Fixing under replicated partitions in kafka - apache-kafka

In our production environment, we often see that the partitions go under-replicated while consuming the messages from the topics. We are using Kafka 0.11. From the documentation what is understand is
Configuration parameter replica.lag.max.messages was removed. Partition leaders will no longer consider the number of lagging messages when deciding which replicas are in sync.
Configuration parameter now refers not just to the time passed since last fetch request from the replica, but also to time since the replica last caught up. Replicas that are still fetching messages from leaders but did not catch up to the latest messages in will be considered out of sync.
How do we fix this issue? What are the different reasons for replicas go out of sync? In our scenario, we have all the Kafka brokers in the single RACK of the blade servers and all are using the same network with 10GBPS Ethernet(Simplex). I do not see any reason for the replicas to go out of sync due to the network.

We faced the same issue:
Solution was:
Restart the Zookeeper leader.
Restart the broker\brokers that are not replicating some of the partitions.
No data lose.
The issue is due to a faulty state in ZK, there was an opened issue on ZK for this, don't remember the number.

I faced the same issue on Kafka 2.0,
On restart Kafka controller node everything caught-up on the replicas.
But still looking for the reasons why few partitions are under-replicated whereas the other partitions on the same nodes for the same topic works good, and this issue i see on a random partitions.

Do NOT run reassignment for all topics together, consider running it for small portions.
Find the topic that has under-replicated partitions and where reassignment process can't be completed.
Set unclean.leader.election.enable to true for this topic.
Find under-replicated partition that stuck for this topic. Check its leader ID.
Stop the broker (just the service, not the instance).
Execute Preferred Replica Election (in yahoo/kafka-manager or manually).
Start the broker back.
Repeat for the rest of topics that have the same problem.
Also I tried this advice, it didn't help me:


Confluent.Kafka.KafkaException: Broker: Specified group generation id is not valid

3-node Kafka Cluster
Amazon MSK
1 topic
6 partitions
1 consumer group with 2 consumers
Running in Kubernetes
Confluent .NET SDK 1.2.2
Except for bootstrap.servers and, all of the default settings.
First, one of my consumers encounters the following exception.
Confluent.Kafka.KafkaException: Broker: Specified group generation id is not valid
at Confluent.Kafka.Impl.SafeKafkaHandle.Commit(IEnumerable`1 offsets)
at Confluent.Kafka.Consumer`2.Commit(IEnumerable`1 offsets)
The exception is trapped and the consumer is supposed to retry, but instead the app sits idle. The container is still up and running, but not consuming any more messages.
What's weirder is that the broker never reassigns that consumer's partitions so the consumer lag on those partitions begins to grow. It seems like the consumer is both alive (since the broker is not reassigning its partitions) and dead (since it cannot commit its offset or consume more messages). If we intervene and manually restart the consumers then the partitions are reassigned and the situation goes back to normal.
I'm not entirely sure what to make of the exception above. Google doesn't offer much. The most relevant lead I have is this issue in GitHub, which involves a broker restarting. To my knowledge, that is not happening in my situation. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
at least I have found a solution for me.
In my code I did a manual commit and set EnableAutoCommit = false.
Somehow it was possible that for an offset a commit was executed twice. I removed the manual commits on the consumer and set EnableAutoCommit = true.
After that it worked.

KafkaStreams stop consuming partitions after partition leader rebalance

We have experimented an issue that could be caused by the parameter auto.leader.rebalance.enable, which is set to true by default on brokers.
In detail, when the automatic rebalance occurs, for example after a broker restart, some partition leaders are moved to match the preferred leader.
After this event, some stateful Kafka Streams applications blocks on the source partitions whose leader has been moved and the consumer lag start to grow.
Is it a known issue? Why don't applications receive the information regarding the change of leader?
The tactical solution we found in case we need to execute a rolling restart of brokers is:
Stop stateful applications
Perform brokers rolling restarts.
Wait 5 minutes (default value) untile the automatic leader rebalance occurs
Start stateful applications.
We are using Confluent Platform Community 5.2.2, deployed on a 3 node on prem cluster.
We are trying to recreate what happened in the test environment but without success. is it possible that it is influenced by the load of the cluster, much lower in test?
Thanks in Advance!

