I'm having a challenging time getting compress-archive to do what I want...
I have a root project folder and I want to zip up some of the files in sub-directories and preserve the relative paths. For example:
├── _scripts
├── ├─_module1
| | └── filex.js
| └─_module2
| ├── file1.js
| └── file2.txt
So from my root directory, i'd like to create a zip file that includes module2/*, and i want to keep the folder structure. I'd like my zip to contain:
But when I run this from the root folder:
Compress-Archive -Path "scripts\module2\*" -DestinationPath tmp.zip
The contents of the zip file only contain:
It appears that Compress-Archive (as of Windows PowerShell v5.1) doesn't support what you want:
Targeting a folder recursively adds that folder's subtree to the archive, but only by the target folder's name (which becomes a child folder inside the archive), not its path.
Compress-Archive -Path scripts\module2 -DestinationPath tmp.zip
will (recursively) store the contents of scripts\module2 in tmp.zip, but not with archive-internal path .\scripts\module2, just with .\module2 - the target folder's name (the last input path component).
The implication is that you'd have to pass folder scripts instead to get the desired archive-internal path, but that would invariably include the entire subtree of scripts, given that Compress-Archive offers no inclusion/exclusion mechanism.
One - cumbersome - option is to recreate the desired hierarchy in, say, the $env:TEMP folder, copy the target folder there, run Compress-Archive against the root of the recreated hierarchy, and then clean up:
New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory $env:TEMP/scripts
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force scripts/module2 $env:TEMP/scripts
Compress-Archive -LiteralPath $env:TEMP/scripts -DestinationPath tmp.zip
Remove-Item $env:TEMP/Scripts -Recurse -Whatif
Otherwise, you may be able to find a solution:
by using the .NET v4.5+ [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile] class directly; you can load it into your session with Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem (not necessary in PowerShell Core).
by using external programs such as 7-Zip,
I wanted to do this without having to copy the full structure to a temp directory.
#build list of files to compress
$files = #(Get-ChildItem -Path .\procedimentos -Recurse | Where-Object -Property Name -EQ procedimentos.xlsx);
$files += #(Get-ChildItem -Path .\procedimentos -Recurse | Where-Object -Property Name -CLike procedimento_*_fs_*_d_*.xml);
$files += #(Get-ChildItem -Path .\procedimentos -Recurse | Where-Object -Property FullName -CLike *\documentos_*_fs_*_d_*);
# exclude directory entries and generate fullpath list
$filesFullPath = $files | Where-Object -Property Attributes -CContains Archive | ForEach-Object -Process {Write-Output -InputObject $_.FullName}
#create zip file
$zipFileName = 'procedimentos.zip'
$zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open((Join-Path -Path $(Resolve-Path -Path ".") -ChildPath $zipFileName), [System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode]::Create)
#write entries with relative paths as names
foreach ($fname in $filesFullPath) {
$rname = $(Resolve-Path -Path $fname -Relative) -replace '\.\\',''
echo $rname
$zentry = $zip.CreateEntry($rname)
$zentryWriter = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.BinaryWriter $zentry.Open()
# clean up
Get-Variable -exclude Runspace | Where-Object {$_.Value -is [System.IDisposable]} | Foreach-Object {$_.Value.Dispose(); Remove-Variable $_.Name};
It is a bit old thread, but I think this will help folks to create zip files through PowerShell 5.1, which is standard with Windows 10 installations these days. Script allows you to keep original subdirectory structure as well as to exclude some unnecessary subtrees / files. This is what I use to archive source code of my Visual Studio solutions:
Write-Output "Zipping Visual Studio solution..."
