Delete an instance of a class in Swift - swift

How can I delete an instance of a class in Swift? Looking for some kind of equivalent to
del instance
in Python. I'm pretty new to Swift, and I couldn't find anything in the documentation or any prior posts.
I have a bullet class in a game that needs to be deleted after colliding with a player. Example code could go something like
class Bullet() {
init() {
for traveled in 0...range {
//travel forward
if collided {
//damage collided player
del self
Edit: This is what cleared it up for me

Swift, as mentioned in another question, uses Automatic Reference Counting.
Apple explains it like this:
ARC tracks how many properties, constants, and variables are currently referring to each class instance. ARC will not deallocate an instance as long as at least one active reference to that instance still exists.
ARC in Action
Here’s an example of how Automatic Reference Counting works. This example starts with a simple class called Person, which defines a stored constant property called name:
class Person {
let name: String
init(name: String) { = name
print("\(name) is being initialized")
deinit {
print("\(name) is being deinitialized")
The Person class has an initializer that sets the instance’s name property and prints a message to indicate that initialization is underway. The Person class also has a deinitializer that prints a message when an instance of the class is deallocated.
The next code snippet defines three variables of type Person?, which are used to set up multiple references to a new Person instance in subsequent code snippets. Because these variables are of an optional type (Person?, not Person), they are automatically initialized with a value of nil, and do not currently reference a Person instance.
var reference1: Person?
var reference2: Person?
var reference3: Person?
You can now create a new Person instance and assign it to one of these three variables:
reference1 = Person(name: "John Appleseed")
// Prints "John Appleseed is being initialized"
Note that the message "John Appleseed is being initialized" is printed at the point that you call the Person class’s initializer. This confirms that initialization has taken place.
Because the new Person instance has been assigned to the reference1 variable, there is now a strong reference from reference1 to the new Person instance. Because there is at least one strong reference, ARC makes sure that this Person is kept in memory and is not deallocated.
If you assign the same Person instance to two more variables, two more strong references to that instance are established:
reference2 = reference1
reference3 = reference1
There are now three strong references to this single Person instance.
If you break two of these strong references (including the original reference) by assigning nil to two of the variables, a single strong reference remains, and the Person instance is not deallocated:
reference1 = nil
reference2 = nil
ARC does not deallocate the Person instance until the third and final strong reference is broken, at which point it’s clear that you are no longer using the Person instance:
reference3 = nil
// Prints "John Appleseed is being deinitialized"
All code and writing for ARC in Action is from Apple's documentation.

Your question doesn't make a lot of sense in Swift. Swift uses ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) to manage object lifecycles.
As long as you maintain at least one strong reference to an object, it lives. As soon as there are no more strong references, it gets deallocated.
Consider the following code.
class FooClass {
var value: Int
var foo: FooClass?
foo = FooClass(value: 3)
//foo will be valid
foo = nil; //This causes the object in `foo` to be deallocated immediately.
The closest thing to del (assuming I understand what it does - I don't know Python)
seems like assigning nil to an optional var, assuming there are no other strong references to the object.


What's the difference between these two declarations of delegates?

