Postgres syntax error on UNIQUE INDEX - HeidiSQL - postgresql

HeidiSQL generated the following creation code:
CREATE TABLE "books" (
"creation_date" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
UNIQUE INDEX "symbol" ("symbol")
COMMENT ON COLUMN "books"."id" IS E'';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "books"."creation_date" IS E'';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "books"."symbol" IS E'';
And when I try to submit, I get the following error:
Is it an HeidiSQL bug with PostgreSQL?

There is a recommendation note for how you should create an UNIQUE INDEX in PostgreSQL:
The preferred way to add a unique constraint to a table is ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT. The use of indexes to enforce unique constraints could be considered an implementation detail that should not be accessed directly. One should, however, be aware that there's no need to manually create indexes on unique columns; doing so would just duplicate the automatically-created index.
There are a couple of ways of creating a UNIQUE INDEX on PostgreSQL.
The first way is, as mentioned above, using ALTER TABLE on a previously created table:
ALTER TABLE books ADD UNIQUE ("symbol");
Note: this approach uses the auto-generation of indexes of PostgreSQL (that is, PostgreSQL will identify that that column is unique and add an index to it).
The second way is using CREATE INDEX:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "symbol" ON books("symbol");
Last but not least, you can simply omit, in the table creation, the INDEX keyword and let PostgreSQL do the magic (create the index) for you:
CREATE TABLE "books" (
"creation_date" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
UNIQUE ("symbol")
Note: The syntax UNIQUE "symbol"("symbol") could be a confusion made with method 2, as in that method one it is required to specify both the table and the column name (books("symbol")).
Therefore, that is not a PostgreSQL bug, but rather a HeidiSQL one.
Edit: I was able to reproduce the bug and opened an issue on github.


PostgreSQL declarative partition - unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns
(1 answer)
Closed last month.
I'm trying to create a partitioned table which refers to itself, creating a doubly-linked list.
id serial NOT NULL,
category integer NOT NULL,
time timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
prev_event integer,
next_event integer
) PARTITION BY HASH (category);
Once I add primary key I get the following error.
alter table test2 add primary key (id);
ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns
DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "test2" lacks column "category" which is part of the partition key.
Why does the unique constrain require all partitioned columns to be included?
EDIT: Now I understand why this is needed:
Once I add PK with both columns it works.
alter table test2 add primary key (id, category);
But then adding the FK to itself doesn't work.
alter table test2 add foreign key (prev_event) references test2 (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "test2"
Since PK is not just id but id-category I can't create FK pointing to id.
Is there any way to deal with this or am I missing something?
I would like to avoid using inheritance partitioning if possible.
EDIT2: It seems this is a known problem.
Seems that there is no straightforward solution. PostgreSQL simply doesn't support this as of v14. One solution is to use triggers to enforce 'foreign key' behavior. Other is to use multi-column foreign keys. Both are far from optimal.

TimescaleDB/PostgreSQL: how to use unique constraint when creating hypertables?

I am trying to create a table in PostgreSQL to contain lots of data and for that reason I want to use timescales hypertable as in the example below.
CREATE TABLE "datapoints" (
"tstz" timestamptz NOT NULL,
"id" bigserial UNIQUE NOT NULL,
"entity_id" bigint NOT NULL,
"value" real NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ("id", "tstz", "entity_id")
SELECT create_hypertable('datapoints','tstz');
However, this throws an error - shown below. As far as I have figured out the error arise since the unique constraint isn't allowed in hypertables, but I really need the uniqueness. So does anyone have an idea on how to solve it or work around it?
ERROR: cannot create a unique index without the column "tstz" (used in partitioning)
SQL state: TS103
There is no way to avoid that.
TimescaleDB uses PostgreSQL partitioning, and it is not possible to have a primary key or unique constraint on a partitioned table that does not contain the partitioning key.
The reason behind that is that an index on a partitioned table consists of individual indexes on the partitions (these are the partitions of the partitioned index). Now the only way to guarantee uniqueness for such a partitioned index is to have the uniqueness implicit in the definition, which is only the case if the partitioning key is part of the index.
So you either have to sacrifice the uniqueness constraint on id (which is pretty much given if you use a sequence) or you have to do without partitioning.

