Do logical or physical deletes perform better in Spanner? - database-performance

Based on the example below, which of the following deletion strategies is recommended in Spanner?
SingerId INT64 NOT NULL,
FirstName STRING(1024),
LastName STRING(1024),
SingerInfo BYTES(MAX),
BirthDate DATE,
Status STRING(1024)
) PRIMARY KEY(SingerId);
Logical Delete
Status field = 'DELETED'
Status field = null
Phyiscal Delete
Singer record deleted from the table
From my understanding of the way Spanner works, logically deleted records will need to be shifted to the end of the scan so that the relevant data is read first and it's not needlessly scanning through deleted records.
Physically deleted records would cause Spanner to have to re-index or split the data.
I'm not sure which is preferred, or if my understanding of data modification in Spanner is truly correct.

Going with Physical deletion is preferred over logical, since you'll have less date to scan in the end, and you can try to avoid full scans in this way, as this is more time consuming.
As for the splits, it's true that with less splits, the reads are faster, but they are created when you add more rows, so, I would go with Physical.


Spark Delta Table Updates

I am working in Microsoft Azure Databricks environment using sparksql and pyspark.
So I have a delta table on a lake where data is partitioned by say, file_date. Every partition contains files storing millions of records per day with no primary/unique key. All these records have a "status" column which can either contain values NULL (if everything looks good on that specific record) or Not null (say if a particular lookup mapping for a particular column is not found). Additionally, my process contains another folder called "mapping" which gets refreshed on a periodic basis, lets say nightly to make it simple, from where mappings are found.
On a daily basis, there is a good chance that about 100~200 rows get errored out (status column containing not null values). From these files, on a daily basis, (hence is the partition by file_date) , a downstream job pulls all the valid records and sends it for further processing ignoring those 100-200 errored records, waiting for the correct mapping file to be received. The downstream job, in addition to the valid status records, should also try and see if a mapping is found for the errored records and if present, take it down further as well (after of course, updating the data lake with the appropriate mapping and status).
What is the best way to go? The best way is to directly first update the delta table/lake with the correct mapping and update the status column to say "available_for_reprocessing" and my downstream job, pull the valid data for the day + pull the "available_for_reprocessing" data and after processing, update back with the status as "processed". But this seems to be super difficult using delta.
I was looking at "" and the update example there is just giving an example for a simple update with constants to update, not for updates from multiple tables.
The other but the most inefficient is, say pull ALL the data (both processed and errored) for the last say 30 days , get the mapping for the errored records and write the dataframe back into the delta lake using the replaceWhere option. This is super inefficient as we are reading everything (hunderds of millions of records) and writing everything back just to process say a 1000 records at the most. If you search for deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, "/data/events/") at "", the example provided is for very simple updates. Without a unique key, it is impossible to update specific records as well. Can someone please help?
I use pyspark or can use sparksql but I am lost
If you want to update 1 column ('status') on the condition that all lookups are now correct for rows where they weren't correct before (where 'status' is currently incorrect), I think UPDATE command along with EXISTS can help you solve this. It isn't mentioned in the update documentation, but it works both for delete and update operations, effectively allowing you to update/delete records on joins.
For your scenario I believe the sql command would look something like this:
UPDATE your_db.table_name AS a
SET staus = 'correct'
FROM your_db.table_name AS b
JOIN lookup_table_1 AS t1 ON t1.lookup_column_a = b.lookup_column_a
JOIN lookup_table_2 AS t2 ON t2.lookup_column_b = b.lookup_column_b
-- ... add further lookups if needed
b.staus = 'incorrect' AND
a.lookup_column_a = b.lookup_column_a AND
a.lookup_column_b = b.lookup_column_b
Merge did the trick...
MERGE INTO deptdelta AS maindept
USING updated_dept_location AS upddept
ON upddept.dno = maindept.dno
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET maindept.dname = upddept.updated_name, maindept.location = upddept.updated_location

