Vectorizing a matlab loop with internal functions - matlab

I have a 3D Mesh grid, X, Y, Z. I want to create a new 3D array that is a function of X, Y, & Z. That function comprises the sum of several 3D Gaussians located at different points. Currently, I have a for loop that runs over the different points where I have my gaussians, and I have an array of center locations r0(nGauss, 1:3)
for index = 1:nGauss
Psi = Psi + Gauss3D(X,Y,Z,[r0(index,1),r0(index,2),r0(index,3)]);
where my 3D gaussian function is
function output=Gauss3D(X,Y,Z,r0)
output=exp(-(X-r0(1)).^2 + (Y-r0(2)).^2 + (Z-r0(3)).^2);
I'm happy to redesign the function, which is the slowest part of my code and has to happen many many time, but I can't figure out how to vectorize this so that it will run faster. Any suggestions would be appreciated
*****NB the Original function had a square root in it, and has been modified to make it an actual gaussian***

NOTE! I've modified your code to create a Gaussian, which was:
output=exp(-sqrt((X-r0(1)).^2 + (Y-r0(2)).^2 + (Z-r0(3)).^2));
That does not make a Gaussian. I changed this to:
output = exp(-((X-r0(1)).^2 + (Y-r0(2)).^2 + (Z-r0(3)).^2));
(note no sqrt). This is a Gaussian with sigma = sqrt(1/2).
If this is not what you want, then this answer might not be very useful to you, because your function does not go to 0 as fast as the Gaussian, and therefore is harder to truncate, and it is not separable.
Vectorizing this code is pointless, as the other answers attest. MATLAB's JIT is perfectly capable of running this as fast as it'll go. But you can reduce the amount of computation significantly by noting that the Gaussian goes to almost zero very quickly, and is separable:
Most of the exp evaluations you're doing here yield a very tiny number. You don't need to compute those, just fill in 0.
exp(-x.^2-y.^2) is the same as exp(-x.^2).*exp(-y.^2), which is much cheaper to compute.
Let's put these two things to the test. Here is the test code:
function gaussian_test
N = 100;
r0 = rand(N,3)*20 - 10;
% Original
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(-10:.1:10);
Psi1 = zeros(size(X));
for index = 1:N
Psi1 = Psi1 + Gauss3D(X,Y,Z,r0(index,:));
t = toc;
fprintf('original, time = %f\n',t)
% Fast, large truncation
[X,Y,Z] = deal(-10:.1:10);
Psi2 = zeros(numel(X),numel(Y),numel(Z));
for index = 1:N
Psi2 = Gauss3D_fast(Psi2,X,Y,Z,r0(index,:),5);
t = toc;
fprintf('tuncation = 5, time = %f\n',t)
fprintf('mean abs error = %f\n',mean(reshape(abs(Psi2-Psi1),[],1)))
fprintf('mean square error = %f\n',mean(reshape((Psi2-Psi1).^2,[],1)))
fprintf('max abs error = %f\n',max(reshape(abs(Psi2-Psi1),[],1)))
% Fast, smaller truncation
[X,Y,Z] = deal(-10:.1:10);
Psi3 = zeros(numel(X),numel(Y),numel(Z));
for index = 1:N
Psi3 = Gauss3D_fast(Psi3,X,Y,Z,r0(index,:),3);
t = toc;
fprintf('tuncation = 3, time = %f\n',t)
fprintf('mean abs error = %f\n',mean(reshape(abs(Psi3-Psi1),[],1)))
fprintf('mean square error = %f\n',mean(reshape((Psi3-Psi1).^2,[],1)))
fprintf('max abs error = %f\n',max(reshape(abs(Psi3-Psi1),[],1)))
% DIPimage, same smaller truncation
Psi4 = newim(201,201,201);
coords = (r0+10) * 10;
Psi4 = gaussianblob(Psi4,coords,10*sqrt(1/2),(pi*100).^(3/2));
t = toc;
fprintf('DIPimage, time = %f\n',t)
fprintf('mean abs error = %f\n',mean(reshape(abs(Psi4-Psi1),[],1)))
fprintf('mean square error = %f\n',mean(reshape((Psi4-Psi1).^2,[],1)))
fprintf('max abs error = %f\n',max(reshape(abs(Psi4-Psi1),[],1)))
end % of function gaussian_test
function output = Gauss3D(X,Y,Z,r0)
output = exp(-((X-r0(1)).^2 + (Y-r0(2)).^2 + (Z-r0(3)).^2));
function Psi = Gauss3D_fast(Psi,X,Y,Z,r0,trunc)
% sigma = sqrt(1/2)
x = X-r0(1);
y = Y-r0(2);
z = Z-r0(3);
mx = abs(x) < trunc*sqrt(1/2);
my = abs(y) < trunc*sqrt(1/2);
mz = abs(z) < trunc*sqrt(1/2);
Psi(my,mx,mz) = Psi(my,mx,mz) + exp(-x(mx).^2) .* reshape(exp(-y(my).^2),[],1) .* reshape(exp(-z(mz).^2),1,1,[]);
% Note! the line above uses implicit singleton expansion. For older MATLABs use bsxfun
This is the output on my machine, reordered for readability (I'm still on MATLAB R2017a):
| time(s) | mean abs | mean sq. | max abs
original | 5.035762 | | |
tuncation = 5 | 0.169807 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000005
tuncation = 3 | 0.054737 | 0.000452 | 0.000002 | 0.024378
DIPimage | 0.044099 | 0.000452 | 0.000002 | 0.024378
As you can see, using these two properties of the Gaussian we can reduce time from 5.0 s to 0.17 s, a 30x speedup, with hardly noticeable differences (truncating at 5*sigma). A further 3x speedup can be gained by allowing a small error. The smallest the truncation value, the faster this will go, but the larger the error will be.
I added that last method, the gaussianblob function from DIPimage (I'm an author), just to show that option in case you need to squeeze that bit of extra time from your code. That function is implemented in C++. This version that I used you will need to compile yourself. Our current official release implements this function still in M-file code, and is not as fast.
Further chance of improvement is if the fractional part of the coordinates is always the same (w.r.t. the pixel grid). In this case, you can draw the Gaussian once, and shift it over to each of the centroids.
Another alternative involves computing the Gaussian once, at a somewhat larger scale, and interpolating into it to generate each of the 1D Gaussians needed to generate the output. I did not implement this, I have no idea if it will be faster or if the time difference will be significant. In the old days, exp was expensive, I'm not sure this is still the case.

