Materialised View in Clickhouse not populating - apache-kafka

I am currently working on a project which needs to ingest data from a Kafka Topic (JSON format), and write it directly into Clickhouse. I followed the method as suggested in the Clickhouse documentation:
Step 1: Created a clickhouse consumer which writes into a table (say, level1).
Step 2: I performed a select query on 'level1' and it gives me a set of results, but is not particularly useful as it can be read only once.
Step 3: I created a materialised view that converts data from the engine(level1) and puts it into a previously created table (say, level2). While writing into 'level2' the aggregation is on a day level (done by converting timestamp in level1 to datetime).
Therefore, data in 'level2' :- day + all columns in 'level1'
I intend to use this view (level2) as the base for any future aggregation (say, at level3)
Problem 1: 'level2' is being created but data is not being populated in it, i.e., when I perform a basic select query (select * from level2 limit 10) on the view, the output is "0 rows in set".
Is it because of day level aggregation, and it might populate at the end of the day? Can I ingest data from 'level2' in real-time?
Problem 2: Is there a way of reading the same data from my engine 'level1', multiple times?
Problem 3: Is there a way to convert Avro to JSON while reading from a kafka topic? Or can Clickhouse write data (in Avro format) directly into 'level1' without any conversion?
EDIT: There is latency in Clickhouse while retrieving data from Kafka. Had to make changes in the user.xml file in my Clickhouse server (change max_block_size).

Problem 1: 'level2' is being created but data is not being populated in it, i.e., when I perform a basic select query (select * from level2 limit 10) on the view, the output is "0 rows in set".
This might be related to the default settings of kafka storage, which always starts consuming data from the latest offset. You can change the behavior by adding this
to config.xml
Problem 2: Is there a way of reading the same data from my engine 'level1', multiple times?
You'd better avoid reading from kafka storage directly. You can set up a dedicated materialized view M1 for 'level1' and use that to populate 'level2' too. Then reading from M1 is repeatable.
Problem 3: Is there a way to convert Avro to JSON while reading from a kafka topic? Or can Clickhouse write data (in Avro format) directly into 'level1' without any conversion?
Nope, though you can try using Cap'n Proto which should provide similar performance like Avro, and it's supported directly by ClickHouse.


Is it right use-case of KSql

I am using KStreams where I need to de-duplicate the data. Source ingests duplicated data due to many reasons i.e data itself duplicate, re-partitioning.
Currently using Redis for this use-case where data is stored something as below
id#object list-of-applications-processed-this-id-and-this-object
As KSQL is implemented on top of RocksDB which is also a Key-Value database, can I use KSql for this use case?
At the time of successful processing, I would add an entry to KSQL. At the time of reception, I will have to check the existence of the id in KSQL.
Is it correct use case as per KSql design in the event processing world?
If you want to use to use ksqlDB as a cache, you can create a TABLE using the topic as data source. Note that a CREATE TABLE statement by itself, does only declare a schema (it does not pull in any data into ksqlDB yet).
CREATE TABLE inputTable <schemaDefinition> WITH(kafka_topic='...');
Check out the docs for more details:
To pull in the data, you can create a second table via:
This will run a query in the background, that read the input data and puts the result into the ksqlDB server. Because the query is a simple SELECT * it effectively pulls in all data from the topic. You can now issue "pull queries" (i.e, lookups) against the result to use TABLE cache as desired:
Future work:
We are currently working on adding "source tables" (cf that will make this setup simpler. If you declare a source table, you can do the same with a single statement instead of two:
CREATE SOURCE TABLE cache <schemaDefinition> WITH(kafka_topic='...');

Good way to ensure data is ready to be queried while Glue partition is created?

