Service broker error: delete your existing Lite plan instance - ibm-cloud

I have received this message:
Service broker error: You can only have one instance of a Lite plan per service. To create a new instance, either delete your existing Lite plan instance or select a paid plan.
I do not know how to delete the previous Lite plan instance, can someone help please?

This error comes if you have already lite plan instance, so you needs to delete existing to create a new one.
Go to the below address, You would found your existing lite instance list.
IBM service Resources
You need to remove all existing service's, because in LITE plan you can have one lite instance at a time only.

You can use the IBM Cloud dashboard (UI) or the command line interface (CLI) to check for instances of that service.
In the UI, there is a context menu on each service. Use it to delete the service instance.
With the CLI and within a space, you can use ibmcloud cf services to list service. For services in resource groups use ibmcloud resource service-instances. Then use either ibmcloud cf delete-service or ibmcloud resource service-instance-delete to remove that instance.


IBM Cloud: How to bind Db2 Warehouse to Code Engine app?

I have an existing instance of Db2 Warehouse on Cloud which is deployed to an org and space. Now, I would like to bind that service to an app for deployment with IBM Cloud Code Engine.
ibmcloud ce application bind --name henriks-app --service-instance myDb2
myDb2 does not exist as IAM resource because it is a CF resource. How would I bind the two together? It seems that I would need to create some form of custom wrapper.
The best way to manually connect services to your Code Engine application is to add service credentials to a Code Engine secret, and then attach that secret to your application using environment variables or volume mounting.
While you're correct that Db2 Warehouse isn't a typical IAM-Enabled service type, based on the IBM Cloud Db2 Warehouse docs, it's possible to create a client connection with Db2 Warehouse using an IAM Service ID & API Key.
Here's how I'd "bind" the Db2 instance to a Code Engine app:
Create a new service ID from the IAM Service IDs page
Under "Assign Access" > "Access service ID additional access" > "IAM Service", you'll find "Db2 Warehouse" as an option, and you can configure exact permissions from there (e.g. which instance(s) to grant permissions to, which roles, etc)
Finish the configuration by clicking "Assign access"
Using the CLI, log in to your account and generate a new API Key, e.g. ibmcloud iam service-api-key-create mydb2key SERVICE_ID_NAME --output JSON > mydb2.json where SERVICE_ID_NAME is the name of the service ID created in Step 1
Target your Code Engine project, then create a new secret using the API Key JSON, e.g. ibmcloud ce secret create --name mydb2 --from-file MYDB2=mydb2.json
Attach the secret to your application as an environment variable, e.g. ibmcloud ce app update --name myapp --env-from-secret mydb2
After the app update goes through, your application will have access to an environment variable named MYDB2, which will have the value of a JSON object string containing your API Key.
You'll find more information about creating secrets and using secrets with applications in the Code Engine docs.

Why am I seeing a "Reseller channel 2c95500b-ea86-4b13-8bb5-b2f0c2fa8200 is invalid" error when attempting to create storage

I am attempting to create Cloud Object Storage to work in conjunction with a Watson Studio service instance. However, when I attempt to create it, the following error message is displayed:
“Reseller channel 2c95500b-ea86-4b13-8bb5-b2f0c2fa8200 is invalid.”
How can I create the storage that I need?
When you attempt to create the cloud object storage instance through the Watson Studio service, a link sends you to a storage provisioning page. However, you are unable to provision the storage instance. As a workaround, you can create the Cloud Object Storage service manually through the IBM Cloud Catalog at the following URL:
I had this issue as well. Turns out when you create the new account it will ask you for a location for services and by default it's set to "Dallas". However changing that to London/Tokyo fixed this issue for me. I needed it for IBM Course on Coursera. I would recommend making a new account with services location set to London / Tokyo. It'll instantly fix this problem.
I managed to solve this by first creating the object storage before creating the Watson Studio service.
After you have created a cloud object storage service with the direct link to the service
While creating a new project On Watson Studio, you will see an option to Add a cloud Object Storage service under Define storage to your project in the project creation page. Once you click Add, you can either use an existing Service as you have now or create a new COS service.
For more details instructions check this section of the solution tutorial

How do we register a PCF Service Broker as reachable from two spaces in the same PCF Org (with org admin permissions)?

