MongoDB Data Transformation for UI display - mongodb

We've stumbled into a huge issue, which we need to figure out how to achieve in a right manner.
We are using MongoDB via Mongoose and dump a lot of different data.
We need to create a big aggregation from few collections based on certain inputs.
Creating an aggregation function doesn't supply good performance times.
We need to find a technical solution, the correct one,
To actually create "ETL" but no a real ETL, to store a real time sample of the data, so UI layer could query it smoothly.
Let's say i have 5 collections, which i need a real time display of 3 fields of each, and "join" using aggregation won't supply a good enough performance wise solution.
We might need a mediator, we thought dumping data using etl to redshift but it doesn't feel like the right solution.
It seems like a common problem, but we don't seem to find the smooth and correct solution.
We don't mind deploying whatever needed.
Thanks for any advice.


Use publications or separate into collections (performance)?

I have a collection, in which only two queries are ever called on it.
Ex. Cars.find({color: 'red'}); and Cars.find({color: 'blue'});
I was wondering if I should just create RedCars and BlueCars collections instead of using two publications on Cars.
Thinking of performance here, if the Cars collection were to get very large, would it be more performant to use two collections? Also, they are never called on the same template. Each has its own template.
From a Mongo perspective, if you have a scenario where a single field across documents within a collection begins to look like an index (as you have described above) it will actually start to index queries against that field and make the return highly tuned. You can update this index (and if you have a lot of data that falls into scenario like you have described, you should tune this index), using standard Mongo indexing parameters against the database. There is more to this performance as well. For example, if it is a high read, low write, then Mongo will often keep portions or all of the query in memory for quick retrieval if it can.
As for whether it is better to split these into two collections. That's a tough one. From a performance standpoint it might be about the same either way if you tune your indexes properly and allow Mongo to do what it does best. However, from the meteor standpoint, I would consider it much easier to just keep them in a single collection from a code maintainability and testability standpoint.
In terms of performance, if the collection does get large, then your application will end up receiving alot more data than you expected it to if changes are made on either blue or red cars. A good solution rather than creating two collection is to use a parameterized subscription that will filter only on the data set you are looking at.
Meteor.publish('cars', function(c) {
check(c, String);
return Cars.find({color: c});
Then you can access the data by subscribing Meteor.subscribe('cars', 'blue')

Best way to make a medical history DB in mongodb

i'm making a sistem that stores all medical , and healthy data from a person in a database , i've chosen mongodb to do the work but i'm new in mongodb modeling and i dont have an idea of whats the best way to do this.
Do i use a document for each pacient and insert subdocuments like this:
$evolution=array(); //subdocument
$record=array(); //subdocument
$prescriptions=array(); //subdocument
$exams=array(); //subdocument
$surgeries=array(); //subdocument
or do i create a new document for each one of these data?.
i know the limitation of document size that is 16 megabytes, but i don't know if the informations will reach the limmit.
The exact layout of your documents is highly dependent on the types of queries you need to make. Unfortunately without a detailed understanding of your use case it would be impossible to provide good advice about what is the best layout.
Depending on your use case it may be valid to have a document/patient with sub documents as you indicate. In some cases though it may be better to have a separate collection for each of the fields indicated. It all depends on how big those documents will be, what types of queries you will need to perform etc.
Some general advice:
Try to avoid queries that use multiple collections.
If your queries are getting difficult, you may have the wrong layout. Re-evaluate your layout any time you are in this situation.
Documents that constantly grow can create problems because Mongo constantly has to move them around in order to make room for the growth. If they will be growing quickly then reevaluate to see if there is a better layout.
While you can technically store different document layouts in the same collection in Mongo it is not generally considered a good practice. All documents in your collection should ideally follow some sort of schema even if that schema is not rigidly defined.
Field names matter. They take up space in Mongo so short field names are better if you expect to have a lot of data.
The best advice I can offer would be to start with what you think might work and see how it goes. If it gets awkward or difficult to get the information you need then reevaluate.

