I have a mobile app where the user needs to re-login after some time for security reasons. The thing is that the content that was open in the background needs to stay there, and open after the login. So, even if it was a modal.
What is the best way to do this.
Pushing the login view when a modal is open doesn't help, since the view is put behind the modal.
Thanks in advance!
on the current page
public openLogin() {
let loginModal = this.modalController.create(LoginPage, { modal: true });
loginModal.onDidDismiss(data => {
if (data) {
this.profileData = data;
} else {
on loginPage
this.userService.login(username, password)
data => {
if (data.success) {
var user = data.result;
if (this.itsModal) {
else {
} else {
// error handling
error => {
public closeModal(data: any = null) {
I try to Exit app from a specific page(HometabsPage) using Hardware Back Button.
I use below code:
var lastTimeBackPress = 0;
var timePeriodToExit = 2000;
platform.registerBackButtonAction(() => {
let view = this.nav.getActive();
if (view.component.name == 'SignInPage' ) {
if (new Date().getTime() - lastTimeBackPress < timePeriodToExit) {
platform.exitApp(); //Exit from app
} else {
this.common.presentToast("Press back again to exit App?", "bottom");
lastTimeBackPress = new Date().getTime();
} else {
In my application there is two section SignIn and Hometabs. Above code work fine on the SignIn page.
if (view.component.name == 'SignInPage' )
But I try "HometabsPage" instead of "SignInPage" after that in all pages show the toast message.
Please help me.
#Neotrixs After login, set HomeTabsPage as your Root Page. It will prevent your app from going back to LoginPage.
For Hardware Back Button,I did it by Following methods:
let backButton = this.platform.registerBackButtonAction(() => {
var stackSize = this.nav.length();
if(stackSize < 1)
let view = this.nav.getActive();
if (view.component.name == 'ProjectsPage' || view.component.name == 'LoginPage') {
if ((new Date().getTime() - this.lastTimeBackPress) < this.timePeriodToExit) {
this.platform.exitApp(); //Exit from app
} else {
this.lastTimeBackPress = new Date().getTime();
In the above code, at first I checked the Stack Size, if its less than 1, then showed the Toast for confirmation of leaving the app.
Hope it will help you or someone else.
Ionic latest version 3.xx
app.component.ts file:
import { Platform, Nav, Config, ToastController } from 'ionic-angular';
constructor(public toastCtrl: ToastController, public platform: Platform) {
platform.ready().then(() => {
//back button handle
//Registration of push in Android and Windows Phone
var lastTimeBackPress = 0;
var timePeriodToExit = 2000;
platform.registerBackButtonAction(() => {
// get current active page
let view = this.nav.getActive();
if (view.component.name == "TabsPage") {
//Double check to exit app
if (new Date().getTime() - lastTimeBackPress < timePeriodToExit) {
this.platform.exitApp(); //Exit from app
} else {
let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
message: 'Press back again to exit App?',
duration: 3000,
position: 'bottom'
lastTimeBackPress = new Date().getTime();
} else {
// go to previous page
I'm trying to work with one signal plugin in my ionic 2 app
I've installed Onesignal and it was working fine,but i don't know how to work with handleNotificationOpened function
there is no document at all (nothing was found)
this is my code:
this.oneSignal.handleNotificationReceived().subscribe((msg) => {
// o something when notification is received
but I have no idea how to use msg for getting data.
any help? link?
tank you
Here is how i redirect user to related page when app launch from notification.
this.oneSignal.handleNotificationOpened().subscribe((data) => {
let payload = data; // getting id and action in additionalData.
redirectToPage(data) {
let type
try {
type = data.notification.payload.additionalData.type;
} catch (e) {
switch (type) {
case 'Followers': {
this.navController.push(UserProfilePage, { userId: data.notification.payload.additionalData.uid });
} case 'comment': {
this.navController.push(CommentsPage, { id: data.notification.payload.additionalData.pid })
A better solution would be to reset the current nav stack and recreate it. Why?
