I have an ellipse shape. (created having vertical direction)
I want to place several such shapes on the circle contour
They should be placed having same distance one from another
;x,y - circle center coordinates
;r - radius
to draw-ellipses [x y r elNum ]
if elNum > 0 [
let theta 0
let delta 360 / elNum
if elNum = 0 [ stop ]
crt 1 [
setxy (x + r * cos theta) (y + r * sin theta)
set shape "ellipse"
set heading 90 + theta
set size 7
set theta (theta + delta)
set elNum (elNum - 1)
The ellipse shapes ate placed correctly but their direction is wrong. I want the ellipses to have radial direction. I.e to be the continues of the radius to the point, where shape is placed. but directions are not good.
Only for 0 and 180 degrees the directions are ok.
Some advices what am I missing?
Do I understand correctly that you want your turtles to face away from the radius? If that's true, try replacing your heading line with:
set heading atan xcor ycor
to do it in a way that is consistent with your angle math. Alternatively, you can use facexy, and replace the heading line instead with something like:
facexy x y
rt 180
I am simulating a random walk within bounded angels, and I want to calculate the mean squared displacement of the turtles in 2D in my model. The turtles all start from the center. I am not sure how to update the xy coordinates for the turtles after they hit the boundaries. I am asking the turtles to bounce back when they hit the wall and save their new xcor and ycor. Here's my code:
to go
ask turtles
[; head in a random direction in range (-theta, +theta)
ifelse theta = 0
[set heading heading + 0 ]
; choose a normally distributed random angel in range (-theta, +theta)
[set heading heading + random-normal 0 (theta)]
fd step-size
set xc xc + (step-size * dx)
set yc yc + (step-size * dy)
; if your next patch is blocked:
ifelse not can-move? 1
[ set heading heading + 180
fd 1 ]
[rt random-float random-normal 0 (theta)]
set xcor xc
set ycor yc
set dist sqrt (xc * xc + yc * yc)]
I am getting the error which says:
"Cannot move turtle beyond the worlds edge.
error while turtle 423 running SET
called by procedure GO
called by Button 'go'". Any ideas why?
You have the grid-wrap disabled and your xcor/ycor of your agents are going past the max-pxcor/min-pxcor and max-pycor/min-pycor
I have angle A in netlogo. Which is the turtle's heading?
I wish to convert to it to unit vector.
How should I do it given the turtle's axis are different from that normal?(Heading 0 corresponds to looking forward).
Assuming that by "unit vector" you want a x component and a y component, the dx and dy primitives do this (see dictionary). So for example:
observer> crt 1 [ set heading 30 print (list dx dy) ]
[0.49999999999999994 0.8660254037844387]
Note that dx is just sin heading and dy is just cos heading.
I wish to write to where I have a cone-of-vision cone angle for the turtle.
And I rotate the turtle through the cone-of-vision.
Therefore, first it's heading the start of cone-of-vision and with a increment of 0.05 degree it changes till it reaches the end of cone-of-vision
let max-head heading + (cone-angle / 2)
set heading subtract-headings heading (zero-dash / 2)
while[(subtract-headings heading max-head ) < 0]
set heading heading + .05
;wait 0.1
The above code I wrote isnt correct. But I can't find the mistake.
I think part of your difficulty is using subtract-headings. This finds the size of the shortest angle between two headings and that's not what you want for a cone of vision (which could potentially be wide). Since your code rotates clockwise, I have assumed you want to start at the most anti-clockwise point and rotate. The only difficulty then is if the heading goes through 360, so you need to separate the cone sweeping counter and the actual heading, and use mod arithmetic to convert from the counter.
[ cone-angle]
to setup
create-turtles 1
set cone-angle 25
to go
ask turtles
[ let max-head heading + (cone-angle / 2)
let fake-head heading - (cone-angle / 2)
while [fake-head < max-head]
[ print fake-head
set fake-head fake-head + 1
set heading fake-head mod 360
wait 0.1
I set/update each turtle's position as follows:
set xcor xcor + item 0 vector
set ycor ycor + item 0 vector
Therefore I add a vector to the current agent's coordinates.
I wish to rotate the added vector by angle x. Thus the vector "vector" should be rotated by angle x.
The angle should be taken from a Gaussian distribution with a specified deviation.
I am trying to achieve something similar to Couzin's model.
Thanks in advance!
