Custom folder structure for Swift Package - swift

When you generate a new Swift project with swift init, you get a Sources folder similar to this. Wondering if there is a way to change the folder structure so it is like this:
And just get rid of the Sources directory.

I believe that you can use any folder structure that you want. The only thing in that references specific folders in that particular link you provided was the path in the Package.swift file. Which if you want to use, you can just update the path.
The project file keeps track of what swift files have been added into the project and which should be compiled and included in the resulting binary. As long as the files have been added via xcode you should be fine.


XCode and Swift files for version control

So I have a .gitignore created, which I have basic files included in there, but when it comes to a Swift and .xcodeproj project..
Which one of these files are the only ones that I need inside Github?
Actually, you need both .pbxproj and .xcworkspace, however, it depends:
.pbxproj file contains metadata, file references, configuration... which use to execute/build the project.
.xcworkspace contains and manages subprojects. A common scenario is using cocoapods. If you're developing a small project that's don't need to depend on any 3rd parties, you don't have to create xcworkspace.
xcuserdata folder is safe to ignore. It contains some temporary info like user state, files opened, folders opened.

How to compile any swift file in a given folder?

I use actual folders for my Xcode projects containing my .swift files. I dragged the folder into Xcode but it appears that my swift classes are not being built. I went to my target, went to Build Phase, went to Compile Source and added the missing folder to the references to be built.
My swift files are still not being built.
Which flag could I add to the folder (in Compile Source) for force it to compile every .swift files within it (including the ones in subfolders) ?
I couldn't find any info about it so far, any ideas ?
TLDR Use Groups, not Folder References.
Folder References in Xcode are made mainly for resources. When you create a folder reference, Xcode won't care about the contents. They are helpful when copying resources that should keep their directory structure.
To organize source code files, you need Groups. Groups are logical project folders and most of the time they are backed up by a file system folder anyway.
See also Difference between folder and group in Xcode?

How can I use folders in a Swift application compiled from the command line?

I'm building a simple webserver using Swift3 and the Swift Package Manager. Running swift build in your project folder will build all of the sources found in the Sources directory and output an executable. However, I've found that if I create folders within the Sources directory to organize my code, my builds fail. It looks to me like the presence of folders causes swift to treat the source as different modules. Is this the cause, and if so, how can I work around it?
Yes. Putting directories directly under Sources will cause SwiftPM to interpret those as modules. This is described in the package manager reference.
To work around this, use another level of indirection: put a directory for your module inside Sources and your additional directories inside that directory:

Is it possible to create a unity3d package using files from outside my project?

In most examples I see the paths to the files are relative ("Assets/Models/monster.fbx"), and this seems to work fine. But is it possible to have a file from outside my project included in a package? ("/Users/angrymonkey/Documents/dragon.fbx")
I'm doing this by code btw, not from the IDE. So I want to refer to files outside my current project from code.

How to set reference to the folder which contains multiple jar files?

My environment:
Netbean 6.9.1
Glassfish 3.0.1
Windows 7
When my coworkers opens the Netbean Project, the library is already referenced without them manually create library, adding jars into it and reference it.
I created Netbean project and the project has reference to few jar files in the folder.
Currently whoever opens the project for the first time, they have to manually create library and refer it to the project.
My project location:
My library location:
The myLib folder contains:
I can achieve my goal if I create reference to individual jar file by defining to file like below: (creating reference to sqljdbc4.jar)
But my case is different since I have 3 jars in the myLib folder and wanting to reference them all.
Is it possible to reference all jars in myLib folder?
Please let me know if you need more clarification.
I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. When you create a project, you have to add the jar files individually.
However, if you put your lib folder under your project, netbeans will refer to them via relative paths. Then when you share the project (lib directory included), netbeans will be able to automatically find the jar files when the next person uses the project. That way you only have to add jar files once.
Short of using a dependency management tool like maven (which Netbeans has good support for), this is really the best solution. It uses a bit more disk space (obviously), but that's never been a huge issue for me.
I figured how so let me share.
Tool --> Library then library window pop up.
Create library called "MyLib" which contains multiple jars.
Add "MyLib" to your project. This change will be written to file under nbproject folder. file indicates the classpath of lib reference you just added.
It should look like something below
Now someone else opens the project from different machine and she just needs to do step#1 and #2, which is to create library with same library name i.e. "MyLib"
I think this is what Bill was saying originally but thought it would be helpful to give step by step instructions since I finally figured .... after long time :D