display the even numbers from 1 to 500 using a while loop and the break keyword in swift - swift

My question is as on the title. I'm trying to print even numbers from 1 to 500 suing a while loop and break keyword. Below is my best possible answer I can think of, but this only print number 2. I've been spending hours but I wasn't able to solve it.
var number = 0
while true{
number += 2
if number % 2 == 0 && number <= 500 {

You can use Stride
for evenNumber in stride(from: 0, through: 500, by: 2) {
To specifically do this with while and break:
var i = 0
while true {
i += 2
if i > 500 {

for i in 0...500 {
if i % 2 == 0 {

Use below code
var numbers = 0...500
for number in numbers {
if number % 2 == 0 {

I think it's easier to use build-in stride
let arr = Array(stride(from: 0, to: 502, by: 2))
For manually
var counter = 0
var arr = [Int]()
while counter <= 500 {
if counter % 2 == 0 {
counter += 1

var number = 0
while true {
number += 2
// ↓ Your code goes here ↓
if number > 499 {


Identify prime number

For some reason, it always gave me the wrong result. It's always isItPrime = true no matter what number was assigned to the "number" variable.
This is my code:
let number = 6
var i = 1
var isItPrime: Bool?
while i < number {
if number % i == 0 {
isItPrime = false
} else {
isItPrime = true
i += 1
Can somebody explain to me what's wrong with my code and why the isItPrime bool outputs always true ?
Problem 1
The last iteration of your while loop
while i < number {
if number % i == 0 {
isItPrime = false
} else {
isItPrime = true
i += 1
does overwrite the result.
So you always end up with the following result
if number % (number-1) == 0 {
isItPrime = false
} else {
isItPrime = true
Problem 2
Finally every number can be divided by 1, so you should start i from 2.
let number = 6
var i = 2
var isItPrime = true
while i < number {
if number % i == 0 {
isItPrime = false
You can write a similar logic using Functional Programming
let number = 5
let upperLimit = Int(Double(number).squareRoot())
let isPrime = !(2...upperLimit).contains { number % $0 == 0 }
Because isItPrime is overwritten in subsequent iterations, the last number which is checked, which is number - 1 will always set isItPrime to true, because number and number - 1 are coprime.
Instead of saving the value to a boolean, just end the loop when you found out that the number is not a prime:
let number = 6
var isItPrime: Bool = true
for i in 2 ..< number {
if number % i == 0 {
isItPrime = false
break // end the loop, as we know that the number is not a prime.
When dealing with problems like this, don't be afraid to take out a piece of paper and manually see what is going on in your loop.
Your loop will go from i = 1 to number = 5 (because of the < operator.
With that in mind, we perform each iteration manually.
for i = 1, number = 6
6 mod 1 = 0, isItPrime = false
for i = 2, number = 6
6 mod 2 = 0, isItPrime = false
for i = 3, number = 6
6 mod 3 = 0, isItPrime = false
for i = 4, number = 6
6 mod 4 = 2, isItPrime = true
Last iteration of the loop, for i = 5, number = 6
6 mod 5 = 1, isItPrime = true
There we can see that the problem is that the last iteration will always have a module of 1, therefore resulting in in your else clause getting executed.
It is always returning true because your while loop isn't working the way you want. Currently, it loops until i is 1 less than number. During that final run through the loop, number % i == 0 is false, so your code sets isItPrime to true.
To fix this problem, try this code:
let number = 6
var i = 2
var isItPrime: Bool?
while (i < number || isItPrime == false) {
if number % i == 0 {
isItPrime = false
} else {
isItPrime = true
i += 1
You may have noticed I set i to 2, because any number modulo (%) 1 is 0
I think it's worth pointing out, however, that:
You should probably make this a method
If you initially set isItPrime to true, you can dispense with the else part of your if-else statement
Hope this helps!
// MARK: - Function
func primeNo(_ num:Int,_ divisor :Int = 2){
if divisor == num{
print("Num is prime")
if num%divisor != 0{
primeNo(num, divisor + 1)
print("num is not prime")
// MARK: - Use
out Put
num is not prime