You seem to have two questions here; I'll address the one you used for the title. The matrix extension allows matrix multiplication, so you could just create a standard rotation matrix once you have the ange of rotation. But standard advice in NetLogo would be to use a more turtle-centric approach. Then you need to decide whether to use the NetLogo heading conventions (0 degrees for north, 90 degrees for east, etc.) If so you could do something like this:
to move [#dx #dy]
let %dist 0
ask patch 0 0 [set %dist distancexy #dx #dy]
facexy (xcor + #dx) (ycor + dy)
let %theta random-rotation
rt %theta
jump %dist
to-report random-rotation
report (random-float 360) - 180
Here the random rotation is not Gaussian distributed because I was not sure what you meant. Perhaps a von Mises distribution? In any case, you should clarify and ask as a separate question.
Just to emphasize Alan's point: Unless you have a good reason to use vectors, it's usually much easier and clearer to avoid them in NetLogo. If all you want to do is turn the turtle by a random amount drawn from a Gaussian distribution, you can just do:
right-turn random-normal 0 <std-dev>
where <std-dev> is your desired standard deviation. Then, you can tell the turtle to go forward by what would have been the magnitude of the vector: forward <distance>.
If you absolutely need to do a vector rotation, you can do so without the matrix extension fairly easily:
to-report rotate-vector [ vec angle ]
let x first vec
let y last vec
let mag sqrt (x * x + y * y)
let old-angle atan x y
let new-angle angle + old-angle
report (list (mag * sin new-angle) (mag * cos new-angle))
Remember that angles in NetLogo are flipped around 45º so that 0º is north and 90º is east; thus, sin and cos are flipped when dealing with angles.
Somewhat simple, convert vector to angle, rotate (randomize), then convert back. For good coding style and such, break into modules.
to-report rotate [ #vector #angle ]
let $dx first #vector
let $dy last #vector
let $magnitude sqrt ($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy)
set #angle #angle + atan $dx $dy
report (list $magnitude * sin #angle $magnitude * cos #angle)
to-report nudge-vector [ #vector #std-dev ]
report rotate #vector random-normal 0 #std-dev
to move-inaccurately [ #vector #std-deviation ]
set #vector nudge-vector #vector #std-deviation
setxy (xcor + first #vector) (ycor + last #vector)
I want to make box in the middle of the Netlogo world
I managed to make a box but in the corner of my space the location of the origin is corner and the max pxcor = 9 and the maxpycor = 9
The code for 25%
to setup-area-25%
ask patches with [pxcor >= 5 and pycor >= 5] [ set pcolor blue ]
and the other code for 50 %
to setup-area-50%
ask patches with [pxcor >= -5 and pycor >= 5] [ set pcolor blue ]
I want to make blue area represent 25 and 50 % of the world but in the middle of the world I tried to use in radius but it did not give me a right area.
Thanks in advance
Here is a quick and dirty way that won't necessarily give you the exact percentage that your looking for, but could be good enough, depending on what you are trying to do:
to make-box [ pct box-color ]
let side round sqrt (count patches * (pct / 100))
let x min-pxcor + ceiling ((world-width - side) / 2)
let y min-pycor + ceiling ((world-height - side) / 2)
ask patches with [
pxcor >= x and pxcor < x + side and
pycor >= y and pycor < y + side
] [
set pcolor box-color
Calling make-box 25 red should give you a red square that is about 25% of the overall area, calling make-box 50 blue should give a blue square that is about 50%, etc.
The code uses the square root of the desired box area as the side of the box to draw. Not all numbers are perfect squares, however, and this is why you don't always get the exact percentage that you are looking for. You could try to look for the closest factor pair instead, but in some cases, they're just not very square. For example, 50% of the default NetLogo world size is 544.5 patches. If we round this up, we get 545 patches: not a perfect square. The closest factor pair that will give you exactly 545 is 109 * 5, which is probably not what you want.
Here is a version that uses the closest factor pair, thereby always giving an area equal to the desired percentage of the world (rounded to an integer number of patches, but that can't be avoided). Just be warned that the box may end up being much more rectangular than square; so much that it very well may wrap around the world. You'll have to vary world-size or requested percentage if you want to avoid that.
to make-box [ pct box-color ]
let n round (count patches * (pct / 100))
let h height (floor sqrt n) n
let w (n / h)
let x min-pxcor + ceiling ((world-width - w) / 2)
let y min-pycor + ceiling ((world-height - h) / 2)
ask patches with [
pxcor >= x and pxcor < x + w and
pycor >= y and pycor < y + h
] [
set pcolor box-color
to-report height [ h n ]
report ifelse-value (n mod h = 0) [ h ] [ height (h - 1) n ]
The algorithm for finding the closest factor pair loosely follows this answer.