iOS - UI Label Not Updating - swift

I am trying to build a weather app with AlamoFire and i am getting the JSON Response as expected but when i am trying to update the date to UI Label, my variable is returning a nil. if anyone get a chance to let me know where i am going wrong
import UIKit
class WeatherVC: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var dateLbl: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var weatherType: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var cityname: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var currentTemp: UILabel!
var weatherConstants = WeatherConstant()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// updateUI()
weatherConstants.downloadCurrentWeather {
weatherConstants = WeatherConstant()
func updateUI() {
weatherType.text = weatherConstants.weatherType
cityname.text = weatherConstants.cityName
print("current city name is \(weatherConstants.weatherType)")
Weather Constants
import UIKit
import Alamofire
class WeatherConstant {
var _cityName :String!
var _currentTemp : Double!
var _weatherType : String!
var _highTemp : String!
var _date :String!
var cityName :String {
if _cityName == nil {
_cityName = ""
return _cityName
var currentTemp : Double{
if _currentTemp == nil {
_currentTemp = 0.0
return _currentTemp
var weatherType : String {
if _weatherType == nil {
_weatherType = ""
return _weatherType
var highTemp : String {
if _highTemp == nil {
_highTemp = ""
return _highTemp
var date : String {
if _date == nil {
_date = ""
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .long
dateFormatter.timeStyle = .none
let currentDate = dateFormatter.string(from: Date())
self._date = "Today, \(currentDate)"
return _date
//func downloadWeatherDetails(completed : DownloadComplete) ===> downloadWeatherDetails(completed : #escaping DownloadComplete)
func downloadCurrentWeather(completed: #escaping DownloadComplete) {
Alamofire.request(Current_Weather_Url).responseJSON{ response in
let result = response.result
// print(result)
if let dict = result.value as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>{
if let name = dict["name"] as? String {
self._cityName = name
print("current name is \(self._cityName)")
if let currentTemp = dict["weather"] as? [Dictionary<String, AnyObject>] {
if let main = currentTemp[0]["main"] as? String{
self._weatherType = main
print("Current Weather Type \(self._weatherType)")
JSON Response
base = stations;
clouds = {
all = 0;
cod = 200;
coord = {
lat = "35.02";
lon = "139.01";
dt = 1485792967;
id = 1907296;
main = {
"grnd_level" = "1013.75";
humidity = 100;
pressure = "1013.75";
"sea_level" = "1023.22";
temp = "285.514";
"temp_max" = "285.514";
"temp_min" = "285.514";
name = Tawarano;
sys = {
country = JP;
message = "0.0025";
sunrise = 1485726240;
sunset = 1485763863;
weather = (
description = "clear sky";
icon = 01n;
id = 800;
main = Clear;
wind = {
deg = 311;
speed = "5.52";
Current Weather Type Optional("Clear")----> this the weather type i am trying to provide to UIlabel
current city name is Optional("") ------> Here i am trying to print what data is in UILabel but its returning empty string
2018-08-07 11:18:09.567868-0700 WeatherApp1.1[82321:3248301] [BoringSSL] Function boringssl_session_errorlog: line 2881 [boringssl_session_read] SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN(6): operation failed because the connection was cleanly shut down with a close_notify alert

You're overwriting the weatherConstants value with a new object in viewDidLoad. Try removing that.
(Longer explanation: you're correctly creating a weatherConstants object, and asking it to fetch data. But while that's happening, you create a second instance of that object which overwrites the first. So while the first instance completes the network request and tells your UI to redraw, the UI is getting its data from the second instance of WeatherConstants)


app reverts all input variables to defaults after some time

I wrote my fist app, very simple, that creates a user defined number of badges at random times during a user defined window of time. It works fine but after some time (not sure how long, 2-4 hours), all of the user input information reverts to the defaults of the program. The issue is it is supposed to run each day but it is annoying to have to set it each morning. I am not sure if this is a coding issue or if the app 'reboots' when it is not doing anything in the background. Note that this occurs on my iPhone 8 but not on the simulator (or I am not patient enough for it to occur on the simulator).