Lets see this scenario:
TodosPage (rootPage) -> TodoPage (push) -> CommentsPage (push)
If you go directly to CommentsPage the "go back" button won't work as expected (its gone or redirect you to... who knows where :D).
So this is my proposal:
this.oneSignal.handleNotificationOpened().subscribe((data) => {
// Service to create new navigation stack
import {Injectable} from '#angular/core';
import {App} from 'ionic-angular';
import {TodosPage} from '../pages/todos/todos';
import {TodoPage} from '../pages/todo/todo';
import {CommentsPage} from '../pages/comments/comments';
export class NavigationService {
pagesToPush: Array<any>;
constructor(public app: App) {
// Function to create nav stack
createNav(data: any) {
this.pagesToPush = [];
// Customize for different push notifications
// Setting up navigation for new comments on TodoPage
if (data.notification.payload.additionalData.type === 'NEW_TODO_COMMENT') {
page: TodoPage,
params: {
todoId: data.notification.payload.additionalData.todoId
page: CommentsPage,
params: {
todoId: data.notification.payload.additionalData.todoId,
// We need to reset current stack
this.app.getRootNav().setRoot(TodosPage).then(() => {
// Inserts an array of components into the nav stack at the specified index
this.app.getRootNav().insertPages(this.app.getRootNav().length(), this.pagesToPush);
I hope it helps :)
I have a wrapper around the Editor provided by Draft.js, and I would like to get the tab/shift-tab keys working like they should for the UL and OL. I have the following methods defined:
_onChange(editorState) {
if (this.props.onChange) {
new CustomEvent('chimpeditor_update',
detail: stateToHTML(editorState.getCurrentContent())
_onTab(event) {
this._onChange(RichUtils.onTab(event, this.state.editorState, 6));
Here I have a method, _onTab, which is connected to the Editor.onTab, where I call RichUtil.onTab(), which I assume returns the updated EditorState, which I then pass to a generic method that updates the EditorState and calls some callbacks. But, when I hit tab or shift-tab, nothing happens at all.
So this came up while implementing with React Hooks, and a google search had this answer as the #2 result.
I believe the code OP has is correct, and I was seeing "nothing happening" as well. The problem turned out to be not including the Draft.css styles.
import 'draft-js/dist/Draft.css'
import { Editor, RichUtils, getDefaultKeyBinding } from 'draft-js'
handleEditorChange = editorState => this.setState({ editorState })
handleKeyBindings = e => {
const { editorState } = this.state
if (e.keyCode === 9) {
const newEditorState = RichUtils.onTab(e, editorState, 6 /* maxDepth */)
if (newEditorState !== editorState) {
return getDefaultKeyBinding(e)
render() {
return <Editor onTab={this.handleKeyBindings} />
The following example will inject \t into the current location, and update the state accordingly.
function custKeyBindingFn(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 9) {
let newContentState = Modifier.replaceText(
setEditorState(EditorState.push(editorState, newContentState, 'insert-characters'));
event.preventDefault(); // For good measure. (?)
return null;
return getDefaultKeyBinding(event);
I am wondering if you can pass a controller to the $ionicModal service. Something like.
$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('templates/login.html', {
scope: $scope,
controller: 'MyModalCotroller'
A little context: I would like to have a modal that is distributed across the app and I dont want to repeat all the methods (hide, show, buttons inside the modal) in every controller and I would like to remove the methods from the 'Main Controller' to keep things clean. This would encapsulate the functionality of the modal.
Is there a way to do this.?
Just add the controller you want to use in the body of the html of the modal. I created a fiddle to show you an example based off the one provided in the ionic docs: http://jsfiddle.net/g6pdkfL8/
But basically:
<-- template for the modal window -->
<ion-content ng-controller="ModalController">
There's no direct way of doing so in ionic. However, if you really want to have some common code being segregated at one place,
You can use services to do so. Here' how.
In your modal declaration, pass scope as null, also the modal declaration should move in a service.
app.service('utilsService', function($ionicModal) {
this.showModal = function() {
var service = this;
$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('templates/login.html', {
scope: null,
controller: 'MyModalCotroller'
}).then(function(modal) {
service.modal = modal;
this.hideModal = function() {
All your common methods will also move down into the same service.