# top level from where to start and location of the zip file
$path = "C:\TheSolution"
# top path that we want to keep in the source code zip file
$subdir = "source\TheSolution"
# location of the zip file
$ZipFile = "${path}\TheSolution.zip"
# change current directory
Set-Location "$path"
# collecting list of files that we want to archive excluding those that we don't want to preserve
$Files = #(Get-ChildItem "${subdir}" -Recurse -File | Where-Object {$_.PSParentPath -inotmatch "x64|packages|.vs|Win32"})
$Files += #(Get-ChildItem "${subdir}\packages" -Recurse -File)
$Files += #(Get-ChildItem "${subdir}\.git" -Recurse -File)
$FullFilenames = $files | ForEach-Object -Process {Write-Output -InputObject $_.FullName}
# remove old zip file
if (Test-Path $ZipFile) { Remove-Item $ZipFile -ErrorAction Stop }
#create zip file
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open(($ZipFile), [System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode]::Create)
# write entries with relative paths as names
foreach ($fname in $FullFilenames) {
$rname = $(Resolve-Path -Path $fname -Relative) -replace '\.\\',''
Write-Output $rname
$zentry = $zip.CreateEntry($rname)
$zentryWriter = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.BinaryWriter $zentry.Open()
# release zip file
The cumbersome technique mklement0 mentioned worked for me. Below is the script I created to support a list of various files mixed with folders.
# Compress LFS based files into a zip
# To use
# 1. place this script in the root folder
# 2. modify the contents of $lfsAssetFiles to point to files relative to this root folder
# 3. modify $zipDestination to be where you want the resultant zip to be placed
# based off of https://stackoverflow.com/a/51394271
# this should match files being .gitignored
$lfsAssetFiles =
# This is where the contents of the zip file will be structured, because placing them inside of a specific folder of the zip is difficult otherwise
$zipStruct = $PSScriptRoot + "\zipStruct"
# the actual zip file that will be created
$zipDestination = "C:\Dropbox\GitLfsZip\ProjectNameLfs.zip"
# remove files from previous runs of this script
If(Test-path $zipStruct) {Remove-item $zipStruct -Recurse}
If(Test-path $zipDestination) {Remove-item $zipDestination}
Foreach ($entry in $lfsAssetFiles)
# form absolute path to source each file to be included in the zip
$sourcePath = $PSScriptRoot + $entry;
# get the parent directories of the path. If the entry itself is a directory, we still only need the parent as the directory will be created when it is copied over.
$entryPath = Split-Path -Parent $entry
# form what the path will look like in the destination
$entryPath = $zipStruct + $entryPath
# ensure the folders to the entry path exist
$createdPath = New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory $entryPath
# copy the file or directory
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force $sourcePath $createdPath
# create a zip file https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2015/page/59/
Add-Type -AssemblyName "system.io.compression.filesystem"
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($zipStruct, $zipDestination)
# Compress-Archive doesn't work here because it includes the "zipStruct" folder: Compress-Archive -Path $zipStruct -DestinationPath $zipDestination
Here what I'm trying to do and this is my second post on the same issue, I'm trying to compare 2 folders and copy the difference in the 3rd folder with the same folder structure recursively.
Here is the Powershell script which I receive from an another post (how to copy updated files to new folder and create directory as source if not exist?). This code does everything I need but I have one problem, with the -passthru arguement, it take the file which ever is new in the "folder 2" as well. What I need is what ever files are different in Folder1 from Folder2 alone to be copied over to Folder3. I tried and could not make it work. Any help will be great.
$newdir = "M:\Technical\foldercompare\folder1"
$olddir = "M:\Technical\foldercompare\folder2"
$diffdir = "M:\Technical\foldercompare\folder3"
#Get the list of files in oldFolder
$oldfiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $olddir | Where-Object {-not ($_.PSIsContainer)}
#get the list of files in new folder
$newfiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $newdir | Where-Object {-not ($_.PSIsContainer)}
Compare-Object $oldfiles $newfiles -Property LastWriteTime,Length -Passthru | sort LastWriteTime | foreach {
$fl = (($_.Fullname).ToString().Replace("$olddir","$diffdir")).Replace("$newdir","$diffdir")
$dir = Split-Path $fl
If (!(Test-Path $dir)){
mkdir $dir
copy-item $_.Fullname $fl
I have a folder c:\test with files:
and I want to
create folders based on the last part of the file name
move files to the new folders
if the file already exist the old file should be overwritten
Example: c:\test\Raport-en-us-Country1.xlsx should go to c:\test\Country1\Raport-en-us-Country1.xlsx.
