Get Unique rows in SELECT query using JPA in POSTGRESQL - postgresql

I am working in a Spring batch application in Spring boot which will be running in two different instances, where I have a scenario in which I have to retrieve unique rows from a table. By unique I mean, one row per instance. For example,
id language
1 java
2 python
if I have two rows and when I call a SELECT query with limit one, For first instance I should get id 1 and for second instance id 2 should be returned. So far I have tried using JPA Lock #Lock(value = LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE) This doesn't work. Each time I get the same row. I have also tried using JdbcTemplate with SELECT * FROM some_table LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED. This is also not working. My postgres version is 10.3 . Is there a way to achieve this.
Number of instances of my application might grow in the future. So I want to handle this as well.
Thanks in advance.

You want each instance to process a different partition of your table. In this case, I would recommend using a partitioned step.
For example, you can partition the table by even/odd IDs, and make each instance process a partition. This is IMO better than locking the table and using LIMIT 1 to force each instance read one row (This won't work as you mentioned and even if it works, it would be very poor in terms of performance).
You can find a sample job of how to partition a table here: along with the corresponding partitioner here:


Can I configure a table such that inserted rows always have a greater primary key

I would like to configure a table in Postgres to behave like an append only log. This table will have an automatically generated primary ID.
Workers will work on the items in the table in order and should only need to store the last row ID that they have completed.
How can i prevent rows being written to the table (perhaps by some transactions taking longer than others) where the row ID is less than the greatest value in the table?
There is no way to prevent concurrent inserts in the table (short of locking the table, which is a bad idea, because it breaks autovacuum).
So there is no way to to guarantee that rows are inserted in a certain order. The order in which rows are inserted isn't really a meaningful concept in PostgreSQL.
If you really want that, you have to use a different mechanism to serialize inserts, for example using PostgreSQL advisory locks or synchronization mechanisms on the client side.
Except the numbers assigned are session specific, so a session that starts earlier but lasts longer can write to the table with an id that is less then one that started later but finished sooner. So either you create your own number sequence generation that involves locking or you use an INSERT timestamp.

Postgres table partitioning based on table name

I have a table that stores information about weather for specific events and for specific timestamps. I do insert, update and select (more often than delete) on this table. All of my queries query on timestamp and event_id. Since this table is blowing up, I was considering doing table partitioning in postgres.
I could also think of having multiple tables and naming them "table_< event_id >_< timestamp >" to store specific timestamp information, instead of using postgres declarative/inheritance partitioning. But, I noticed that no one on the internet has done or written about any approach like this. Is there something I am missing?
I see that in postgres partitioning, the data is both kept in master as well as child tables. Why keep in both places? It seems less efficient to do inserts and updates to me.
Is there a generic limit on the number of tables when postgres will start to choke?
Thank you!
re 1) Don't do it. Why re-invent the wheel if the Postgres devs have already done it for you by providing declarative partitioning
re 2) You are mistaken. The data is only kept in the partition to which it belongs to. It just looks as if it is stored in the "master".
re 3) there is no built-in limit, but anything beyond a "few thousand" partitions is probably too much. It will still work, but especially query planning will be slower. And sometime the query execution might also suffer because runtime partition pruning is not as efficient any more.
Given your description you probably want to do hash partitioning on the event ID and then create range sub-partitions on the timestamp value (so each partition for an event is again partitioned on the range of the timestamps)

DB2 updated rows since last check

I want to periodically export data from db2 and load it in another database for analysis.
In order to do this, I would need to know which rows have been inserted/updated since the last time I've exported things from a given table.
A simple solution would probably be to add a timestamp to every table and use that as a reference, but I don't have such a TS at the moment, and I would like to avoid adding it if possible.
Is there any other solution for finding the rows which have been added/updated after a given time (or something else that would solve my issue)?
There is an easy option for a timestamp in Db2 (for LUW) called
This is managed by Db2 and could be defined as HIDDEN so existing SELECT * FROM queries will not retrieve the new row which would cause extra costs.
Check out the Db2 CREATE TABLE documentation
This functionality was originally added for optimistic locking but can be used for such situations as well.
There is a similar concept for Db2 z/OS - you have to check that out as I have not tried this one.
Of cause there are other ways to solve it like Replication etc.
That is not possible if you do not have a timestamp column. With a timestamp, you can know which are new or modified rows.
You can also use the TimeTravel feature, in order to get the new values, but that implies a timestamp column.
Another option, is to put the tables in append mode, and then get the rows after a given one. However, this option is not sure after a reorg, and affects the performance and space utilisation.
One possible option is to use SQL replication, but that needs extra tables for staging.
Finally, another option is to read the logs, with the db2ReadLog API, but that implies a development. Also, just appliying the archived logs into the new database is possible, however the database will remain in roll forward pending.