for loop over odd numbers in swift

I am trying to solve the task
Using a standard for-in loop add all odd numbers less than or equal to 100 to the oddNumbers array
I tried the following:
var oddNumbers = [Int]()
var numbt = 0
for newNumt in 0..<100 {
var newNumt = numbt + 1; numbt += 2; oddNumbers.append(newNumt)
This results in:
My question is: Why does it print numbers above 100 although I specify the range between 0 and <100?
You're doing a mistake:
for newNumt in 0..<100 {
var newNumt = numbt + 1; numbt += 2; oddNumbers.append(newNumt)
The variable newNumt defined inside the loop does not affect the variable newNumt declared in the for statement. So the for loop prints out the first 100 odd numbers, not the odd numbers between 0 and 100.
If you need to use a for loop:
var odds = [Int]()
for number in 0...100 where number % 2 == 1 {
let odds = (0...100).filter { $0 % 2 == 1 }
will filter the odd numbers from an array with items from 0 to 100. For an even better implementation use the stride operator:
let odds = Array(stride(from: 1, to: 100, by: 2))
If you want all the odd numbers between 0 and 100 you can write
let oddNums = (0...100).filter { $0 % 2 == 1 }
let oddNums = Array(stride(from: 1, to: 100, by: 2))
Why does it print numbers above 100 although I specify the range between 0 and <100?
Look again at your code:
for newNumt in 0..<100 {
var newNumt = numbt + 1; numbt += 2; oddNumbers.append(newNumt)
The newNumt used inside the loop is different from the loop variable; the var newNumt declares a new variable whose scope is the body of the loop, so it gets created and destroyed each time through the loop. Meanwhile, numbt is declared outside the loop, so it keeps being incremented by 2 each time through the loop.
I see that this is an old question, but none of the answers specifically address looping over odd numbers, so I'll add another. The stride() function that Luca Angeletti pointed to is the right way to go, but you can use it directly in a for loop like this:
for oddNumber in stride(from:1, to:100, by:2) {
// your code here
stride(from:,to:,by:) creates a list of any strideable type up to but not including the from: parameter, in increments of the by: parameter, so in this case oddNumber starts at 1 and includes 3, 5, 7, 9...99. If you want to include the upper limit, there's a stride(from:,through:,by:) form where the through: parameter is included.
If you want all the odd numbers between 0 and 100 you can write
for i in 1...100 {
if i % 2 == 1 {
print(i - 1)
For Swift 4.2
extension Collection {
func everyOther(_ body: (Element) -> Void) {
let start = self.startIndex
let end = self.endIndex
var iter = start
while iter != end {
let next = index(after: iter)
if next == end { break }
iter = index(after: next)
And then you can use it like this:
class OddsEvent: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
(1...900000).everyOther{ print($0) } //Even
(0...100000).everyOther{ print($0) } //Odds
This is more efficient than:
let oddNums = (0...100).filter { $0 % 2 == 1 } or
let oddNums = Array(stride(from: 1, to: 100, by: 2))
because supports larger Collections
Source: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2018/229/

Sum of Printed For Loop in Swift

For a project, I'm trying to find the sum of the multiples of both 3 and 5 under 10,000 using Swift. Insert NoobJokes.
Printing the multiples of both 3 and 5 was fairly easy using a ForLoop, but I'm wondering how I can..."sum" all of the items that I printed.
for i in 0...10000 {
if i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 {
(468 individual numbers printed; how can they be summed?)
Just a little walk through about the process. First you will need a variable which can hold the value of your sum, whenever loop will get execute. You can define an optional variable of type Int or initialize it with a default value same as I have done in the first line. Every time the loop will execute, i which is either multiple of 3 or 5 will be added to the totalSum and after last iteration you ll get your result.
var totalSum = 0
for i in 0...10000 {
if i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0
totalSum = totalSum + i
print (totalSum)
In Swift you can do it without a repeat loop:
let numberOfDivisiblesBy3And5 = (0...10000).filter{ $0 % 3 == 0 || $0 % 5 == 0 }.count
Or to get the sum of the items:
let sumOfDivisiblesBy3And5 = (0...10000).filter{ $0 % 3 == 0 || $0 % 5 == 0 }.reduce(0, {$0 + $1})
range : to specify the range of numbers for operation to act on.
here we are using filter method to filter out numbers that are multiple of 3 and 5 and then sum the filtered values.
(reduce(0,+) does the job)
let sum = (3...n).filter({($0 % 3) * ($0 % 5) == 0}).reduce(0,+)
You just need to sum the resulting i like below
var sum = 0
for i in 0...10000 {
if i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 {
sum = sum + i
Now sum contains the Sum of the values
Try this:
var sum = 0
for i in 0...10000 {
if i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 {
sum = sum + i
In the Bottom line, this should to be working.
var sum = 0
for i in 0...10000 {
if i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 {
sum += i

How to find all numbers divisible by another number in swift?