I have put several print and label to try to identify when it occurs; I am sure I am putting them in the correct places. I apologize for including so much code - I tried to weed some of the mistakes out but I do not know where the problem is.
import UserNotifications
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var EarlyTimePicker: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var LateTimePicker: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var NumQuestions: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var myLabel_Questions: UILabel!// Attached to the label box
#IBOutlet weak var myLabel_StartEndTime: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var myLabel_TestResetTime: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var myLabel_CurrentEarlyTime: UILabel!
private var earlyTimePicker: UIDatePicker?
private var lateTimePicker: UIDatePicker?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
center.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .badge, .sound]) { (granted, error) in //ask for permission in order to show messages on the lock screen
if granted {
} else {
earlyTimePicker = UIDatePicker()
earlyTimePicker?.datePickerMode = .time //change to .time
earlyTimePicker?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.earlyTimeChanged(earlyTimePicker:)),for: .valueChanged)
lateTimePicker = UIDatePicker()
lateTimePicker?.datePickerMode = .time //change to .time
lateTimePicker?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.lateTimeChanged(lateTimePicker:)),for: .valueChanged)
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(ViewController.viewTapped(gestureRecognizer:)))
EarlyTimePicker.inputView = earlyTimePicker
LateTimePicker.inputView = lateTimePicker
#objc func viewTapped(gestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer){
var earlyTime=480
var earlyTimehour=0
var earlyTimeminute=0
#objc func earlyTimeChanged(earlyTimePicker: UIDatePicker){
let earlyTimeFormatter = DateFormatter()
earlyTimeFormatter.dateFormat = "h:mm a"
earlyTimeFormatter.amSymbol = "AM"
earlyTimeFormatter.pmSymbol = "PM"
EarlyTimePicker.text = earlyTimeFormatter.string(from:
let earlyTimedate =
let earlyTimecomponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: earlyTimedate)
earlyTimehour = earlyTimecomponents.hour!
earlyTimeminute = earlyTimecomponents.minute!
earlyTime = earlyTimecomponents.hour! * 60 + earlyTimecomponents.minute!
print("earlyTimehour: \(earlyTimecomponents.hour!)")
print("earlyTimeminute: \(earlyTimecomponents)")
print("earlyTime: \(earlyTime)")
print("Current Time: \(Date())")
var lateTime=1200
var lateTimehour=0
var lateTimeminute=0
#objc func lateTimeChanged(lateTimePicker: UIDatePicker){
let lateTimeFormatter = DateFormatter()
lateTimeFormatter.dateFormat = "h:mm a"
lateTimeFormatter.amSymbol = "AM"
lateTimeFormatter.pmSymbol = "PM"
LateTimePicker.text = lateTimeFormatter.string(from:
let lateTimedate =
let lateTimecomponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: lateTimedate)
lateTimehour = lateTimecomponents.hour!
lateTimeminute = lateTimecomponents.minute!
lateTime = lateTimecomponents.hour! * 60 + lateTimecomponents.minute!
let testMinute = lateTime % 60
let testHour = lateTime / 60
print("lateTimehour: \(lateTimecomponents.hour!)")
print("lateTimeminute: \(lateTimecomponents)")
print("lateTime: \(lateTime)")
print("testHour: \(testHour)")
print("testMinute: \(testMinute)")
myLabel_TestResetTime.text = "Time Set \(Date())"
myLabel_CurrentEarlyTime.text = "Current Early Time: \(earlyTime) / OnOff: \(OnOff)"
let PickedString = ["One","Two","Three","Four", "Five","Six","Seven","Eight"]
// #IBAction func TestCallFunction(_ sender: UIButton) {
// scheduleLocal()
// }
//need to stop repeating with a cancel button (while bool true, do it, while false, stop. Default is false)
var RunDaily: Timer?
