point in time recovery on postgresql - postgresql

We need some help with the point in recovery test . We have followed the below steps but after creating recovery.conf file and restarting the machine our DB is getting corrupted and not getting started.
Please look at the below steps and help us analyze what is going wrong there. We have used offline postgresql installer to set up database. Required configuration like wal_level=hot_stanby, archive_mode=on, and archive_command='cp %p /mnt/server/archive/%f' in postgresql.conf are also set properly.
After DB set up, We have created a tablcespace, db and mapped db with the tablespace. Also created some tables to generate transaction files in pg_wal and archive directory (which is mnt/server/archive)
SELECT pg_start_backup('TestPITR');
Taken backup(tar) of Postgresql data directory (opt/PostgreSQL/10/ data)>>tar zcf backup20180810.tar data/
SELECT pg_stop_backup();
Created some more tables and noted down their timestamp (for PITR, which will be added in recovery.conf file as recovery_target_time )
Stopped the DB>>service postgresql-10 stop
Created a new directory >>mkdir pgbackup
Moved tar file into the pgbackup directory >>mv backup20180810.tar /opt/PostgreSQL/10/pgbackup
Copied archive files into the pgbackup directory>> cp -r /mnt/server/archive/ /opt/PostgreSQL/10/pgbackup/
Renamed the old data directory( opt/PostgreSQL/10/ data )to bad.data >>> mv data bad.data (now opt/PostgreSQL/10/ bad.data)
untar the back taken in step 2>>tar -xvf backup20180810.tar
Moved the data directory to old path >>>mv /opt/PostgreSQL/10/pgbackup/data/ /opt/PostgreSQL/10/ (Now i have opt/PostgreSQL/10/ data-derived from tar file and with old transaction logs in pg_wal)
13 Copied the updated pg_wal logs from bad.data to data >>>cp -r /opt/PostgreSQL/10/bad.data/pg_wal/0* /opt/PostgreSQL/10/data/pg_wal
Started the database >> service postgresql-10 start (Our db works fine)
Created a recovery.conf file inside data folder >>opt/PostgreSQL/10/ data --given the permission and user as postgres
Our recovery.conf file has two following parameters. recovery_target_time was taken from step-5
restore_command = 'cp /opt/PostgreSQL/10/pgbackup/archive/%f %p'
recovery_target_time = '2018-08-10 02:56:31'
Restarted the db server>> service postgresql-10 restart
It doesn't restart also there is no log entry in log folder(opt/PostgreSQL/10/data/log) looks like it has stopped creating logs after restart.

Steps 14 and 15 are the wrong way around. You have to create recovery.conf before starting the server.


PostgreSQL Point-In-Time Recovery Getting Error with No valid checkpoint record

I am trying to perform a Point-In-Time Recovery using the WAL_ARCHIVE process. The archive command is added to the postgresql.conf file and I can see the WAL being archived in the backup-archive directory. When I try to start the service I get PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record
I am using the below step-by-step process.
low level api basebackup
SELECT pg_start_backup('label', true, false);
copying the data directory of my cluster
tar -zcvpf basebkPostgres20230110New.tgz /PostgreSQL/13/data
closing my basebackup
SELECT * FROM pg_stop_backup(false, true);
Stopping the postgres service
Removing the current's cluster data directory
Restoring the backed up data directory
Removing the contents of the pg_wal directory
Setting the restore_command in the postgresql.conf file
Starting the postgres service
You forgot the backup_label file and recovery.signal. You have to capture the result of pg_stop_backup (or pg_backup_stop from v15 on) and create backup_label from the contents. That file has to be in the restored data directory. Also, you have to create recovery.signal in the data directory, so that PostgreSQL starts in archive recovery mode and reads your restore_command.
Without restore_command, PostgreSQL uses the WAL in pg_wal, which is empty. Without backup_label, PostgreSQL thinks that it can recover from the checkpoint indicated by the control file pg_control. Even if that worked, the result would be a corrupted database, since you have to recover from the start of the backup.
recovery.signal is documented here (step 7), and backup_label is documented here (step 4).

