How to get access to Developer: Inspect TM Scopes data? [duplicate] - visual-studio-code

I have used the tokenizer in monaco but I do not see that it is accessible in vscode. This would be helpful for completion/signature help providers, how can I tokenize a grammar?

It doesn't seem like there's an official way of doing this right now. There is an open feature request for adding the ability to retrieve tmLanguage scopes at a position here: #580
There is one potential workaround, which requires adding a dependency to the scope-info extension. This extension exposes an API of its own that other extension can use. Here's a code example posted by the author in the linked issue:
import * as api from 'scope-info'
async function example(doc : vscode.TextDocument, pos: vscode.Position) {
const siExt = vscode.extensions.getExtension<api.ScopeInfoAPI>('siegebell.scope-info');
const si = await siExt.activate();
const t1 : api.Token = si.getScopeAt(doc, pos);
Update: unfortunately, it looks like scope-info is no longer compatible with current VSCode versions.


VsCode Extension custom CompletionItem disables built-in Intellisense

I am working on a VsCode extension in that I want to provide custom snippets for code completion.
I know about the option of using snippet json files directly, however those have the limitation of not being able to utilize the CompletionItemKind property that determines the icon next to the completion suggestion in the pop-up.
My issue:
If I implement a simple CompletionItemProvider like this:
provideCompletionItems(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position) {
let item = new vscode.CompletionItem('test');
item.documentation = 'my test function';
item.kind = vscode.CompletionItemKind.Function;
return [item];
then the original VsCode IntelliSense text suggestions are not shown anymore, only my own. Should I just return a kind of an empty response, like
provideCompletionItems(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position) {
return [null|[]|undefined];
the suggestions appear again as they should. It seems to me that instead of merging the results of the built-in IntelliSense and my own provider, the built-in ones get simply overridden.
How can I keep the built-in IntelliSense suggestions while applying my own CompletionItems?
VsCode Version: v1.68.1 Ubuntu
I seem to have found the answer for my problem, so I will answer my question.
Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted
by their {#link languages.match score} and groups of equal score are sequentially asked for
completion items. The process stops when one or many providers of a group return a
My provider seems to provide results that are just higher scored than those of IntelliSense.
Since I didn't provide any trigger characters, my CompletionItems were comteping directly with the words found by the built-in system by every single pressed key and won.My solution is to simply parse and register the words in my TextDocument myself and extend my provider results by them. I could probably just as well create and register a new CompletionItemProvider for them if I wanted to, however I decided to have a different structure for my project.

How to get existing SourceControl via VSCode extension API?

The VSCode extension API provides a means of creating a new SourceControl. Is there any way to ask for an existing SourceControl for the WorkspaceFolder? I'd like to be able to learn about scm file status from an extension without having to recreate existing version control plugins; instead, I'd like to be able to asking the existing plugins.
Very late answer by as I had the same question a while ago I thought I should share what I found.
At that time, I was trying to build an extension to get the remote URL for the current file opened in the editor, so I used the default Git integration for VSCode after some research as the documentation doesn't make this very easy to find.
Here's a little snippet of how you can use it to extract information about the current repository:
const gitExtension = vscode.extensions.getExtension<GitExtension>('vscode.git').exports;
const git = gitExtension.getAPI(1);
const repository = git.getRepository('current-workspace-path');
const { remotes, HEAD } = repository.state;
for (const remote of remotes) {
const { fetchUrl } = remote;
You can get the current workspace path using the workspace (there might be a better way though):
const workspaceRootUris = => ws.uri);

why using var {google} instead of var google in google.auth.OAuth

This code is from oauth nodesjs.
I want to ask why we are using '{}' around the var google? I also tried using it without '{}' and got error OAuth2 is undefined. i can't understand what is happening here.
var {google} = require('googleapis');
var OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2;
To add a little to this answer - this is what's called a destructuring assignment. You can read about them here:
The code you're looking at here:
const {google} = require('googleapis');
Is the same as code that looks like this:
const google = require('googleapis').google;
This is just a convenient shorthand that was added in es6. We made the change in the googleapis package when we moved towards ES modules, which don't play nicely with the export=foo style syntax. Hope this helps!
According to the Changelog from google-api-nodejs-client, there are some changes from V26.0.0 onwards that you have to implement in your code, precisely the issue you are experiencing is mentioned. I also took a while to figure this one out...
BREAKING CHANGE: This library is now optimized for es6 modules. In previous versions you would import the library like this:
const google = require('googleapis');
In this and future versions, you must use a named import:
const {google} = require('googleapis');
You may also reference the type to instantiate a new instance:
const {GoogleApis} = require('googleapis');
const google = new GoogleApis();

Testing VSCode extensions - how to verify that decorations are set

I have an extension which adds text decorations at the end of some of the lines. I'd like to write a test which verifies that the text decorations are added and also to assert in the test that their value is correct.
suite('Extension Tests', () => {
test('Should work', async() => {
const fixturePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'test', 'fixtures');
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(path.join(fixturePath, 'a.js'));
const document = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri);
await vscode.window.showTextDocument(document);
window.activeTextEditor.getDecorations(); //???
It seems that the getDecorations API is missing from editor. What can I do to resolve this?
As of VSCode 1.37.1 (2019-08-30), the answer is no, there is no way to write an automated test for decorations using the decorations extensions API.
There are automated tests of decorations in the vscode sources, particularly modelDecorations.test.ts, but they use private APIs.
Microsoft has an example extension that uses decorators, decorator-sample, but it has no tests.
There are a few open issues related to this, although none directly addresses the inability to enumerate existing decorations:
50346: Lacking decorations-related APIs (mainly about incremental update for better performance); closed as duplicate of:
585: Provide an API for advanced/semantic source highlighting
50415: Missing API for knowing when an extension's decorations get trashed
54938: Make decoration provider API public
Therefore I recommend filing a new issue.
2022-04-27: As noted in a comment, issue 136164: Provide Access to a TextEditors Decorations for Testing Purposes was filed on 2021-10-30. It was then closed as unnecessary because you can test that your extension calls the extension API as intended. I find this response inadequate because there's no way to test that the effect is as intended (for example, TextEditor.setDecorations removes existing decorations that have the same type, and that's a subtle interaction that would only be revealed by examining the effects), but the issue is locked so yet another issue would have to be filed to raise an objection.

How to tokenize grammars, like in monaco.editor.tokenize for use in extension

I have used the tokenizer in monaco but I do not see that it is accessible in vscode. This would be helpful for completion/signature help providers, how can I tokenize a grammar?
It doesn't seem like there's an official way of doing this right now. There is an open feature request for adding the ability to retrieve tmLanguage scopes at a position here: #580
There is one potential workaround, which requires adding a dependency to the scope-info extension. This extension exposes an API of its own that other extension can use. Here's a code example posted by the author in the linked issue:
import * as api from 'scope-info'
async function example(doc : vscode.TextDocument, pos: vscode.Position) {
const siExt = vscode.extensions.getExtension<api.ScopeInfoAPI>('siegebell.scope-info');
const si = await siExt.activate();
const t1 : api.Token = si.getScopeAt(doc, pos);
Update: unfortunately, it looks like scope-info is no longer compatible with current VSCode versions.