Android Room with RXJava2; onNext() of emitter is not properly triggered - rx-java2

I am switching from async tasks to rxjava2 and have some issues with my code tests.
I have a room table of elements that have a certain monetary amount. On a usercontrol that is called DisplayCurrentBudget, a sum of all amounts should be displayed. This number must refresh everytime a new element is inserted. I tackled the requirement in two ways, but both produce the same result: My code does not care if the database is updated, it only updates when the fragment is recreated (onCreateView).
My first attempt was this:
//RxJava2 Test
Observable<ItemS> ItemObservable = Observable.create( emitter -> {
try {
List<ItemS> movies = oStandardModel.getItemsVanilla();
for (ItemS movie : movies) {
} catch (Exception e) {
DisposableObserver<ItemS> disposable = ItemObservable.
subscribeWith(new DisposableObserver<ItemS>() {
public List<ItemS> BadFeelingAboutThis = new ArrayList<ItemS>();
public void onNext(ItemS movie) {
// Access your Movie object here
public void onError(Throwable e) {
// Show the user that an error has occurred
public void onComplete() {
// Show the user that the operation is complete
I already was uncomfortable with that code. My second attempt produces the exact same result:
Observable<BigDecimal> ItemObservable2 = Observable.create( emitter -> {
try {
BigDecimal mySum = oStandardModel.getWholeBudget();
} catch (Exception e) {
DisposableObserver<BigDecimal> disposable = ItemObservable2.
subscribeWith(new DisposableObserver<BigDecimal>() {
public void onNext(BigDecimal sum) {
// Access your Movie object here
public void onError(Throwable e) {
// Show the user that an error has occurred
public void onComplete() {
// Show the user that the operation is complete
Any obvious issues with my code?
Thanks for reading, much appreciate it!
I was asked what Manager.GetBigSum does, it actually does not do much. It only adds BigDecimal-Values of an Item list.
public static BigDecimal GetBigSum(List<ItemS> ListP){
List<BigDecimal> bigDList =;
.reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add);
Further, I simplified the query. But it still does not care about DB updates, only about fragment recreation:
Single.fromCallable(() -> oStandardModel.getItemsVanilla())
e -> oBinding.DisplayCurrentBudget.setText(e.toString())

Your rx logic has no error. That should be internal error in your getWholeBudget.
But why you write rx so complex?
For your case, you can just write:
Single.fromCallable(() -> oStandardModel.getItemsVanilla())
e -> oBinding.DisplayCurrentBudget.setText(sum.toString()),
e -> log.error(e));

I solved it this way:
oStandardModel.getItemJointCatLive().observe(this, new Observer<List<ItemJointCat>>() {
public void onChanged(#Nullable final List<ItemJointCat> oItemSP) {
Single.fromCallable(() -> oStandardModel.getWholeBudget())
e -> oBinding.DisplayCurrentBudget.setText(e.toString())
My mistake was that I assumed RXjava2 does not need an onchanged i just use onchanged event of livedata observer to trigger a simple rxjava2 query.
Do you think there is anything wrong with that approach?


How to Iterate through list with RxJava and perform initial process on first item

