Sending CSV file with SFTP in swift - swift

I have a server hosted with webfaction that I would like to be able to send a csv file to from my app with FTP or SFTP. I have found many libraries that should help like ConnectionKit, NMSSH, DLSFPT, and LxFTPRequest. However, all of them are in objective-c and not swift which makes them hard to read, understand, and implement in Swift 4. I have tried to implement LXFTPRequest since I found a swift implementation for the upload and here is my code:
let fileName = "user-data.csv"
guard let path = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in:.userDomainMask).first else {fatalError(ErrorMessageStrings.couldntAccessDocs.rawValue)}
let fileURL = path.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
let folderLocation = "/home/path/"
let uploadUrl = URL(string: "" + folderLocation)
let request = LxFTPRequest.upload()
request?.serverURL = uploadUrl
request?.localFileURL = fileURL
request?.username = "username"
request?.password = "password"
request?.successAction = { (resultClass, result) in
print("File uploaded")
request?.failAction = { (domain, error, errorMessage) in
fatalError("Connection could not be made. Action was not completed.")
request?.progressAction = {(_ totalSize: Int, _ finishedSize: Int, _ finishedPercent: CGFloat) -> Void in
Using this I almost get it to work but I end up with a 550 error "Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)." Looking through webfaction documentation I get the feeling that I can only send files through SFTP, which this framework doesnt support.
The doc says "To connect with FTP (for shell users only), substitute the connection type with FTP and the port number with 21." I am assuming since I am sending data from my app it does not count as a shell user and so FTP doesn't grant me access (I may be wrong here). If that is the case how would I go about using the other libraries to send my file over SFTP using Swift and not objective-c?

I ended up using NMSSH and using it in Swift it wasn't as complicated as I thought.
let session = NMSSHSession.init(host: serverHost, port: xx, andUsername: serverUsername)
if session.isConnected{
session.authenticate(byPassword: serverPasswordString)
if session.isAuthorized == true {
let sftpsession = NMSFTP(session: session)
if sftpsession.isConnected {
sftpsession.writeFile(atPath: csvFileURL.path, toFileAtPath: folderLocation)


How to send a txt file from Apple Watch app to Mac?

My app has bugs that happen randomly and only happen on real device, so I made a func to log important things as a txt file on Apple Watch, I planned to email the log file to myself when needed, but just found out the watchOS doesn't support the MessageUI framework.
Is there any way to send my log file to Mac from Apple Watch? Or What's the best way to read the log file?
This is code for logging, in case it's needed:
let logFileName: String = "log.txt"
func myLog(dataToWrite: String) {
do {
let dir: URL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).last! as URL
let url = dir.appendingPathComponent(logFileName)
try "Test \(Date())".appendLineToURL(fileURL: url as URL)
let result = try String(contentsOf: url as URL, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
catch {
print("Could not write to file")

Log into a site, and then download a file, in Swift

I'm downloading a CSV file from a website. I need to download this file while being logged in. The CSV file gives player projections for fantasy sports. When you download the file it will give you five players. However, if you purchase the premium service you get all player projections. I purchased the premium service, so, I'm trying to download this file while being signed into my account.
The code below downloads the CSV file with only five players. How do I sign into my account and then download this file?
guard let url = URL(string: "") else { return }
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
// I don't know what I'm doing here. Also, the user name and password is not correct
let credential = URLCredential(user: "joe", password: "12345", persistence: .forSession)
let protectionSpace = URLProtectionSpace(host: "", port: 443, protocol: "https", realm: "Restricted", authenticationMethod: NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic)
// I don't know what I'm doing here either.
let credentialStorage = URLCredentialStorage()
credentialStorage.set(credential, for: protectionSpace)
config.urlCredentialStorage = credentialStorage
let task = URLSession(configuration: config).dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
guard data != nil else { return }
guard let rows = NSString(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)?.components(separatedBy: "\n") else { return }
The problem is that this site doesn't have an API. They specifically don't allow the use case you are trying to do.
However, there are great tools in Python that may let you do what you are trying to do. Take a look at scrapy:

How to access "Standard Output" when running macOS executable?