var OnOff = false
var QuestionNum = 1
#IBAction func Launch(_ sender: UIButton) {
OnOff = true
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
guard let QuestionNumA = Int(NumQuestions.text!) else { //This is how to get the UserInterface VALUE as a number
print("not a number!: \(String(describing: NumQuestions.text))")
print("Number of Questions: \(QuestionNumA)")
// var QuestionNum = 1
if QuestionNumA > 10 {QuestionNum=10} else {QuestionNum=QuestionNumA}
print("QuestionNumA:\(QuestionNumA) vs QuestionNum: \(QuestionNum)")
#IBAction func Stop(_ sender: UIButton) {
OnOff = false
func printStuff() {
if OnOff == true {
print("Bool is On : \(OnOff)")
RunDaily = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 86400, target: self, selector: #selector(showMessage), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)//86400
if OnOff == false {
print("Bool is Off : \(OnOff)")
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
func SaveDefaultData(){ // THis is the structure to SAVE input data for when the app relaunches (causes error when run.
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
defaults.set("Date()", forKey:"key1")
//defaults.set(earlyTimePicker, forKey:"earlyTimePickerSet") cannot set earlyTimePicker. causes crash
// defaults.set(lateTimePicker, forKey:"lateTimePickerSet")
defaults.set(earlyTime, forKey:"earlyTimeSet")
defaults.set(lateTime, forKey:"lateTimeSet")
defaults.set(QuestionNum, forKey:"QuestionNumSet")
func SetDefaultData(){// THis is the structure to Set input for when the app relaunches
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
if let savedValue = defaults.string(forKey: "key1"){
print("Here you will get saved value \(savedValue)")
} else {
print("No value in Userdefault,Either you can save value here or perform other operation")
defaults.set("Here you can save value", forKey: "key1")
if let earlyTimeValue = defaults.string(forKey: "earlyTimeSet"){
print("Here you will get saved value \(earlyTimeValue)")
earlyTime = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "earlyTimeSet") as? Int ?? 485
} else {
print("No value in Userdefault,Either you can save value here or perform other operation")
defaults.set("Here you can save value", forKey: "earlyTimeSet")
earlyTime = 500
if let lateTimeValue = defaults.string(forKey: "lateTimeSet"){
print("Here you will get saved value \(lateTimeValue)")
lateTime = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "lateTimeSet") as? Int ?? 1265
} else {
print("No value in Userdefault,Either you can save value here or perform other operation")
defaults.set("Here you can save value", forKey: "lateTimeSet")
lateTime = 1230
if let QuestionNumValue = defaults.string(forKey: "QuestionNumSet"){
print("Here you will get saved value \(QuestionNumValue)")
QuestionNum = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "QuestionNumSet") as? Int ?? 4
} else {
print("No value in Userdefault,Either you can save value here or perform other operation")
defaults.set("Here you can save value", forKey: "QuestionNumSet")
QuestionNum = 2
#objc func showMessage() {
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
if lateTime <= earlyTime {
lateTime = earlyTime+1
if earlyTimehour <= 12 {
LateTimePicker.text = "\(earlyTimehour):\(earlyTimeminute) AM"
if earlyTimehour > 12 {
let EarlyTimeAfternoon = earlyTimehour - 12
LateTimePicker.text = "\(EarlyTimeAfternoon):\(earlyTimeminute) PM"
// center.removeAllPendingNotificationRequests()
// guard let QuestionNumA = Int(NumQuestions.text!) else { //This is how to get the UserInterface VALUE as a number
// print("not a number!: \(String(describing: NumQuestions.text))")
// return
// }
//print("Number of Questions: \(QuestionNumA)")
var RandHourArray:[Int] = [0]
var RandMinArray:[Int] = [0]
var RandQuestionArray:[Int] = [0]
var Counter = 1
// var QuestionNum = 1
//if QuestionNumA > 2 {QuestionNum=10} else {QuestionNum=QuestionNumA}
// print("QuestionNumA:\(QuestionNumA) vs QuestionNum: \(QuestionNum)")
for _ in 0 ... QuestionNum-1{
// Pick random times for badges
//let RandHour = Int.random(in: earlyTimehour ... lateTimehour)
let RandTimeMinFromMidnight = Int.random(in: self.earlyTime ... self.lateTime)
let ConvertRandTimeHours = RandTimeMinFromMidnight / 60
let ConvertRandTimeMinutes = RandTimeMinFromMidnight % 60
//let RandMin = Int.random(in: earlyTimeminute ... lateTimeminute)
let RandQuestion = Int.random(in: 0 ... self.PickedString.count-1)
//print("RandTimeMinFromMidnight: \(RandTimeMinFromMidnight)")
// print("RandHourArray: \(RandHourArray)")
// print("ConvertRandTimeHours: \(ConvertRandTimeHours)")
// print("RandMinArray: \(RandMinArray)")
// print("ConvertRandTimeMinutes: \(ConvertRandTimeMinutes)")
myLabel_Questions.text = "# of questions: \(QuestionNum)"//\(QuestionNumA)"
myLabel_StartEndTime.text = "Start Time \(earlyTime) / End Time \(lateTime)"
let content_A = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content_A.title = "Prompt"
content_A.body = self.PickedString[RandQuestionArray[Counter]] //
content_A.categoryIdentifier = "alarm"
content_A.userInfo = ["customData": "fizzbuzz"]
content_A.sound = UNNotificationSound.default
var dateComponents_A = DateComponents()
dateComponents_A.hour = RandHourArray[Counter]
dateComponents_A.minute = RandMinArray[Counter]
let trigger_A = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: dateComponents_A, repeats: false)
let request_A = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: UUID().uuidString, content: content_A, trigger: trigger_A)
print("Request A time: \(RandHourArray[Counter]) : \(RandMinArray[Counter])")
print("Question String picked A: \(self.PickedString[RandQuestionArray[Counter]])")
if Counter<=QuestionNum {
let content_B = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content_B.title = "Prompt"
content_B.body = self.PickedString[RandQuestionArray[Counter]]
content_B.categoryIdentifier = "alarm"
content_B.userInfo = ["customData": "fizzbuzz"]
content_B.sound = UNNotificationSound.default
var dateComponents_B = DateComponents()
dateComponents_B.hour = RandHourArray[Counter]
dateComponents_B.minute = RandMinArray[Counter]
let trigger_B = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: dateComponents_B, repeats: false)
let request_B = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: UUID().uuidString, content: content_B, trigger: trigger_B)
print("Request B time: \(RandHourArray[Counter]) : \(RandMinArray[Counter])")
print("Question String picked B: \(self.PickedString[RandQuestionArray[Counter]])")
You should store your data inside UserDefaults, Keychain and Core Data or other stuff. if you dont store your data every time you close the application all the data will deallocate from the memory because they were stored in the heap.
Unsaved data:
let myLabel: UILabel = UILabel()
myLabel.text = "Some text"
Should save like:
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(myLabel.text, forKey: "")
And load like:
myLabel.text = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "") as? String
refrence to study:

How to Clear Shared Dictionary which is causing saved values not to clear even when I login with other user

How can I clear the shared dictionary on logout in which I am saving login response?
Here is the code I am doing on getting status 1.
if(status == 1)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
UserDefaults.standard.set(self.DataDict, forKey:MaindataKey)
let Dict = self.mainDict[KData] as! [String: AnyObject]
print("self.DataDict", self.DataDict)
let User_ID = Dict[KUuid]as! String
let HMACSECRETKEY = self.deviceToken + "+" + User_ID
let cipher:String = CryptoHelper.encrypt(input:HMACSECRETKEY)!;
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(cipher, forKey:HmacKey)
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "isLogin")
GAloginUserInfo.shared.saveUserInfo(dict: Dict )
let tabar = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "GAtHomeTabbarViewController") as! GAtHomeTabbarViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(tabar, animated: true)
Here is the shared dictionary which I am using to save the values of login response.
import UIKit
import Firebase
class GAloginUserInfo: NSObject {
var loginUserMobileNo : String?
var loginUserId : String?
var loginUserUuid : String?
var loginUserCountry : String?
var loginUserCountryCode : String?
var loginUserEmail : String?
var loginUserlatitude : String?
var loginUserLongitude : String?
var loginUserName : String?
var loginUserQrcode : String?
var loginUserProfilePic : String?
var isverify : String?
var loginPassword : String?
var dateOfBirth: String?
var earnedPoints:String?
var loginUserGender:String?
var loginUserFollowers:Int = 0
static let shared = GAloginUserInfo()
func saveUserInfo (dict : [String : AnyObject?] ) {
if let loginUserMobileNo = dict["mobile"] as? String {
self.loginUserMobileNo = loginUserMobileNo
if let loginUserId = dict["id"] as? String {
self.loginUserId = loginUserId
if let loginUserUuid = dict["uuid"] as? String {
self.loginUserUuid = loginUserUuid
if let loginUserCountry = dict["country"] as? String {
self.loginUserCountry = loginUserCountry
if let loginUserCountryCode = dict["country_code"] as? String {
self.loginUserCountryCode = loginUserCountryCode
if let loginUserEmail = dict["email"] as? String {
self.loginUserEmail = loginUserEmail
if let loginUserProfilePic = dict["profile_pic"] as? String {
self.loginUserProfilePic = loginUserProfilePic
if let loginUserLongitude = dict["logitude"] as? String {
self.loginUserLongitude = loginUserLongitude
if let loginUserName = dict["name"] as? String {
self.loginUserName = loginUserName
if let loginUserQrcode = dict["qr_code"] as? String {
self.loginUserQrcode = loginUserQrcode
if let Password = dict["password"] as? String{
self.loginPassword = Password
if let dateOfBirth = dict["dob"] as? String{
self.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth
if let earnedPoints = dict["points"] as? String{
let myDouble = Double(earnedPoints)
let doubleStr = String(format: "%.2f", myDouble!)
self.earnedPoints = doubleStr
if let loginUserGender = dict["gender"] as? String{
self.loginUserGender = loginUserGender
if let loginUserFollowers = dict["followersCount"] as? Int{
self.loginUserFollowers = loginUserFollowers
Actually, the problem is when I log out and log in again with some other user it still shows some values of the previous user. I am clearing the userdefaults on the logout function. but I don't know how to clear this type of shared dictionary.
Use removeObject(forKey:)
to remove the values stored from user defaults in Logout method
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: MaindataKey)
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: HmacKey)
UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "isLogin")
Create a method to remove the values from the singleton class like this
extension GAloginUserInfo {
func removeUserInfo() {
self.loginUserMobileNo = nil
self.loginUserId = nil
self.loginUserUuid = nil
self.loginUserCountry = nil
self.loginUserCountryCode = nil
self.loginUserEmail = nil
self.loginUserlatitude = nil
self.loginUserLongitude = nil
self.loginUserName = nil
self.loginUserQrcode = nil
self.loginUserProfilePic = nil
self.isverify = nil
self.loginPassword = nil
self.dateOfBirth = nil
self.earnedPoints = nil
self.loginUserGender = nil
self.loginUserFollowers = 0
and call this method in logout

Cannot avoid optional() for string print statements?

I have a data struct which contains some string parameters. The struct is below:
struct pulledMessage{
var convoWithUserID: String
var convoWithUserName: String
I have a function which assigns a value to variables based on the values within a particular pulledMessage. For some more complicated, out-of-the-scope-of-the-question, reasons, these values come from [pulledMessage] array. The pulledMessage always changes in the actual function but for illustration purposes I will write it as a constant:
var messageArray = [pulledMessage]()
func assignValues(){
messageArray.append(pulledMessage(convoWithUserID: "abc123", convoWithUserName: "Kevin"))
let convoWithUserID = messageArray[0].convoWithUserID
let convoWithUserName = messageArray[0].convoWithUserName
print(convoWithUserID) //returns optional("abc123")
print(convoWithUserName) // returns optional("Kevin")
I have tried adding ! to unwrap the values in different ways:
This tells gives me an error that I cannot unwrap a non-optional type of pulledMessage.
This gives me an error that I cannot unwrap a non-optional type of String.
This stack question suggests utilizing if let to get rid of the optional:
if let convoWithUserIDCheck = messageArray[0].convoWithUserID{
convoWithUserID = convoWithUserIDCheck
This gives me a warning that there is no reason to do if let with a non-optional type of string. I have no idea how to get it to stop returning the values wrapped by optional().
