Facebook authentication without storing an access token? - facebook

I'm writing a React app that needs to have a login with Facebook button.
The React app is already communicating with a PHP API that already has a system in place for registering and logging in users with a username/password. The API generates a JWT and sends it to the front-end, which stores it in local storage and uses it to authenticate the user on subsequent API calls.
I've gotten my front-end app to the point where I'm successfully opening the FB permissions dialog, and receiving a response from FB that contains a userID & accessToken after the user grants permission.
My question is:
Do I need to store the FB accessToken if I don't need to access FB's API afterwards? Can I simply store the userID and use it for authentication?
My proposed auth flow would look something like this:
User clicks login with Facebook button, grants permissions in the dialog.
My React app sends the userID to my PHP API.
The API looks up the user in our DB by FB userID. If it finds one, it sends back a valid JWT, logging in the user.
If no user is found, the userID will be stored in the app's state, and it will begin the registration process, passing the FB userID along with the rest of the registration data when the user completes registration. The API then generates a JWT and proceeds with login like normal.
Would this be wildly insecure and a would be hackers easiest-day-ever?
Or is it safe to implement?


Is my flow good enough for securing REST API?

I'm new in web development. I want to write a backend for my game and I want to authenticate it with Facebook. I'm not sure if my thinking is correct and secure enought. Of course https is a must.
User everytime app is launched sends /init request with fb user id and token.
Server check if this user id and token is valid by making request to fb api.
If everything is correct server check for user in database.
If user do not exists generate token using app secret, fb token, fb id and current date/time save it to database and send to client.
OR If user with this fb id exists send to user previously generated token stored in database.
Client is communicating with api using this token.
If this approach is correct I have few question.
Is sending user id and token everytime user launch application secure?
I want to veryfi user token and id with fb every time he use /init request due to fb access tokens not beeing alive for more than 60 days. Is this correct approach?
Now if user have his token to access my API. Every time he make a request should I veryfi it by making calls to database? Isn't this slow/expensive?

Facebook login to existing user database, and access tokens

Trying to add facebook login to an existing login system on a project I am working on. Built with angular, using the FB JS SDK. This is primarily to allow frictionless login, and not currently that fussed about using the access tokens to make further calls with the FB API.
So as a new user, they hit the FB login, accept permissions etc, and it fires me back an access token etc. The new user is created in my DB, along with the accesstoken, FB userid, etc.
How do I now authenticate the user with the userid and accesstoken now stored in my DB? As far as I can see, the access token changes on virtually every page load / request, so next time the user hits the FB login, or I check the FB login status the only constant thing I have is the userid.
Have done various reading on SO and FB docs eg:
How should a Facebook user access token be consumed on the server-side?
... although that has only served to confuse things further.
I imagine I would take that stored accesstoken then check its validity, however due to the various instances of access tokens expiring and being invalidated, this also seems like an incomplete solution.
So my question: How do I securely authenticate my FB users with their counterpart user in my own DB?
The Facebook login request returns user id + short lived access token (client side).
Use the server side Facebook SDK to check the validity of the access token (will return user_id and app_id fields if valid).
You can trust the user_id field returned from the Facebook API to check against your existing user database.

Authenticated Referrals - how to tell if a user just authenticated

I have a game where I want to track user logins/installs. I need to be able to detect when a user was just redirected to my app from the authenticated referral dialog. Since we cannot specify our own redirect_uri after the user authenticates, nor does Facebook append any sort of flag for canvas apps - is there any way to achieve this?
3 Auth Token Parameter: If Authenticated Referrals is enabled and when a
user authorizes your app through the in-line Auth Dialog, we will pass
your app the Auth Token in the format specified here. Available
formats: URI Fragment: if your app is using client-side
authentication, Query String: if your app is using server-side
authentication. If your app is a canvas app, we will not use this
setting and will use the "signed_request" as the response type
Based on that information from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/authentication/, I would suggest you read the signed_request and see if the auth token is there. If the token is there and that id is already in your data store, you dont log is as a new app install. If the token is there and that id is not already in your data store, then you can add the user to your list of app users in your data store and track it as a new install.

c# facebook access token

I receive an access token when a client allows my application on his facebook account. Based on that access token and an url I can print all his friends. I have a question: does this access token appears all the time the user logs in his application? i am asking this because the second time the user logs in in my application where i have a web browser the friend list doesn't pop up because the response from the site does not contain an access token anymore. where am i wrong? how can i check after the user accepts my app that he is online or loged in - if i want to prints his friends.
First thing: sounds like you want to add the scope offline_access because what you are trying to do is really leveraging the FB authentication mechanism.
Also: It is probably easiest to use the FB Connect button and the JavaScript Client API, unless you intend on using the graph or REST API from a back-end server.
If you ARE intending to use back-end API integration read this paragraph:
I have found it helps to ensure that you are using a proper authenticate URL (I use www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth but others have worked in the past..). Just don't use an authorize only URL, or users will be forced to grant permissions repeatedly (never really understood that 'feature'). Next redirect the user to the URL with a request token, and keep your request secret on the server side (or well encrypted if on the client side). After login, you receive the callback with an OAuth Verifier. Access verification URL graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token with the Verifier and you will receive the OAuth Access Token. Save that token, as well as the user id.
As for checking that the current user is logged in, and/or has authorized your app and/or has friends using your app:
Have a look at FB Connect API:
call FB.init first, and then when you call FB.getLoginStatus, you will get an OAuth Token if the current user is logged in to FB and has previously authorized your app (either via the Connect Button or OAuth flow):
$wnd.FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.session)
var authToken = encodeURIComponent(response.session.access_token);
When executed in conjunction with the authenticate flow mentioned, users that have already authorized your application will get the same OAuth Access Token returned from previous calls, that you can use with the JS Client, Graph, or REST APIs.

Facebook Javascript API: matching a login to a user

When using the Javascript API login, it returns to the page with a number of parameters, like the access token, the user ID, and other details. If I wanted to associate a user in my database with this Facebook user, which would be the piece of data I want to store to be able to look it up later for authentication?
In other words, which token should I store, so that next time the user logs in, I can look in the database for this token and authenticate the user?
I would use the UID, but it seems easy to spoof another UID and impersonate someone else.
Client side spoofing is not your concern. If you are displaying FB content based upon FB authentication, then FB is responsible for the integrity of that process.
If you are using this info server side, then you need to follow the OAuth 2.0 flow which is not spoofable (to my knowledge) because you are going directly to FB for authentication.
You can't mix the two flows because you leave yourself vulnerable to attacks.
And to answer your other question, yes, you should link your DB to the UID because the access_token will change.
You can validate the fb access token with the fb js sdk. So you can take the fb-uid as save. The tokens you get from fb are only valid for a limited time, so you shouldn't save them.
Regarding the saveness of the fb-uid: Your PHP script gets a signed request from facebook. That request is signed with your app's secret so that no one else can read that data. The request contains a fb-session for the current user (including the uid) and an access token.