Get value from pipeline with ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName - powershell

I have some issues getting a value from the pipeline using ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName.
When I run Get-Input -ComputerName 'PC-01' | Get-Data the cmdlet Get-Input should simply return the computer name "PC-01", whereas the Get-Data function should return "Value passed from Get-Input: PC-01". Instead, I get this error:
Get-Data : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command
either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its
properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
At line:1 char:33
+ Get-Input -ComputerName PC-01 | Get-Data
+ ~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (PC-01:PSObject) [Get-Data], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Get-Data
I have build these two small sample cmdlets just to get the hang of working with the pipeline.
function Get-Input {
Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
Process {
Write-Output -InputObject $ComputerName
function Get-Data {
Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
Process {
Write-Output -InputObject "Value passed from Get-Input: $($ComputerName)."
If I change $ComputerName to $Name and run the following, it works:
PS C:\Users\frede> Get-Service -Name AdobeARMservice | Get-Data
Value passed from Get-Input: AdobeARMservice.
If I have grasped the concept of the pipeline in PowerShell, I should be able to run the following command Get-Input -ComputerName 'PC-01' | Get-Data and have the ComputerName passed to Get-Data.
Is there something I need to declare somewhere?

As the name (ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName) indicates, you're telling the parser to bind a value based on a property name.
The Get-Input function will need to output an object that has a property named ComputerName for this to work:
function Get-Input
Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
Write-Output $(New-Object psobject -Propert #{ComputerName = $ComputerName})
Now you can do:
Get-Input -ComputerName 'PC-01' |Get-Data
If you want Get-Data to support computer name input from Get-Service, you'll have to add an alias that matches the appropriate property name on the object types output by Get-Service, ie. MachineName:
function Get-Data
Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
Write-Output -InputObject "Value passed from Get-Input: $($ComputerName)."
And now both of these will work:
Get-Service -Name AdobeARMService |Get-Data
Get-Input -ComputerName PC-01 |Get-Data

You will need this bud.
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName is for boolean ($True / $False) and isn't looking for your string.
Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipeline = $true

you have to write also ValueFromPipeline=$true:
Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true


Powershell functions, parameters and arg

I write own powershell func for debug like:
function StartDebug {
param (
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)]
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)]
try {& $FunctionName $OtherArg} catch {...} finally {...}
and use it everyway, but i need more arg after $FunctionName. is it realistic to pass many arguments in this case bec use from 0 to 10 arg. do I have to list all the arguments that can be in the parameters of the function? like:
function StartDebug {
param (
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)]
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)]
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)]
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)]
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)]
try {& $FunctionName $OtherArg OtherArg1 OtherArg2 OtherArg3 } catch {...} finally {...}
but i dont use positional parameters in code and too many named parameters in code (~100)
Interested in any ideas about this. tnx!
The magic word is Splatting. You can provide an array or a hashtable containing your arguments to a function. The splatter is written with an #VariableName instead of the $:
function StartDebug {
param (
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)]
[PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)]
try {& $FunctionName #OtherArg # Watch out for the # in the OtherArg
} catch {$_} finally {}
$FunctionName = 'Get-ChildItem'
$Splatter = #{
Path = 'C:\'
Filter = 'Users'
Directory = $true
$Splatter2 = #('c:\')
StartDebug $FunctionName $Splatter
StartDebug $FunctionName $Splatter2
However if you want to use single items as $OtherArg you will have to provide them as single element array as can be seen with $Splatter2. Or extend your function to transform single arguments in arrays automatically, but thats up to you.
I think you better run it using scriptblock:
$result = Invoke-DeepDebug { Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\' ; Get-Service -InformationAction Continue}
And in Invoke-DeepDebug you can work with $Command.AST as deep and detailed as you want.
Function Invoke-DeepDebug {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
Write-Host -f Cyan "Executing " -n
Write-Host -f Magenta $Command.Ast.Extent.Text -n
Write-Host -f Yellow " ... " -n
$result = $null
try {
$result = Invoke-Command $Command -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host -f Green "OK!"
} catch {
Write-Host -f Red "Error"
Write-Host -f Red "`t$($_.Exception.Message)"
return $result