Update: The more complicated, complete code
The SQL Database functions:
class FMDBManager: NSObject {
static let shared: FMDBManager = FMDBManager()
let databaseFileName = "messagesBetweenUsers.sqlite"
var pathToDatabase: String!
var database: FMDatabase!
override init() {
let documentsDirectory = (NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as NSString) as String
pathToDatabase = documentsDirectory.appending("/\(databaseFileName)")
func loadMessageData(){//will need a struct to load the data into a struct
if openDatabase(){
let query = "select * from messages order by messageNumber asc"
let results: FMResultSet = try database.executeQuery(query, values: nil)
let message = pulledMessage(convoWithUserID: String(describing: results.string(forColumn: "convoWithUserID")), convoWithUserName: String(describing: results.string(forColumn: "convoWithUserName")), messageString: String(describing: results.string(forColumn: "messageString")), senderID: String(describing: results.string(forColumn: "senderID")), timeSent: String(describing: results.string(forColumn: "timeSent")), messageNumber: Int( "messageNumber")))
if messagesPulled == nil{
messagesPulled = [pulledMessage]()
print("The message that we have pulled are \(message)")
Running the population of the data at the onset of app launch:
func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
// if FMDBManager.shared.createDatabase() {
// FMDBManager.shared.insertMessageData()
// }else{
// print("Not a chance, sonny")
// FMDBManager.shared.insertMessageData()
// }
Organizing the SQL data in order:
struct pulledMessage{//global struct
var convoWithUserID: String
var convoWithUserName: String
var messageString: String
var senderID: String
var timeSent: String
var messageNumber: Int
var messagesPulled: [pulledMessage]!
var messageConvoDictionary = [String: [pulledMessage]]()
//For the individual message convos
var fullUnorderedMessageArray = [[pulledMessage]]()
var fullOrderedMessageArray = [[pulledMessage]]()
//For the message table
var unorderedLastMessageArray = [pulledMessage]()
var orderedLastMessageArray = [pulledMessage]()
//For the table messages... FROM HERE..........................................
func organizeSQLData(messageSet: [pulledMessage]){
var i = 0
var messageUserID = String()
while i < messageSet.count{
if (messageSet[i]).convoWithUserID != messageUserID{
print("It wasn't equal")
messageUserID = messageSet[i].convoWithUserID
if messageConvoDictionary[messageUserID] != nil{
messageConvoDictionary[messageUserID] = []
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
func getLastMessages(messageSet: [String:[pulledMessage]]){
for (_, messages) in messageSet{
let orderedMessages = messages.sorted(by:{ $$1.timeSent) == .orderedAscending})
let finalMessage = orderedMessages[0]
func orderLastMessage(messageSet: [pulledMessage]){
orderedLastMessageArray = messageSet.sorted(by:{ $$1.timeSent) == .orderedDescending})
print("It wasn't\(orderedLastMessageArray)")
func getMessagesReady(){//for observer type function calls
organizeSQLData(messageSet: messagesPulled)
getLastMessages(messageSet: messageConvoDictionary)
orderLastMessage(messageSet: unorderedLastMessageArray)
//This one is for the individual full convos for if user clicks on a cell... its done last because its not required for the page to show up
orderedFullMessageConvos(messageSet: messageConvoDictionary)
let openedMessageConversation = fullOrderedMessageArray[(indexPath.row)]//not placed in its appropriate location, but it is just used to pass the correct array (actually goes in a prepareforSegue)
override func viewDidLoad() {
Then segue to the new controller (passing openedMessageConversation to messageConvo) and run this process on a button click:
let newMessage = pulledMessage(convoWithUserID: messageConvo[0].convoWithUserID, convoWithUserName: messageConvo[0].convoWithUserName, messageString: commentInputTextfield.text!, senderID: (PFUser.current()?.objectId)!, timeSent: String(describing: Date()), messageNumber: 0)
let newMessageSent = PFObject(className: "UserMessages")
newMessageSent["convoWithUserID"] = newMessage.convoWithUserID
newMessageSent["convoWithUserName"] = newMessage.convoWithUserName
newMessageSent["messageString"] = newMessage.messageString
newMessageSent["senderID"] = newMessage.senderID
let acl = PFACL()
acl.getPublicWriteAccess = true
acl.getPublicReadAccess = true
acl.setWriteAccess(true, for: PFUser.current()!)
acl.setReadAccess(true, for: PFUser.current()!)
newMessageSent.acl = acl
It is the newMessageSent["convoWithUserID"] and newMessageSent["convoWithUserName"] that read with the optional() in the database.