Add the reference to this service into your controller's scope.
app.controller('indexController', function($scope, utilsService) {
$scope.utilsService = utilsService;
Now, you can call all the common methods from the view directly using this service.
e.g. <button ng-click="utilsService.hideModal()">Hide modal</button>
Based on this question and other needs I create a service that can be useful.
Anyway use the CodePen code, this updated, improved and it makes available the parameter 'options' of $ionicModal.
See this post: Ionic modal service or see in operation: CodePen
(function () {
'use strict';
var serviceId = 'appModalService';
angular.module('app').factory(serviceId, [
'$ionicModal', '$rootScope', '$q', '$injector', '$controller', appModalService
function appModalService($ionicModal, $rootScope, $q, $injector, $controller) {
return {
show: show
function show(templateUrl, controller, parameters) {
// Grab the injector and create a new scope
var deferred = $q.defer(),
modalScope = $rootScope.$new(),
thisScopeId = modalScope.$id;
$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl(templateUrl, {
scope: modalScope,
animation: 'slide-in-up'
}).then(function (modal) {
modalScope.modal = modal;
modalScope.openModal = function () {
modalScope.closeModal = function (result) {
modalScope.$on('modal.hidden', function (thisModal) {
if (thisModal.currentScope) {
var modalScopeId = thisModal.currentScope.$id;
if (thisScopeId === modalScopeId) {
// Invoke the controller
var locals = { '$scope': modalScope, 'parameters': parameters };
var ctrlEval = _evalController(controller);
ctrlInstance = $controller(controller, locals);
if (ctrlEval.isControllerAs) {
ctrlInstance.openModal = modalScope.openModal;
ctrlInstance.closeModal = modalScope.closeModal;
}, function (err) {
return deferred.promise;
function _cleanup(scope) {
if (scope.modal) {
function _evalController(ctrlName) {
var result = {
isControllerAs: false,
controllerName: '',
propName: ''
var fragments = (ctrlName || '').trim().split(/\s+/);
result.isControllerAs = fragments.length === 3 && (fragments[1] || '').toLowerCase() === 'as';
if (result.isControllerAs) {
result.controllerName = fragments[0];
result.propName = fragments[2];
} else {
result.controllerName = ctrlName;
return result;
} // end
.show('<templateUrl>', '<controllerName> or <controllerName as ..>', <parameters obj>)
.then(function(result) {
// result from modal controller: $scope.closeModal(result) or <as name here>.closeModal(result) [Only on template]
}, function(err) {
// error
You can use another service to centralize the configuration of all modals:
.factory('myModals', ['appModalService', function (appModalService){
var service = {
showLogin: showLogin,
showEditUser: showEditUser
function showLogin(userInfo){
// return promise resolved by '$scope.closeModal(data)'
// Use:
// myModals.showLogin(userParameters) // get this inject 'parameters' on 'loginModalCtrl'
// .then(function (result) {
// // result from closeModal parameter
// });
return appModalService.show('templates/modals/login.html', 'loginModalCtrl as vm', userInfo)
// or not 'as controller'
// return appModalService.show('templates/modals/login.html', 'loginModalCtrl', userInfo)
function showEditUser(address){
// return appModalService....
Create a directive to be used inside the modal and inside the directive you can assign the modal it's own controller and scope. If someone wants some example code I can put something up.
I was looking for a simple way to attach a controller to a modal instance and manage all modals with a single service. Also, I wanted the modal to have it's own isolated child scope. I wasn't satisfied with using ng-controller and I found other answers to be overly complicated to the point where you could easily loose track of scope and end up with circular or unidentifiable dependencies. I created the following service for my purposes.
You can pass an optional parentScope parameter to explicitly assign a parent scope to the created modal scope.
You could easily modify the instantiateModal method to accept $ionicModal options as an argument - I just didn't have the need for it.
BTW - I'm using the Webpack babel-loader for transpilation and the html-loader to load the templates. But, in it's simplest form, it's just a basic service.