I'm learning about delegates and I don't understand why
let friendsFunctionsDelegate = FriendsFunctionsDelegate()
let friendsFunctions = FriendsFunctions()
friendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate = friendsFunctions
is correct whilst
let friendsFunctionsDelegate = FriendsFunctionsDelegate()
friendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate = FriendsFunction()
is wrong.
Here is the full code:
protocol FriendsDelegate: AnyObject {
func orderPizza()
func takeABreak()
class FriendsFunctionsDelegate {
weak var delegate: FriendsDelegate? = nil
func buyPizza() {
func sleep() {
class FriendsFunctions: FriendsDelegate {
func orderPizza() {
print("I ordered a pizza")
func takeABreak() {
print("I'm going to sleep")
let friendsFunctionsDelegate = FriendsFunctionsDelegate()
let friendsFunctions = FriendsFunctions()
friendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate = friendsFunctions
ARC (for Automatic Reference Counting)
ARC is the system which manages automatically the memory allocation / deallocation for your objects.
The way it works is that as long as you'll have AT LEAST 1 strong reference to an object in your code it will remain in memory. Please note that by default any property definition not define as weak is implicitly strong.
When specifying a property as weak it won't increment the "holding reference count" by one.
The issue you are experiencing...
In your first example, when you first create a let constant you hold a strong reference to it, then you assign it to the weak variable.
You have then =>
1 weak reference to the object (stored on the friendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate)
1 strong reference to the object (the let constant let friendsFunctions = FriendsFunctions())
As a result, ARC is NOT deallocating the object (strong reference >= 1) => It is working ✅
In your second example, when you directly instantiate + assign the delegate to the weak variable WITHOUT creating a constant first.
You have then =>
1 weak reference to the object (stored on the friendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate)
0 strong reference to the object
As a result, ARC is deallocating (release from memory) the object (strong reference == 0) directly after the assignment => Not working ❌
As a conclusion, you need to keep a strong reference somewhere to that delegate object.
Weak usage in delegate pattern
When using delegation we use a weak property to prevent memory retain cycle. This is happening when you have one object (Object A) holding a strong reference to another object (Object B) which is also having a strong reference to the first object (Object A).
When you'll try to get rid of object A or B from memory strong reference count will still be 1, you'll then get a memory leak with memory filled with unused objects, which might lead to an usable app. The solution is to define one of those 2 references as weak (not both). When applying the delegate pattern, you would define the property holding the reference to the delegate as weak.
Few extra comments:
Be careful to the naming which might be misleading. The delegate keyword should be appended only to the protocol and not to the class name. If you remove it though you would have an overlap, which is a hint that the naming could have more appropriately defined.
When you define a property as Optional and you want it to be nil as default, you don't have to explicitly specify the = nil. Though you can still do it ;)
Best practices tell you that when you want a class to conform to a delegate / protocol, you should go with an extension instead of directly conforming at the class definition.
Delegate pattern should be a blind communication pattern, so your class should not be aware about out of scope functions. Then the naming of the delegate methods should be modified to something like func didBuyPizza() and func didTakeABreak()or similar.
The one with
let friendsFunctions = FriendsFunctions() // holds a strong reference
friendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate = friendsFunctions
Works as it holds a strong reference , while this
friendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate = FriendsFunction()
Don't work as both parts (lhs & rhs) are weak so no retaining happens ( delegate is a weak property )
Notice how the FriendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate property is a weak reference:
weak var delegate: FriendsDelegate? = nil
If you did
friendsFunctionsDelegate.delegate = FriendsFunction()
You created a FriendsFunction object, and the only object that has a reference to it is friendsFunctionsDelegate, via its delegate property. But this is a weak reference. There is no strong reference to the new FriendsFunction object! As a result, it will be deallocated immediately after it is created.
You should see a warning here that says:
Instance will be immediately deallocated because property 'delegate' is 'weak'
On the other hand, if you put the newly created FriendsFunction object into a let constant first,
let friendsFunctions = FriendsFunctions()
That let constant, friendsFunctions will be a strong reference to the FriendsFunctions object, since it is not weak. And since there is at least one strong reference to it, the object will not be deallocated until all the strong references are gone.
For more info, see Automatic Reference Counting in the Swift guide.

How can I Intentionally create a Zombie Object in Swift [duplicate]

