Visual Studio Code setting delete empty line - visual-studio-code

How can I delete red box empty line? When scrollbar touch bottom, empty line will appear, I want to delete these empty line.

Those are technically not lines (see they don't have line number), but a generated visual space below the last line of your file.
You can turn off this feature by adding the following to your preferences (File > Preferences Settings):
"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false,
By doing this, the last line of your file will be at the bottom of the editor pane when you scroll down to the maximum.


TinyMce paste from the context menu does not work right when pasting onto a blank line

When copying and pasting using the Context menu (on a Macbook Pro), the paste doesn't work as expected when pasting to a new line. The text is inserted at the end of the previous line. Has anyone observed this behavior and, if so, have you found a fix?
Here's what I'm seeing:
Go to the latest "demo" TinyMce page (
Add at least two lines of text but leave one or more blank lines between the two lines of text.
Copy (using the context menu) some text from the line following the blank line.
Click on the blank line.
Paste the text using the context menu.
I would expect the text to be inserted after the linefeed.
Instead, it appears that the linefeed is overwritten by the text in the paste buffer because the blank line is deleted and the pasted text appears at the end of the previous line.
The cmd-V shortcut doesn't exhibit this behavior

Make VSCode Diff Editor ignore empty line addition/deletions?

I want VSCode to ignore empty lines added/removed from showing up in the diff editor.
I can trigger ignore trailing/leading whitespaces by a toggle on the editor, but it does not seem to work on lines.
Current Diff Editor:

How can I go to red line of error in Eclipse?

My question is if there is any command that allows me to go to the red error line in Eclipse. For example, I am in line 1 of my file and there is an error in line 1200 – is there any way to go directly to that line? (Obviously, I don't know the line number, so I don't use ctrl + L.)
As the commenter said, you can do this from the problems view, but there are ways to navigate somewhat efficiently in the source view.
While your cursor is in a file in the source view, the function "next" might be bound to "Ctrl+." (control-period). This is implemented in various scopes to do different things, but in the source view, it goes to the next "issue" in the file. If your only issue in the file is the error, then that keypress will bring you to that line.
In addition, the right-hand margin of the source view contains a column that spans the entire file. If there is an error on a line, you'll see a red horizontal block in that column. The height of the block would likely be relative to the size of the file. You can click on points in that column to go to that portion of the file, so if you click on the red mark, it will land close to that line.

Insert "real" spaces when tab in visual studio code

When I hit tab in visual studio code, the code gets indented with what seems to be "fake" spaces. If I hit tab on a new line without typing anything on the previously indented line, the spaces on the previous line seem to disappear. Is this fixable?
It sounds like the unnecssary (because there is no text on that previous line) is being trimmed automatically. To stop that disable the setting:
Editor: Trim Auto Whitespace
I think that'll result in what you want.

VSCODE - TAB right after the word not working as expected

version - 1.40.2
On a normal text type file, type Hello and hit TAB.
All i want is when i hit tab vscode should register 2/4 spaces (what i have configured in the settings.json for the specific language) not a single space.
Expected: Hello****|
Actual: Hello*|
Make sure you have unchecked Editor: Detect Indentation. Checking this option will override the Tab Size configuration. E.g. if the opened file has 1 space tab indentation but you have configured a 4 spaces tab indentation - the tab size will be 1 space.
Ctrl + , to open Settings.json
Enter in "spaces" in search
Uncheck Editor: Detect Indentation
Leave Editor: Insert spaces checked if you want to insert actual spaces instead of a tab (i.e. you need to do 4 backspaces if you made a mistake). Or unchecked it if you want to insert actual tabs.
Also, you can check what is the configured tab size for that particular opened file by looking at the bottom right of your editor: