Getting logs of ssh access to pods in kubernetes - kubernetes

I'm running a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud, and I'm trying to figure out a way to see all SSH access to the pods, whether it was done using the google cluster management tools, or via kubectl.
I want to be able to see which user account made the access, and ideally what commands they ran. I have stackdriver logging running on all instances which I think may already be recording these actions, but looking at the giant wall of logs, I can't figure out how to tell which of these were generated by someone sshing in.
Is there some kind of standard labeling schema in stackdriver to denote ssh access?

So it turns out that Google Cloud has Auditing enabled by default for Kubernetes, which logs many things, including access to the pod through kubectl. I was able to update my stackdriver log filter like so:
And get the logs I was interested in.


Is there a way to detect inactive Service / User Accounts in K8s cluster

I'd like to be able to detect inactive Service accounts and User accounts by using kubectl / rest api in my Kubernetes cluster.
like for an example idle service account that has not been used for any resource for x days and it's safe to delete it.
or a user account that didn't access the cluster for the last x days.
I don't believe this functionality comes out of the box for ServiceAccounts or Users, unfortunately. One way you might be able to check, is by reading the api-server logs and checking if you can find authentication entries for these "subjects" (as they are called in k8s jargon).
Additionally, you can enable audit logging in k8s to be able to detect such activities. But I believe you'll have to parse the logs yourself, through an application to be able to determine which accounts are unused or safe to be deleted.

How can I check if a resource inside Kubernetes has been deleted for some reason?

I am a junior developer currently running a service in a Kubernetes environment.
How can I check if a resource inside Kubernetes has been deleted for some reason?
As a simple example, if a deployment is deleted, I want to know which user deleted it.
Could you please tell me which log to look at.
And I would like to know how to collect these logs.
I don't have much experience yet, so I'm asking for help.
Also, if you have a reference or link, please share it. It will be very helpful to me.
Thank you:)
Start with enabling audit with lots of online resources about doing this.
If you are on AWS and using EKS I would suggest enabling "Amazon EKS control plane logging" By enabling it you can enable audit and diagnostic logs streaming in AWS cloudwatch logs, which are more easily accessible, and useful for audit and compliance requirements. Control plane logs make it easy for you to secure and run your clusters and make the entire system more audiatable.
As per AWS documentation:
Kubernetes API server component logs (api) – Your cluster's API server is the control plane component that exposes the Kubernetes API. For more information, see kube-apiserver in the Kubernetes documentation.
Audit (audit) – Kubernetes audit logs provide a record of the individual users, administrators, or system components that have affected your cluster. For more information, see Auditing in the Kubernetes documentation.
Authenticator (authenticator) – Authenticator logs are unique to Amazon EKS. These logs represent the control plane component that Amazon EKS uses for Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) authentication using IAM credentials. For more information, see Cluster authentication.
Controller manager (controllerManager) – The controller manager manages the core control loops that are shipped with Kubernetes. For more information, see kube-controller-manager in the Kubernetes documentation.
Scheduler (scheduler) – The scheduler component manages when and where to run pods in your cluster. For more information, see kube-scheduler in the Kubernetes documentation.

Kubernetes dashboard via GCP

Sorry to bother you, but i am having a serious issue with my online DevOps learning.
In fact, i am taking a Devops course and we are using the google cloud platform as a cloud. When i create my cluster with gcloud container clusters create xxx and then do the describe command like gcloud container clusters describe xxx, it works but i have no information regarding the login and password to Kubernetes;
That is one of the problem.
After creating the cluster, i got not Kubernetes dashboard link with the command kubectl cluster-info. Normally i should have a Kubernetes dashboard to manage my app. In place of having the Kubernetes dashboard, there is something called Kubernetes system metric.
Can somebody help me fix this problem probably someone who is used to practice on GCP.
Best regards
Can you please go through this Google Cloud Kubernetes dashboards docs[1]?
Because, I'm able to see Kubernetes dashboard in my console. But, I don't know why you are not able to see that, and I also checked there is now any service outage on Kubernetes from Google Cloud Status Dashboard[2]. But, It's working fine. So, kindly go through that Kubernetes docs, from that you will get some better understanding of working with Kubernetes in GCP.
If you're still facing any issue or abnormal behavior, please go to public issue tracker[3] or support from GCP console and raise a ticket.
When you visit the GCP dashboard docs, you should see red warning on top of the website, saying:
Warning: The open source Kubernetes Dashboard addon is deprecated for clusters on GKE and will be removed as an option in version 1.15. As an alternative, use the Cloud Console dashboards described in this guide.
Below you read:
Starting with GKE v1.15, you will no longer be able to enable the Kubernetes Dashboard by using the add-on API. You will still be able to install Kubernetes Dashboard manually by following the instructions in the project's repository. For clusters in which you have already deployed the add-on, it will continue to function but you will need to manually apply any updates and security patches that are released.
To deploy it, follow the instructions on k8s dashboard github repo

Give pod in Kubernetes cluster rights to access Google storage (RBAC/IAM)

I was doing some research, but could not really find an answer in the K8s documentation. Is it possible to orchestrate that certain pods in a Kubernetes cluster have access to other certain resources outside of the cluster without giving the permissions to the whole cluster?
For example: A pod accesses data from Google storage. To not hard code some credentials I want it to be able to access it via RBAC/IAM, but on the other hand I do not want another pod in the cluster to be able to access the same storage.
This is necessary as users interact with those pods and the data in the storages have privacy restrictions.
The only way I see so far is to create a service account for that resource and pass the credentials of the service account to the pod. So far I am not really satisfied with this solution, as passing around credentials seems to be insecure to me.
Unfortunately, there is only one way to do this, and you wrote it looks insecure for you. I found an example in documentation and they use the way where you store credential of service account in secret and then use it in pod from secret.

How to go about logging in GKE without using Stackdriver

We are unable to grab logs from our GKE cluster running containers if StackDriver is disabled on GCP. I understand that it is proxying stderr/stdout but it seems rather heavy handed to block these outputs when Stackdriver is disabled.
How does one get an ELF stack going on GKE without being billed for StackDriver aka disabling it entirely? or is it so much a part of GKE that this is not doable?
From the article linked on a similar question regarding GCP:
"Kubernetes doesn’t specify a logging agent, but two optional logging agents are packaged with the Kubernetes release: Stackdriver Logging for use with Google Cloud Platform, and Elasticsearch. You can find more information and instructions in the dedicated documents. Both use fluentd with custom configuration as an agent on the node." (
Perhaps our understanding of Stackdriver billing is wrong?
But we don't want to be billed for Stackdriver as the 150MB of logs outside of the GCP metrics is not going to be enough and we have some expertise in setting up ELF for logging that we'd like to use.
You can disable Stackdriver logging/monitoring on Kubernetes by editing your cluster, and setting "Stackdriver Logging" and "Stackdriver Monitoring" to disable.
I would still suggest sticking to GCP over AWS as you get the whole Kube as a service experience. Amazon's solution is still a little way off, and they are planning charging for the service in addition to the EC2 node prices (Last I heard).