty reality #4: Complexity. The popularity of a new processor is easily measured by how much software people write for that processor. Most CPU designs die a quick death because no one writes software specific to that CPU. Therefore, a CPU designer must consider the assembly programmers and compiler writers who will be using the chip upon introduction. While a "kitchen sink" approach might seem to appeal to such programmers, the truth is no one wants to learn an overly complex system. If your CPU does everything under the sun, this might appeal to someone who is already familiar with the CPU. However, pity the poor soul who doesn't know the chip and has to learn it all at once.
These problems with the "kitchen sink" approach all have a common solution: design a simple instruction set to begin with and leave room for later expansion. This is one of the main reasons the 80x86 has proven to be so popular and long-lived. Intel started with a relatively simple CPU and figured out how to extend the instruction set over the years to accommodate new features.

iSCSI port virtualization techniques

I need to create a scaled up iSCSI setup for some testing (around 1024), but all I have is limited hardware. My requirement is to create a large number of iscsi ports, which has unique IQN names and can be discovered at a storage controller as separate physical entities.
In FC, I should be able to do it with NPIV, where I could virtualize a single port to have multiple number of WWNs. But I don't find an equivalent solution in iSCSI.
Any suggestions?
I don't have any simulators like SANBLAZE handy. So I am trying to explore options which can be done at operating system level.
You can use software iscsi to set up as many targets as you like (and have backing store for).
For example, you can use openSUSE (disclaimer: I work for SUSE) running something like Leap 42.2 and use targetcli to set up targets. The man page for targetcli(1) is pretty clear on examples. You can, for example, set up a separate 1Gig file for each target -- that is, if you have 1T of storage. Scale down the size so 1024 of them fit on your disc.