Scriptable Object as a custom version of sprite - unity3d

I have made a scriptable object which has a one property a public sprite. I want to have one version of sprite added everywhere I want.
With the possibility that if I ever want to change it I will just pin another sprite to scriptable object and in every place where it is pinned the sprite will change.
Is there any way to walk thought this problem or any other idea to make one object where I will store one Sprite and pin it to multiple objects.
Finally is this concept possible in Unity?
I have already thought about:
Deriving prom Sprite Renderer but the class is sealed, so i cannot make my own version of it this way
Creating my own custom version of Sprite Render cause if an any update come I would have to make yet again another version.

I think you can use prefabs to achieve the same thing as you need:
You can create prefab by dragging and object to your assets.(Your prefab will be just an object with transform and e.g. Sprite Renderer)
After creating prefab you can copy it as many times as you want.
Than when you decide to change the sprite just simply go to your prefab and edit sprite there. Now every instance of your prefab will have sprite changed.

It is possible with C# events. First, make your ScriptableObject call event whenever sprite is set. Allow Sprite to be set only using property (or method), so that you could track the change, like this:
public sealed class SpriteObject : ScriptableObject
public event Action SpriteChanged;
private Sprite _sprite;
public Sprite Sprite
get { return _sprite; }
if(_sprite == value)
_sprite = value;
Then, you need script, that will react to changed and assign the changed sprite to SpriteRenderer. So, something like this:
NOTE: name is purely for example. Do NOT name your classes like this!
public class ScriptThatUsedSpriteObject : MonoBehaviour
public SpriteObject spriteObject;
private SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
/// Called once the script is created.
private void Awake()
spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
if(spriteObject != null)
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteObject.Sprite;
spriteObject.SpriteChanged += HandleSpriteChanged;
/// Called whenever sprite is changed inside SpriteObject.
private void HandleSpriteChanged()
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteObject.Sprite;
Now, if some script changes sprite in SpriteObject, every ScriptThatUsedSpriteObject will automatically update their sprites.

public class PublicSprite : MonoBehaviour {
public Sprite publicSprite;
#region Singelton
public static PublicSprite instance;
private void Awake()
if (instance != null)
Debug.LogWarning("More than one instance found");
instance = this;
get the sprite like this:
as Mentioned here, you probably want to use a Singelton. It is best to avoid the use of them only if its necessary as its a very bad programming practice. (you can learn more on why to avoid them here: What is so bad about singletons?
However, I can't think of another way of doing what you seek for.


Why the component automatically was removed on collision event of the Unity?

My English skill is poor I'm not a native English speaker.
Please understand.
I want to make the logic that detecting collision
For that, I make a character class. The Character class inherits the MonoBehaviour of the Unity system and has a feature as below.
The class has the container to put the skill was collided with own.
The class has the coroutine to show the status of the container. This coroutine starts when the Character class starts.
The class overrides OnTriggerEnter2D function of the Unity system. In this function, the skill that collides with own is added to the container.
I made the above feature as below code.
public class Character : MonoBehaviour
private ConcurrentDictionary<Skill, float> _skills = new ConcurrentDictionary<Skill, float>();
protected virtual void Start()
private IEnumerator Check()
float delayTime = 0.1f;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayTime);
foreach (var skill in _skills.Keys.ToList())
Debug.Log($"_skills: {skill}");
goto First;
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
if(collision.gameObject.tag != "cold_wind") return;
var skill = collision.GetComponent<Skill>();
_skills.TryAdd(skill, 100);
And I added BoxCollider2D component to the prefab that to add the above Character class.
After then I made the Skill class. I omit the Skill class because the Skill class doesn't have a feature yet. I added BoxCollider2D and RigidBody2D components to the prefab that to add the Skill class.
Finally I checked the Simulated function of the RigidBody2D to receive a collision event.
The program executes as the below sequence.
The skill is generated for 3 seconds and it collides with the character.
OnTriggerEnter2D function of the Character was called and skill that collided was added to the container. (Concurrent<Skill, float>)
The Check coroutine shows the skill be included in the container.
Here, I have the problem. Logically I think the Skill class included in the container must not be removed automatically.
But after 3 seconds (the skill effect appears for 3 seconds) if the skill effect disappears then the Skill class included in the container was removed. At the result Check coroutine shows null as below.
Could someone tell me what I did wrong?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks for reading.
Most likely everything you are doing is working as intended. The one mistake would be unexpected behavior with TryAdd, where the value added can be null.
Inside of your OnTriggerEnter2D function, add a check to determine what you collided with to only check for spells. The easiest way to do this is check the tag of the object. For all of your spells, add a tag that you can check against, then change your collision code to look something like
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
if(collision.gameObject.tag == "SpellTagHere")
// the issue is this line can result in NULL if another object collides with your player
var skill = collision.GetComponent<Skill>();
// meaning a null is added here
_skills.TryAdd(skill, 100);

