Netlogo random patches setup without them touching at all - netlogo

I am trying to set up random patches that have no corners touching at all, and the color of those patches are different colors of green (to visually represent each patch having a random quality value in my model). My conceptual idea of how to do this is to have the “false” part of my “ifelse” statement to basically tell the program to keep trying to assign the patch a different place if it has another patch touching any part of it, until all patches have a place with no other patches touching it all (including corners). I just have no idea if that is possible or what code could do that. Is there a netlogo primitive that is equivalent to "until" ? Any help or ideas would be appreciated!
Here is a part of my code:
patches-own [ quality ]
to setup
to setup-patches
ask n-of number-of-patches patches
[ ifelse sum [ pcolor ] of neighbors = 0
[ set quality random (2 + random 8)
set pcolor scale-color green quality 0 10
[ set pcolor black ; this is the line I need to change

Have a look at the primitives while and neighbors in the NetLogo dictionary. I am not completely clear on the sequencing you want in your code so I can't provide a full answer. However, you want something like:
while any? neighbors [(however you define the ones you don't want to touch]
[(try again)
Note that patches always touch other patches because the world is constructed as a grid of patches. So you presumably want patches with specific conditions (such as high values of quality) to not touch each other.

As JenB says, patches are always touching other patches, so I'm assuming the question is "How can I generate number-of-patches green patches that aren't touching any other green patches?". Then I'd do this:
to setup-patches
while [ count patches with [ shade-of? green pcolor ] < number-of-patches ]
[ ask one-of patches with [ quality = 0 and count neighbors with [ shade-of? green pcolor ] = 0 ]
[ set quality random (2 + random 8)
set pcolor scale-color green quality 0 10 ] ]
Basically, while the number of green patches is less than the desired number of green patches, choose one of the patches that isn't green and doesn't have any green neighbors. Then turn it green.


More patches per turtle according to its size Netlogo

I 'm new in Netlogo programming. I would like to make turtles with cloud shape and big size so if another turtle i.e. a person be at the same patch with the cloud to lose energy. The problem is that I can't have a turtle to be in more than one patches, netlogo "can see" that it's in only one patch.
Regardless of the size of an icon depicting a turtle, the turtle is located only at a single point (defined by the variables xcor and ycor). However, you can instead use distance to find if other turtles are close
As JenB said, the turtle only exists as a point, you'll have to come up with logic to make the clouds seem bigger than they are if you want them to be turtles.
Here is some code that demonstrates how to use size and in-radius to make the clouds breed affect the leaves breed color as they move past. It works best with shape = "circle" since then the radius of the cloud will match where the leaves are affected. You can add this code to a basic new NetLogo model to see it work:
breed [ clouds cloud ]
breed [ leaves leaf ]
to setup
ask patches [
set pcolor blue + 2
create-clouds 10 [
set xcor random-xcor
set ycor random-ycor
set size 1 + random 4
set color white - 2
set shape "circle"
create-leaves 35 [
set xcor random-xcor
set ycor max-pycor
set shape "leaf"
set color green
set heading 180
to go
ask clouds [
ask leaves in-radius (size / 2) [
set color (color - 1)
ask leaves [
fd (1 + random 10) / 10
You can also reverse the logic a bit so it's the leaves that check if they are inside a cloud using distance. I find this option more confusing, but it might work better in your case:
to go-leaves
ask leaves [
if any? clouds with [distance myself < (size / 2)] [
set color (color - 1)
fd (1 + random 10) / 10
And finally, instead of using turtles to represent your large areas that turtles move through, you could use patches instead. It would simplify some things, but wouldn't work in every case.

NetLogo: Having a turtle remember its starting location

I want to have my turtles move back and forth between a central area and their starting location. I have set the central area (patch 0 0, and its neighbouring patches). I have set these turtles to begin from random locations on setup.
Now I need them to move to the central area and be able to remember and return to their respective starting positions. Here is my attempt, but one that is not working.
ask patches
[ set target-patch patch 0 0
ask target-patch
[ set pcolor green
ask neighbors [set pcolor green]
set hold-time 5
create-turtles 10
[ set shape "car"
set size 1
set color white
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
if (patches != patches with [pcolor = green])
[ set start-position (random-xcor random-ycor)] ;; line with error
to go
ask turtles
[ set heading target-patch move-to target-patch
set hold-time hold-time + 5
ask turtles
[ if hold-time >= 10
[ set heading start-position move-to start-position]
There are several problems with your code. I strongly suggest that you code in smaller pieces. That is, add some code and make sure it works before writing the next piece. Making sure it works is not just making it through without error messages, it needs to do what you expect it to do.
On your specific question. The line if (patches != patches with [pcolor = green]) is causing an error. First, patches is the set of all patches, not just a particular patch. So you are (sort of) asking whether the set of all patches is not equal to the set of patches that are green. Is that really what you intended? If so, it is easier to simply ask whether there is any patch that is not green:
if any? patches with [pcolor != green]
or to check whether they are all green and continue if not:
if not all? patches [pcolor = green]
However, since you are asking about moving back and forth to and from the central green patches, I think you really want to have the turtle check whether the patch they happen to be located on is green. This code looks at the patch where the turtle is located (patch-here) and checks whether the color (pcolor) is green:
if [pcolor] of patch-here = green [ ]
However, one of the tricks of NetLogo is that turtles can access the variables of the patch they are on directly. Note that a patch cannot access a turtle's variables because there may be multiple turtles on the patch so the patch doesn't know which turtle you want. But a turtle can only ever be on one patch at once. So you could write:
if pcolor = green [ ]
You also need to rethink this code:
ask patches
[ set target-patch patch 0 0
ask target-patch
[ set pcolor green
ask neighbors [set pcolor green]
set hold-time 5
This suggests to me that you have misunderstood something very fundamental to NetLogo programming. You need to think from the perspective of an individual agent. Looking at this code, you first do ask turtles, so that is going to run through all the turtles in random order. Let's call them A, then B, then C and so on.
What is each turtle going to do? Everything in the [ ]. So, A sets the value of the global variable named "target-patch" to patch 0 0. Then A asks that patch to turn green, have the 8 surrounding patches to turn green, and to set the variable "hold-time" to the value 5.
So far, so good. But then turtle B does exactly the same thing - it assigns "target-patch", turns it and its neighbors green etc. Then turtle C. If you have 100 turtles, this block of code will run 100 times and do exactly the same thing each time.