Optimal approach for large bulk updates to indexed bit sets

The environment for this question is PostgreSQL 9.6.5 on AWS RDS.
The question is about an optimal schema design and batch update strategy for a table with 300 million rows containing the following logical data model:
id: primary key, string up to 40 characters long
code: integer 1-999
year: integer year
flags: variable number (1000+) each associated with a name, new flags added over time. Ideally, a flag should be thought of as having three values: absent (null), on (true/1) and off (false/0). It is possible, at the cost of additional updates (see below), to treat a flag as a simple bit (on or off, no absent). "On" values are typically very sparse: < 1/1000.
Queries typically involve boolean expressions on the presence or absence of one or more flags (by name) with code and year occasionally involved also.
The data is updated in batch via Apache Spark, i.e., updates can be represented as flat file(s), e.g., in COPY format, or as SQL operations. Only one update is active at any one time. Updates to code and year are very infrequent. Updates to flags affect 1-5% of rows per update (3-15 million rows). It is possible for the update rows to include all flags and their values, just the "on" flags to be updated or just the flags whose values have changed. In the former case, Spark would need to query the data to get the current values of flags.
There will be a small read load during updates.
The question is about an optimal schema and associated update strategy to support the query & updates as described.
Some comments from research so far:
Using 1,000+ boolean columns would create a very efficient row representation but, in addition to some DDL complexity, would require 1,000+ indexes.
Bit strings would be great if there was a way to index individual bits. Also, they do not offer a good way to represent absent flags. Using this approach would require maintaining a lookup table between flag names and bit IDs. Merging updates, if needed, works with ||, though, given PostgreSQL's MVCC there doesn't seem to be much benefit to updating just flags as opposed to replacing an entire row.
JSONB fields offer indexing. They also offer null representation but that comes at a cost: all flags that are "off" would need to be explicitly set, which would make the fields quite large. If we ignore null representation, JSONB fields would be relatively small. To further shrink them, we could use short 1-3 character field names with a lookup table. Same comments re: merging as with bit strings.
tsvector/tsquery: have no experience with this data type but, in theory, seems to be an exact representation of a set of "on" flags by name. Must use a lookup table mapping flag names to tokens with the additional requirement to ensure there are no collisions due to stemming.
Don't store the flags in the main table.
Assuming that the main table is called data, define something like the following:
CREATE TABLE flag_names (
id smallint PRIMARY KEY,
name text NOT NULL
flagname_id smallint NOT NULL REFERENCES flag_names(id),
data_id text NOT NULL REFERENCES data(id),
value boolean NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (flagname_id, data_id)
If a new flag is created, insert a new row in flag_names.
If a flag is set to TRUE or FALSE, insert or update a row in the flag table.
Join flag with data to test if a certain flag is set.

Redshift table design for efficiency

I have a redshift cluster with a single dc1.large node. I've got data writing into it, on order of 50 million records a day, in the format of a timestamp, a user ID and an item ID. The item ID (varchar) is unique, the user ID (varchar) is not, and the timestamp (timestamp) is not.
In my redshift DB of about 110m records, if I have a table with no sort key, it takes about 30 seconds to search for a single item ID.
If I have a table with a sort key on item ID, I get a single item ID search time of about 14-16 seconds.
If I have a table with an interleved sort key with all three columns, the single item ID search time is still 14-16 seconds.
What I'm hoping to achieve is the ability to query for the records of thousands or tens of thousands of item IDs on order of a second.
The query just looks like
select count(*) from rs_table where itemid = 'id123';
select count(*) from rs_table where itemid in ('id123','id124','id125');
This query comes back in 541ms
select count(*) from rs_table;
AWS documentation suggests that there is a compile time for queries the first time they're run, but I don't think that's what I'm seeing (and it would be not ideal if it was, since each unique set of 10,000 IDs might never be queried in exactly the same order again.
I have to assume I'm doing something wrong with either the sort key design, the query, or some combination of the two - for only ~10g of table space, something like redshift shouldn't take this long to query, right?
We probably need a few additional pieces of information to give you a good recommendation.
Here are some things to start thinking about.
Are most of your queries record lookups as you describe above?
What is your distribution key?
Do you join this table with other large fact tables?
If you load 50M records per day and you only have 110M records in the
table, does that mean that you only store 2 days?
Do you do massive deletes and then load another 50M records per day?
Do you run ANALYZE after your loads?
If you deleted a large number of records, did you run VACUUM?
If all of your queries are similar to the ones that you describe, why are you using Redshift? Amazon DynamoDB or MongoDB (even Cassandra) would be great database choices for the types of queries that you describe.
If you run analytical workloads Redshift is an excellent platform. If you are more interested in "record lookups" the NoSQL options, as well as mysql or MariaDB might give you better performance.
Also, if this is a dev/test environment and you have loaded and deleted large amounts of data without ever running a VACUUM you would see significant performance degradation.