So it turns out that the reason for this stems from the function run from loadMessageData. The use of String(describing: results.string(forColumn:) requires an unwrapping of results.String(forColumn:)!. This issue propagated throughout the data modification for the whole app and caused the optional() wrapping for the print statements that I was seeing.

Firebase: How to put data in a child that's already created with childbyAutoID

people in my app sometimes needs to update the status of something. Now can you choose of 2 things: The so called "Rollerbank" is still there or the "Rollerbank" is removed. The users can create a data ref. The id that will be created by childbyAutoID. Now is my question how to get the right child and update some childs with a value. My post:
class Post {
let ref: DatabaseReference!
var TypeControle: String = ""
var Stad: String = ""
var Tijd: String = ""
var TijdControle: String = ""
var TijdControleniet: String = ""
var Latitude: String = ""
var Longitude: String = ""
var Extrainformatie: String = ""
var Staater: String = ""
var Staaternietmeer: String = ""
init(TypeControle: String) {
self.TypeControle = TypeControle
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Stad: String){
self.Stad = Stad
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Tijd: String) {
self.Tijd = Tijd
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Latitude: String) {
self.Latitude = Latitude
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Longitude: String) {
self.Longitude = Longitude
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Extrainformatie: String) {
self.Extrainformatie = Extrainformatie
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(Staater: String) {
self.Staater = Staater
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").child("Controletest").childByAutoId()
init(Staaternietmeer: String) {
self.Staaternietmeer = Staaternietmeer
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(TijdControle: String) {
self.TijdControle = TijdControle
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(TijdControleniet: String) {
self.TijdControleniet = TijdControleniet
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init() {
ref = Database.database().reference().child("Rollerbanken").childByAutoId()
init(snapshot: DataSnapshot)
ref = snapshot.ref
if let value = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] {
TypeControle = value["TypeControle"] as! String
Stad = value["Stad"] as! String
Tijd = value["Tijd"] as! String
Latitude = value["Latitude"] as! String
Longitude = value["Longitude"] as! String
Extrainformatie = value["Extrainformatie"] as! String
Staater = value["Staater"] as! String
Staaternietmeer = value["Staaternietmeer"] as! String
TijdControle = value["TijdControle"] as! String
TijdControleniet = value["TijdControleniet"] as! String
func save() {
func toDictionary() -> [String : Any]
return [
"TypeControle" : TypeControle,
"Stad" : Stad,
"Tijd" : Tijd,
"Latitude" : Latitude,
"Longitude" : Longitude,
"Extrainformatie" : Extrainformatie,
"Staater" : Staater,
"Staaternietmeer" : Staaternietmeer,
"TijdControle" : TijdControle,
"TijdControleniet" : TijdControleniet
Data for the TableViewCell:
class ControleTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var storyControle: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var storyTijd: UILabel!
var post: Post! {
didSet {
storyControle.text = "\(post.Staaternietmeer)"
storyTijd.text = "\(post.TijdControleniet)"
storyControle.text = "\(post.Staater)"
storyTijd.text = "\(post.TijdControle)"
How my update button looks like:
#IBAction func Update(_ sender: Any) {
let alertController1 = UIAlertController(title: "Update melden" , message: "De rollerbank", preferredStyle: .alert)
// Create the actions
let RollerbankAction1 = UIAlertAction(title: "Staat er nog steeds", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default) {
UIAlertAction in
NSLog("Ja Pressed")
self.newStory.Staater = self.Staater
self.newStory.TijdControle = self.TijdControle
let cancelAction1 = UIAlertAction(title: "Staat er niet meer", style: UIAlertActionStyle.cancel) {
UIAlertAction in
NSLog("Cancel Pressed")
let date = Date()
let calendar = Calendar.current
let hour = calendar.component(.hour, from: date)
let minutes = calendar.component(.minute, from: date)
let Tijd = "\(hour) : \(minutes)"
self.newStory.Staaternietmeer = self.Staaternietmeer
self.newStory.TijdControleniet = Tijd
self.present(alertController1, animated: true, completion: nil)
This is the Structure that i use. If i run all this code, the new data will go in a other childbyAutoID and thats not what i want. It just needs to update/setvalue in the cleare space named "Staaternietmeer" and "TijdControleniet". Can anybody help me with that?