I've read How to demonstrate memory leak and zombie objects in Xcode Instruments? but that's for objective-c. The steps don't apply.
From reading here I've understood zombies are objects which are:
but something pointer is still trying to point to them and send messages to them.
not exactly sure how that's different from accessing a deallocated object.
I mean in Swift you can do:
var person : Person? = Person(name: "John")
person = nil
Is person deallocated? Yes!
Are we trying to point to it? Yes!
So can someone share the most common mistake which leads to creating a dangling pointer?
Here's zombie attack in under 15 lines of code:
class Parent { }
class Child {
unowned var parent: Parent // every child needs a parent
init(parent: Parent) {
self.parent = parent
var parent: Parent? = Parent()
let child = Child(parent: parent!) // let's pretend the forced unwrap didn't happen
parent = nil // let's deallocate this bad parent
print(child.parent) // BOOM!!!, crash
What happens in this code is that Child holds an unowned reference to Parent, which becomes invalid once Parent gets deallocated. The reference holds a pointer to the no longer living parent (RIP), and accessing that causes a crash with a message similar to this:
Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but object 0x1018362d0 was already deallocated2018-10-29 20:18:39.423114+0200 MyApp[35825:611433] Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but object 0x1018362d0 was already deallocated
Note The code won't work in a Playground, you need a regular app for this.
This is not a dangling pointer or a zombie. When you use ! you're saying "if this is nil, then crash." You should not think of person as a pointer in Swift. It's a value. That value may be .some(T) or it may be .none (also called nil). Neither of those is dangling. They're just two different explicit values. Swift's nil is nothing like null pointers in other languages. It only crashes like null pointers when you explicitly ask it to.
To create zombies, you'll need to be using something like Unmanaged. This is extremely uncommon in Swift.
Zombie objects are Objective-C objects which have been deallocated, but still receive messages.
In Objective-C, __unsafe_unretained can be used to create an additional pointer to an object which does not increase the reference count. In Swift that would be unowned(unsafe).
Here is a self-contained example:
import Foundation
class MyClass: NSObject {
func foo() { print("foo"); }
deinit { print("deinit") }
unowned(unsafe) let obj2: MyClass
do {
let obj1 = MyClass()
obj2 = obj1
print("exit scope")
obj1 is a pointer to a newly created object, and obj2 is another pointer to the same object, but without increasing the reference counter. When the do { ... } block is left, the object is deallocated. Sending a message to it via obj2 causes the Zombie error:
exit scope
*** -[ZombieTest.MyClass retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x1005748d0
This can also happen if you use Managed (e.g. to convert pointers to Swift objects to C void pointers in order to pass them to C callback functions) and you don't choose the correct retained/unretained combination. A contrived example is:
let obj2: MyClass
do {
let obj1 = MyClass()
obj2 = Unmanaged.passUnretained(obj1).takeRetainedValue()
print("exit scope")
Zombie Object is a deallocated object which behaves itself like alive. It is possible because of dangling pointer.
dangling pointer points on some address in the memory where data is unpredictable
Objective-C has unsafe_unretained[About] property attributes. [Example]
Swift has
unowned(unsafe)[About] reference
Unmanaged - a wrapper for non ARC Objc- code
unowned(unsafe) let unsafeA: A
func main() {
let a = A() // A(ref count = 1)
unsafeA = a
} // A(ref count = 0), deinit() is called
func additional() { //<- unexpected

How can I demonstrate a zombie object in Swift?

I've read How to demonstrate memory leak and zombie objects in Xcode Instruments? but that's for objective-c. The steps don't apply.
From reading here I've understood zombies are objects which are:
but something pointer is still trying to point to them and send messages to them.
not exactly sure how that's different from accessing a deallocated object.
I mean in Swift you can do:
var person : Person? = Person(name: "John")
person = nil
Is person deallocated? Yes!
Are we trying to point to it? Yes!
So can someone share the most common mistake which leads to creating a dangling pointer?
Here's zombie attack in under 15 lines of code:
class Parent { }
class Child {
unowned var parent: Parent // every child needs a parent
init(parent: Parent) {
self.parent = parent
var parent: Parent? = Parent()
let child = Child(parent: parent!) // let's pretend the forced unwrap didn't happen
parent = nil // let's deallocate this bad parent
print(child.parent) // BOOM!!!, crash
What happens in this code is that Child holds an unowned reference to Parent, which becomes invalid once Parent gets deallocated. The reference holds a pointer to the no longer living parent (RIP), and accessing that causes a crash with a message similar to this:
Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but object 0x1018362d0 was already deallocated2018-10-29 20:18:39.423114+0200 MyApp[35825:611433] Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but object 0x1018362d0 was already deallocated
Note The code won't work in a Playground, you need a regular app for this.
This is not a dangling pointer or a zombie. When you use ! you're saying "if this is nil, then crash." You should not think of person as a pointer in Swift. It's a value. That value may be .some(T) or it may be .none (also called nil). Neither of those is dangling. They're just two different explicit values. Swift's nil is nothing like null pointers in other languages. It only crashes like null pointers when you explicitly ask it to.
To create zombies, you'll need to be using something like Unmanaged. This is extremely uncommon in Swift.
Zombie objects are Objective-C objects which have been deallocated, but still receive messages.
In Objective-C, __unsafe_unretained can be used to create an additional pointer to an object which does not increase the reference count. In Swift that would be unowned(unsafe).
Here is a self-contained example:
import Foundation
class MyClass: NSObject {
func foo() { print("foo"); }
deinit { print("deinit") }
unowned(unsafe) let obj2: MyClass
do {
let obj1 = MyClass()
obj2 = obj1
print("exit scope")
obj1 is a pointer to a newly created object, and obj2 is another pointer to the same object, but without increasing the reference counter. When the do { ... } block is left, the object is deallocated. Sending a message to it via obj2 causes the Zombie error:
exit scope
*** -[ZombieTest.MyClass retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x1005748d0
This can also happen if you use Managed (e.g. to convert pointers to Swift objects to C void pointers in order to pass them to C callback functions) and you don't choose the correct retained/unretained combination. A contrived example is:
let obj2: MyClass
do {
let obj1 = MyClass()
obj2 = Unmanaged.passUnretained(obj1).takeRetainedValue()
print("exit scope")
Zombie Object is a deallocated object which behaves itself like alive. It is possible because of dangling pointer.
dangling pointer points on some address in the memory where data is unpredictable
Objective-C has unsafe_unretained[About] property attributes. [Example]
Swift has
unowned(unsafe)[About] reference
Unmanaged - a wrapper for non ARC Objc- code
unowned(unsafe) let unsafeA: A
func main() {
let a = A() // A(ref count = 1)
unsafeA = a
} // A(ref count = 0), deinit() is called
func additional() { //<- unexpected

