How to extract day from date in watson conversation. The language is French.
I would like if $day=="Samedi" (in English => Saturday) or $day=="Dimanche" (in English => Sunday), the respond is "We do not work Saturday and Sunday"
Use the reformatDateTime('u') to return the day of the week index. Then you can check for day 6 or 7. That would be even language-independent. The documentation for SimpleDateFormat indicates that the parameter should be F, not u to retrieve the index. Thus, you may want to experiment.
Can anyone here tell me why the week begins at 0 for sunday with SYSTEM_TIME::wDayOfWeek ? Here in Germany the week begins at monday. But maybe I'm missing that for other cultures the week begins at sunday.
The modern calendar was sponsored by Pope Gregory XIII. So regardless of one's personal beliefs about religion, it's necessary to look at what the designers of the Gregorian calendar believed:
In Genesis, the creation takes six days followed by one day of rest. It doesn't actually matter whether those were literal days, because the follow-up commandment to rest on each seventh day was talking about a literal day. That seventh day on which to rest was called "Sabbath" by the Jews.
In the gospels, the time of week isn't left to the imagination. Perfume could not be applied to the body of the Messiah as he was buried (as it was a feast day) or on the next day (as it was a Sabbath), so the women arrived at the tomb on the morning following the Sabbath, and recorded that they found it empty and thereafter spoke to a resurrected Messiah.
In honor of these two events in which the designers of and early adherents to the Gregorian calendar deeply believed, they made a weekend out of (a) the Sabbath (our Saturday), which was by definition the seventh day of one week, and (b) the weekday corresponding to resurrection (our Sunday), which therefore had to be the first day of the next week.
And that's why, in the Gregorian calendar, the week starts on Sunday. This is the system followed in the USA where the majority of OS APIs were designed, including the Windows API.
I'm an historian of medieval history and I'm trying to code networks between kings, dukes, popes etc. over a period of time of about 50 years (from 1220 to 1270) in medieval Germany. As I'm not a specialist for graph-databases I'm looking for a possibility to handle dates and date-ranges.
Are there any possibilities to handle over a date-range to an edge so that the edges, which represents a relationship, disappears after e.g. 3 years?
Are there any possibility to ask for relationships who have their date-tag in a date-range?
The common way to deal with dates in Neo4j is storing them either as a string representation or as millis since epoch (aka msec passed since Jan 01 1970).
The first approach makes the graph more easily readable the latter allows you to do math e.g. calculate deltas.
In your case I'd store two properties called validFrom and validTo on the relationships. You queries need to make sure you're looking for the correct time interval.
E.g. to find the king(s) in charge of France from Jan 01 1220 to Dec 31st 1221 you do:
MATCH (c:Country{name:'France'})-[r:HAS_KING]->(king)
WHERE r.validFrom >= -23667123600000 and r.validTo <=-23604051600000
RETURN king, r.validFrom, r.validTo
Since Neo4j 3.0 there's the APOC library which provides couple of functions for converting timestamps to/from human readable date strings.
You can also store the dates in their number representation in the following format: YYYYMMDD
In your case 12200101 would be Jan 1st 1220 and 12701231 would be Dec 31st 1270.
It's a useful and readable format and you can perform range searches like:
MATCH (h:HistoricEvent)
WHERE >= 12200101 AND < 12701231
It would also let you order by dates, if you need to.
As of Neo4J 3.4, the system handles duration and dates, see the official documentation. See more examples here.
