Getting records through parentID from CategoryCollection in Typo3 - typo3

I am using CategoryCollection to get the records of a specific category ID, but the problem is it only loads the exact category for e.g I have parent > child and I have attached child category ID to a record and I select child category, then it shows me the record fine, but if I select parentID, then it does not show the child category record.
$collection = \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Category\Collection\CategoryCollection::load(
Is there any built-in way to get the records of all child category if I select parent ID from CategoryCollectionor do I have to write something custom for that?

Unfortunately there is no built-in solution for complex selections like this. You will indeed need to write your own logic which could work like this:
Find categories whose parent is your category
Repeat this recursively for every category found until you don't find any children for each category anymore
Do a custom IN() query with the list of category UIDs
If you have deep category trees, the list of category UIDs could be put in a custom cache. You can use the root category UID or a hash thereof as key. These cache entries should be tagged with sys_category. Alternatively you can add a sys_category_<uid> tag for every category UID in your list. This ensures that whenever something changes about one of the categories, the cache entries are dropped and you can rebuild the list.


Finding code for laravel category subcategories task

Create Category Module with Parent and subcategory. Both Category handle in same table. Table name should be category_master with fields id, cat_parent_id, cat_title, cat_status, created-at, updated_at. Than after get all parent category with subcategory in frontend give checkbox the all category. max 3 parent category should be checkable at a time
I want code of this task.

How to frappe.get_all() with child table fields?

I have a "Parcel" Doctype
Which have a “Parcel Content” Doctype as a child table.
If i do:
frappe.get_doc('Parcel', 'NAME')
I get the object with the child table in it, it works for a single object.
But i need to get multiple objects with his child table fields.
So i can't render a custom jinja template.
frappe.get_all('Parcel', fields=['fields_of_parent', 'content'], filters=[])
So this will get me the filtered objects with the child table.
You have to query on the child table:
frappe.get_all("Parcel Content",
filters = dict(parent=parcel_name),
fields = [fields of child table])`
Use list comprehension:
[frappe.get_doc("Parcel", for item in frappe.get_all("Parcel")]
This will return all doctypes with their respective child table items. Not even need to query based on child table name.

Entity Framework - best practice to get count

I have a Customer table and another Orders table. Each Customer can have many orders (One to many relationship).
I want to get a Customer object and from it get how many orders he has (the actual order data is not relevant at this point). So as I see it I have 2 options:
create a view with another OrdersCount field - and that will be another object in my system.
in my app, when I need the count get the Customer.Orders.Count - but for my understanding that will cause an extra query to run and pull all the orders from the database to that collection.
Is there a correct way to do such thing?
You do need a new type, but you don't need to recreate all relevant properties.
from c in context.Customers
// where ...
select new {
Customer = c,
OrderCount = c.Orders.Count()
Update code that looks for e.g. the Name property of an item in the result, to look for Customer.Name.

Symfony2: Collection of dropdown select lists for a many-to-many relationship

The objective:
Having a many-to-many relation be displayed as a dynamic list of select inputs(single choice dropdown list)
User arrives on page with a single select field (multiple = false) populated with persisted entities and add/remove buttons. By clicking the add button, a new select field with the same options appears below the first, which adds a new entry in the M2M relation. By clicking remove the field disappears and the entry should be removed.
The model:
Two entities: User & Manager. A User has exactly one "special" Manager and unlimited normal Managers.
Managers manage unlimited users.To model this I have created two relationships for which the user is the "owner" (not sure how to translate this)
ManyToOne specialManager
ManyToMany normalManagers
I haven't created a many to many relationship with attribute "special" because the requirement is exactly one special manager and I wasn't sure if Symfony/Doctrine would cause problems down the line.
What I have:
I can display a multiple select field with the existing entities using Entity field type, as per the documentation. Functionally this is what I need, visually it is not.
I can also use the Collection field type to display a single text field, and add or remove more with JS, as per the documentation. Visually this is what I need, but The text fields (entity attribute) need to be replaced by choice field.
The question:
Before I continue digging, is there a simple way to achieve this list of select tags?
For anyone else who may eventually need a dynamic list of select fields:
I initially solved this issue by detaching the field(s) in event listeners, and handling the display/submission manually in the controller.
However I wasn't satisfied with this clunky solution and when I encountered the same need I used a second solution: creating an intermediary entity xxxChoice (in this case ManagerChoice) which is Mto1 inversed related to User and Mto1 related to Manager. Then by creating a ManagerChoiceType form with "Manager" entity field type I was able to easily display my collection of dropdown select lists.

Core Data - Associate a Quantity to a Relationship

I have a Core Data entity called "Item" and it represents an item in a store so it has a name, price, and a few other attributes.
I would like to be able to create lists of these items and I am having some trouble figuring out how to do it.
The problem is that I need to be able to associate a quantity for each item in the list AND I need to be able to add the item to multiple lists.
So for example, say I have an item called "Bread" and I want to add it to two different lists with different quantities associated with each relationship.
I see that the documentation for Core Data says that a userInfo dictionary can be associated with a relationship but I can't seem to locate any information that would indicate whether or not that would work for me.
Any ideas?
This is probably not the best place for a userInfo dictionary. Instead, create a new entity, which has a list releationship, an item relationship, and a quantity attribute. When you add Bread to a list, you actually add this 'link' object, and hook up the Item and List relationships, then set its quantity.