Enable-AzureWebsiteApplicationDiagnostic: specify storage account name? - powershell

How to enable diagnostics for a slot to Azure Table Storage?
I try:
> Enable-AzureWebsiteApplicationDiagnostic -Name mysite `
-LogLevel Verbose -Slot myslot -TableStorage `
-StorageAccountName 'mystorageaccountname'
ResourceNotFound: The storage account 'mystorageaccountname' was not found.
But it exists.
And when I do:
> Set-AzureRmCurrentStorageAccount –ResourceGroupName mygroup `
–StorageAccountName mystorageaccountname
> Enable-AzureWebsiteApplicationDiagnostic -Name mysite `
-LogLevel Verbose -Slot myslot -TableStorage
it fails:
Value cannot be null. Parameter name: accountName
whereas the doc says:
Specifies the name of a storage account in which to store logs. The default value is the current storage account.
> gcm Enable-AzureWebsiteApplicationDiagnostic
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Enable-AzureWebsiteApplicationDiagnostic 5.3.0 azure
> get-module azure*
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Script 5.3.0 azure {Add-AzureAccount, Add-AzureApplicationGatewaySslCertif...
Script 4.3.2 Azure.Storage {Disable-AzureStorageDeleteRetentionPolicy, Enable-Azur...
Script 5.3.3 AzureRM.Profile {Add-AzureRmEnvironment, Clear-AzureRmContext, Clear-Az...
Script 5.0.0 AzureRM.Storage
Update. The same issue for the site.
> Enable-AzureWebsiteApplicationDiagnostic -Name mysite `
-LogLevel Verbose -BlobStorage -StorageBlobContainerName appslogs `
-StorageAccountName 'mystorageaccountname'

I'm not sure the cause of this error. But I've found the similar thread in MSDN which you are experiencing now.
From that David Ebbo mentioned like
The old Enable-AzureWebsiteApplicationDiagnostic CmdLet may have
issues. Please try something like this instead. Please look at what
the config/log API returns in https://resources.azure.com/ to see
everything that you can pass in there.

I didn't find how to make Enable-AzureWebsiteApplicationDiagnostic work. And it seems that this Cmdlet can be removed. But Set-AzureRmResource was used to set the diagnostic for the site using Azure template. Please see full script at https://stackoverflow.com/a/51617949/511144


View recent remote powershell connections

Is there an event log of some kind that is made when a remote pssession is initiated on a computer? I need to be able to see where a remote session has originated from.
Currently I am running
Get-EventLog -LogName "Windows powershell" -newest 100 | Format-List -Property * | where {$_.UserID -eq "username"}
But it is not filtering and/or showing remote connections.
We are here to help you with code issues. This is really not a code issue, but a understanding of how to set up and where correlate such detail. So, it's potentially a question for another forum.
Anyway, to get you close to what you are after, there are extra steps you need to employ to get such information. More on that in a bit.
Now, once you get this all setup and you write your script to pull / look at such info and you are having issues with that, then post that back here for folks to see what can be done
So, that leads us to here:
There are three general areas for logging available:
• Module Logging
• Script Block Logging
• PowerShell Transcription
If you have not done so, I would advise enabling on PS auditing and script logging for more insight into this use case and well as transcript logging (which can capture all commands / code executed on a host machine). If you set all this up properly, you fist look to the transcript log for details and well as the log name you reference in your post for other details.
Set this enterprise wide via GPO or DSC.
There is lot's of guidance on how to set this up.
For Example:
Audit PowerShell Usage using Transcription and Logging
Get-Command -Name '*transcript*'
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Get-TRSTranscriptionJob AWSPowerShell
Cmdlet Get-TRSTranscriptionJobList AWSPowerShell
Cmdlet Start-Transcript Microsoft.PowerShell.Host
Cmdlet Start-TRSTranscriptionJob AWSPowerShell
Cmdlet Stop-Transcript Microsoft.PowerShell.Host
Practical PowerShell Security: Enable Auditing and Logging with DSC
More New Stuff in PowerShell V5: Extra PowerShell Auditing
Get-Module Microsoft.* | Select Name, LogPipelineExecutionDetails
Get-Module Microsoft.* | ForEach { $_.LogPipelineExecutionDetails = $True }
(Import-Module ActiveDirectory).LogPipelineExecutionDetails = $True
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable #{LogName='Windows PowerShell';Id ='800'} -MaxEvents 1 | Select -Expand Message
Investigating PowerShell: Command and Script Logging

remote IBM MQ monitoring from power-shell commands / scripts

I am trying to get queue depth for remote IBM MQ using PowerShell script/commands. Seems it is not working correctly, please help.
$myremoteconns = New-WMQQmgrConnDef -Name T.test.TEST.QM1 -Hostname abcd_testhost01 -Port 1111 -Channel T.test.MQMQ.TESTCHN
$qm = Get-WMQQueueManager -Connections $myremoteconns | where {$_.Name -like 'T.test.TEST.QM1'}
Error New-WMQQmgrConnDef the term 'New-WMQQmgrConnDef' is not recognized
Already installed WebSphere MQ - Windows PowerShell Library from below.
This error means that PowerShell cannot find this cmdlet. You need to check if the module you installed is properly found by PowerShell. Check this first:
Get-Module -ListAvailable
The result will be like:
PS C:\Users\username\PowerShell> get-module -ListAvailable
Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Script 3.0.1 ImportExcel {Import-Html, ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet, PieChart, Import-UPS...}
If you don't find the module on the list you can import it manually using:
Import-Module -Name 'C:\path\to\module.psm1'
In PowerShell (starting at V3) modules should be imported automatically if they are inside on of the path specified in environment variable PSModulePath. You can check its value by using:
Once you know which folders are included in this variable you can either move the module there or just add another path using
$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + ";c:\path\to\module"
This will work for current session. If you want to modify it for all session you can add the line below to PowerShell profile.
More info:
Importing a module
Modifying PSModulePath
PowerShell profiles