Mark position of spawnpoints in editor

I am creating a digital boardgame, which consits of muliple boards, between which the gamepieces are moved by the players.
The script of the game board needs a 2D array of positions to know where to move a gamepiece when it recives one.
Currently to mark the positions on the game boards, I added placeholder gameobjects to the prefab and named them "spawnpoint\d".In the Awake() method I use Transform.Find() to search for those gameobjects. Then, after I save their positions I call Destroy() on them, so they do not show up in the game.
I see two problems:
This is done for all Instantiated game board, altough the positions are the same on all of them.
I read that using Transform.Find() is heavily discourged by the experts in the community.
I wish to store the spawnpoint positions in a static array, so all instances refer to the same data. Furthermore I wish to easily modify these positions in the editor with visual help.
I tried serializing static members, but those do not show up in the editor to be able to modify.
public static int TestNumber;
How to make static members visually changeable from the Unity editor?
tl;dr you can't, static fields are not serialized.
You can do e.g.
[SerializeField] private Transform[] spawnPoints;
public static Transform[] SpawnPoints;
private void Awake ()
SpawnPoints = spawnPoints;
In general I would suggest rather using something like this:
// Simply attach this class to each GameObject that shall be a spawn point
public class SpawnPoint : MonoBehaviour
// Each SpawnPoint (un)registers itself here
private static readonly HasSet<SpawnPoint> _instances = new HashSet<SpawnPoint>();
// For the public return a new HashSet to make sure nobody can modify the
// original _instances from the outside
public static HashSet<SpawnPoint>() Instances => new HashSet<SpawnPoint>(_instancea);
private void Awake()
// Register yourself to the existing instances
// Optional: make sure this object is not destroyed when a new scene is loaded
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
// simply hide the entire gameObject
private void Destroy ()
// Unregister yourself from the instances
This way
each spawn point Auto-Registers itself to the Instances so you don't even need to serialize this via the Inspector -> you also can't forget any
the spawn points don't get Destroyed when a new scene is loaded (if you use the DontDestroyOnLoad - otherwise they are destroyed and auto-removed from the instances)
you disable the objects (though actually if they have nothing attached except this script it wouldn't matter anyway)
you can easily access all the spawn points without using expensive stuff like Find or FindObjectsOfType but rather simply via the property
var availableSpawnPoints = SpawnPoint.Instances;

Children collider not getting called

I'm working in a pickup system in my game. I've a component called AbstractSightCollider that has a sphere collider and some AbstractPickupableObject that are the objects meant to be picked up.
AbstractSightCollider is attached to the main character, but could be attached to any alive entity or anything that is able to contain inventory objects.
The way i designed it, it's that when AbstractSightCollider detects an object, it fires an UnityEvent called PickupDetected and when the player leaves the range of pickup, it call an UnityEvent called PickupLeave
The problem
I can't make OnCollisionEnter and OnCollisionExit trigger.
Some code
This is attached to AbstractSightCollider
public class AbstractObjectSight : MonoBehaviour
public OnPickupableDetected pickupDetected;
public OnPickupableLeave pickupLeave;
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) {
GameObject gameObject = col.gameObject;
AbstractPickupableObject abstractPickupableObject =
if (abstractPickupableObject != null) {
private void OnCollisionExit(Collision col) {
GameObject gameObject = col.gameObject;
AbstractPickupableObject abstractInventoryObject =
if (abstractInventoryObject != null) {
public class OnPickupableDetected : UnityEvent<AbstractPickupableObject> { }
public class OnPickupableLeave : UnityEvent<AbstractPickupableObject> { }
And here are the properties:
Thanks for your time
Make sure both objects (the one with the script and the one that will cause the trigger) have colliders and rigidbodys, I find if one doesn't have those the triggers and collisions will not work.
I just found out the problem.
OnCollisionEnter and OnCollisionExit aren't the events that i needed to listen, because they work with rigidbody. My AbstractSight is that, a non body abstract sphere where the entities are allowed to grab items.
Instead, i used OnTriggerEnter, OnTriggerExit and now it works like a charm.
Rigid body on the parent object means the collider will work on ANY child component but the rigid body MUST be on the parent object.
MyProjectile has a rigid body and a collider - set isTrigger = true
MyEnemy parent object just holds scripts
MyEnemy childObject holds the enemy prefab including its collider,
Everything is set to isKinematic = true, with no gravity.
Everything works fine.