Does enum retain its associated object?

I am curious if the next code will lead to the strong reference cycle?
enum Type {
case some(obj:Any)
class Entity {
var type:Type
init() {
type = Type.some(obj:self)
Yes. Any is implicitly strong. If you pass a reference type, it will be a strong reference. It's not quite a "cycle" since nothing "retains" an enum, but as long as the value exists (or any copy of the value), it will hold onto Entity and prevent it from being deallocated.
Imagine if it were not true. What would .some(obj: NSObject()) contain? If Type.some did not increase the retain count, the NSObject would vanish. (Since this is very similar to an Optional, that would be very surprising, since many T? would immediately become nil.)
BTW, this is easily and usefully explored by creating a deinit method on Entity.

Why does adding a closure capture list prevent my instance from being deallocated?

class Name {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
deinit {
print("\(name) deinit")
var x: Name? = Name(name: "abc")
var someClosure = {
x = nil
And then the console will output:
abc deinit
It can be seen that the "deinit" function was called. So it does not form a strong reference cycle.
But if I add a capture list to the closure:
var someClosure = { [x] in
The console will output:
And the "deinit" function was not called. So the object and reference form a strong reference cycle.
What is the reason? What's the difference between these two conditions?
First of all, there's no strong retain cycle in either case – you just simply have a global closure variable that's holding a strong reference to your class instance, therefore preventing it from being deallocated.
In your first example, when you capture x in the closure:
var someClosure = {
What you've got (in effect) is a reference to a reference – that is, the closure has a reference to the storage of x, which then has a reference to your class instance. When you set x to nil – the closure still has a reference to the storage of x, but now x doesn't have a reference to your class instance. Thus, your class instance no longer has any strong references to it, and can be deallocated.
In your second example when you use a capture list:
var someClosure = { [x] in
You're copying x itself – that is, you're copying a reference to the instance of your class. Therefore the closure will keep your class retained as long as it exists. Setting x to nil doesn't affect the closure's reference to your instance, as it has it's own strong reference to it.
This is what I think happens here.
ARC adds a reference count to x when x is created. When the closure is called with a capture list, it then adds another count (closure captures the object: thus indicating to the compiler it will need x in the future, by increasing the reference count). So x now has ARC count of 2.
When you assign x to nil it reduces the reference count by 1. If the count is 0, or there are only weak references to the object, then the object is deinitialized. If the count is more than 0, and the references are strong, the object is retained.
Without explicitly passing the capture list to the closure it only weakly captures the object. ARC then decides it is safe to deinit the object once the closure is done with it. Passing the capture list indicates to ARC that the object might be needed for the closure to operate on at various multiple times, so a strong reference is made.
Put another call to someClosure() after x = nil and see what happens in both cases.