So, I am building off of the answer above me #Durkee. I enjoy these kinds of problems, so I thought a little about how to make each of the expansions implicit, and I have the one-line function below. Using this function I shaved .11 seconds off of the call, which is completely negligible. It looks like yours is pretty decent. The only advantage of mine might be how the code scales on a finer mesh.
xLin = [-10:.1:10]';
psi2 = sum(exp(-sqrt((permute(xLin-r0(:,1)',[3 1 4 2])).^2 ...
+ (permute(xLin-r0(:,2)',[1 3 4 2])).^2 ...
+ (permute(xLin-r0(:,3)',[3 4 1 2])).^2)),4);
The relative run times on my computer were (all things kept the same):
Original - 1.234085
Other - 2.445375
Mine - 1.120701

So this is a bit of an unusual problem where on my computer the unvectorized code actually works better than the vectorized code, here is my script
nGauss = 20; %Sample nGauss as you didn't specify
r0 = rand(nGauss,3); % Just make this up as it doesn't really matter in this case
% Your original code
for index = 1:nGauss
Psi = Psi + Gauss3D(X,Y,Z,[r0(index,1),r0(index,2),r0(index,3)]);
% Vectorize these functions so we can use implicit broadcasting
X1 = X(:);
Y1 = Y(:);
Z1 = Z(:);
val = [X1 Y1 Z1];
% Change the dimensions so that r0 operates on the right elements
r0_temp = permute(r0,[3 2 1]);
% Perform the gaussian combination
out = sum(exp(-sqrt(sum((val-r0_temp).^2,2))),3);
% Check to make sure both functions match
function output=Gauss3D(X,Y,Z,r0)
output=exp(-sqrt((X-r0(1)).^2 + (Y-r0(2)).^2 + (Z-r0(3)).^2));
function out = vec(in)
out = in(:);
As you can see, this is probably about as vectorized as you can get. The whole function is done using broadcasting and vectorized operations which normally improve performance ten-one hundredfold. However, in this case, this is not what we see
Elapsed time is 1.876460 seconds.
Elapsed time is 2.909152 seconds.
This actually shows the unvectorized version as being faster.
There could be a few reasons for this of which I am by no means an expert.
MATLAB uses a JIT compiler now which means that for loops are no longer inefficient.
Your code is already reasonably vectorized, you are operating at 8 million elements at once
Unless nGauss is 1000 or something, you're not looping through that much, and at that point, vectorization means you will run out of memory
I could be hitting some memory threshold where I am using too much memory and that is making my code inefficient, I noticed that when I lowered the resolution on the meshgrid the vectorized version worked better
As an aside, I tested this on my GTX 1060 GPU with single precision(single precision is 10x faster than double precision on most GPUs)
Elapsed time is 0.087405 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.241456 seconds.
Once again the unvectorized version is faster, sorry I couldn't help you out but it seems that your code is about as good as you are going to get unless you lower the tolerances on your meshgrid.


How to improve the time consuming of log and exponentiation operation

The theoretical result is a mixture of gamma ratios, like:sum(
AiGamma(Bi)/Gamma(Ci)), in which A is a binomial coeff, and would be very hard to calculate by using nchoosek directly in matlab. So my solution is to decompose all elements in the results to prod(vector), however, as the vector getting longer, I meet digit problem. So I changed the solution to get x(1:n) = log(vector) and then rst = sum(exp(x)). In practice, I found this is quite time consuming, especially when the # of gamma terms is very large.
Here is a code section:
gamma_sum = zeros(1,x2+1);
coef = ones(1,x2+1);
% sub_gamma_sum = zeros(1,x2+1);
% coef(1) = prod(1./sqrt(1:x2));
coef(1) = sum(log(1:x2))/2-sum(log([1:1-1 1:x2-1+1]));
if x1>0
% gamma_sum(1) = gamma(beta)/gamma(alpha+beta)/...
% prod((alpha+beta:alpha+beta+x1-1));
% gamma_sum(1) = prod(1./(alpha+beta:alpha+beta+x1-1));
gamma_sum(1) = sum(log(1./(alpha+beta:alpha+beta+x1-1)));
% gamma_sum(1) = gamma(beta)/gamma(alpha+beta);
% gamma_sum(1) = 1;
gamma_sum(1) = log(1);
for i = 2:x2+1
% coef(i) = prod((1:x2)./[1:i-1 1:x2-i+1]);
% coef(i) = exp(sum(log(1:x2))/2-sum(log([1:i-1 1:x2-i+1])));
coef(i) = sum(log(1:x2))/2-sum(log([1:i-1 1:x2-i+1]));
% coef(i) = prod(1./[1:i-1 1:x2-i+1])*exp(sum(log(1:x2))/2);
% gamma_sum(i) = prod((beta:beta+i-2)./(alpha+beta:alpha+beta+i-2))*prod(1./(alpha+beta+i-1:alpha+beta+x1+i-2));%% den has x1+i-1 terms
gamma_sum(i) = sum(log((beta:beta+i-2)./(alpha+beta:alpha+beta+i-2)))+sum(log(1./(alpha+beta+i-1:alpha+beta+x1+i-2)));
In the code, coef is the Ai, and gamma_sum is the rest part. Just found that when x2, i.e. the number of the terms of the gamma terms, the computing time is really troublesome. P.S: I tried to replace all for loop with matrix operation, but when x2 increases the matrix size also makes the computing time consuming. Is there any way to solve the problem, like use some other method to solve the digit problem(number exceeds 1e300 or number less than e-200) more efficiently, i.e. guarantee the precision and increase the speed.
This might make your system slower, but you can try vpa() for your big numbers, if you need a high precision and if you have a Symbolic Math toolbox. Here is the example:
>> exp(1000)
ans =
>> vpa('exp(1000)',1000)
ans =
In this way you would be able to use enormous numbers in your calculations at the expense of increased memory usage and lower speed.

