MongoDB Charts access link - mongodb

I've just finished setting up a Free Tier Cluster on MongoDB Atlas and wanted to play with MongoDB Charts so I followed the official installation guide.
It all went well (with a few glitches) but now I don't know where do I go to access the Charts Dashboard. It doesn't say anywhere. Any help?

MongoDB Charts beta runs as a web server in a Docker container, and it is exposed over port 80 on the host.
If you are logged into the host running the container you can simply go to http://localhost in a web browser.
If you are logged into a different machine, you can use the host's name or IP address. E.g. if the server is called "chartsserver" you would access it via http://chartsserver.


How to Connect my mongoDb hosted in compute engine from App Engine also hosted in the same same region of project?

I created a Compute Engine Instance on which I am hosting my MongoDB server.
I also have a nodeJS server which currently hosted in APP Engine of the same project and in the same region.
Now I want to connect my MongoDB database with the AppEngine server.
How can I do this?
Please Guide me.
Thanks in advance.
So main question is how you're atttempting to connect from GAE to MongoDB, which is not included in your question...
This aside, you'll need the connection string, as per MongoDB documentation [1], and this doc shows how to get it [2].
Since you're running both GAE and the GCE instance running MongoDB in the same project you can use the internal IP address and you can remove the external IP address from the GCE instance to remove a potential security issue with people accessing MongoDB directly.
The connection string would be:
Replace GCE_INTERAL_IP with the actual internal IP of the GCE instance running MongoDB. You can find this in the GCP console.

How to access my desktop MongoDB from EC2 Linux?

I have MongoDB installed on my desktop, using which I have developed a web application. I want to now deploy this webapp on an EC2 linux instance and test it. I don't want to setup another mongoDB on the EC2 separately, rather use the one on my desktop. I understand that it is not that simple to put my ip and mongo port and just connect.
I have added port-forwarding settings on my router like this -
Also I have opened my firewall for this port by adding an inbound rule.
Yet I'm not able to connect. What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance

how to connect MongoDB Atlas to GCP(Google Cloud Platform)?

I try to connect my app that is hosted on google cloud platform(gcp) app Engine to my Mongo Atlas DB.
And Mongo wants me to whitelist the gcp app ip.
But gcp doesn't have a static IP for me to whitelist.
I want to make sure I apply security best practices, and as far as I understand whitelisting my DB for all the ips is not secures. So how can I do it without opening all ips ?
You have 2 solutions
You can grant the App Engine IP ranges. But it's not secured as described in the documentation:
From this example, we see that both the and IP ranges can be used for App Engine traffic. Other queries for any additional netblocks may return additional IP ranges.
Note that using static IP address filtering is not considered a safe and effective means of protection. For example, an attacker could set up a malicious App Engine app which could share the same IP address range as your application. Instead, we suggest that you take a defense in depth approach using OAuth and Certs.
You can perform VPC peering. This required several things
Have a paid subscription to Mongo Atlas
Create a {peering between Mongo Atlas and your project](
Create a serverless VPC connector and add it to your App Engine to allow it to reach private IP on the VPC (and peering attached to the VPC, like your Mongo Atlas DB)
You have the option of reserving a static IP while creating a VM.
On the"create instance" page, scroll to "networking" you are presented with options for your
I. Internal IP
II. External IP
If you are running M10-Cluster (or higher) on Atlas, VPC-Peering is your way to go. I'd recommend trying this tutorial. They're explaining what CIDR-ranges (what you referred to as IPs) to whitelist.
One thing to notice here, they are using GCPs Kubernetes Engine. With App Engine there is a little extra effort as it is one of GCPs "Serverless"-Solutions, which is the reason why you should not use static IPs or anything like that. You will need to connect your App to the VPC-Network via a Connector:
Create a connector in the same region as your GAE-App following
these instructions. You can find out the current region of your
GAE-App with gcloud app describe. Just give the connector the range for now (/28 is added automatically). Remember the name
you gave it.
Depending on your environment your app has to point to that connector. In NodeJS its your app.yaml file and it looks similar to this:
runtime: nodejs10
Go to your Atlas project, navigate to Network Access and whitelist
the CIDR-range you set for the connector in Step 1
You may also need to whitelist the CIDR-range from Step 1 for the
VPC-Network. You can do that in GCP by navigating to VPC-Network ->

Mongo Meteor AWS EC2 Multiple Deploy

I was using Galaxy to host my meteor app and recently decided to host my app with Amazon Cloudfront serving static webpage (angular client) and connect that to my meteor app running on an EC2 container.
I have the static page working and I have the meteor app on the EC2 container, which points to a remote mongo server, working as well. I am using the meteor-client-bundler package to attempt to connect the client (static cloudfront) to the Meteor server via DDP URL. Here is where I am stuck.
The DDP Url should be my meteor server correct? Hosted at I feel like it has to be because I have publications and methods on the server I will need to hit constantly. If that is correct, then what if I also want to have two EC2 containers running the same Meteor app? Just like in Galaxy, in case 1 is getting maintenance work done or goes down, I want the backup to take over. How can I set up two different DDP urls?
You should use a custom domain for the server, and use that custom domain in the DDP URL. While using the EC2 address will work, it's better to use a different address, especially if you ever want to move to another provider.
You can use NGINX as a reverse proxy to have 2 or more Meteor apps on the one box. It's not too difficult to set up.
You can also use Meteor up (aka mup) to do multiple deployments to the same box. Meteor up will give you a very simple way to deploy, it will even revert to the previous version if something goes wrong automatically. You can even configure it to run letsencrypt to give you https security, and automatically renew the certs.
For anyone who is new to this stuff like I am, I figured out to buy another domain name, use dns (route 53) to a load balancer (elastic beanstalk) which handles multiple ec2s for 1 domain, and then point your ddp from the client to the domain. Boom. Thanks for the help #Mikkel

Google Cloud SQL VM refusing connection

I have been stuck trying to figure out why my Cloud SQL VM is refusing my connection from my machine (whom ip address I have added as a subnet). I cann SSH into the VM but i cannot access the VM from a browser to make SQLs. I have scoured the internet for days trying to find a fix but i cannot seem to get pass this point. My apache listens to port 80. Also Id like to add that I have been connecting to my Mysql db for months through php and making sqls so I do not believe the problem is with apache. However if it is please point me to where i should be looking.
It sounds like you have MySQL running on a GCE VM, not an actual CloudSQL instance (that is a different service from GCE). Is that right?
If so, then if you are trying to connect from your local machine directly to the mysql instance, you are probably getting blocked by the firewall. Go to the networks tab (under Compute Engine) on the cloud console and see what firewall rules you have enabled. You might need to add one for 3306 or whatever port you are using.