Can Spring-JPA work with Postgres partitioning?

We have a Spring Boot project that uses Spring-JPA for data access. We have a couple of tables where we create/update rows once (or a few times, all within minutes). We don't update rows that are older than a day. These tables (like audit table) can get very large and we want to use Postgres' table partitioning features to help break up the data by month. So the main table always has this calendar month's data but if the query requires retrieval from previous months it would somehow read it from other partitions.
Two questions:
1) Is this a good idea for archiving older data but still leave it query-able?
2) Does Spring-JPA work with partitioned tables? Or do we have to figure out how to break up the query and do native queries and concatenate the restult set?
I am working with postgres partitioning with Hibernate & Spring JPA for a period of time. So I think, I can try to answer your questions.
1) Is this a good idea for archiving older data but still leave it query-able?
If you are applying indexes and not re-indexing table frequently, then partitioning of data may result faster query results.
Also you can use clustered index feature in postgres as well to fetch the data faster.
Because table with older data will not going to be updated, so clustered index will improve the performance efficiently.
2) Does Spring-JPA work with partitioned tables? Or do we have to figure out how to break up the query and do native queries and concatenate the restult set?
Spring JPA will work out of the box with partitioned table. It will retrieve the data from master as well as child tables and returns the concatenated result set.
Note : Issue with partitioned table
The only issue you will face with partitioned table is insertion in partitioned table.
Let me explain, when you partition a table, you will create a trigger over master table, and that trigger will return null. This is the key behind insertion issue in partitioned table using Spring JPA / Hibernate.
When you try to insert a row using Spring JPA or Hibernate you will face below issue
Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1
To overcome this issue you need to override implementation of Batching batcher.
In hibernate you can provide the custom implementation of batcher factory using below configuration
In spring JPA you can achieve the same by custom implementation of batch builder using below configuration
References :
Custom Batch Builder/Batch in Spring-JPA
Demo Application
In addition to the #Anil Agrawal answer.
If you are using spring boot 2 then you need to define the customBatcher using the property.
You do not have to break down the JDBC query with postgres 11+.
If you execute select on the main table with plain jdbc, the DB would return the aggregated results from the partitioned tables.
In other words, the work is done by the Postgres DB, so Spring JPA will simply get the result and map it to objects as if there were no partitioning.
For having inserts work in a partitioned table you need to make sure that your partitions are already created, i think spring data will not create them for you.

hadoop - large database query

Situation: I have a Postgres DB that contains a table with several million rows and I'm trying to query all of those rows for a MapReduce job.
From the research I've done on DBInputFormat, Hadoop might try and use the same query again for a new mapper and since these queries take a considerable amount of time I'd like to prevent this in one of two ways that I've thought up:
1) Limit the job to only run 1 mapper that queries the whole table and call it
2) Somehow incorporate an offset in the query so that if Hadoop does try to use
a new mapper it won't grab the same stuff.
I feel like option (1) seems more promising, but I don't know if such a configuration is possible. Option(2) sounds nice in theory but I have no idea how I would keep track of the mappers being made and if it is at all possible to detect that and reconfigure.
Help is appreciated and I'm namely looking for a way to pull all of the DB table data and not have several of the same query running because that would be a waste of time.
DBInputFormat essentially does already do your option 2. It does use LIMIT and OFFSET in its queries to divide up the work. For example:
Mapper 1 executes: SELECT field1, field2 FROM mytable ORDER BY keyfield LIMIT 100
Mapper 2 executes: SELECT field1, field2 FROM mytable ORDER BY keyfield LIMIT 100 OFFSET 100
Mapper 3 executes: SELECT field1, field2 FROM mytable ORDER BY keyfield LIMIT 100 OFFSET 200
So if you have proper indexes on the key field, you probably shouldn't mind that multiple queries are being run. Where you do get some possible re-work is with speculative execution. Sometimes hadoop will schedule multiples of the same task, and simply only use the output from whichever finishes first. If you wish, you can turn this off with by setting the following property:
However, all of this is out the window if you don't have a sensible key for which you can efficiently do these ORDER, LIMIT, OFFSET queries. That's where you might consider using your option number 1. You can definitely do that configuration. Set the property:
Technically, the InputFormat gets "final say" over how many Map tasks are run, but DBInputFormat always respects this property.
Another option that you can consider using is a utility called sqoop that is built for transferring data between relational databases and hadoop. This would make this a two-step process, however: first copy the data from Postgres to HDFS, then run your MapReduce job.