How do I find all the numbers divisible by another number in swift that have a remainder of 0? This is a Fizzbuzz related question.
Lets say that...
let number = 150
And I want to do something like...
print("Fizz") // for all the numbers where the remainder of number % 3 == 0.
So if number was 15, it would print "Fizz" 5 times.
This will work
let number = 150
for num in 1...number {
if num % 3 == 0 {
print("Fizz :\(num)")
you can just loop through the number and check with your desired divisible number if the remainder is 0 then print fizz
let number = 15
for i in 0..<number {
if i % 3 == 0 {
print("\(i) Fizz")
It will print Fizz 5 times with the i value, that which number is Fizz.
Simply try this code: (You can simply replace num with any Int number and divider that is also an Int value which is used to divide all numbers till num. )
override func viewDidLoad() {
let num:Int = 15
let divider:Int = 3
var counter:Int = divider
while counter <= num {
counter += divider
func fizzbuzz(number: Int) -> String {
if number % 3 == 0 && number % 5 == 0 {
return "Fizz Buzz"
} else if number % 3 == 0 {
return "Fizz"
} else if number % 5 == 0 {
return "Buzz"
} else {
return String(number)

more elegant code for for if in swift

I got a simple code which works and which I am programming in and old fashioned way and I am sure there is a more elegant way of doing this in swift. Here is the code:
var cardsInCompartment1:Int = 0
var cardsInCompartment2:Int = 0
for card in cards{
if card.compartment == 1{
cardsInCompartment1 += 1
if card.compartment == 2{
cardsInCompartment2 += 1
I basically got cards in different compartments and now I want to count how many cards are in each compartment.
How about using filter to select the cards you want? Then you can just count them:
let cardsInCompartment1 = cards.filter { $0.compartment == 1 }.count
let cardsInCompartment2 = cards.filter { $0.compartment == 2 }.count
If you have a bunch of compartments, you could store the counts in a dictionary:
var compartmentCounts = [Int:Int]()
cards.forEach {
compartmentCounts[$0.compartment] = (compartmentCounts[$0.compartment] ?? 0) + 1
In this case, the key would be the compartment#, and the value would be the card count. Something like [1: 32, 2: 42] if there are 32 and 42 cards in each respective compartment.
Try this:
var cardsInCompartment1:Int = 0
var cardsInCompartment2:Int = 0
for card in cards {
(card.compartment == 1) ? (cardsInCompartment1 += 1) : (cardsInCompartment2 += 1)
I think you should store the cardsInCompartment as arrays:
var cardsInCompartment = [0, 0] // you can add more to this array
Then you can just loop through the cards and add the values to the array elements:
for card in cards {
cardsInCompartment[card.compartment - 1] += 1
print(cardsInCompartment[card.compartment - 1])
What about a switch statement? Something like this?
var card:Int = 1
var CardsInCompartment:Int = 0
switch (card) {
case 1:
CardsInCompartment += 1
print("CardsInCompartment \(CardsInCompartment)")
case 2:
CardsInCompartment += 2
print("CardsInCompartment \(CardsInCompartment)")
Or, use an Array to keep your counts:
var counts = [ 0, 0, 0 ] // create an array of integers, where the Ints in the array represent the count of cards in each compartment
cards.forEach { counts[ $0.compartment ] += 1 } // for each card, increment the count in array corresponding to the compartment of the card. (if card.compartment == 1, increment counts[1], and so on
print("cards in compartment 1 \(counts[1])")
print("cards in compartment 2 \(counts[2])")
(This assumes your only compartments are integers 1 and 2)
I like Aaron Brager's idea which counts values into dictionary. I am using reduce to eliminate mutable dictionary outside the 'loop' (more functional)
let d = cards.reduce([:]) { (d, card) -> [Int:Int] in
var d = d
let s = d[card.compartment] ?? 0
d[card.compartment] = s + 1
return d