Azure App Service ApiApp

I am trying to create an API App in Azure App Service with PowerShell.
The cmdlet I am calling always create a Web App by default. If it is possible, I would like to know how I can specify the type/kind to be Api App instead of Web App?
New-AzureRmWebApp -Name $name -Location $location -AppServicePlan $plan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
From my reading there is not much different between both except the icon, is it worth it to set the type to "Api App" if it's what my app is all about?
I am using version 5.4.0 of AzureRM PowerShell module.
> Get-Module "AzureRM"
ModuleType Version Name
---------- ------- ----
Script 5.4.0 AzureRM
Just call New-AzureRmResource instead and pass in -Kind 'api':
# CREATE "just-an-api" API App
$ResourceLocation = "West US"
$ResourceName = "just-an-api"
$ResourceGroupName = "demo"
$PropertiesObject = #{
# serverFarmId points to the App Service Plan resource id
serverFarmId = "/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION-GUID/resourceGroups/demo/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/plan1"
New-AzureRmResource -Location $ResourceLocation `
-PropertyObject $PropertiesObject `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites `
-ResourceName "just-an-api/$ResourceName" `
-Kind 'api' `
-ApiVersion 2016-08-01 -Force
..which produces an API App, a Microsoft.Web/sites resource type of the api kind:
Hold on.. How did you come up with this stuff?
Visit https://resources.azure.com and navigate to an existing API App, build the PowerShell syntax by combining the PowerShell tab with the desired values from the JSON resource definition.
There is not a parameter in New-AzureRmWebApp supported to explicitly indicate whether API App or Web App. The resource provider is still Microsoft.Web. And there is no parameter which indicates the type in ARM template.
These two types technically still work in the same way. The difference would be the purpose, icon, OS running choice and debugging capability (refer here What is the difference between an API App and a Web App?).
You may want to classify between the two types by tagging it, which would help manage in case your resource groups have many web resources.
You can create API App via Azure Portal, or Visual Studio.
Also, look at Azure API Management for more flexibility of API wrapping instead of Azure App Service.

Still requiring Login-RmAzureAccount even after importing PublishSettings in Azure

I am attempting to login to an Azure account through a PowerShell script by means of making use of a publishsettings file; However, I am still finding that it is requiring me to login to my account using Login-AzureRmAccount, regardless of having those credentials.
My step-by step looks something like this:
Clear out all accounts that may be available:
Get-AzureAccount | ForEach-Object { Remove-AzureAccount $_.ID -Force }
Download the PublishSettings file: Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile –PublishSettingsFile $PublishSettingsFileNameWithPath
Select the Azure subscription using the subscription ID:
Select-AzureRMSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId
And finally, create a new resource group in the subscription before deploying it: New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $ResourceGroupLocation -Verbose -Force 2>> .\errorCIMS_RG.txt | Out-File .\rgDetailsCIMS_RG.txt
However, this is when an error is thrown: Run Login-AzureRmAccount to login.
Assuming I have the PublishSettings file, and it hasnt expired, why would this be giving back an error?
As Mihail said, we should check Azure PowerShell version first, and install the latest version.
We can run this command to list Azure PowerShell version:
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Azure -Refresh
By the way, Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile work for ASM, New-AzureRmResourceGroup is ARM command, so if you want to create resource group, you should Login-AzureRmAccount first.
The AzureResourceManager module does not support publish settings
More information about Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile, please refer to this link.
I solved this problem by updating to last version of azure powershell cmdlet.
You can find last one here:

Getting Azure VM OS name using PowerShell

I have been trying to get the VM OS name from Microsoft Azure using PowerShell.
I think I am very close to the solution but I don't know where I'm going wrong.
This is the command that I am using to get the VM details:
Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName TEST -Name VF-Test1 | Select OsType
The answer I get is just blank.
When running the following command:
Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName TEST -Name VF-Test1
I get all the details that belong to that VM.
The osType property lives inside $_.StorageProfile.osDisk
Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName TEST -Name VMNAME |
Format-Table Name, #{l='osType';e={$_.StorageProfile.osDisk.osType}}
Name osType
------ ------
VMNAME Windows
Use https://resources.azure.com to explore the object representation when in doubt, or pipe to Show-Object, like i did below.
You can get resource groups' VMs by Get-AzureRmVM and classic VMs by Get-AzureVM. Both of the returning values of the two cmdlets contain OS type properties but in different paths.
For the cmdlet Get-AzureRmVM, the OS type property path is $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType
For the cmdlet Get-AzureVM, the OS type property path is $vm.VM.OSVirtualHardDisk.OS
There exists a sample code about fetching Azure VM OS Type here: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/How-to-retrieve-Azure-5a3d3751
Get-AzVM -name SERVERNAME | select name, #{n="OS";E={$_.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType}}, #{n="Offer";E={$_.StorageProfile.ImageReference.offer}} , #{n="SKU";E={$_.StorageProfile.ImageReference.sku}}, #{n="Publisher";E={$_.StorageProfile.ImageReference.Publisher}}