You would then need to store the Push ID somewhere so that you can reuse it later.
To generate a unique Push ID you would use :
And to store it somewhere :
let postKey = Database.database().reference().childByAutoId().key
And then, say you need a method to share a post for example, and want to add this post to multiple nodes, that's how it may look like :
func sharePost(_ postContent: String, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> ()) {
guard let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
let postKey = Database.database().reference().childByAutoId().key
let postData: [String: Any] = [ "content": "blabla",
"author": currentUserId ]
let childUpdates: [String: Any] = ["users/\(currentUserId)/posts/\(postKey)": true,
"posts/\(postKey)": postData ]
Database.database().reference().updateChildValues(childUpdates, withCompletionBlock: { (error, ref) in
guard error == nil else {
Now to access the unique Push ID later on, you would use :
Database.database().reference().observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
// Here you get the Push ID back :
let postKey = snapshot.key
// And others things that you need :
guard let author = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "author").value as? String else { return }
guard let content = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "content").value as? String else { return }
// Here you store your object (Post for example) in an array, and as you can see you initialize your object using the data you got from the snapshot, including the Push ID (`postKey`) :
posts.append(Post(id: postKey, content: content, author: author))

fetching data from firebase

I am new to using firebase, I am trying to fetch data from firebase. I have childIdArray, driverIdArray which I fetch from local database. I call method getLocationFromFirebase using the driverId and dateFormatForDriverLocation(20170505) I use for loop here because I have tableView where I show Estimate time arrival(eta) after calculating the etaArray. I have obseveEventType so that I can listen changes in location of Driver. Problem is I don't get the Index [i] of of Driver whose location is changed.
var etaArray : [String] = []
var childIDArray : [String] = []
var childDriverArray : [Int] = []
var latitudeArray : [Double] = []
var longitudeArray : [Double] = []
var dateFormatForDriverLocation : String?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let date = NSDate()
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd"
dateFormatForDriverLocation = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)
func getCurrentLocationFromFirebase()
let myGroup = dispatch_group_create()
for i in 0 ..< self.childDriverArray.count {
var latitudeDriver = ""
var longitudeDriver = ""
let rootReference = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
let DriverId = String(self.childDriverArray[i])
let pickLat = String(latitudeArray[i])
let pickLong = String(longitudeArray[i])
let driverPath = rootReference.child("gogoapp_driver/\(DriverId)")
driverPath.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
if snapshot.hasChild(self.dateFormatForDriverLocation!)
if let childSnapshot = snapshot.childSnapshotForPath("\(self.dateFormatForDriverLocation!)") as? FIRDataSnapshot
let currentDateData : FIRDataSnapshot = childSnapshot
//for getting the last value of location
let child = currentDateData.children.reverse()[0]
if let latitude = child.value!!["latitude"] as? String
latitudeDriver = latitude
if let longitude = child.value!!["longitude"] as? String
longitudeDriver = longitude
self.GoogleDistanceMatrixApi(latitudeDriver, driverLong: longitudeDriver, pickUpLat: pickLat, pickUpLong: pickLong, completion: {(success) -> Void in
if success.isEmpty
self.etaArray[i] = success
func GoogleDistanceMatrixApi(driverLat : String, driverLong : String, pickUpLat : String, pickUpLong : String, completion:((sucess: String) -> Void)) {
var Text = "as"
completion(sucess: TEXT!)