Get double hours from double minute in Swift 2 - swift

I'm using Swift 2. I have double myMinute and I want to convert it to double hours(myHours). How can I do it? My codes under below
let myMinute : Double = 62.0
let myHours : Double = ?
I want to show with math example: myhours = 1.0

Found this here!
func minutesToHoursMinutes (minutes : Int) -> (hours : Int , leftMinutes : Int {
return (minutes / 60, (minutes % 60))
let timeTuple = minutesToHoursMinutes(minutes: 100)
timeTuple.hours /// 1
timeTuple.leftMinutes /// 40

The value should be 1.03 not 1.02 if you use the current value of minute (you can check with calculator) and it is a simple math, i think what you want beside the calculation is how to round the value to 2 decimal point. You should've made it clearer. This will do the work.
myHours = Double(round(myMinute / 60 * 100) / 100)


Swift unreliable round() method to 2 decimal places

I'm trying to calculate the time between two doubles (distance, speed) to 2 decimal places using swift round() method but there are instances where its unreliable and I end up with something like 58.000000001. I tried to hack fix this by rounding again but even that doesn't work on larger numbers eg 734.00000001 Is there a way to fix this or another way to calculate time between two doubles?
var totalTime: Double = 0
for 0...100 {
let calcTime = 35.3 / 70
let roundedTime = round(calcTime * 100) / 100.0
print("TIME === \(roundedTime)")
totalTime += round(totalTime * 100) / 100 + roundedTime // round again to clamp the extra zero's
print("Total time \(totalTime)")

Rounding Numbers to Two Significant Figures

I am sure this is an easy question to any of you are experienced in Swift, however, I just started learning how to program and have no idea where to start. What I am trying to do is a round a number to the nearest whole value, or to the third number. This is what I mean:
12.6 //Want rounded to 13
126 //Want rounded to 130
1264 //Want rounded to 1300
I know swift has a .rounded() function, and I have managed to use it to round the nearest 10th, 100th, etc., however, I cannot round the way I would like to. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Here's one way to round any Double or Int (including negative numbers) to a given number of significant figures:
func round(_ num: Double, to places: Int) -> Double {
let p = log10(abs(num))
let f = pow(10, p.rounded() - Double(places) + 1)
let rnum = (num / f).rounded() * f
return rnum
func round(_ num: Int, to places: Int) -> Int {
let p = log10(abs(Double(num)))
let f = pow(10, p.rounded() - Double(places) + 1)
let rnum = (Double(num) / f).rounded() * f
return Int(rnum)
print(round(0.265, to: 2))
print(round(1.26, to: 2))
print(round(12.6, to: 2))
print(round(126, to: 2))
print(round(1264, to: 2))
As stated by Sulthan you can use NumberFormatter:
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.usesSignificantDigits = true
formatter.maximumSignificantDigits = 2
formatter.minimumSignificantDigits = 2
if let result = formatter.string(from: 12.6) {
print(result) // prints 13
One possibility to implement a rounding algorithm. I suppose you always want the result to be integer.
func round(_ number: Float, to digits: Int) -> Float {
guard number >= 0 else {
return -round(-number, to: digits)
let max = pow(10, Float(digits))
var numZeros = 0
var value = number
while (value >= max) {
value /= 10
numZeros += 1
return round(value) * pow(10, Float(numZeros))
print(round(12.6, to: 2)) // 13
print(round(126, to: 2)) // 130
print(round(1264, to: 2)) // 1300

Rounding INT to make it 0 decimal places

I am running the following code with a round function.
let percentage = round((progress / maxValue) * 100)
However it keeps returning numbers like: 15.0, 25.0, 35.0 etc.
I want it to return: 15, 25, 35, basically 0 decimal places.
How can I do this?
Cheers! :D
That's because round() returns a floating point number, not an integer:
If you want an integer, you have to convert it:
let percentage = Int(round((progress / maxValue) * 100))
Cast it to an Int:
let percentage = round((progress / maxValue) * 100)
let percentageInt = Int(percentage)
round() returns a floating point number. You can convert the result
to an Int, or call lrint instead:
let percentage = lrint((progress / maxValue) * 100)
The functions
public func lrintf(_: Float) -> Int
public func lrint(_: Double) -> Int
return the integral value nearest to their argument as an integer.

What is the swift code to apply Round Up or Down Sum Amount?

I try on Xcode - Playground.
This is my code. Beginner.
import UIKit
var num1 : Double = 0.055 // Stock Price
var num2 : Double = 18 // Lots
var num3 : Double = 1000 // Share Per Lots
var sum1 : Double = num1 * num2 * num3 // Gross Share Price
var sum5 : Double = sum1 * (0.03/100) // Clearing Charges // Answer Playground Return is " 0.297 "
My Questions is the "sum5" I want answer round up and display " 0.30 "
It is possible in swift code ?
You can get it this way:
var roundOfSum5 : Double = Double(round(100 * sum5)/100) //0.3
Regarding to that answer
If you need to round to a specific place, then you multply by pow(10.0, numberOfPlaces), round, and then divide by pow(10, numberOfPlaces). In your case the number of places is 2.0:
let numberOfPlaces = 2.0
let multiplier = pow(10.0, numberOfPlaces)
let rounded = round(sum5 * multiplier) / multiplier
print(rounded) // 0.3
If you have a number like sum5 = 0.3465 and you want to round to the third place after the decimal you can use 3.0 for numberOfPlaces and get as result 0.347

Convert decimal to hours:minutes:seconds

I am storing numbers in a MySQL DB as doubles so I can get min, max and sums.
I have a decimal number 1.66777777778 which equals 01:40:04 however I am wanting to be able to convert this decimal in to hour:minutes:seconds in Swift so I can display the value as 01:40:04 however I don't know how.
I have done some searching but most results are calculators without explanation.
I have this function to convert to decimal:
func timeToHour(hour: String, minute:String, second:String) -> Double
var hourSource = 0.00
if hour == ""
hourSource = 0.00
hourSource = Double(hour)!
let minuteSource = Double(minute)!
let secondSource = Double(second)!
let timeDecimal: Double = hourSource + (minuteSource / 60) + (secondSource / 3600)
return timeDecimal
but need one to go back the other way.
func hourToString(hour:Double) -> String {
let hours = Int(floor(hour))
let mins = Int(floor(hour * 60) % 60)
let secs = Int(floor(hour * 3600) % 60)
return String(format:"%d:%02d:%02d", hours, mins, secs)
Basically break each component out and concatenate them all together.