How can I streamline this code and reduce the time it takes to run?

I have a code which works perfectly, and I'm looking to make it more efficient.
t = -1:.001:1;
t_for_y = -50:.01:50;
x = zeros(size(t));
x(1001:end) = exp(-3 * t(1001:end));
h = zeros(size(t));
h(1001:end) = exp(-2 * t(1001:end)); % FIXED TYPO
for k = 1:length(t_for_y)
Y = X.*H;
for k = 1:length(t)
y(k) = (1/(2*pi))*trapz(t_for_y,Y.*exp(1i*t(k)*t_for_y));
plot(t,real(y));grid on;
I'd like to only use one for-loop or no for loops is this possible?
Is there a way of using doing this faster?
The trapz function can take a matrix as the second input (see help trapz for more info). This means that your first column can be replaced by the following:
t_i = 1i*t';
exp_t = bsxfun(#times,t_i,t_for_y); % Precompute for speed
xexp = bsxfun(#times,x',exp_t);
hexp = bsxfun(#times,h',exp_t);
% NOTE: As you've got it, X and H are identical - I assume this is a typo
X = trapz(t,xexp,1);
H = trapz(t,xexp,1);
Be aware that this will generate some fairly large matrices (~2000 X 10000), which can eat up your memory if you're not careful.
The second loop can be linearised in a similar manner:
% Using exp_t from the previous loop
yexp = bsxfun(#times,Y,exp_t);
% NOTE: As you've got it, X and H are identical - I assume this is a typo
y = trapz(t_for_y,xexp,2);
Again, this will use a lot of memory. You may find that you will save memory by using sparse matrices.
If memory is at a premium for you, then your original code is better (though you should preallocate X, H and y for a slight speed boost), as the time saved by linearising it is not really enough to justify the extra memory. If you've got memory aplenty, then this method is slightly faster.