An example related to the original question: Retrieve the historical events that happened in the last 30 days from now :
WITH duration({days: 30}) AS duration
MATCH (h:HistoricEvent)
WHERE date() - duration < date(
Another option for dates that keeps the number of nodes/properties you create fairly low is a linked list years (earliest year of interest - latest year), one of months (1-12), and one of dates in a month (1-31). Then every "event" in your graph can be connected to a year, month, and day. This way you don't have to create a new node for every new combination of a year month and day. You just have a single set of months, one of days, and one year. I scale the numbers to make manipulating them easier like so
Years are yyyy*10000
Months are mm*100
Date are dd
so if you run a query such as
match (event)-[:happened]->(t:time)
with event,sum(t.num) as date
order by date
You will get a list of all events in chronological order with dates like Janurary 17th, 1904 appearing as 19040117 (yyyymmdd format)
Further, since these are linked lists where, for example,
...-(t0:time {num:19040000})-[:precedes]->(t1:time {num:19050000})-...
ordering is built into the nodes too.
This is, so far, how I have liked to do my event dating
My customer wants to display week numbers as they show up in his wall calendar:
Week #1 starts on 1st January
Last week of the year (#53 or #54) ends on 31st December
All other weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday
(As a consequence, first and last weeks do not necessarily have 7 days.)
Does this week number algorithm have a name?
Clarification: I already have PHP code to calculate it, I'm just curious about whether this way of identifying weeks has a commonly accepted name.
There isn't one - that is a completely off-the-wall approach to week numbers. Weeks normally start either with Monday or Sunday when using the Gregorian Calendar. They do not start midway. This is not a criticism of your customer, but a comment on the fact that people invent new ways looking at date arithmetic. And get in trouble migrating to new systems.
RFC 3339
See also ISO 8601
In MySql I can use YEARWEEK() to receive the week and the related year of this week in one string. (E.g. SELECT YEARWEEK('1987-01-01'); which leads to "198653").
Is there anything like that in Oracle10g?
I only know about the TO_CHAR function. But if I use TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'YYYYIW'); I receive 198753 and not 198653. So, how I am able to calculate this correctly?
Does using IYYYIW format with TO_CHAR() make any difference? Note the "I" in the beginning instead of first "Y", it is for 4-digit year based on the ISO standard.
I can't reproduce your example that Oracle returns 198753.
select TO_CHAR(DATE '1987-01-01', 'YYYYIW') from dual returns 198701 for me which is correct according to the ISO definition of week numbers.
Oracle has another format mask WW (instead of IW) that uses the week where the first day of the year is in as week #1 - which again would return week number 1 for the January 1st.
Have a look here:
I find MySQL's week number a bit strange actually, because no week numbering scheme I know would return week 53 for January 1st, 1987 (but that doesn't mean very much though...)
Is there a function in Haskell that will allow me to enter component of a date (like a string representation or day month year components) that I can get information from (like day of week, days in a month, etc.)?
I've looked online and it looks like there are a lot of custom libraries, but I'm hoping there's one in the standard prelude library of ghci 10.6.4 that's just not well documented?
Are Data.Time.Calendar and Data.Time.Format in the time library sufficient?
You can parse a string representation of a date and get the length of a month using gregorianMonthLength. Not sure about day of the week, though you could format the date as a string using a format that just displays the week day.
A quick Google search turns up this, which may be what you want. It lets you parse strings representing dates and extract information from them.
You can find the day of the week with mondayStartWeek or sundayStartWeek, depending on whether you think a week starts on Monday, or on Sunday. Both functions are in Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate.
λ> snd $ mondayStartWeek $ fromGregorian 2017 10 3
In the above example, the return value is 2, which indicates the second day of the week. Since the function is called mondayStartWeek, Monday is the first day, so 2 corresponds to Tuesday. This is true of October 3, 2017.
A warning regarding week numbers
Both functions return a tuple, where the second element is the week day. As far as I can tell, that should be trustworthy.
The first element, however, is the week number of the year. Be careful with that, because the rules for week numbering are political. If I remember correctly, in USA, week 1 is the week that contains January 1. That's not the case in Denmark, where I live. Here, week 1 is the first week where Thursday falls in the new year. This can mean that December 31 can fall in week 1 of the next year. IIRC, this is the rule for many other European countries. Some years, the American and the European week numbers align, but some years, they don't.