How do I register a Pivotal Cloud Foundry Service Broker to make it accessible from multiple spaces within the same Organization, if I have Org-level permissions?
We tried to register a PCF Service broker (cf create-service-broker ...) in one space, then use it as a 'service instance' (cf create-service ...) in another space.
To illustrate the problem, consider the following work flow, from a HashiCorp Vault guide:
$ cf create-space examplespace
$ cf target -s examplespace
$ cf create-service-broker vault-broker "${AUTH_USERNAME}" "${AUTH_PASSWORD}" "https://${BROKER_URL}" --space-scoped
$ cf marketplace
service plans description
hashicorp-vault shared HashiCorp Vault Service Broker
# ...
$ cf create-service hashicorp-vault shared my-vault
The above works fine. The problem comes up when we have an app in a different space that we want to consume the HashiCorp Vault API:
$ cf target -s myappspace
$ cf bind-service my-app my-vault
This last part fails.
Also, now that I'm in the space myappspace, cf marketplace does **notCC show the new service broker.
Now, we have someone on our team with org-admin permissions.
I figured that we could just register the new service broker at the org level, using enable-service-access subcommand:
$ cf enable-service-access my-vault -o WebOrg
This failed as well, because, even though he had Admin permissions for the entire org, he got a permission denied error.
If we then go on to registering the service broker in the second space, myappspace, we get a
All three of these methods failed, but there has to be some way to make a service from one space available to the others, within an Org., if I have administrative permissions for that PCF Org.
A similar (although more specific) type of this issue is documented in the following two github issues for PCF's cloud_controller_ng repository:
I've done the following research:
(We ran variations of every command on this page.)
The most similar of the existing questions on Stack Overflow were these:
WebSphere Message Broker - how to send a PCF message
Need help on Registering App on PCF with Spring Cloud Data Flow which is also on PCF
They don't seem to have much to do with name spacing issues in the PCF marketplace, or with PCF permissions management.
Note: At first I wanted to post this to, because this has more to do with the infrastructure for an application, rather than just programming. But, while has no tag for Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Stack Overflow has a pivotal-cloud-foundry tag with 588 uses, already.
How do I register a Pivotal Cloud Foundry Service Broker to make it accessible from multiple spaces within the same Organization, if I have Org-level permissions?
I don't think you can do this. You'd need to be a platform admin/operator. Then you'd need to register the service broker with the platform & mark that broker as accessible to select orgs & spaces. You could then create services instances & if the broker permits share them across spaces.
If you only have org/space permissions, you can only register the service broker with a specific space. It's then only visible in that space.
Without platform admin/operator permissions, I think the best you could do would be this:
register the broker in a specific space
create a service instance in that space
bind that to your apps in this space
create a service key for your app in the second space
switch to the second space
create a user provided service in that space and enter the service key info
Repeat steps 4-6 for each app in the second service (this ensure you get unique credentials per app, you could use one service key for all apps if you don't care about this).
Happy to be corrected, but I think that is the state of things as I write this.
Assuming you are using PCF 2.1 or above.
Service brokers must explicitly enable service instance sharing by setting a flag in their service-level metadata object. This allows service instances, of any service plan, to be shared across orgs and spaces.
This is from Enabling Service Instance Sharing
Looks like you have already followed the rest of steps from Sharing Service Intances

IBM Cloud - Object storage service name or GUID cannot be found by CLI

I'd like to know how I can find my object storage service name or GUID. I executed:
bx service list
to each resource group. But I cannot get any object storage service name. Please advise. Thank you.
You need 2 commands:
1) To get the list of all your service instances:
$ bx resource service-instances
2) To get the ID and other details for a specific service instance:
$ bx resource service-instance "<An instance listed from output above>"
Note: Surrounding quotes ("") in step 2 are important as an instance
name may contain spaces.
Cloud object storage deviates from the traditional cloud foundry service model:
Cloud Object Storage service that was released on our public cloud about a month ago. It’s one of the first services to take advantage of resource groups, giving you some specific advantages as you use it and services like it. You’ll also notice when you deploy an instance of the service, you’re prompted to specify a resource group and a location depending on the plan you selected.
Try using this cli:
bluemix resource service-instances

BXNUI0035E “service could not be deleted”

I'm trying to unbind & delete a Mongolabs service instance from my app in IBM Bluemix. Unfortunately, Bluemix displays the error:
BXNUI0035E The 'Mongolab-cv' service could not be deleted.
And leaves the service allocated and bound to my app.
How do I fix this?
The MongoLab service was deprecated last year. Service instances created before it were not deleted, but since the service broker is not available anymore you will not be able to delete or unbind this service.
Please raise a support ticket to get this service removed from your space.
To open a ticket check the link below:
When opening a ticket provide your organization name, space and service name.