I am new to RxJava and finding it very useful for network and database processing within my Android applications.
I have two use cases that I cannot implement completely in RxJava
Use Case 1
Clear down my target database table Table A
Fetch a list of database records from Table B that contain a key field
For each row retrieved from Table B, call a Remote API and persist all the returned data into Table A
The closest I have managed is this code
final AtomicInteger id = new AtomicInteger(0);
.flatMapIterable(b -> b)
.flatMap(b_record -> NetworkController.getTable_A_data(b_record.getKey()))
.flatMap(network -> transformNetwork(id, network, NETWORK_B_MAPPER))
Use Case 2
Clear down my target database table Table X
Clear down my target database table Table Y
Fetch a list of database records from Table Z that contain a key field
For each row retrieved from Table B, call a Remote API and persist some of the returned data into Table X the remainder of the data should be persisted into table Y
I have not managed to create any code for use case 2.
I have a number of questions regarding the use of RxJava for these use cases.
Is it possible to achieve both my use cases in RxJava?
Is it "Best Practice" to combine all these steps into an Rx "Stream"
I ended up with this POC test code which seems to work...
I am not sure if its the optimum solution however My API calls return Single and my database operations return Completable so I feel like this is the best solution for me.
public class UseCaseOneA {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
.flatMapIterable(x -> x)
.flatMapSingle(record -> NetworkController.callApi(record.getPrimaryKey()))
.flatMapSingle(z -> transform(z))
.flatMapCompletable(p -> UseCaseOneA.insertDatabaseTableA(p))
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("ON COMPLETE"))
.doFinally(() -> System.out.println("ON FINALLY"))
private static Single<List<PayloadDO>> transform(final List<RemotePayload> payloads) {
return Single.create(new SingleOnSubscribe<List<PayloadDO>>() {
public void subscribe(final SingleEmitter<List<PayloadDO>> emitter) throws Exception {
System.out.println("transform - " + payloads.size());
final List<PayloadDO> payloadDOs = new ArrayList<>();
for (final RemotePayload remotePayload : payloads) {
payloadDOs.add(new PayloadDO(remotePayload.getPayload()));
private static Observable<List<Record>> manufactureRecords() {
final List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>();
records.add(new Record("111-111-111"));
records.add(new Record("222-222-222"));
records.add(new Record("3333-3333-3333"));
records.add(new Record("44-444-44444-44-4"));
records.add(new Record("5555-55-55-5-55-5555-5555"));
return Observable.just(records);
private static Completable deleteDatabaseTableA() {
return Completable.create(new CompletableOnSubscribe() {
public void subscribe(final CompletableEmitter emitter) throws Exception {
private static Completable deleteDatabaseTableB() {
return Completable.create(new CompletableOnSubscribe() {
public void subscribe(final CompletableEmitter emitter) throws Exception {
private static Completable insertDatabaseTableA(final List<PayloadDO> payloadDOs) {
return Completable.create(new CompletableOnSubscribe() {
public void subscribe(final CompletableEmitter emitter) throws Exception {
System.out.println("insertDatabaseTableA - " + payloadDOs);
private static Completable login() {
return Completable.complete();
This code doesn't address all my use case requirements. Namely being able to transform the remote payload records into multiple Database record types and insert each type into its own specific target databased table.
I could just call the Remote API twice to get the same remote data items and transform first into one database type then secondly into the second database type, however that seems wasteful.
Is there an operand in RxJava where I can reuse the output from my API calls and transform them into another database type?
You have to index the items yourself in some manner, for example, via external counting:
Observable.defer(() -> {
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
return DatabaseController.fetchTable_Bs()
.flatMapIterable(b -> b)
.doOnNext(item -> {
if (counter.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
// this is the very first item
} else {
// these are the subsequent items
The defer is necessary to isolate the counter to the inner sequence so that repetition still works if necessary.

IEventBroker subscription handles the same event more than once and handles incorrectly

I am bootstrapping the IEventBroker in a compat-layer Eclipse RCP app.
I have two views: Triggerer and Receiver.
Triggerer (excerpts):
private IEventBroker eventBroker = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(IEventBroker.class);
btn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
IStructuredSelection selection = viewer.getStructuredSelection();
List selectionList = selection.toList();
for (Object s : selectionList) {
if (s instanceof MyObject) {
eventBroker.send(MyEventConstants.TOPIC_OBJECT_CHANGED, matches);
Receiver (excerpts):
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
Object data = event.getProperty(EVENT_DATA);
switch (event.getTopic()) {
case MyEventConstants.TOPIC_OBJECT_CHANGED:
try {
if (data instanceof ArrayList) {
List<MyObject> matches = null;
try {
matches = (List<MyObject>) data;
catch (ClassCastException e) {
Subthing sub = buildSubthing(matches);
buildSubthing does stuff with the respective received data, and sets it to the contents of a GEF4 editor.
In some cases this works just fine, in some it doesn't.
handleEvent() is triggered more than once, although the event hashCode is always the same, and I don't understand why. The topic is the same and the data is also the same. However, buildSubthing just stalls for no apprent reason with some data while it doesn't for other. The data is structurally the same in both cases.
How can I control how often handleEvent is called, as I think the number of times it's called is the reason while the Subthing is sometimes not correctly constructed?

RxJava Single.concat

I have the following code:
.subscribe(new Action1<List<Category>>()
public void call(final List<Category> categories)
.subscribe(new Action1<List<Unit>>()
public void call(List<Unit> units)
view.showAddProductDialog(units, categories);
I have this ugly nesting. How can I fix it.
I tried something like this:
Single.concat(model.getCategories(), model.getUnits())
.subscribe(new Action1<List<? extends Object>>()
public void call(List<? extends Object> objects)
// do something
But the problem is that I cannot determinate whether it is List<Category> or List<Unit> comes.
Is there a way to use concat and detect what kind of stream comes (List<Category> or List<Unit> or something else) ?
Also I need to detect that all observers are completed to perform another action.
Thanks in advice.
(a, b) -> Pair.of(a, b)
pair -> view.showAddProductDialog(pair.first, pair.second),
error -> showError(error.toString())
where Pair can be any tuple implementation, i.e., this.

