Exported eclipse preferences contain \!/= - eclipse

I exported the preferences from an eclipse product to compare them with my plugin_customization.ini file. The first two lines of the exported *.epf file are the following:
#Wed Jul 25 10:59:27 EEST 2018
What is the meaning of \!/=?
I noticed it also in the plugin_cusotomization.ini file which I maintain, but it is present at the middle of the file.

This is the name of the node in the Eclipse preferences (IEclipsePreferences) for this preference save.
! specifies that this is a preferences node definition (the preceeding \ is just a properties file escape). / is the path for the root node. The property has no value.
Code for this is in org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.PreferencesService
private static final char EXPORT_ROOT_PREFIX = '!';
private static final float EXPORT_VERSION = 3;
private static final String VERSION_KEY = "file_export_version"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public IStatus exportPreferences(IEclipsePreferences node, OutputStream output, String[] excludesList) throws CoreException {
... other code
properties = convertToProperties(node, excludesList);
if (properties.isEmpty())
return Status.OK_STATUS;
properties.put(VERSION_KEY, Float.toString(EXPORT_VERSION));
properties.put(EXPORT_ROOT_PREFIX + node.absolutePath(), EMPTY_STRING);


Change the Location of Velocity.Log File

I used velocity-1.6.2.jar
my problem that velocity.log is created on the server start under jboss/bin
jboss/bin has read only permission.
and in my appilcation when velocity-1.6.2.jar will be called I have this error:
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: velocity.log (Permission denied)
I want to change the location of Velocity.Log File
This is the location line in my velocity properties:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# default LogChute to use: default: AvalonLogChute, Log4JLogChute, CommonsLogLogChute, ServletLogChute, JdkLogChute
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
runtime.log.logsystem.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.AvalonLogChute,org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.Log4JLogChute,org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.CommonsLogLogChute,org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.ServletLogChute,org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.JdkLogChute
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the location of the Velocity Runtime log.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
runtime.log = velocity.log
Runtime log can get full path so just direct log to your desrirable folder as /home/velocity.log
runtime.log = /home/velocity.log
Full path and name of log file for error, warning, and informational messages. The location, if not absolute, is relative to the 'current directory'.
Update (27-02-2018)
The log path can also be set programmatically as following:
import org.apache.velocity.app.VelocityEngine;
public class VelocityCustomEngine extends TemplateEngine {
private final VelocityEngine velocityEngine;
public VelocityCustomEngine() {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("runtime.log", "/home/velocity.log");
this.velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine(properties);
I know there's an answer. In case you don't want to extend the original VelocityEngine.
You can also new a VelocityEngine instance only changed the "runtime.log" properties before the init() method without any new class.
VelocityEngine velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine();
velocityEngine.setProperty("runtime.log", "/home/velocity.log");
velocityEngine.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.ENCODING_DEFAULT, "UTF-8");
velocityEngine.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath");
velocityEngine.setProperty("classpath.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader");
velocityEngine.init();//init method will use the properties(include the log file location) actually.
return velocityEngine;

Jboss 7 display image from hard dist

I work with Jboss7 . I have files in home directory ( /home/user/images ). I want to display this images in browser ,I other work I want Jboss 7 as FTP server.
Can anybody help me?
Maybe you can adapt this application to your needs. This is Free to use and modify under the terms of the GPL license
To restrict access to directories you can change:
// Allow browsing and file manipulation only in Un certain directories
private static final boolean RESTRICT_BROWSING = false;
// If true, the user is allowed to browse only in RESTRICT_PATH,
// if false, the user is allowed to browse all directories Besides RESTRICT_PATH
private static final boolean RESTRICT_WHITELIST = false;
// Paths, sperated by semicolon
// private static final String RESTRICT_PATH = "C: \\ CODE; E: \\"; // Win32: Case important !!
private static final String RESTRICT_PATH = "/ etc, / var";

ExcelSoftArtisans - Bug on Save method with open Stream - Cannot accessed closed file