Matlab -- random walk with boundaries, vectorized

Suppose I have a vector J of jump sizes and an initial starting point X_0. Also I have boundaries 0, B (assume 0 < X_0 < B). I want to do a random walk where X_i = [min(X_{i-1} + J_i,B)]^+. (positive part). Basically if it goes over a boundary, it is made equal to the boundary. Anyone know a vectorized way to do this? The current way I am doing it consists of doing cumsums and then finding places where it violates a condition, and then starting from there and repeating the cumsum calculation, etc until I find that I stop violating the boundaries. It works when the boundaries are rarely hit, but if they are hit all the time, it basically becomes a for loop.
In the code below, I am doing this across many samples. To 'fix' the ones that go out of the boundary, I have to loop through the samples to check...(don't think there is a vectorized 'find')
% X_init is a row vector describing initial resource values to use for
% each sample
% J is matrix where each col is a sequence of Jumps (columns = sample #)
% In this code the jumps are subtracted, but same thing
X_intvl = repmat(X_init,NumJumps,1) - cumsum(J);
X = [X_init; X_intvl];
for sample = 1:NumSamples
k = find(or(X_intvl(:,sample) > B, X_intvl(:,sample) < 0),1);
change = X_intvl(k-1,sample) - X_intvl(k,sample);
X_intvl(k:end,sample) = X_intvl(k:end,sample)+change;
k = find(or(X_intvl(:,sample) > B, X_intvl(:,sample) < 0),1);
Interesting question (+1).
I faced a similar problem a while back, although slightly more complex as my lower and upper bound depended on t. I never did work out a fully-vectorized solution. In the end, the fastest solution I found was a single loop which incorporates the constraints at each step. Adapting the code to your situation yields the following:
%# Set the parameters
LB = 0; %# Lower bound
UB = 5; %# Upper bound
T = 100; %# Number of observations
N = 3; %# Number of samples
X0 = (1/2) * (LB + UB); %# Arbitrary start point halfway between LB and UB
%# Generate the jumps
Jump = randn(N, T-1);
%# Build the constrained random walk
X = X0 * ones(N, T);
for t = 2:T
X(:, t) = max(min(X(:, t-1) + Jump(:, t-1), UB), 0);
X = X';
I would be interested in hearing if this method proves faster than what you are currently doing. I suspect it will be for cases where the constraint is binding in more than one or two places. I can't test it myself as the code you provided is not a "working" example, ie I can't just copy and paste it into Matlab and run it, as it depends on several variables for which example (or simulated) values are not provided. I tried adapting it myself, but couldn't get it to work properly?
UPDATE: I just switched the code around so that observations are indexed on columns and samples are indexed on rows, and then I transpose X in the last step. This will make the routine more efficient, since Matlab allocates memory for numeric arrays column-wise - hence it is faster when performing operations down the columns of an array (as opposed to across the rows). Note, you will only notice the speed-up for large N.
FINAL THOUGHT: These days, the JIT accelerator is very good at making single loops in Matlab efficient (double loops are still pretty slow). Therefore personally I'm of the opinion that every time you try and obtain a fully-vectorized solution in Matlab, ie no loops, you should weigh up whether the effort involved in finding a clever solution is worth the slight gains in efficiency to be made over an easier-to-obtain method that utilizes a single loop. And it is important to remember that fully-vectorized solutions are sometimes slower than solutions involving single loops when T and N are small!
I'd like to propose another vectorized solution.
So, first we should set the parameters and generate random Jumpls. I used the same set of parameters as Colin T Bowers:
% Set the parameters
LB = 0; % Lower bound
UB = 20; % Upper bound
T = 1000; % Number of observations
N = 3; % Number of samples
X0 = (1/2) * (UB + LB); % Arbitrary start point halfway between LB and UB
% Generate the jumps
Jump = randn(N, T-1);
But I changed generation code:
% Generate initial data without bounds
X = cumsum(Jump, 2);
% Apply bounds
Amplitude = UB - LB;
nsteps = ceil( max(abs(X(:))) / Amplitude - 0.5 );
for ii = 1:nsteps
ind = abs(X) > (1/2) * Amplitude;
X(ind) = Amplitude * sign(X(ind)) - X(ind);
% Shifting X
X = X0 + X;
So, instead of for loop I'm using cumsum function with smart post-processing.
N.B. This solution works significantly slower than Colin T Bowers's one for tight bounds (Amplitude < 5), but for loose bounds (Amplitude > 20) it works much faster.