Can anyone help me to create a PowerShell script for this, please?
I have this code, it creates the folder/s but it doesn't move the files:
# 1. Get a list of files in the c:\test folder
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -Path c:\test;
# 2. Parse file names, create folder structure, and move files
foreach ($File in $FileList) {
$File.Name -match '(?<folder>.*?)(?:-)(?<subfolder>\w{2})(?:-)(?<filename>.*)';
if ($matches) {
$Destination = 'c:\test\{0}\{1}\{2}' -f $matches.folder, $matches.subfolder, $matches.filename;
mkdir -Path (Split-Path -Path $Destination -Parent) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
Move-Item -Path $File.FullName -Destination $Destination -WhatIf;
$matches = $null
Here (Listing files in recycle bin) I've found a #Smile4ever post saying how to get the original location for the files in recycle bin:
(New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace(0x0a).Items()
|select #{n="OriginalLocation";e={$_.ExtendedProperty("{9B174B33-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871} 2")}},Name
| export-csv -delimiter "\" -path C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\recycleBinFiles.txt -NoTypeInformation
(gc C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\recycleBinFiles.txt | select -Skip 1)
| % {$_.Replace('"','')}
| set-content C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\recycleBinFiles.txt
I'd like to copy them somewhere (in case I've been told that some of them were not to be deleted and someone empty recycle bin).
Here (https://superuser.com/questions/715673/batch-script-move-files-from-windows-recycle-bin) I've found a #gm2 post for copying them
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$recycleBin = $shell.Namespace(0xA) #Recycle Bin
$recycleBin.Items() | %{Copy-Item $_.Path ("C:\Temp\{0}" -f $_.Name)}
And they work fine, but I'd need something more.
I don't know anything about powershell, but what I'd like to do would be:
for each file in Recycle bin to create its original location folder in the backup folder C:\Temp and to copy the file there (so I won't have the problem of more files with the same name).
And then to zip that C:\Temp.
Is there a way foir doing it?
You should be able to do it like this:
# Set a folder path INSIDE the C:\Temp folder to collect the files and folders
$outputPath = 'C:\Temp\RecycleBackup'
# afterwards, a zip file is created in 'C:\Temp' with filename 'RecycleBackup.zip'
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$recycleBin = $shell.Namespace(0xA)
$recycleBin.Items() | ForEach-Object {
# see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/shellfolderitem-extendedproperty
$originalPath = $_.ExtendedProperty("{9B174B33-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871} 2")
# get the root disk from that original path
$originalRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($originalPath)
# remove the root from the OriginalPath
$newPath = $originalPath.Substring($originalRoot.Length)
# change/remove the : and \ characters in the root for output
if ($originalRoot -like '?:\*') {
# a local path. X:\ --> X
$newRoot = $originalRoot.Substring(0,1)
else {
# UNC path. \\server\share --> server_share
$newRoot = $originalRoot.Trim("\") -replace '\\', '_'
#"\"# you can remove this dummy comment to restore syntax highlighting in SO
$newPath = Join-Path -Path $outputPath -ChildPath "$newRoot\$newPath"
# if this new path does not exist yet, create it
if (!(Test-Path -Path $newPath -PathType Container)) {
New-Item -Path $newPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
# copy the file or folder with its original name to the new output path
Copy-Item -Path $_.Path -Destination (Join-Path -Path $newPath -ChildPath $_.Name) -Force -Recurse