How to get turtles run back and forth a coloured patch?

I have a simple image as a map. I would like the turtles to start from the lighter grey colour and run to the darker patches for resources. How can I do that?
My Code
to setup-patches
import-drawing "01.png"
import-pcolors "01.png"
ask patches [
to setup-house
create-turtles [setxy where pcolor = grey]
set house? where pcolor = grey
The image is at
I can provide more details on request.
Okay, a patch is actually a NetLogo term for one of the grid cells in the World. Your image suggests that the grey areas will cover multiple NetLogo patches each. The following code creates some random grey multi-patch areas and a house at one of the patches in one of the grey areas.
breed [houses house]
to testme
to setup-patches
ask n-of 3 patches
[ set pcolor gray
ask neighbors
[ set pcolor gray
ask neighbors
[ set pcolor gray
to setup-houses
ask one-of patches with [pcolor = gray]
[ sprout-houses 1
[ set color red
Your question is too vague to properly answer, but hopefully this will get you on the right track. I suggest you redo the NetLogo tutorials and look at some of the models in the library included in the software to find pieces of code that do tasks you are going to need.

How do I spread a color between neighbouring patches?

We are designing a classroom in Netlogo that looks like this:
The person represents the teacher walking around in the classroom, the grey patches represent empty seats, the green patches represent seats with concentrated students and the red patches represent seats with unconcentrated students. We want to 'spread' the lack of concentration as a 'disease' to the neighbouring GREEN patches. We found some lines of code that almost did what we want:
ask patches with [pcolor = green] [set pcolor [pcolor] of one-of neighbors4]
But this would eventually turn all patches grey, so we tried to change it into this:
ask patches with [pcolor = green] [set pcolor [pcolor] of one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = red]]
This line gives the following error: 'OF expected input to be a turtle agentset or patch agentset or turtle or patch but got NOBODY instead.'
Does any of you know how to fix this?
The error you're getting comes up because you're telling green patches to change their color to one of their neighbors that is red, but not all green patches necessarily have red neighbors. In such a case when you tell a green patch "change your color to one of your neighbors that is red" the green patch goes, "well, among my neighbors there is nobody with that color." The special agentset nobody is then returned, and nobody has no color for the original green patch to access!
I think you might have an easier time of this by going the other way- that is, having the red patches be the ones that spread. For example, with this example setup:
to setup
resize-world 0 25 0 25
ask patches [
set pcolor green
ask n-of 5 patches [ set pcolor red ]
You have a world with a bunch of concentrating students, and 5 troublemakers. Now, if you get your troublemakers to check if they have any neighboring patches who could be corrupted, you can have the lack of concentration spread outwards with increasing speed:
to colorswap
ask patches with [ pcolor = red ] [
; See if there is any possible neighbor patch
; to whom I can spread my lack of concentration
let target one-of neighbors4 with [ pcolor = green ]
; if the target exists, have them change their color
if target != nobody [
ask target [
set pcolor red

Determining the radius of turtle clusters and number of turtles in them - postprocessing

If I have a situation in which about a 1000 black turtles disperse at random angles and steps throughout the netlogo world for a given duration of ticks. Each turtle is assigned a random probability at each timestep during dispersal, and if this number exceeds a given threshold for any given turtle it changes it's color to red and stops moving. Additionally, black turtles (still moving) that happen to move within a patch of red turtles (stopped/settled), change their color to grey and settle (stop moving) as well. Finally, other black turtles (still moving) that happen to be move within a patch of either grey or red turtles (stopped/settled), also change their color to grey and settle (stop moving)
My question is a post-processing question for when the simulation duration is reached. How do I determine the number of clusters of red-grey turtles in the sea of black turtles? Also, how do I determine the size (radial extent) of each cluster? And finally, how do I determine the number of turtles in each cluster?
Jen is right: you need a clear idea of what constitutes a cluster before being able to truly answer that question.
That being said, one possible option is to use a clustering algorithm. I'd suggest taking a look at Christopher Frantz's dbscan extension.
Here is a quickly thrown together example:
extensions [ dbscan ]
to setup
ask patches [ set pcolor white ]
create-turtles 1000 [
set color black
set label-color blue
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
ask n-of 5 turtles [
ask turtles in-radius 3 [
set color one-of [red grey]
to find-clusters
let red-grey-turtles turtles with [ member? color [red grey] ]
let clusters dbscan:cluster-by-location red-grey-turtles 3 3
(foreach clusters range length clusters [ [c i] ->
foreach c [ t ->
ask t [ set label i ]
Sorry for the lack of further explanations: I have a plane to catch...