How to move location of postrgresql 13 database

I am looking to move the location of a pgsql 13 database from it's default to another disk.
I initially followed this guide link
But this is for v9.5, not 13. My challenge is that the location of the database - found from running the below command - is also where the configuration files are stored.
SHOW data_directory;
(1 row)
SHOW config_file;
(1 row)
With version 9.5 the configuration files were in a separate area, so at this point I got stuck with the guide.
It seems if I want to move the database location I also have to move all the configuration files as well.
I have tried moving the entire data folder to the new location and restarting postgres but no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
Assuming your configuration files are located under $PG_DATA, where they belong:
Shut down the (old) database
Copy the data directory to the new location (use cp -rp, or rsync -acv, or tar, or cpio, ...) Make sure that file attributes and ownership are preserved by the copy. The pgdata directory should be mode == 0600, and owner.group == postgres.postgres.
[optionally] rename the old data directory
[optionally] you may want to edit the configuration files at the new location
edit the startup file (in /etc/init.d/postgresql ) and make sure $PG_DATA points to the new location. [note: this is for ubuntu; other distributions may us a different starting mechanism]
Start the new database, and check if it runs (ps auxw| grep postgres, and if you can connect (psql -U postgres postgres)
[optionally] remove the directory tree at the old location.

WAL file is from different database system

Am using WAL E and trying to restore a postgresql database i get the error WAL file is from different database system: WAL file database system identifier is 6422218584094261886, pg_control database system identifier is 6338745400937582833
How can i force the postgresql database to use the database identifier of the WAL archive or force WAL archive to use the Database system identifier of the database
To restore the WAL files you will need your original base-backup and all the WAL files from that point forwards. The WAL files themselves list the changes to a base backup.
Did you move the pg data dir while the database was still running?
Had the same problem when migrating from one server node to the other, moving the postgres data dir with scp to the other node. When starting the docker container on the new node, i got this error in docker log -f. It turned out that i was copying the dirs while the postgres docker container on the source node was still running.

Postgres Recovery Failure

What I am trying to accomplish is a recovery using a continuous archive backup.
I am running a vm of CentOS 6.8 and Postgres 9.1 Postgres 9.1 is the same as the DB that I am pulling from.
I installed Postgres and initialized the DB, started up fine.
Then, following these directions: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/continuous-archiving.html
Stopped the destination pSQL server (as root: service postgresql-9.1 stop)
Copied the destination cluster data folder to the side (as postgres)
Removed the cluster data files (as postgres)
Copied in my source data folder (as postgres)
Copied WAL files into a clean pg_xlog folder under the data folder (as postgres)
Created a recovery.conf file which contained:
restore_command = 'cp /var/lib/pgsql/database_sample_backup/wal_archives/0A/%f %p'
This being another location for the WAL files other than the copy I placed in pg_xlog (was not sure if I needed both)
But when I attempt to restart my server, it fails. (as root: service postgresql-9.1 start)
My pgstartup.log at one point spit out "runuser: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted" but it doesn't consistently do this with every attempt to start.
I've also tried turning off archiving and replication directive in postgres.conf (so that it can run stand alone) and tried copying over the pg_hba.conf from the new DB I had created to see if they would resolve the issue. Neither did.
I've also done a netstat -ntap | grep 5432 which confirmed that I don't have anything else running on the port.
What else can I provide in the form of details, and what else my I attempt in this restoration process.
Thank you for your help!

Moving postgres data folder on Ubuntu

I have a web application querying a Postgresql database (successfully) and I'm looking to move the data folder from location /var/lib/postgres/9.3/main to a customisable location.
Right now I'm prevented from even copying the folder due to permission errors, but I can't assign myself the permissions because that breaks the postgres server.
(I broke the server by running sudo chown <username> -R /var/lib/postgres/9.3/main - which worked as a command but stopped the postgres server from working)
I would simply create a new folder and change the location there, but I'll lose the current instance of my database if that was done.
How can I move the current folder to a new location, so that I can point to it in the .conf file? I need to explicitly move the folder, I can't create a new DB.
You can just copy or move the directory, including all subdirs and files
cp -rp or mv should be enough for this.
Postgres must not be running while you are messing with the files
The base of the data-drectory (PG_DATA) must be owned by postgres and have file mode 0700 . (when not: pg will refuse to start)
[the rest of the files must at least be readable/writeble by postgres]
the new location must also be known to the startup process (in /etc/init.d/ and (possibly) in the postgres.conf file within the data directory. (for the log file location)