Kafka: Preventing deletion of reprocessed past events - apache-kafka

I have an events topic with full retention, so I can reprocess at any point. I am using KafkaStreams to process this data (includes sessioning). There are many output topics that are sent to a database.
I have a TimestampExtractor which sets the timestamp of the Kafka record to that of the original event, so as to perform windowing over the data among other things.
However, in the output topics of the processing, I have set up weeks-long retention policies (so they are deleted after they are consumed).
If I reprocess this data from the original topic, the timestamps generated in the output topics may be older than the threshold of the retention policy - so they may be marked for deletion.
Since when they are published they are eligible for retention, how could I prevent them from deletion? How to separate different timestamps for data retention from data processing? Is it almost-mandatory to use "wall clock time" timestamps on output topics subject to retention?

The "right" solution would be to set higher retention time for the output topics. If your downstream applications consume this data, you might want to use "purge data" request (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-107%3A+Add+deleteRecordsBefore%28%29+API+in+AdminClient) to delete old data manually.
As an alternative, you could manipulate the timestamps for the output records only. You will need to upgrade to Kafka 2.0 (will be released soon): https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-251%3A+Allow+timestamp+manipulation+in+Processor+API


How is it possible to aggregate messages from Kafka topic based on duration (e.g. 1h)?

We are streaming messages to a Kafka topic at a rate of a few hundred per second. Each message has a timestamp and a payload. Ultimately, we would like aggregate one hour worth of data - based on the timestamp of the message - into parquet files and upload them to a cheap remote storage (object-store).
A naive approach would be to have the consumer simply read the messages from the topic and do the aggregation/roll-up in memory, and once there is one hour worth of data, generate and upload the parquet file.
However, in case the consumer crashes or needs to be restarted, we would lose all data since the beginning of the current hour - if we use enable.auto.commit=true or enable.auto.commit=false and manually commit after a batch of messages.
A simple solution for the Consumer could be to keep reading until one hour worth of data is in memory, do the parquet file generation (and upload it), and only then call commitAsync() or commitSync() (using enable.auto.commit=false and use an external store to keep track of the offsets).
But this would lead to millions of messages not being committed for at least one hour. I am wondering if Kafka does even allow to "delay" the commit of messages for so many messages / so long time (I seem to remember to have read about this somewhere but for the life of me I cannot find it again).
Actual questions:
a) is there a limit to the number of messages (or duration) not being committed before Kafka possibly considers the Consumer to be broken or stops giving additional messages to the consumer? this seems counter-intuitive though, since what would be the purpose of enable.auto.commit=false and managing the offsets in the Consumer (with e.g. the help of an external database).
b) in terms of robustness/redundancy and scalability, it would be great to have more than one Consumer in the consumer group; if I understand correctly, it is never possible to have more than one Consumer per partition. If we then run more than one Consumer and configure multiple partitions per topic we cannot do this kind of aggregation/roll-up, since now messages will be distributed across Consumers. The only way to work-around this issue would be to have an additional (external) temporary storage for all those messages belonging to such one-hour group, correct?
You can configure Kafka Streams with a TimestampExtractor to aggregate data into different types of time-windows
into parquet files and upload them to a cheap remote storage (object-store).
Kafka Connect S3 sink, or Pinterest Secor tool, already do this

Kafka Streams: reprocessing old data when windowing

Having a Kafka Streams application, that performs windowing(using original event time, not wallclock time) via Stream joins of e.g. 1 day.
If bringing up this topology, and reprocessing the data from the start (as in a lambda-style architecture), will this window keep that old data there? da
For example: if today is 2022-01-09, and I'm receiving data from 2021-03-01, will this old data enter the table, or will it be rejected from the start?
In that case - what strategies can be done to reprocess this data?
UPDATE Using Kafka Streams 2.5.0
Updated Answer to OP Kafka Streams version 2.5:
When using event time, Kafka Streams will behave independent of the wallclock time, as long as no events contain the wallclock time. You should not have configured a WallclockTimestampExtractor as your timestamp extractor.
Kafka Streams will assign you input topic partitions to stream tasks, that will consume the partitions one event at a time. On any given topic, at most one partition will be assigned to a stream task. Time-windowed aggregations are carried out for each stream task separately. Kafka Streams uses an internal timestamp called "observedStreamTime" for each aggregation to keep track of the maximum timestamp seen so far. Incoming records are checked for their timestamp in comparison to the observedStreamTime. If they are older than the retention + grace period of the configured time window store, they will be dropped. Otherwise, they will be aggregated according to the configuration. The implementation can be found at https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/d5b53ad132d1c1bfcd563ce5015884b6da831777/streams/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/streams/kstream/internals/KStreamWindowAggregate.java#L108-L175
This processing will always yield the same result, if the Kafka Streams application is reset. It is independent on the execution time of the processing. If events are dropped, the corresponding metrics are changed.
There is one caveat with this approach, when multiple topics are consumed. The observedStreamTime will reflect the highest timestamp of all partitions read by the stream task. If you have two topics (maybe because you want to join them) and one contains considerably younger data than the other (maybe because the latter received no new data), the observedStreamTime will be dominated by the younger topic. Events of the older topic might be dropped, if the time window configuration does not have enough retention or grace periods. See the JavaDoc of TimeWindows on the configuration options: https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/d5b53ad132d1c1bfcd563ce5015884b6da831777/streams/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/streams/kstream/TimeWindows.java
In your example the old data will be accepted, as long as the stream time has not progress too far. Reprocessing the whole data set should work, since it will linearly progress through your topic. If the old data is aggregated in a time-window with exceeding the window size + grace period, Kafka Streams will reject the record. In that case Kafka Streams will also issue an error message and adjust its metrics accordingly. So this behaviour should be easy to pick up.
I suggest to try out this reprocessing if feasible and watch the logs and metrics.