H2: Insert is slow because of index on column

I am using the h2 database to store data.
Each record has to be unique in the database (unique in the sense that the combination of timestamp, name, message,.. doesn't appear twice in the table). Therefore one column in the table is the hash of the data in the record. To speed up searching if the record already exists I created an index on the hash column. Indeed searching for a record with given hash is very fast.
But here is the problem: While in the beginning insertion of 10k records is fast enough (takes about a second), it gets awefully slow when having already one million records in the database (takes a minute). This probably because the new hashes need to be integrated into the existing index b-tree.
Is there any way to speed this up or is there a better way to ensure uniqueness of data records in the table?
Edit: To be more concrete:
Let's say my records are transactions which have the following fields:
time stamp, type, sender recipient, amount, message
A transaction should only appear once in the table so before inserting a new transaction I have to check if the transaction is already in the table. Since the sha 256 hash of all fields is unique my idea was to add a column 'hash' to the table where the hash of the fields is put in. Before inserting a new record I calculate the hash of the fields and query the table for the hash.
Index has its own over head. If you have a table where you will be having lots of insertions, I would suggest to avoid indexing on it as it has over-head of hash.
May I know what do you mean by --> one column in the table is the hash of the data in the record??
You can create a unique key constraint (here it will be the composite key of all those 3 mentioned columns), Let me know the requirements, may be we can give you a better solution of doing it in a simpler way :)
Man, this is probably not a good way to query all the records, check them for duplicates and then insert the new row :). As soon as you move ahead, the overhead will increase as the number of the records increase.
Create a unique key constraint (check ) on the combination of these field, you don't need to compute the hash, database will handle the hash thing. Just try to add the duplicate record, you will get the exception, catch the exception and show the error message as duplicate insertion..
Once you create the unique index, it won't allow you to insert any duplicate records. It is pretty secure and safe.
Indexing randomly distributed data is bad for performance. Once there are more entries in the index than fit in the cache, then updating the index will get very slow, specially when using a hard disk. This is because seeks on a hard disk are very slow. This, in combination with the random distribution of the data, will lead to very bad performance. With solid state disks it's a bit better, because random access reads are faster there.

Efficient way of insert millions of rows, convert data and deal with it, on PostgreSQL+PostGIS

I have a big collection of data I want to use for user search later.
Currently I have 200 millions resources (~50GB). For each, I have latitude+longitude. The goal is to create spatial index to be able to do spatial queries on it.
So for that, the plan is to use PostgreSQL + PostGIS.
My data are on CSV file. I tried to use custom function to not insert duplicates, but after days of processing I gave up. I found a way to load it fast in the database: with COPY it takes less than 2 hours.
Then, I need to convert latitude+longitude on Geometry format. For that I just need to do:
ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(longi::double precision,lat::double precision),4326))
After some checking, I saw that for 200 millions, I have 50 millions points. So, I think the best way is to have a table "TABLE_POINTS" that will store all the points, and a table "TABLE_RESOURCES" that will store resources with point_key.
So I need to fill "TABLE_POINTS" and "TABLE_RESOURCES" from temporary table "TABLE_TEMP" and not keeping duplicates.
For "POINTS" I did:
SELECT DISTINCT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(longi::double precision,lat::double precision),4326))
I don't remember how much time it took, but I think it was matter of hours.
Then, to fill "RESOURCES", I tried:
SELECT DISTINCT ...,point_key
WHERE ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(longi::double precision,lat::double precision),4326) = point;
but again take days, and there is no way to see how far the query is ...
Also something important, the number of resources will continue to grow up, currently should be like 100K added by day, so storage should be optimized to keep fast access to data.
So if you have any idea for the loading or the optimization of the storage you are welcome.
Look into optimizing postgres first (ie google postgres unlogged, wal and fsync options), second do you really need points to be unique? Maybe just have one table with resources and points combined and not worry about duplicate points as it seems your duplicate lookup maybe whats slow.
For DISTINCT to work efficiently, you'll need a database index on those columns for which you want to eliminate duplicates (e.g. on the latitude/longitude columns, or even on the set of all columns).
So first insert all data into your temp table, then CREATE INDEX (this is usually faster that creating the index beforehand, as maintaining it during insertion is costly), and only afterwards do the INSERT INTO ... SELECT DISTINCT.
An EXPLAIN <your query> can tell you whether the SELECT DISTINCT now uses the index.