Matlab inverse operation and warning

Not quite sure what this means.
"Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision."
I have a 3x4 matrix called matrix bestM
matrix Q is 3x3 of bestM and matrix m is the last column of bestM
I would like to do C = -Inverse matrix of Q * matrix m
and I get that warning
and C =[Inf Inf Inf] which isn't right because i am calculating for the camera center in the world
bestM = [-0.0031 -0.0002 0.0005 0.9788;
-0.0003 -0.0006 0.0028 0.2047;
-0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0013];
Q = bestM(1:3,1:3);
m = bestM(:,4);
X = inv(Q);
C = -X*m;
A singular matrix can be thought of as the matrix equivalent of zero, when you try to invert 0 it blows up (goes to infinity) which is what you are getting here. user 1281385 is absolutely wrong about using the format command to increase precision; the format command is used to change the format of what is shown to you. In fact the very first line of the help command for format says
format does not affect how MATLAB computations are done.
As found here, a singular matrix is one that does not have an inverse. As dvreed77 already pointed out, you can think of this as 1/0 for matrices.
Why I'm answering, is to tell you that using inv explicitly is almost never a good idea. If you need the same inverse a few hundred times, it might be worth it, however, in most circumstances you're interested in the product C:
C = -inv(Q)*m
which can be computed much more accurately and faster in Matlab using the backslash operator:
C = -Q\m
Type help slash for more information on that. And even if you happen to find yourself in a situation where you really need the inverse explicitly, I'd still advise you to avoid inv:
invQ = Q\eye(size(Q))
Below is a little performance test to demonstrate one of the very few situations where the explicit inverse can be handy:
% This test will demonstrate the one case I ever encountered where
% an explicit inverse proved useful. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose
% the full details without breaking the law, but roughly, it came down
% to this: The (large) design matrix A, a result of a few hundred
% co-registrated images, needed to be used to solve several thousands
% of systems, where the result matrices b came from processing the
% images one-by-one.
% That means the same design matrix was re-used thousands of times, to
% solve thousands of systems at a time. To add to the fun, the images
% were also complex-valued, but I'll leave that one out of consideration
% for now :)
clear; clc
% parameters for this demo
its = 1e2;
sz = 2e3;
Bsz = 2e2;
% initialize design matrix
A = rand(sz);
% initialize cell-array to prevent allocating memory from consuming
% unfair amounts of time in the first loop.
% Also, initialize them, NOT copy them (as in D=C,E=D), because Matlab
% follows a lazy copy-on-write scheme, which would influence the results
C = {cellfun(#(~) zeros(sz,Bsz), cell(its,1), 'uni', false) zeros(its,1)};
D = {cellfun(#(~) zeros(sz,Bsz), cell(its,1), 'uni', false) zeros(its,1)};
E = {cellfun(#(~) zeros(sz,Bsz), cell(its,1), 'uni', false) zeros(its,1)};
% The impact of rand() is the same in both loops, so it has no
% effect, it just gives a longer total run time. Still, we do the
% rand explicitly to *include* the indexing operation in the test.
% Also, caching will most definitely influence the results, because
% any compiler (JIT), even without optimizations, might recognize the
% easy performance gain when the code computes the same array over and
% over again. It probably will, but we have no control over when and
% wherethat happens. So, we prevent that from happening at all, by
% re-initializing b at every iteration.
% The assignment to cell is a necessary part of the demonstration;
% it is the desired output of the whole calculation. Assigning to cell
% instead of overwriting 'ans' takes some time, which is to be included
% in the demonstration, again for cache reasons: the extra time is now
% guaranteed to be equal in both loops, so it really does not matter --
% only the total run time will be affected.
% Direct computation
start = tic;
for ii = 1:its
b = rand(sz,Bsz);
C{ii,1} = A\b;
C{ii,2} = max(max(abs( A*C{ii,1}-b )));
time0 = toc(start);
[max([C{:,2}]) mean([C{:,2}]) std([C{:,2}])]
% LU factorization (everyone's
start = tic;
[L,U,P] = lu(A, 'vector');
for ii = 1:its
b = rand(sz,Bsz);
D{ii,1} = U\(L\b(P,:));
D{ii,2} = max(max(abs( A*D{ii,1}-b )));
time1 = toc(start);
[max([D{:,2}]) mean([D{:,2}]) std([D{:,2}])]
% explicit inv
start = tic;
invA = A\eye(size(A)); % NOTE: DON'T EVER USE INV()!
for ii = 1:its
b = rand(sz,Bsz);
E{ii,1} = invA*b;
E{ii,2} = max(max(abs( A*E{ii,1}-b )));
time2 = toc(start);
[max([E{:,2}]) mean([E{:,2}]) std([E{:,2}])]
speedup0_1 = (time0/time1-1)*100
speedup1_2 = (time1/time2-1)*100
speedup0_2 = (time0/time2-1)*100
% |Ax-b|
1.0e-12 * % max. mean
0.1121 0.0764 0.0159 % A\b
0.1167 0.0784 0.0183 % U\(L\b(P,;))
0.0968 0.0845 0.0078 % invA*b
speedup0_1 = 352.57 % percent
speedup1_2 = 12.86 % percent
speedup0_2 = 410.80 % percent
It should be clear that an explicit inverse has its uses, but just as a goto construct in any language -- use it sparingly and wisely.