How to create game-wide object in Unity3d without singleton?

Is there a way in Unity3d framework to register an object that would be accessible to all entities in all scenes in the game without resorting to singleton pattern (like a game state object)?
You could take the following approach:
In the scene where the GameObject is created, in a MonoBehavior script attached to the GameObject:
Name the GameObject with "name = ..." in Awake() (or in the Editor)
Example: = "FindMeInEveryScene";
Call "DontDestroyOnLoad" on the GameObject in Awake()
Example: DontDestroyOnLoad( myObject );
In the same scene and in subsequent scenes, in MonoBehavior scripts attached to other GameObjects.
Find the object with GameObject.Find(...) in Start()
Example: globalGameObject = GameObject.Find( "FindMeInEveryScene" );
This will allow you to access the GameObject named "FindMeInEveryScene" without a singleton.
To pull it all together...
// Attached to the GameObject that needs to be accessd by any other
// GameObjects and needs to survive between loading scenes
public class GlobalGameObject : MonoBehaviour
static bool gameObjectInitialized = false;
void Awake()
if ( !gameObjectInitialized )
{ = "FindMeInEveryScene";
DontDestroyOnLoad( gameObject );
gameObjectInitialized = true;
// Attached to GameObjects that need access to the GlobalGameObject
public class UsingGameObject : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject globalGameObject = null;
void Start()
globalGameObject = GameObject.Find( "FindMeInEveryScene" );
You could possibly do it using events but it isn't really the optimal way to use events. I'm intrigued to know why a singleton pattern doesn't work for you as this is pretty much their main purpose.
If you aren't going to do this with a static or a singleton, I don't see any point in you using any kind of game state object in your system design. It would do the same thing, but slower (avoid GameObject.Find at all costs). It would lack the guaaranteed uniqueness of the singleton and the easy reference provided by both. I don't understand what tradeoffs you mean but I'll assume they're sound to try and answer your question.
Doing this without a central game state object is going to require a more decentralized solution. Tasks that would be performed by a static game manager are now controlled by the individual objects themselves and notified by other objects.
The beauty of this method is that objects don't need to know about eachother at all. They just need to listen for events and notify the system that an event has occured. I really can't think of another alternative. Hope this helps. Best of Luck!

Unity 2D: Simple Cutscene animation system/manager

I am struggeling to come up with a smart way to deal with cutscenes in my 2D game. I think I have decided to Create/Control the cutscenes using the Animator, and moving the actual GameObjects around.
What I am struggeling with is:
This approach means each GameObject needs it's own Animator. So how do I then trigger the correct Cutscene? I am going to use game stages to control the game and its progress, so for example:
if(gameStage == 34 && entering scene castle)
How and where do I keep references to all my cutscenes? Say I have 22 NPCs in a scene, and 15 of those have their own Animator since they have a cutscene, how do I play the Animation from NPC_11?
I guess what I am looking for is some sort of "Cutscene Manager". The best possible solution would be to have a List of every cutscene (animation) with an ID. Then I could just use the ID to play the correct animation. But since each Animation is stored in the actual GameObject I have no idea if that is possible.
Hope Im making sense.
Once you create complete prefab with 1 Animator per prefab, then you can use bellow method to create instances on the fly:
Let say you have CutsceneManager script like this:
class CutsceneManager : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject InstantiateResource(string folder, string name)
GameObject resource = Instantiate<GameObject>(Resources.Load<GameObject>(folder + "/" + name));
if (resource == null)
Debug.LogErrorFormat("Cannot find resource {0} in {1}", name, folder);
return null;
} = name;
return resource;
The easiest way to use it is to attach it to Empty object. Then you can create public variable for manager in other scripts, where you would need to show cutscene, like this:
class SomeOtherScript : MonoBehaviour {
public CutsceneManager CutsceneManager;
This will let you drag&drop CutsceneManager empty into each script where you need it. This way you have 1 instance of cutscenemanager for all classes.
Now, in place where you would need to play custscene, you instantiate:
class SomeOtherScript : MonoBehaviour {
public CutsceneManager CutsceneManager;
public void PlayMyCutscene() {
GameObject cutscene = CutsceneManager.InstantiateResource("Cutscenes", "SomeOtherCutscene");
cutscene.setActive(true); // Or whetever other method to fire it off
On folder structure you would need to have: Assets\Resources\Cutscenes
Cutscenes would be called: SomeOtherCutscene.prefab
Notice there is no need to include .prefab when you are instantiating one - Unity framework will "know" and add it for you.