Using kafka for CQRS

Been reading a lot about kafka's use as an event store and a potential good candidate for CQRS.
I was wondering, since messages in kafka have a limited retention time, how will events be replayed after the messages were deleted from the disk where kafka retains messages?
Logically, when these messages are stored externally from kafka (after reading messages from kafka topics) in a db (sql/nosql), that would make more sense from an event store standpoint than kafka.
In lieu of above, given my understanding is correct, what is the real use case of kafka being used in CQRS even though the actual intent of kafka was just a high throughput messaging system?
You can use Kafka of event store and CQRS. You can use Kafka Stream to process all events generated by commands and store a snapshot of your entities in a changelog topic and store the changelog topic in a NOSQL one or more databases that meets your requirement. Also, all event can be store in a database(PostgresSql). What's important to know is that Kafka can be used as a store(its store files in high available way) or as a message query.
Retention time: You can set the retention time as long as you want or even keep messages forever in the topic.
Using Kafka as the data store: Sure, you can. There is a feature named Log Compaction. Let say the following scenario:
Insert product with ID=10, Name=Apple, Price=10
Insert product with ID=20, Name=Orange, Price=20
Update product with ID=10, Price becomes 30
When one topic is turned on the log compaction, a background job will periodically clean up messages on that topic. This job will check if any message has the same key then only keeps the final. With the above scenario, messages which are written to Kafka will the following format:
Message 1: Key=1, Name=Apple, Price=10
Message 2: Key=2, Name=Orange, Price=20
Message 3: Key=1, Name=Apple, Price=30 (Every update now includes all fields so it can self-contained)
After the log compaction, the topic will become:
Message 1: Key=2, Name=Orange, Price=20
Message 2: Key=1, Name=Apple, Price=30 (Keep the lastest record with the ID=1)
In reality, Kafka uses log compaction feature to make Kafka as the persistent data storage.

Kafka stream - define a retention policy for a changelog

I use Kafka Streams for some aggregations of a TimeWindow.
I'm interested only in the final result of each window, so I use the .suppress() feature which creates a changelog topic for its state.
The retention policy configuration for this changelog topic is defined as "compact" which to my understanding will keep at least the last event for each key in the past.
The problem in my application is that keys often change. This means that the topic will grow indefinitely (each window will bring new keys which will never be deleted).
Since the aggregation is per window, after the aggregation was done, I don't really need the "old" keys.
Is there a way to tell Kafka Streams to remove keys from previous windows?
For that matter, I think configuring the changelog topic retention policy to "compact,delete" will do the job (which is available in kafka according to this: KIP-71, KAFKA-4015.
But is it possible to change the retention policy so using the Kafka Streams api?
suppress() operator sends tombstone messages to the changelog topic if a record is evicted from its buffer and sent downstream. Thus, you don't need to worry about unbounded growth of the topic. Changing the compaction policy might in fact break the guarantees that the operator provide and you might loose data.

Is it possible to filter Apache Kafka messages by retention time?

At an abstract point of view Apache Kafka stores data in topics. This data could be read by a consumer.
I'd like to have a (monitor)-consumer which greps data with a certain age. The monitor should send a warning to subsystems that records are still unread and would be discarded by Kafka if they reach retention time.
I couldn't find a suitable way until now.
You can use KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes() to map messages to dates.
For example, if you call it with the date of yesterday and it returns offset X, then any messages with an offset smaller than X are older than yesterday.
Then your logic can figure out from the current positions of your consumers if you are at risk of having unprocessed records discarded.
Note that there is currently a KIP under discussion to expose metrics to track that: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-223+-+Add+per-topic+min+lead+and+per-partition+lead+metrics+to+KafkaConsumer