* nvModals
* #description A modal manager. Attaches a specified controller to an $ionicModal instance.
import myModalTemplate from '../common/modals/my-modal.html';
import otherModalTemplate from '../common/modals/other-modal.html';
let nvModals = function (
) {
var _self = this;
_self.methods = {
* Instantiate and show a modal
showMyModal: (parentScope) => {
var parentScope = parentScope || null;
_self.methods.instantiateModal('MyModalController', myModalTemplate, parentScope)
* Instantiate and show another modal
showOtherModal: (parentScope) => {
var parentScope = parentScope || null;
_self.methods.instantiateModal('OtherModalController', otherModalTemplate, parentScope)
* Instantiate a new modal instance
* #param {object} controller Controller for your modal
* #param {string} template Template string
* #param {object} parentScope Optional parent scope for the modal scope
* #return {object} Modal instance
instantiateModal: (controller, template, parentScope) => {
var modalScope;
if(parentScope) {
modalScope = $rootScope.$new(false, parentScope);
} else {
modalScope = $rootScope.$new(false);
$controller(controller, {
'$scope': modalScope
modalScope.modal = $ionicModal.fromTemplate(template, {
scope: modalScope,
animation: 'slide-in-up'
modalScope.$on('modal.hidden', (evt) => {
if (evt.targetScope.modal) {
modalScope.hideModal = function () {
return modalScope.modal;
return _self.methods;
nvModals.$inject = [
export default nvModals;
In your controller...
$scope.modals = nvModals;
In the associated template
In the modal template
Ok, I have seen a lot of different solutions to better handling Ionic modals because of the lack of a controller option or something similar.
After playing with React for a while I came up with another option, more declarative in my opinion. Is in ES6 and just a prototype but you can have an idea:
(function() {
'use strict';
#Inject('$scope', '$ionicModal', '$transclude', '$rootScope')
class Modal {
constructor() {
let { animation, focusFirstInput, backdropClickToClose, hardwareBackButtonClose } = this;
$transclude((clone, scope) => {
let modal = this.createModalAndAppendClone({
}, clone);
setupScopeListeners(scope) {
scope.$on('modal.shown', this.onShown);
scope.$on('modal.hidden', this.onHidden);
scope.$on('modal.removed', this.onRemoved);
addOnDestroyListener() {
this.$scope.$on('$destroy', () => {
createIsOpenWatcher() {
this.isOpenWatcher = this.$scope.$watch(() => this.isOpen, () => {
if (this.isOpen) {
} else {
emitOnSetupEvent(scope) {
$scope: scope,
$removeModal: this.removeModal.bind(this)
scope = this.$rootScope.$new(true),
animation = 'slide-in-up',
focusFirstInput = false,
backdropClickToClose = true,
hardwareBackButtonClose = true
}, clone) {
let options = {
this.modal = this.$ionicModal.fromTemplate('<ion-modal-view></ion-modal-view>', options);
let $modalEl = angular.element(this.modal.modalEl);
return this.modal;
removeModal() {
function modal() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: {
'onShown': '&',
'onHidden': '&',
'onRemoved': '&',
'onSetup': '&',
'isOpen': '=',
'animation': '#',
'focusFirstInput': '=',
'backdropClickToClose': '=',
'hardwareBackButtonClose': '='
controller: Modal,
bindToController: true,
controllerAs: 'vm'
.directive('modal', modal);
And then you can use it like this:
<modal is-open="vm.isOpen" on-shown="vm.onShown()" on-hidden="vm.onHidden()" on-removed="vm.onRemoved()" on-setup="vm.onSetup($scope, $removeModal)">
<div class="bar bar-header bar-clear">
<div class="button-header">
<button class="button button-positive button-clear button-icon ion-close-round button-header icon" ng-click="vm.closeModal()"></button>
<ion-content class="has-header">
<create-flight-form on-submit="vm.submit()"></create-flight-form>
You open and close the modal with a boolean value bind to is-open and then register callbacks for the different events.