We have queries that run on a schedule every several minutes that join a few different glue tables (via Athena) before coming up with some results. For the table in question, we have Glue Crawlers set up and partitions based on snapshot_date and a couple other columns.
In the query, we grab the latest snapshot_date and use only data from that snapshot_date for the query. The data in S3 gets updated and put into the right folder a few times a day, but it looks like sometimes, if we try to query the data right as the data in S3 is getting updated, we end up with empty results due to the query trying to access the new snapshot_date partition while Glue is still getting the data set up(?)
Is there a built-in way to ensure that our glue partitions are ready before we start querying them? So far, we considered building in artificial time "buffers" in our query around when we expect the snapshot_date partition data to be written and the glue update to be complete, but I'm aware that that's really brittle and depends on the exact timing.

Spec to Create a Datasource/table in Aache Druid with empty/zero records

Could you please help me to get the Druid Spec template to create a Datasource/table in Druid with zero records.
Druid has not static table definition. This means that you can today import data with, for example, column A, B and C. And tomorrow you change your data ingestion and change the table definition to B, C and D.
All data is stored in segments (data-blocks). Each segment has it's own metadata which describes which columns are stored in this segment.
So, without any data, there is just no "column" data known.
When I want to know my data structure of a "table" (in druid it's called a dataSource), I query the metadata of the latest segment. This could of course not be complete, but if you work with an "append only" strategy when handling columns, this works just fine.
If you are a PHP developer, you might want to take a look at this package:
I have tried to make it easy to query data. I hope it helps. Good luck.

Saving JDBC db data as shared state Spark

I have an MSSQL table as a data source and I would like to save some kind of the processing offset in the form of the timestamp (it is one of the table's columns). So it would be possible to process the data from the latest offset. I would like to save as some kind of shared state between Spark sessions. I have researched shared state in Spark session, however, I did not find the way to store this offset in the shared state. So is it possible to use existing Spark constructs to perform this task?
As far as I know there is no official built-in feature supporting passing data between sessions in Spark. As alternative I would consider the following options/suggestions:
First the offset column must be an indexed field in MSSQL in order to be able to query it fast.
If there is already an in-memory (i.e Redis, Apache Ignite) system installed and used by your project I would store there the offset.
I wouldn't use a message queue system such as Kafka because once you consume one message you will need to resend it therefore that would't make sense.
As solution I would prefer to save it in the filesystem or in Hive even if it would add extra overhead since you will have only one value in that table. In the case of the filesystem of course the performance would be much better.
Let me know if further information is needed

Spark Streaming dropDuplicates

Spark 2.1.1 (scala api) streaming json files from an s3 location.
I want to deduplicate any incoming records based on an ID column (“event_id”) found in the json for every record. I do not care which record is kept, even if duplication of the record is only partial. I am using append mode as the data is merely being enriched/filtered, with no group by/window aggregations, via the spark.sql() method. I then use the append mode to write parquet files to s3.
According to the documentation, I should be able to use dropDuplicates without watermarking in order to deduplicate (obviously this is not effective in long-running production). However, this fails with the error:
User class threw exception: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Append output mode not supported when there are streaming aggregations on streaming DataFrames/DataSets
That error seems odd as I am doing no aggregation (unless dropDuplicates or sparkSQL counts as an aggregation?).
I know that duplicates won’t occur outside 3 days of each other, so I then tried it again by adding a watermark (by using .withWatermark() immediately before the drop duplicates). However, it seems to want to wait until 3 days are up before writing the data. (ie since today is July 24, only data up to the same time on July 21 is written to the output).
As there is no aggregation, I want to write every row immediately after the batch is processed, and simply throw away any rows with an event id that has occurred in the previous 3 days. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?
In my case, I used to achieve that in two ways through DStream :
One way:
load tmp_data(contain 3 days unique data, see below)
receive batch_data and do leftOuterJoin with tmp_data
do filter on step2 and output new unique data
update tmp_data with new unique data through step2's result and drop old data(more than 3 days)
save tmp_data on HDFS or whatever
repeat above again and again
Another way:
create a table on mysql and set UNIQUE INDEX on event_id
receive batch_data and just save event_id + event_time + whatever to mysql
mysql will ignore duplicate automatically
Solution we used was a custom implementation of org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink that inserts into a hive table after dropping duplicates within batch and performing a left anti join against the previous few days worth of data in the target hive table.