compose with vertx for sequential code

I have two operations step_1() and step_2() and want to execute step_2() AFTER step_1().
With normal java this would be:
With vertx I have to use vertx-compose(). Am I right?
According to!topic/vertx/FuvlPLpoGOA, I dont need Futures for sequential code.
"If you want to do each request sequencially you dont need futures."
So how can I do that without using futures?
I dont know, if this matters: My Vertx from which this code is executed is a "Worker"-Verticle.
public void start(Future<Void> fut) throws IOException {
Future<Void> step_1 = Future.future();
step_1.compose(res -> {
// If the future succeeded
Future<Void> step_2 = step_1();
step_2.compose(res2 -> {
}, Future.future().setHandler(handler -> {
// If the future failed
//I dont need that
}, Future.future().setHandler(handler -> {
// If the future failed
public void step_1(){
public void step_2(){
Is this the right and shortest (!) way?
Below is an example of chaining of Future, I have made the example very trivial nonetheless it showcases the concept.
public class Chaining {
private Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
public void futures_chaining(TestContext context) throws Exception {
Async async = context.async();
.compose((outcome) -> {
return secondOperation();
.compose(outcome -> {
For stopping unit test we are returning this future
for production use-case this would be Future.succeededFuture
or Future.failedFuture depending on your method outcomes
return Future.future(handle -> async.complete());
private Future<String> firstOperation() {
Future<String> future = Future.future();
vertx.setTimer(1000, delay -> future.complete("First Operation Complete"));
return future;
private Future<String> secondOperation() {
Future<String> future = Future.future();
vertx.setTimer(1000, delay -> future.complete("Second Operation Complete"));
return future;
"If you want to do each request sequencially you dont need futures."
No, it's not. In asynchronous frameworks like Vert.x, input/output operations are non-blocking. It means, that if you call few asynchronous operations, they'll start working simultaneously. And if you want to do few requests sequentially, then you should use futures or callbacks to execute new request only after previous one finished successfully.
Check this code with futures, newer version with RxJava 2 and article about project.
public Future<Optional<Todo>> getCertain(String todoID) {
Future<Optional<Todo>> result = Future.future();
redis.hget(Constants.REDIS_TODO_KEY, todoID, res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
res.result() == null ? null : new Todo(res.result())));
} else;
return result;
public Future<Todo> update(String todoId, Todo newTodo) {
return this.getCertain(todoId).compose(old -> {
if (old.isPresent()) {
Todo fnTodo = old.get().merge(newTodo);
return this.insert(fnTodo)
.map(r -> r ? fnTodo : null);
} else {
return Future.succeededFuture();
RxJava exists specifically to compose async events:
Assuming both step_1() and step_1() aren't designed to return results (i.e. they effectively return void) then you could change them to return Observable or Single and chain them together similar to this:
step_1().doOnSuccess(this::step_2()).subscribe(/* control resumes here */);
RxJava (or rather, reactive programming in general) takes a little bit to wrap your head around it, but I would strongly recommend using it if you're planning to chain together async operations.
Pass step_2 as argument to step_1
public void start(Future<Void> fut) throws IOException {
private void step_1(Runnable function){
someAsynccall("some-arg", response -> {;
private void step_2(){
// do something

When is it necessary to check if a subscriber is subscribed prior to calling onNext() and onError()?

Consider the following example, it creates an Observable that wraps another API that produces Widgets
public Observable<Widget> createWidgetObservable() {
return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<Widget>() {
public void call(final Subscriber<? super Widget> subscriber) {
WidgetCreator widgetCreator = new WidgetCreator();
widgetCreator.setWidgetCreatorObserver(new WidgetCreator.WidgetCreatorObserver() {
public void onWidgetCreated(Widget widget) {
if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
public void onWidgetError(Throwable e) {
if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
Are the subscriber.isUnsubscribed() checks necessary prior to calling subscriber.onNext() and subscriber.onError()?
If so, are the checks always necessary or does it depend on the composition / subscriber that's using the observable?
Is it best practice to include the checks?
You can use them to narrow the window between an emission and an unsubscription but if you don't have loops, it is unnecessary most of the time. The more important thing is that if an unsubscription happen, you'd have to "unset" the WidgetCreatorObserver otherwise it will keep receiving and dropping data and keeping alive every reference it may hold.
WidgetCreator widgetCreator = new WidgetCreator();
WidgetCreator.WidgetCreatorObserver wo = new WidgetCreator.WidgetCreatorObserver() {
public void onWidgetCreated(Widget widget) {
if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
public void onWidgetError(Throwable e) {
if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
wo.add(Subscriptions.create(() -> widgetCreator.removeWidgetCreatorObserver(wo)));