# clean up the Com object when done
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($shell) | Out-Null
$shell = $null
The following code needs PowerShell version 5
# finally, create a zip file of this RecycleBackup folder and everything in it.
# append a '\*' to the $outputPath variable to enable recursing the folder
$zipPath = Join-Path -Path $outputPath -ChildPath '*'
$zipFile = '{0}.zip' -f $outputPath.TrimEnd("\")
#"\"# you can remove this dummy comment to restore syntax highlighting in SO
# remove the zip file if it already exists
if(Test-Path $zipFile -PathType Leaf) { Remove-item $zipFile -Force }
Compress-Archive -Path $zipPath -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath $zipFile -Force
To create a zip file in PowerShell below version 5
If you do not have PowerShell 5 or up, the Compress-Archive is not available.
To create a zip file from the C:\Temp\RecycleBackup you can do this instead:
$zipFile = '{0}.zip' -f $outputPath.TrimEnd("\")
#"\"# you can remove this dummy comment to restore syntax highlighting in SO
# remove the zip file if it already exists
if(Test-Path $zipFile -PathType Leaf) { Remove-item $zipFile -Force }
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($outputPath, $zipFile)
Of course, you can also use a third party software like 7Zip for this. There are plenty of examples on the net how to use that in Powershell like for instance here
As per your last request to remove the 'RecycleBackup' folder after the zip is created
Remove-Item -Path $outputPath -Recurse -Force
Hope that helps
I have several zip files which have generated names like 21321421-12315-sad3fse-23434fg-ggfsd which doesn't help to identify the content of the zip.
I need a script, which unzips it and then looks for a pdf file with a partly-generated & static name eg asdawd-ersrfse-231-Formular2311.
After that it should create a folder with the name of the pdf file and unzip all zip-file content into this folder.
So far I only have to snippets that work after each other, but I'm still stuck.
$shell = new-object -com shell.application
$CurrentLocation = get-location
$CurrentPath = $CurrentLocation.path
$Location = $shell.namespace($CurrentPath)
# Find all the Zip files and Count them
$ZipFiles = get-childitem -Path "C:\Install\NB\Teststart" *.zip
$ZipFiles.count | out-default
# Set the Index for unique folders
$Index = 1
# For every zip file in the folder
foreach ($ZipFile in $ZipFiles) {
# Get the full path to the zip file
$ZipFile.fullname | out-default
# Set the location and create a new folder to unzip the files into - Edit the line below to change the location to save files to
$NewLocation = "C:\Install\NB\Testfinal\$Index"
New-Item $NewLocation -type Directory
# Move the zip file to the new folder so that you know which was the original file (can be changed to Copy-Item if needed)
Copy-Item $ZipFile.fullname $NewLocation
# List up all of the zip files in the new folder
$NewZipFile = get-childitem $NewLocation *.zip
# Get the COMObjects required for the unzip process
$NewLocation = $shell.namespace($NewLocation)
$ZipFolder = $shell.namespace($NewZipFile.fullname)
# Copy the files to the new Folder
# Increase the Index to ensure that unique folders are made
$Index = $Index + 1
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Install\NB\Testfinal" -Include "*.pdf" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$oldFolder = $_.DirectoryName
# New Folder Name is .pdf Filename, excluding extension
$newFolder = $_.Name.Substring(0, $_.Name.Length - 4)
# Verify Not Already Same Name
Write-Host "Rename: $oldFolder To: $newFolder"
Rename-Item -NewName $newFolder -Path $oldFolder
Along the same lines as your own script, firstly extract the zips and then rename the extracted folder to the same as the pdf:
$SourceDir = 'C:\Install\NB\Teststart'
$ExtractDir = 'C:\Install\NB\Testfinal'
# Extract each zip to a folder with the same name as the zip file (BaseName)
Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $SourceDir *.zip) | foreach {
Expand-Archive $_.FullName -DestinationPath (Join-Path $ExtractDir $_.BaseName)
# Rename the PDF's parent folder to the same as the PDF
Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $ExtractDir *.pdf) -Recurse | foreach {
Rename-Item -Path $_.Directory.FullName -NewName $_.BaseName
This should do and it's much simpler than what you have. It relies on .NET 4.5 which you should have on your server already:
# Get all the zip files in the root of the script, change $PSScriptRoot accordingly
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Filter *.zip -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
# Open the archive for reading
$zip = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($_.FullName)
# Find the name of the PD file from the archive entries
$archiveName = $zip.Entries | `
Where-Object { [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.FullName) -eq '.pdf' } | `
Select-Object #{N = "BaseName"; E = {[System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.FullName)}} |
Select-Object -Expand BaseName
# Close the zip file
# Use the native Expand-Archive to unzip the archive
# Ammand $PSScriptRoot to the destination base path if needed
Expand-Archive -Path $_.FullName -DestinationPath (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $archiveName)
I am writing a scheduled script that will move images (jpg's) from one location to another.