I have the following issue:
I’m doing an export of an ASP.Net GridView directly to an excel file.
I’m setting an image as a header in this method:
private static void insertPageHeaderFooter(ExcelInterfaceSoftArtisans excel,DateTime generatedDateTime)
StringBuilder builderFooterLeft = new StringBuilder();
builderFooterLeft.Append("&08Comfone AG Tel: +41 31 341 10 10");
builderFooterLeft.Append("&08Nussbaumstrasse 25 Fax: +41 31 341 10 11");
builderFooterLeft.Append("&08CH-3000 Bern 22 www.comfone.com");
StringBuilder builderFooterRight = new StringBuilder();
String sDateTime = generatedDateTime.ToString(CultureInfoHandler.ShortDateShortTimeFormat);
builderFooterRight.Append(string.Format("&08 {0}", sDateTime));
builderFooterRight.Append("\r"); //new line
builderFooterRight.Append("&08Page &P of &N");
excel.SetHeader("&G", 0.6, HeaderFooterSection.Section.Left, false);
excel.SetFooter(builderFooterLeft.ToString(), HeaderFooterSection.Section.Left, false);
excel.SetFooter(builderFooterRight.ToString(), HeaderFooterSection.Section.Right, false);
protected void SetHeader(string sText, double dImageSizeFactor, HeaderFooterSection.Section section, Worksheet sheet)
string headerAbsolutePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Resources/Mandates/CHECF.png");
Stream imageStream = new FileStream(headerAbsolutePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
Size imageSize = Image.FromStream(imageStream).Size;
imageStream = new FileStream(headerAbsolutePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
HeaderFooterSection header = sheet.PageSetup.GetHeader(section);
header.SetContent(sText, imageStream);
header.GetPicture().Height = (int)(imageSize.Height * dImageSizeFactor);
header.GetPicture().Width = (int)(imageSize.Width * dImageSizeFactor);
As you can see on the last line, I close the Stream.
Now, I want to save my excel file this way:
excel.SaveWorkbook(sFileName, HttpContext.Current.Response, false);
/// <summary>
/// Saves the current Workbook under the given filename
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename"></param>
/// <param name="response"></param>
/// <param name="openInBrowser"></param>
public void SaveWorkbook(string filename, HttpResponse response, bool openInBrowser)
if (book != null)
application.Save(book, response, filename, openInBrowser);
but when I close the stream in the SetHeader method, I get the following error:
Error Message: Cannot access a closed file.
Stack Trace: at System.IO.__Error.FileNotOpen()
at System.IO.FileStream.Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin)
and when I don’t close the stream in the SetHeader method, the file is correctly saved.
Are you aware of this bug? How is it possible that I need to have an open stream in order to save an excel file? What can I do to fix that?
I’m attaching you the whole classes I’m using, so you can identify the problem better.
Thanks for your quick answer and solution on this problem.
[Disclaimer: I am the product owner of OfficeWriter]
This issue has been confirmed as a bug and has been submitted to the OfficeWriter development team.
In the meantime, I would recommend Sam's suggested workaround of using the overload that takes the image's file path instead of the image stream.
Here is a generic code snippet for how to insert an image into the header of an Excel file using the file path overload of HeaderFooterSection.SetContent():
//Open the workbook and get a handle on the worksheet that will contain the
//image in the header
ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
Workbook wb = xla.Open(Page.MapPath("\\template.xlsx"));
Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets["Sheet1"];
//Set the header
HeaderFooterSection header = ws.PageSetup.GetHeader(HeaderFooterSection.Section.Left);
header.SetContent("&G", Page.MapPath("\\images\\image1.png"));
Please see our documentation for additional reference on the SetContent() overloads and using ExcelWriter to format headers and footers in workbooks.
This issue has been addressed in the recent 8.5.1 release of OfficeWriter. See the change log.

Upload Servlet with custom file keys

I have built a Server that you can upload files to and download, using Eclipse, servlet and jsp, it's all very new to me. (more info).
Currently the upload system works with the file's name. I want to programmatically assign each file a random key. And with that key the user can download the file. That means saving the data in a config file or something like : test.txt(file) fdjrke432(filekey). And when the user inputs the filekey the servlet will pass the file for download.
I have tried using a random string generator and renameTo(), for this. But it doesn't work the first time, only when I upload the same file again does it work. And this system is flawed, the user will receive the file "fdjrke432" instead of test.txt, their content is the same but you can see the problem.
Any thoughts, suggestions or solutions for my problem?
Well Sebek, I'm glad you asked!! This is quite an interesting one, there is no MAGIC way to do this. The answer is indeed to rename the file you uploaded. But I suggest adding the random string before the name of the file; like : fdjrke432test.txt.
Try this:
filekey= RenameRandom();
File renamedUploadFile = new File(uploadFolder + File.separator+ filekey+ fileName);
//remember to give the user the filekey
public String RenameRandom()
final int LENGTH = 8;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int x = 0; x < LENGTH; x++)
return sb.toString();
To delete or download the file from the server you will need to locate it, the user will input the key, you just need to search the upload folder for a file that begins with that key:
filekey= request.getParameter("filekey");
File f = new File(getServletContext().getRealPath("") + File.separator+"data");
File[] matchingFiles = f.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.startsWith(filekey);
String newfilename = matchingFiles[0].getName();
// now delete or download newfilename

Eclipse plugin: create a new file

I'm trying to create a new file in an eclipse plugin. It's not necessarily a Java file, it can be an HTML file for example.
Right now I'm doing this:
IProject project = ...;
IFile file = project.getFile("/somepath/somefilename"); // such as file.exists() == false
String contents = "Whatever";
InputStream source = new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes());
file.create(source, false, null);
The file gets created, but the problem is that it doesn't get recognized as any type; I can't open it in any internal editor. That's until I restart Eclipse (refresh or close then open the project doesn't help). After a restart, the file is perfectly usable and opens in the correct default editor for its type.
Is there any method I need to call to get the file outside of that "limbo" state?
That thread does mention the createFile call, but also refers to a FileEditorInput to open it:
Instead of java.io.File, you should use IFile.create(..) or IFile.createLink(..). You will need to get an IFile handle from the project using IProject.getFile(..) first, then create the file using that handle.
Once the file is created you can create FileEditorInput from it and use IWorkbenchPage.openEditor(..) to open the file in an editor.
Now, would that kind of method (from this AbstractExampleInstallerWizard) be of any help in this case?
protected void openEditor(IFile file, String editorID) throws PartInitException
IEditorRegistry editorRegistry = getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry();
if (editorID == null || editorRegistry.findEditor(editorID) == null)
editorID = getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry().getDefaultEditor(file.getFullPath().toString()).getId();
IWorkbenchPage page = getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
page.openEditor(new FileEditorInput(file), editorID, true, IWorkbenchPage.MATCH_ID);
See also this SDOModelWizard opening an editor on a new IFile:
// Open an editor on the new file.
(new FileEditorInput(modelFile),
catch (PartInitException exception)
MessageDialog.openError(workbenchWindow.getShell(), SDOEditorPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_OpenEditorError_label"), exception.getMessage());
return false;