Mongoose query by current date - mongodb

So I have a mongoose collection. This collection have a day property in it.
So let's say I have 3 documents in it:
{day: "2017-07-16T17:00:00.000Z"}
{day: "2017-07-17T17:00:00.000Z"}
{day: "2017-07-18T17:00:00.000Z"}
Each date has hardcoded 17:00 time in it. Consider this as the start time.
So let's say currentDate is 2017.07.17 and it's 16h. I need to return document that has day that is 16th, because of the time.
Next one starts in an hour, and in an hour I should be returning the 17th.
I tried:
Table.find({ day: { $lt: } })
But this, on the 18th, still returns 16th.
How do I write this query so it returns document that is currently 'active' ?


Mongodb query to get document count for each month of a specific year

I have a time field as below in my collection.
"time" : NumberLong(1531958400000)
I first want to query documents by the current year(using $match) and then get the document count for each month.
I have managed to match the year using the below query.
{$project: {
year: { "$year":{"$add":[new Date(0),"$time"]}}
{$match: {year: 2021}}
How can I write a mongodb query for the mentioned scenario?
Thanks in advance!
You can do following:
parsed the timestamp using $date
compare the parsed date field with current year
$group by $month value to get the count
Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.

mongodb difference in time

How can i filter database entries that have a datetime less than 60min in the past?
I tried some date operations as follows in mongodb with two fields timestamp and marketstartime that are of type date in all my documents:
{"$subtract": ["$timestamp", "$marketstartime"]}
but it returns always null for that operation. Why?
My timestamp and marketstartime entries in the db are in date type and look as follows, this should be correct:
2017-12-23 12:00:00.000Z
The actual question I’m trying to solve: How can I get all entries that have a timestamp less than 60 min in the past from now?
A query can composed for documents with timestamp value set less than 60 minutes ago.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
query = {
'$timestamp': {
'$lt': + timedelta(minutes=-60)
cursor = db.collection.find(query)

Query mongo on timestamp

I want to query Mongo based on timestamp. Follwing is the field in mongo.
"timestamp" : "2016-03-07 11:33:48"
Books is the collection name and below is my query for time period of 1 minute:
db.Books.find({"timestamp":{$gte: ISODate("2016-03-07T11:33:48.000Z"), $lt: ISODate("2016-03-07T11:34:48.000Z")}})
Also is there any alternative like I don't have to give greater and lower limit on timestamp. But query based time interval mentioned. Something like, if present timestamp is TS = "2016-03-07T11:33:48.000Z" then query should be between TS and TS + 1 minute rather than explicitly mentioning timestamp. Something like adding 1 minute to present timestamp
db.Books.find({"timestamp":{$gte: "2016-03-07 11:33:48", $lt: "2016-03-07 11:34:48"}})
ISODate is not required here

get mongodb records created in a specific month

I'm trying to get a specific range of documents, based on when they were created. What I'm trying to do is something like:
that way a user can browse through all records based on the selected month.
In my database I'm not storing a created_at date, but I know mongodb stores this in the objectid.
I found that I can get records like this:{
$where: function () { return - this._id.getTimestamp() < (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) }
of course that doesn't filter based on a specific month, but only within a certain time limit.
What would be a possible way of limited a query based on a specific month, using the Timestamp from the objectid's?
I'm using mongoose, but it's probably a good idea to start in mongo shell itself.
Based on the function borrowed from the answer to this question -
function objectIdWithTimestamp(timestamp) {
// Convert date object to hex seconds since Unix epoch
var hexSeconds = Math.floor(timestamp/1000).toString(16);
// Create an ObjectId with that hex timestamp
return ObjectId(hexSeconds + "0000000000000000");
Create a start and an end date for the month you're looking for:
var start = objectIdWithTimestamp(new Date(2015, 01, 01));
var end = objectIdWithTimestamp(new Date(2015, 01, 31));
Then, run the query with $gte and $lt:{_id: {$gte: start, $lt: end}});

Designing a database for querying by dates?

For example, I need to query the last 6 months by the earliest instance for each day (and last day by earliest instances in each hours, and last day by minutes). I was thinking of using MongoDB and having a nested structure like
year:{ month:{ day: { hour: { minute: [array of seconds]
But to get the first instance I would have to sort the array which is costly. Is there an easier way?
Would be better just to have a date field.
And query to be something like:
find(date: {$gt : 'starting_date', $lt : 'ending_date'})