replace multiple occurrence of duplicate string in Scala with empty - scala

I have a string as
something,'' something,nothing_something,op nothing_something,'' cat,cat
I want to achieve my output as
'' something,op nothing_something,cat
Is there any way to achieve it?

If I understand your requirement correctly, here's one approach with the following steps:
Split the input string by "," and create a list of indexed-CSVs and convert it to a Map
Generate 2-combinations of the indexed-CSVs
Check each of the indexed-CSV pairs and capture the index of any CSV which is contained within the other CSV
Since the CSVs corresponding to the captured indexes are contained within some other CSV, removing these indexes will result in remaining indexes we would like to keep
Use the remaining indexes to look up CSVs from the CSV Map and concatenate them back to a string
Here is sample code applying to a string with slightly more general comma-separated values:
val str = "cats,a cat,cat,there is a cat,my cat,cats,cat"
val csvIdxList = (Stream from 1).zip(str.split(",")).toList
val csvMap = csvIdxList.toMap
val csvPairs = csvIdxList.combinations(2).toList
val csvContainedIdx = csvPairs.collect{
case List(x, y) if x._2.contains(y._2) => y._1
case List(x, y) if y._2.contains(x._2) => x._1
// csvContainedIdx: List[Int] = List(3, 6, 7, 2)
val csvToKeepIdx = (1 to csvIdxList.size) diff csvContainedIdx
// csvToKeepIdx: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(1, 4, 5)
val strDeduped = csvMap.getOrElse(_, "") ).mkString(",")
// strDeduped: String = cats,there is a cat,my cat
Applying the above to your sample string something,'' something,nothing_something,op nothing_something would yield the expected result:
strDeduped: String = '' something,op nothing_something

First create an Array of words separated by commas using split command on the given String, and do other operations using filter and mkString as below:
s.split(",").filter(_.contains(' ')).mkString(",")
In Scala REPL:
scala> val s = "something,'' something,nothing_something,op nothing_something"
s: String = something,'' something,nothing_something,op nothing_something
scala> s.split(",").filter(_.contains(' ')).mkString(",")
res27: String = '' something,op nothing_something
As per Leo C comment, I tested it as below with some other String:
scala> val s = "something,'' something anything anything anything anything,nothing_something,op op op nothing_something"
s: String = something,'' something anything anything anything anything,nothing_something,op op op nothing_something
scala> s.split(",").filter(_.contains(' ')).mkString(",")
res43: String = '' something anything anything anything anything,op op op nothing_something


Scala: Convert a string to string array with and without split given that all special characters except "(" an ")" are allowed

I have an array
val a = "((x1,x2),(y1,y2),(z1,z2))"
I want to parse this into a scala array
val arr = Array(("x1","x2"),("y1","y2"),("z1","z2"))
Is there a way of directly doing this with an expr() equivalent ?
If not how would one do this using split
Note : x1 x2 x3 etc are strings and can contain special characters so key would be to use () delimiters to parse data -
Code I munged from Dici and Bogdan Vakulenko
val x2 = a.getString(1).trim.split("[\()]").grouped(2).map(x=>x(0).trim).toArray
val x3 = x2.drop(1) // first grouping is always null dont know why
var jmap = new java.util.HashMap[String, String]()
for (i<-x3)
val index = i.lastIndexOf(",")
val fv = i.slice(0,index)
val lv = i.substring(index+1).trim
This is still suceptible to "," in the second string -
Actually, I think regex are the most convenient way to solve this.
val a = "((x1,x2),(y1,y2),(z1,z2))"
val regex = "(\\((\\w+),(\\w+)\\))".r
.map(matcher => (,
Note that I made some assumptions about the format:
no whitespaces in the string (the regex could easily be updated to fix this if needed)
always tuples of two elements, never more
empty string not valid as a tuple element
only alphanumeric characters allowed (this also would be easy to fix)
val a = "((x1,x2),(y1,y2),(z1,z2))"
a.replaceAll("[\\(\\) ]","")

remove leading(left) zeroes in spark scala

the content of my file is
I read the file as
val file1 ="file1").map( x => x.toLowerCase())
res7: Array[String] = Array(0001,02,003, 004,0005,06, 0007,8,9)
I want to remove the leading zeroes.
I know we use ltrim but it is used only in case of strings to remove spaces.
just cast them to Int and you should be fine
val file1 = spark.sparkContext.textFile("file1").map( x => x.split(",").map(_.trim.toInt).mkString(","))
//res0: Array[String] = Array(1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9)

Is there a better way of converting Iterator[char] to Seq[String]?