pdist2 equivalent in MATLAB version 7

I need to calculate the euclidean distance between 2 matrices in matlab. Currently I am using bsxfun and calculating the distance as below( i am attaching a snippet of the code ):
for i=1:4754
d=sqrt(sum(bsxfun(#minus, test_data, fea_train).^2, 2));
Size of fea_test is 4754x1024 and fea_train is 6800x1024 , using his for loop is causing the execution of the for to take approximately 12 minutes which I think is too high.
Is there a way to calculate the euclidean distance between both the matrices faster?
I was told that by removing unnecessary for loops I can reduce the execution time. I also know that pdist2 can help reduce the time for calculation but since I am using version 7. of matlab I do not have the pdist2 function. Upgrade is not an option.
Any help.
Here is vectorized implementation for computing the euclidean distance that is much faster than what you have (even significantly faster than PDIST2 on my machine):
D = sqrt( bsxfun(#plus,sum(A.^2,2),sum(B.^2,2)') - 2*(A*B') );
It is based on the fact that: ||u-v||^2 = ||u||^2 + ||v||^2 - 2*u.v
Consider below a crude comparison between the two methods:
A = rand(4754,1024);
B = rand(6800,1024);
D = pdist2(A,B,'euclidean');
DD = sqrt( bsxfun(#plus,sum(A.^2,2),sum(B.^2,2)') - 2*(A*B') );
On my WinXP laptop running R2011b, we can see a 10x times improvement in time:
Elapsed time is 70.939146 seconds. %# PDIST2
Elapsed time is 7.879438 seconds. %# vectorized solution
You should be aware that it does not give exactly the same results as PDIST2 down to the smallest precision.. By comparing the results, you will see small differences (usually close to eps the floating-point relative accuracy):
>> max( abs(D(:)-DD(:)) )
ans =
On a side note, I've collected around 10 different implementations (some are just small variations of each other) for this distance computation, and have been comparing them. You would be surprised how fast simple loops can be (thanks to the JIT), compared to other vectorized solutions...
You could fully vectorize the calculation by repeating the rows of fea_test 6800 times, and of fea_train 4754 times, like this:
rA = size(fea_test,1);
rB = size(fea_train,1);
d = zeros(rA,rB);
d(:) = sqrt(sum(fea_test(J(:),:)-fea_train(I(:),:)).^2,2));
However, this would lead to intermediary arrays of size 6800x4754x1024 (*8 bytes for doubles), which will take up ~250GB of RAM. Thus, the full vectorization won't work.
You can, however, reduce the time of the distance calculation by preallocation, and by not calculating the square root before it's necessary:
rA = size(fea_test,1);
rB = size(fea_train,1);
d = zeros(rA,rB);
for i = 1:rA
d(i,:)=sum( (test_data(ones(nB,1),:) - fea_train).^2, 2))';
d = sqrt(d);
Try this vectorized version, it should be pretty efficient. Edit: just noticed that my answer is similar to #Amro's.
function K = calculateEuclideanDist(P,Q)
% Vectorized method to compute pairwise Euclidean distance
% Returns K(i,j) = sqrt((P(i,:) - Q(j,:))'*(P(i,:) - Q(j,:)))
[nP, d] = size(P);
[nQ, d] = size(Q);
pmag = sum(P .* P, 2);
qmag = sum(Q .* Q, 2);
K = sqrt(ones(nP,1)*qmag' + pmag*ones(1,nQ) - 2*P*Q');