Weak Entity postgresql

I want to create a table with primary key email,nro being nro a sequential number for each email ex:, 1, 2, 1
create table proposta_de_correcao(
email varchar(255) not null,
nro serial not null,
PRIMARY KEY(nro, email),
FOREIGN KEY (email) REFERENCES Utilizador(email),
But I get the following error:
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "proposta_de_correcao"
I have already tried:
contraint keys unique(nro,email)
Two things here, to help with your problem:
Why nro is serial if is not a sequential field in your database? serial type is used when you want that the field be incremented automatically (as in single integer primary keys). Maybe is better that you put an int type here.
You have in your table no unique constraints. If you create a fiddle, you can see that code runs fine:
CREATE TABLE proposta_de_correcao(
email VARCHAR(255) not null,
nro SERIAL not null,
UNIQUE(nro, email),
PRIMARY KEY(nro, email)
-- FOREIGN KEY (email) REFERENCES Utilizador(email)
INSERT INTO proposta_de_correcao VALUES ('', 1);
INSERT INTO proposta_de_correcao VALUES ('', 2);
INSERT INTO proposta_de_correcao VALUES ('', 1);
So, I can conclude that when you want to add the constraint, your database already have duplicated data in those two columns. Try to create in a test database the data mentioned above and you will see that runs perfectly.
I just removed the foreign key constraint to allow to run the code as we don't have the referenced table in example and we can consider that the referenced table don't have influence on the problem cited on answer.
Here's the fiddle.

Make a previously existing foreign key column have a unique constraint in postgres

I need to create a migration for an already existing table to make it's foreign key have a UNIQUE constraint. How do I do this?
From the examples I found in the documentation, it is mostly done when the table is created. The issue is I need to add this onto a column that already exists and is already set as a foreign key. This is what the table looks like at it's creation:
"myForeignKeyId" INTEGER NOT NULL,
"name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT "pk_myTable" PRIMARY KEY ("_id"),
CONSTRAINT "fk_myTable_myForeignKeyId" FOREIGN KEY ("myForeignKeyId") REFERENCES "myOtherTable" ("_id")
What I want to do is on a migration make myForeignKeyId unique. How do I do that?
I have tried to following:
ON province ("myForeignKeyId");
UNIQUE USING INDEX "myTable_myForeignKeyId";
First off, when I try this in a migration I get the error:
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cannot run inside a transaction block
So that part cannot be done, but even just doing it through SQL, the second part doesn't work either as it claims myForeignKeyId already exists. Even if I add an ALTER COLUMN myForeignKeyId it just says there is an error on that line.
This seems like it should be a simple enough operation, how can I do this?
After digging some more found quite a simple way to do this, was clearly originally off target.
To add a unique constraint to a column:
ADD CONSTRAINT "myUniqueKeyNameOfChoice" UNIQUE ("myColumn");
To remove it:
DROP CONSTRAINT "myUniqueKeyNameOfChoice";

How do I create a check to make sure a value exists in another table?

Right now I have two tables, one that contains a compound primary key and another that that references one of the values of the primary key but is a one-to-many relationship between Product and Mapping. The following is an idea of the setup:
CREATE TABLE dev."Product"
"Id" serial NOT NULL,
"ShortCode" character(6),
CREATE TABLE dev."Mapping"
"LookupId" integer NOT NULL,
"ShortCode" character(6) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT "MappingPK" PRIMARY KEY ("LookupId", "ShortCode")
Since the ShortCode is displayed to the user as a six character string I don't want to have a another table to have a proper foreign key reference but trying to create one with the current design is not allowed by PostgreSQL. As such, how can I create a check so that the short code in the Mapping table is checked to make sure it exists?
Depending on the fine print of your requirements and your version of Postgres I would suggest a TRIGGER or a NOT VALID CHECK constraint.
We have just discussed the matter in depth in this related question on dba.SE:
Disable all constraints and table checks while restoring a dump
If I understand you correctly, you need a UNIQUE constraint on "Product"."ShortCode". Surely it should be declared NOT NULL, too.
CREATE TABLE dev."Product"
"Id" serial NOT NULL,
"ShortCode" character(6) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
CREATE TABLE dev."Mapping"
"LookupId" integer NOT NULL,
"ShortCode" character(6) NOT NULL REFERENCES dev."Product" ("ShortCode"),
CONSTRAINT "MappingPK" PRIMARY KEY ("LookupId", "ShortCode")
Your original "Product" table will allow this INSERT statement to succeed, but it shouldn't.
insert into dev."Product" ("ShortCode") values
(NULL), (NULL), ('ABC'), ('ABC'), ('ABC');
Data like that is just about useless.
select * from dev."Product"
id ShortCode