element.all always returning count as 0 - protractor

I am trying to test a dynamic web table using protractor and trying to find the count of headers, rows and cols but always getting 0 as the count
var x = element.all(by.xpath('//table//thead//tr//th'))
I tried using element.all(by.css ) as well and it returns the same , can anyone help?
I used selenium and able to retrieve the value, so xpath is not wrong, but I have to use protractor to fetch the same.
Selenium script which is working
List col = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[#class='table-wrapper']//table//thead//tr/th"));

Try the below code
var x = await element.all(by.css('table[title="status"]'))
//Add wait if the table take more time to load

In general, you should avoid xpath since it's very inefficient.
This should work for you:
var table = element(by.css('table.table'));
.all(by.css('tr th'))
.then(function(count) {


Getting error 'Insight.Database.FastExpando' does not contain a definition for 'Set1'

The following code is giving the above error, and I cannot figure out why:
var x = _sqlConn.Connection().QueryResults<Results>("MyDb.dbo.get_records", new { id = theId });
int retVal = x.Outputs.Return_Value;
if (retVal == 0) // ...meaning result set was also returned...fine to this point.
var list = x.Outputs.Set1; // exception thrown here with above error
var temp = list.FirstOrDefault();
I have been using other features of Insight.Database for a number of years, but have not had to retrieve a SQL RETURN value at the same time as a recordset. The SQL itself works correctly in SSMS, returning a result set and the RETURN value of 0, as expected. This is happening in VS2019, .NET 4 and .NET 4.5.2; Insight.Database 5.2.7 and 5.2.8.
I got this code from the following page:
where it shows this:
var results = connection.QueryResults<Beer, Glass>("GetAllBeersAndAllGlasses");
IList<Beer> beers = results.Set1;
which I combined with the following code from here:
var results = connection.QueryResults<Results>("MyProc", inputParameters);
var p = results.Outputs.p;
That part works. It's accessing .Set1 that is failing, and I am not sure how to track down why.
I do not have experience with the FastExpando class, but Jon promised magic, and I want to believe. Thanks for any help.
I haven’t tried results+dynamic objects in a while…
I think it is because you are doing:
QueryResults<Results> and Results is an Insight type
You probably want:
And then you get back a Results<MyType>
Which contains the return val and Set1
If not, post a ticket over on github and we will help you out.

Protractor - unable to get h2 value

I'm unable to get value from h2 tag using protractor.
Html Code:
<h2 class="ng-binding">7</h2>
I need this 7 value. This is from website "http://juliemr.github.io/protractor-demo/". I am adding 5+2.
Appreciate your help.
Try xpath
Here I am getting the element with ID, moving one position back and then looking for the h2
var result = element(by.xpath('//*[#id=\'gobutton\']/../h2'))
Or look directly to the h2:
In case you plan to always have 7 as a result then you can also look for the cssContainingText
var result = element.all(by.cssContainingText('.ng-binding', '7')).first();
in this case I am using .all and .first because this will return 2 elements so I am telling protractor to use always the first one
So your code should be something like this:
it('Should access the page and perform sum', function() {
var result = element(by.xpath('//*[#id=\'gobutton\']/../h2'))
console.log('result is '+value)
As per the url given, After clicking Go it loads for some time. So add some wait and then try to getText() with the below locator.
element(by.css('form>h2.ng-binding')).getText().then((text: String) =>{
Hope it helps you...
First, you find the element, for example with a by.css call. Then you use getText method to retrieve the desired tag content. Finally, you assert it to be equal to the value you expect:
result = element(by.css('h2.ng-binding'))

Protractor- ElementFinder returning unexpected values

I am writing a protractor test case to compare the name(s) of the displayed data is same as the searched name.
Even though my test case works fine, I am not able to understand what is happening. Because when i expect the name to compare, it compares as expected, but when i print the elementFinder's(rowData)(i have attached the output screen shot here) value in console.log, it show a huge list of some values which i am not able to understand?
PS: I am a newbie to protractor`
This is the testCase:
it('should show proper data for given last name', function () {
var searchValue='manning';
element.all(by.binding('row.loanNumber')).count().then(function(value) {
var loanCount = value;
for (var i = 0; i < loanCount; i++) {
var rowData = element.all(by.binding('row.borrowerName')).get(i).getText();
And give me valuable suggestions about my style of code
rowData is a promise (not a value), so when you console.log it, you get the promise object
Protractor patches Jasmine to automatically resolve promises within the expect(), so that's how it knows to resolve the value and compare to the expected result.
If you want to console.log the value, you need to resolve the promise with .then() to get the value.
rowData.then(function(rowDataText) {
This is pretty much everyone's first question when they start using protractor. You will want to learn how promises work if you want a good understanding of how to manipulate them.

NHibernate: Can't Select after Skip Take In Certain Scenario

For some reason I am unable to use Select() after a Skip()/Take() unless I do this in a certain way. The following code works and allows me to use result as part of a sub query.
var query = QueryOver.Of<MyType>();
var result = query.Select(myType => myType.Id);
However, if I attempt to create the query on one line as below I can't compile.
var query = QueryOver.Of<MyType>().Skip(1);
var result = query.Select(myType => myType.Id);
It looks like the code in the first results in query being of type QueryOver< MyType, MyType> while the second results in query being of type QueryOver< MyType>.
It also works if written like this.
var query = QueryOver.Of<MyType>().Select(myType => myType.Id).Skip(1);
Any ideas why the second version fails horribly when the first and third versions work? It seems like odd behavior.
You have a typo in the second version...
var query = QueryOver.Of<MyType().Skip(1);
is missing the >
var query = QueryOver.Of<MyType>().Skip(1);
Not sure if thats what you where looking for.

protractor getText() returns empty result

I have some list that gets filled with rows by ajax call,
above it I have an itemCount span - to show how many rows we have.
After the table is filled by rows, the itemCount span value is updated.
what I try to do is to copy this itemCount value, to add a new item to
the list and then to test that the new itemCount value is bigger by 1
than the old one.
The problem, I think, is that when I take the first value from the itemCount
span, it is still empty.
I tried to add browser.waitForAngular();, etc, but the value is still empty:
element(by.id('itemsCount')).getText().then(function(text) {
console.log('**********' + text);
what I see is just: '**********'
Thanks for any help !
you could try using the expected conditions like this.
var itemsCount = element(by.id('itemsCount'));
var blank = EC.textToBePresentInElementValue(itemsCount, '');
var itemsNotEmpty = EC.not(blank);
browser.wait(itemsNotEmpty, 5000, "✗ Failed to wait for the item count load").then(function() {
itemsCount.getText().then(function(text) {
console.log('**********' + text);
Basically wait till the itemsCount isn't blank anymore then get it's text.
There is some different between getText() and getAttribute(), depending on what sort of field it is. Can you try getAttribute and see if it grabs the text?