MongoDB Using Map Reduce against Aggregation

I have seen this asked a couple of years ago. Since then MongoDB 2.4 has multi-threaded Map Reduce available (after the switch to the V8 Javascript engine) and has become faster than what it was in previous versions and so the argument of being slow is not an issue.
However, I am looking for a scenario where a Map Reduce approach might work better than the Aggregation Framework. Infact, possibly a scenario where the Aggregation Framework cannot work at all but the Map Reduce can get the required results.
Take a look to this.
The Aggregation FW results are stored in a single document so are limited to 16 MB: this might be not suitable for some scenarios. With MapReduce there are several output types available including a new entire collection so it doesn't have space limits.
Generally, MapReduce is better when you have to work with large data sets (may be the entire collection). Furthermore, it gives much more flexibility (you write your own aggregation logic) instead of being restricted to some pipeline commands.
Currently the Aggregation Framework results can't exceed 16MB. But, I think more importantly, you'll find that the AF is better suited to "here and now" type queries that are dynamic in nature (like filters are provided at run-time by the user for example).
A MapReduce is preplanned and can be far more complex and produce very large outputs (as they just output to a new collection). It has no run-time inputs that you can control. You can add complex object manipulation that simply is not possible (or efficient) with the AF. It's simple to manipulate child arrays (or things that are array like) for example in MapReduce as you're just writing JavaScript, whereas in the AF, things can become very unwieldy and unmanageable.
The biggest issue is that MapReduce's aren't automatically kept up to date and they're difficult to predict when they'll complete). You'll need to implement your own solution to keeping them up to date (unlike some other NoSQL options). Usually, that's just a timestamp of some sort and an incremental MapReduce update as shown here). You'll possibly need to accept that the data may be somewhat stale and that they'll take an unknown length of time to complete.
If you hunt around on StackOverflow, you'll find lots of very creative solutions to solving problems with MongoDB and many solutions use the Aggregation Framework as they're working around limitations of the general query engine in MongoDB and can produce "live/immediate" results. (Some AF pipelines are extremely complex though which may be a concern depending on the developers/team/product).

How can I reduce Mongo db by averaging out old data

I have a mongodb for measurements which has a document per measurements. Each doc looks like:
timestamp : 123
value : 123
meta1 : something
meta2 : something
I get measurements from a number of sources every second, and so the db gets quite large, quickly. I'm interested in keeping the recent information at the frequency it was read in, but older data, i would like to average out periodically to save space, and make the db a bit quicker.
1.Whats the best approach in mongo?
2.Is there a better db for this, considering that the schema is different for different measurements, and a fixed format wouldn't work very well. RRD is also not an option as i need the dynamic query abilities.?
1. Whats the best approach in mongo?
Use capped collections for use cases such as logging. Another approach is to create a 'background process' that will be move old data from collection.
2.Is there a better db for this, considering that the schema is different for different measurements, and a fixed format wouldn't work very well. RRD is also not an option as i need the dynamic query abilities.?
Mongodb is a good fit here.
Another approch is to store each data item twice: First in capped collection(and use this collection for quering). And create another collection(or even another logdb) just for logging your events.
Thanks for the input.
I think I'm going to try out using buckets for different timeframes. So, i'll create 3 stores corresponding to say 1sec, 1min, 15min, and then manage the aggregation through a manual job running every so often which will compact/average out the values, delete of stuff that's not needed, etc...
I'm not sure about the best approach but a simple one would be to have a cron job that would remove all the documents older than a given timestamp (your_time = now - some_time).{ timestamp : {'$lte' : your_time}})
Given that you need a schemaless database that allows you to perform dynamic queries, mondogb seems to be a good fit.

Hadoop Map/Reduce - simple use example to do the following

I have MySQL database, where I store the following BLOB (which contains JSON object) and ID (for this JSON object). JSON object contains a lot of different information. Say, "city:Los Angeles" and "state:California".
There are about 500k of such records for now, but they are growing. And each JSON object is quite big.
My goal is to do searches (real-time) in MySQL database.
Say, I want to search for all JSON objects which have "state" to "California" and "city" to "San Francisco".
I want to utilize Hadoop for the task.
My idea is that there will be "job", which takes chunks of, say, 100 records (rows) from MySQL, verifies them according to the given search criteria, returns those (ID's) which qualify.
Pros/cons? I understand that one might think that I should utilize simple SQL power for that, but the thing is that JSON object structure is pretty "heavy", if I put it as SQL schemas, there will be at least 3-5 tables joins, which (I tried, really) creates quite a headache, and building all the right indexes eats RAM faster than I one can think. ;-) And even then, every SQL query has to be analyzed to be utilizing the indexes, otherwise with full scan it literally is a pain. And with such structure we have the only way "up" is just with vertical scaling. But I am not sure it's the best option for me, as I see how JSON objects will grow (the data structure), and I see that the number of them will grow too. :-)
Help? Can somebody point me to simple examples of how this can be done? Does it make sense at all? Am I missing something important?
Thank you.
Few pointers to consider:
Hadoop (HDFS specifically) distributes data around a cluster of machines. Using MapReduce to analyze/process this data requires that the data is stored on the HDFS to make use of the parallel processing power Hadoop offers.
Hadoop/MapReduce is no where near real-time. Even when running on small amounts of data the time Hadoop takes to set-up a Job can be 30+ seconds. This is something that can't be stopped.
Maybe something to look into would be using Lucene to index your JSON objects as documents. You could store the index in solr and easily query on anything you want.
in fact you are.. because searching in a single huge field for text will take much more time than indexing the database and searching the proper sql way. The database was built to be used with sql and indexes, it does not have the capability to parse and index json, so whatever way you will find to search in the json (probably just hacky string matching) will be much slower. 500k rows is not that much to handle for mysql , you don't really need hadoop, just a good normalized schema , the right indices and optimized queries
Sounds like you are trying to recreate CouchDB. CouchDB is built with a map-reduce framework and is made to work specifically with JSON objects.