Following is my code that I have used to convert Iterator[char] to Seq[String].
val result = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream (new File(fileDir)))
val remove_comp = result.grouped(11).map{arr => arr.update(2, 32);arr}.flatMap{arr => arr.update(3, 32); arr}
val convert_iter ="\n")
val rdd_input = Spark.sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(convert_iter)
val fileDir:
I am not happy with this code as the data size is big and converting to string would end up with heap space.
val convert_iter =
convert_iter: Iterator[Char] = non-empty iterator
Is there a better way of coding?
By completely disregarding corner cases about empty Strings etc I would start with something like:
val test = Iterable('s','f','\n','s','d','\n','s','v','y')
val (allButOne, last) = test.foldLeft( (Seq.empty[String], Seq.empty[Char]) ) {
case ((strings, chars), char) =>
if (char == '\n')
(strings :+ chars.mkString, Seq.empty)
(strings, chars :+ char)
val result = allButOne :+ last.mkString
I am sure it could be made more elegant, and handle corner cases better (once you define you want them handled), but I think it is a nice starting point.
But to be honest I am not entirely sure what you want to achieve. I just guessed that you want to group chars divided by \n together and turn them into Strings.
Looking at your code, I see that you are trying to replace the special characters such as **, ## and so on from the file that contains following data
For that you can just read the data using sparkContext textFile and use regex replaceAllIn
val pattern = new Regex("[¬~!##$^%&*\\(\\)_+={}\\[\\]|;:\"'<,>.?` /\\-]")
val result = sc.textFile(fileDir).map(line => pattern.replaceAllIn(line, ""))
and you should have you result as RDD[String] which also an iterator
If there are \n and \r in between the texts at 3rd and 4th place and if the result is all fixed length of 10 digits text then you can use wholeTextFiles api of sparkContext and use following regex as
val pattern = new Regex("[¬~!##$^%&*\\(\\)_+={}\\[\\]|;:\"'<,>.?` /\\-\r\n]")
val result = sc.wholeTextFiles(fileDir).flatMap(line => pattern.replaceAllIn(line._2, "").grouped(10))
You should get the output as
I hope the answer is helpful

Spark print result of Arrays or saveAsTextFile

I have been bogged down by this for some hours now... tried collect and mkString(") and still i am not able to print in console or save as text file.
scala> val au1 = sc.parallelize(List(("a",Array(1,2)),("b",Array(1,2))))
scala> val au2 = sc.parallelize(List(("a",Array(3)),("b",Array(2))))
scala> val au3 = au1.union(au2)
Result of the union is
Array[(String,Array[int])] = Array((a,Array(1,2)),(b,Array(1,2)),(a,Array(3)),(b,Array(2)))
All the print attempts are resulting in following when i do x(0) and x(1)
Array[Int]) does not take parameters
Last attempt, performed following and it is resulting in index error
scala> val au4 = => (x._1, x._2._1._1, x._2._1._2))
<console>:33: error: value _1 is not a member of Array[Int]
val au4 = => (x._1, x._2._1._1, x._2._1._2))
._1 or ._2 can be done in tuples and not in arrays
("a",Array(1,2)) is a tuple so ._1 is a and ._2 is Array(1,2)
so if you want to get elements of an array you need to use () as x._2(0)
but au2 arrays has only one element so x._2(1) will work for au1 and not for au2. You can use Option or Try as below
val au4 = => (x._1, x._2(0), Try(x._2(1)) getOrElse(0)))
The result of au3 is not Array[(String,Array[int])] , it is RDD[(String,Array[int])]
so this how you could do to write output in a file r => (r._1,",")))
You need to map through the array and create a string from it so that it could be written in file as
You could write to file without brackets as below r => Row(r._1,":")).mkString(","))
The value is comma "," separated and array value are separated as ":"
Hope this helps!

how would I map a list of strings with a known format to a list of tuples?

I have an array of strings. Each string has 2 parts and is separated by white space. Looks like:
x <white space> y
I want to turn it into an array of Tuples where each tuple has (x, y)
How can I write this in scala? I know it will need something similar to:
val results = listOfStrings.collect { str => (str.left, str.right) }
not sure how i can break up each str to the left and right sides needed...
You could take advantage of the fact that in Scala, Regular expressions are also "extractors".
scala> var PairWithSpaces = "(\\w+)\\s+(\\w+)".r
PairWithSpaces: scala.util.matching.Regex = (.+)\s+(.+)
scala> val PairWithSpaces(l, r) = "1 17"
l: String = 1
r: String = 17
Now you can build your extractor into a natural looking "map":
scala> Array("a b", "1 3", "Z x").map{case PairWithSpaces(x,y) => (x, y) }
res10: Array[(String, String)] = Array((a,b), (1,3), (Z,x))
Perhaps overkill for you, but can really help readability if your regex gets fancy. I also like how this approach will fail fast if an illegal string is given.
Warning, not sure if the regex matches exactly what you need...
You could (assuming that you want to drop without complaint any string that doesn't fit the pattern):
val results ="\\s+")).collect { case Array(l,r) => (l,r) }