The problem is that a parent directory is variable in name while the end directory is fixed.
If robocopy would do this I would be happy: robocopy C:\temp\pcbmodel**\defect c:\test**\defect*. But it doesn't
For example this will almost work:
foreach ($i in Get-ChildItem C:\temp\pcbmodel\*\*\defect -recurse)
if ($i.CreationTime -lt ($(Get-Date).AddMonths(0)))
write $i.FullName
Copy-Item $i.FullName C:\Test
The problem is that the files are copied in c:\test but the ** path isn't. And the * path I need as it will change for each customer.
Some suggestions would be nice,
This should put you on the right path to getting a working solution. The important part is the Resolve-Path cmdlet which takes a -Relative parameter: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849858.aspx. new-Item -Force merely tell it to create a folder structure if required.
# $OldRoot = 'Top-level of old files'
# $DestRoot = 'Top-level of destination'
# Go to old root so relative paths are correct
Set-Location $OldRoot
# Get all the images, then for each one...
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Include "*.jpeg", "*.jpg" |
ForEach-Object {
# Save full name to avoid issues later
$Source = $_.FullName
# Construct destination filename using relative path and destination root
$Destination = '{0}\{1}' -f $DestRoot, (Resolve-Path -Relative -Path:$Source).TrimStart('.\')
# If new destination doesn't exist, create it
If(-Not (Test-Path ($DestDir = Split-Path -Parent -Path:$Destination))) {
New-Item -Type:Directory -Path:$DestDir -Force -Verbose
# Copy old item to new destination
Copy-Item -Path:$Source -Destination:$Destination -Verbose
How about something like that:
$step1 = get-childitem C:\temp\pcbmodel\
$step1 | foreach {get-childitem -recurse -exclude "Directories", $ELSE | where {$_.Creationtime -lt ($(get-date).Addmonths(0))}
Hope I got it right and this helps :)
EDIT: Work with -Exclude and -Include parameters they help a lot :)
EDIT2: Ofc, I overread something, sorry for the many edits - you are just looking for jpg files.
$step1 | foreach {get-childitem -recurse -include *.jpg, *.jpeg | where {$_.Creationtime -lt ($(get-date).Addmonths(0))}
Another idea:
Don't try it on your C: disk. It will need forever. But if u have permissions for every directory and subdirectory in a certain path and the subdirectory amount is not enormous it should work.
I created a directory "New Directory" on C: and another "New Directory" in this directory. And ofc, another "New Directory" in the directory. and lastly I created a file with the name "superduper.txt" --> C:\New Directory\New Directory\New Directory\superduper.txt
(get-childitem C:\).FullName | where {(Get-ChildItem $_).FullName | where {(get-childitem $_ -Recurse).FullName -match "superduper"}}
C:\New Directory
I think it won't be fast and you would need 2 of these to achieve your goal, I guess it should work.
I'm trying to copy all subfolders and their files from one folder into another, without copying their parent folder as well.
For example, in C:\test with some subfolders containing files, copy to D:\test without it being D:\test\test\subfolders.