I'm trying to hook up the standard input/standard output from a unix executable file to the user interface in a MacOS application. But, I can't seem to access the values - nothing shows up.
I've implemented every solution that I could find, but none of them have worked [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. I've completed a Python 3 course [1], so that I could customize the standard output in the python script of the executable file [1]. And, I've reviewed and implemented several working MacOS repositories that update their user interface with data from standard output [1][2][3].
Code: Full
func runExecutable() {
let desktop = fileManager.urls(for: .desktopDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0]
let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "youtube_dl_custom", withExtension: "")
let arguments = [
process.arguments = arguments
process.executableURL = url
process.standardInput = inputPipe
process.standardOutput = outputPipe
inputPipe.fileHandleForReading.readabilityHandler = {
[weak self] fileHandle in
let data = fileHandle.availableData
if let buffer = self?.buffer,
let string = String(data: buffer, encoding: .utf8),
string.last?.isNewline == true {
print("## \(string)")
self?.standardOutputTextView.string += string + "\n"
func openConsolePipe() {
dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, outputPipe.fileHandleForWriting.fileDescriptor)
dup2(inputPipe.fileHandleForWriting.fileDescriptor, STDOUT_FILENO)
dup2(inputPipe.fileHandleForWriting.fileDescriptor, STDERR_FILENO)
func closeConsolePipe() {
freopen("/dev/stdout", "a", stdout)
The standard output appears to automatically print to the console, but I can't seem to access the values.
Used the youtube-dlrepository to download videos [1].
Used a custom python script for youtube-dl [1].
Converted youtube-dl to an executable file using pyinstaller [1].
Posted the project to GitHub for troubleshooting [1].

Swift CSVImporter framework with remote URLs

Initial use and testing of the framework. The examples provided and most of the searches from across the internet are using "local" or downloaded CSV files to the device, with (path:).
I would like to pass various remote URLs but there are not many examples, using (url: URL).
So far, I am simply in viewDidLoad() following the same code as provided with the sample playground file, and trying to output to the console.
I have tried to run this in a simulator for the iPhone 8 device. Running Xcode 10.1.
From the documentation, there is an ".onFail" handler, which gets invoked on the sourceURL's I have provided, but I do not know what error objects exist to do any further troubleshooting.
let sourceURL = URL(string: "")
guard let sourceURL2 = URL(string: "") else {
fatalError("URL string error")
let importer = CSVImporter<[String]>(url: sourceURL)
importer?.startImportingRecords { $0 }.onFail {
}.onFinish({ importedRecords in

How to Use SwiftyDropbox's "destination" with a Download

In reviewing the SwiftyDropbox tutorial in the v2 Dropbox API, it shows how to perform a download:
// Download a file
let destination : (NSURL, NSHTTPURLResponse) -> NSURL = { temporaryURL, response in
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let directoryURL = fileManager.URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)[0]
// generate a unique name for this file in case we've seen it before
let UUID = NSUUID().UUIDString
let pathComponent = "\(UUID)-\(response.suggestedFilename!)"
return directoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(pathComponent)
} "/MyFile.db", destination: destination).response { response, error in
if let (metadata, url) = response {
print("*** Download file ***")
let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: url)
print("Downloaded file name: \(")
print("Downloaded file url: \(url)")
print("Downloaded file data: \(data)")
} else {
I'm unclear what's going on with the destination part. Why do I need to generate a random string for the filename?
When I try to specify my own filename, the download doesn't seem to work:
let destination : (NSURL, NSHTTPURLResponse) -> NSURL = { temporaryURL, response in
let directoryURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)[0]
return directoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("MyFile.db")
I want to download a file from Dropbox named MyFile.db and I want to put it in my device's documents directory with the name MyFile.db and overwrite it if it's already there.
How can I do that?
When you say it doesn't seem to work, I expect you mean you get an error like this:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=516 "“CFNetworkDownload_bPYhu1.tmp” couldn’t be moved to “Documents” because an item with the same name already exists." UserInfo={NSSourceFilePathErrorKey=..., NSUserStringVariant=(
), NSDestinationFilePath=..., NSUnderlyingError=0x7fda0a67cea0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=17 "File exists"}}
SwiftyDropbox, by virtue of using AlamoFire, doesn't currently let you overwrite files using the download function.
Specifically, SwiftyDropbox calls download in AlamoFire, and AlamoFire calls NSFileManager.moveItemAtURL. The documentation for NSFileManager.moveItemAtURL says:
If an item with the same name already exists at dstURL, this method aborts the move attempt and returns an appropriate error.
So, it seems like it's just being cautious, and making it hard for your app to accidentally overwrite (ad potentially lose) data. If you definitely know you want to overwrite a particular file, you'll need to do so explicitly, after the Dropbox API call. We'll consider this a feature request though.
Update: SwiftyDropbox now offers the ability to overwrite the files directly as of version 3.1.0, e.g., using download(path:rev:overwrite:destination:).