Powershell to start/stop with arg

I've written the following function in test.ps1 and I would like to make a choise when running thsi script to start/stop/.. :
function getState($SeviceName) {
$server = #('host_1', 'host_2')
# get status
$server | % {Write-Host "verify: $_"; Get-Service -ComputerName $_ -Name SeviceName
I would like to provide $ServiceName as argument (with stdin) how can I do it? => somthing like choose 1 to start 2 to stop ...
To use switch/case in Powershell
$doAction = {"Stop-Service", "Start-service"}
$server | % {Write-Host "verify: $_"; Get-Service -ComputerName $_ -Name SeviceName | $doAction}
How do I use the switch to select start or stop?
Here's a function that will do what you're asking for:
function Get-State {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[ValidateSet('Start', 'Stop', 'Get')]
[string] $Action,
[Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
[string] $ServiceName
begin {
$serverList = #('host_1', 'host_2')
process {
foreach ($server in $serverList) {
try {
$svc = Get-Service -ComputerName $server -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
throw "Failed to find service $ServiceName on $server! $PSItem"
switch ($Action) {
'Start' { $svc | Start-Service -PassThru }
'Stop' { $svc | Stop-Service -Force -PassThru }
default { $svc }
It utilizes advanced function features and attributes to take pipeline input (stdin in your words). I'd suggest reading this documentation.
You can add argument to a script by adding parameters to it.
On the top of your script file put:
[switch] $MySwitch
With a function it goes right after the function definition. So in your case:
function getState($SeviceName) {
[switch] $MySwitch
# get status
$server | % {Write-Host "verify: $_"; Get-Service -ComputerName $_ -Name SeviceName
A switch basically sets a boolean to true or false.
So in this if you call the script with -MySwitch it will set the variable $MySwitch to true. Else it will remain false.
Don Jones has written a good getting started article on paramters that I would recommend you checking out.
Do note that there are loads of things you can define in the paramter. Like if you want to make sure it is always filled you can set
This is just one of many examples of what you can do with paramters.

Trying to code a function which takes a scriptblock with params and argument list, edits that scriptblock and then runs invoke-command

I am editing a function which it will invoke a command directly on the VM. The issue I keep running into is if someone passes a function declaration as a scriptblock, I get and error when calling create, because params() is not at the top of the scriptblock.
Trying to figure out how I can still set-fulllanguage first then execute a function with params.
function Invoke-DirectOnVM
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Object[]]$ArgumentList = $null
Invoke-Command -VMName $localVMs -Credential $using:VMCredential -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($("Import-Module OpenUpSession; Set-FullLanguage; `r`n" + $using:ScriptBlock)))
Remove the $using: from the scriptblock and it should work properly. I took the liberty of cleaning up the code a bit. The result looks like:
function Invoke-DirectOnVM
Param (
$ArgumentList = $null
Invoke-Command #PSBoundParameters -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create( "Import-Module OpenUpSession; Set-FullLanguage; `r`n" + $ScriptBlock ))

Conditional Mandatory in PowerShell

I'm trying to make a parameter mandatory, but only if another parameter uses certain ValidateSet values. It seems that using a code block on Mandatory doesn't work as expected.
function Test-Me {
Param (
[ValidateSet("NameRequired", "AlsoRequired")]
$Type = "NoNameRequired",
[Parameter(Mandatory = {-not ($Type -eq "NoNameRequired")})]
Process {
Write-Host "I ran the process block."
Write-Host "Type = '$Type'"
Write-Host "Name = '$Name'"
Write-Host "Name Parameter Mandatory? = '$(-not ($Type -eq "NoNameRequired"))'"
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
function Test-Me {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Gorgonzola")]
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "NameNeeded")]
[ValidateSet("NameRequired", "AlsoRequired")]
$Type = "NoNameRequired",
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "NameNeeded")]
Process {
Write-Host "I ran the process block."
Write-Host "Number = '$Number'"
Write-Host "Type = '$Type'"
Write-Host "Name = '$Name'"
Write-Host "Name Parameter Mandatory = '$(-not ($Type -eq "NoNameRequired"))'"
Parameter sets seem to help simulate conditional mandatory parameters.
I can make it to where if either the Type or Name parameter is given, then they are both required. This can happen regardless of other parameters in the function, such as the sibling Number parameter above.
I set the default parameter set name to something random; I usually specify "None". That parameter set name doesn't need to actually exist, again indicated by the Number parameter.
All of this works regardless of your strict mode setting.

Powershell v3 Isfilter unnamed script block.

The following code snipit works in PowerShell v2, but not v4.. In the release notes for PowerShell v3 is explains that you cannot set the IsFilter property on an unnamed script block. I believe that's exactly what I have, but I don't understand what change to make..
Any help would be appreciated.
function Stop-WindowsService
[int]$timeout = 60
Process {
$server = $_
if($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'dynamic') {
$scriptReturningName.IsFilter = $true
$name = ($server | &$scriptReturningName)
Write-Verbose "$($server.Name): $name ==> Checking"
$service = $server | Get-WindowsServiceRaw $name