Does even number of Kafka brokers affect ensemble operation and leader election

we are little confuse about if is valid or not to use kafka cluster with even numbers
the story begin when we build kafka cluster with 6 machines and trying to use the kafka Reassignment partitions tool , because non balance of kafka brokers
unfortunately , kafka Reassignment partitions tool not succeeded to Reassignment partitions
so we suspect about the even number of our kafka machines
so is it true or false ? , to use kafka even number?
As commented, with the official Apache Users email thread
No, Kafka clusters have no such restrictions as that of a Zookeeper Quorum (see definition of quroum) ; in order to elect a leader, "more than half must agree" on a value. That's not possible with an even number.
kafka Reassignment partitions tool not succeeded
You'll need to be more specific. I assume the rest of the cluster works, so why should an even number be an issue?
Failure of reassignment is unlikely to be caused due to the number of brokers being 'even'.
It must have been caused due to follower brokers not being in sync with the leader, or due to a network issue, or due to the leader broker going offline at a critical time.
The Reassignment tool works well if the partitions are all in sync before running the tool.
The tool will usually fail if Partitions are out of sync or if
leader is down an election for the leader is in progress while the tool is running.
As a best practice, it is recommended to make sure the following conditions are met before running the tool:
At least one partition is in sync with the leader
Leader is healthy and no election is happening.
Out-of-sync partitions are not nominated as targets for reassignment.

Kafka partition reassignment after broker failure

I'm testing kafka's partition reassignment as a precursor to launching a production system. I have several topics with 9 partitions each and a replication factor of 3. I've killed one of the brokers to simulate a failure condition and verified that some topics became under replicated (verification done via a fork of yahoo's kafka manager modified to allow adding a version cluster).
I then started a new broker with a different id. I would now like to distribute partitions to this new broker. I attempted to use kafka manager's reassign partitions functionality however that did not work (possibly due to an improperly modified fork).
I saw that kafka comes with a bin/ script but the docs say that I have to manually write out the partition reassignments for each topic in json format. Is there a way to handle this without manually deciding on which brokers partitions must go?
Hmm what a coincidence that I was doing exactly the same thing today. I don't have an answer you're probably going to like but I achieved what I wanted in the end.
Ultimately, what I did was executed the kafka-reassign-partitions command with what the same tool proposed for a reassignment. But whatever it generated I just replaced the new broker id with the old failed broker id. For some reason the generated json moved everything around.
This will fail (or rather never complete) because the old broker has passed on. I then had to delete the reassignment operation in zookeeper (znode: admin/reassign_partitions or something).
Then I restarted kafka on the new broker and it magically picked up as leader of the partition that was looking for a new replacement leader.
I'll let you know if everything is still working tomorrow and if I still have a job ;-)

What happens if Zookeeper fails completely?

we have setup a Kafka/Zookeeper Cluster consisting of 3 Brokers. We have one producer, sending messages to one specific Kafka topic and a few consumer groups reading from said topic. Those consumers perform a leader election via Zookeeper for themselves (independent from Kafka).
The versions used are:
Zookeeper: 3.4.6 (included in the Kafka-Package)
All processes are managed by Supervisor. So far, everything works just fine. What we tried now (for testing purposes) was to simply kill off all Zookeeper processes and see what happens.
As we expected, our consumer processes couldn't connect to Zookeeper anymore. But unexpectedly, the Kafka Brokers still worked. Our producer didn't complain at all and was still able to write into the topic. While I couldn't use kafka/bin/ or similar, since they all require a zookeeper-parameter, I could still see the actual size of the topic-log grow. After restarting the zookeeper processes, everything again worked just like before.
What we couldn't figure out is now... what actually happened there?
We thought, Kafka would require a working Zookeeper-Connection and we couldn't find any explanation for this behaviour online.
When you have one node of zookeeper, broker will not be able to contact zookeeper, after broker discovers zookeeper is not reachable, broker also will become unreachable. Hence the producer and consumer.
In case of producer it starts dropping(reject the record). In case of consumer it can happen that, the read record which is not ack'ed may end up processing again when broker is up and ready...
in case of 3node zk one node failure is acceptable as quorum is still satisfied... but cant afford the 2node failures which will lead to the above consequences...