How to use login sessions in Typo3 multiple subdomains? - typo3

I am using version 8 of TYPO3 and I ask your help to know if it is possible to use the login session of a domain in another subdomain, within the same installation?
For example, log in to and use the session on

You have to set the correct cookieDomain.
This example is for your suggested behaviour:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['cookieDomain'] = '';
You can set this with FE for frontend only, BE for backend only and SYS for the general behaviour (which will be overwritten by FE or BE).


Where else can I find alternate login URL aside from $CFG->alternateloginurl

I'm currently troubleshooting a login issue for a deployed Moodle. Login page uses an alternate page which I have managed to identify. The alternate page considers everything except successful login as invalid or expired login or password.
Since some correct login and password are also getting the same issue.I am trying to restore the Moodle instance to use its default login page but did not find any $CFG->alternateloginurl configuration set in moodle.php. Kindly please provide any pointers you can think of on where to look next to restore the login page.
PS: I've also searched within the active theme, and there has not been any code changes. Uses a variant of Moove
Thank you
Rest assured that its a common issue
There is an entry in the database
FROM mdl_config
WHERE name = 'alternateloginurl'
Note the value, just in case, then blank it out
UPDATE mdl_config
SET value = ''
WHERE name = 'alternateloginurl'
Then purge the cache to update Moodle
php admin/cli/purge_caches.php
When you do manage to log in, check which other authentication methods are active via
Site administration > Plugins > Authentication > Manage authentication
The default methods are manual and email self registration
Although self registration is disabled by default in the settings on the same page (registerauth)

Where does ${authAdminUrl} come from?

for the default clients (i.e. admin) the Base URL is set to /realms/something/account/. The Root URL is set to ${authBaseUrl}.
When I look in the clients overview, I can see the Base URL is shown as https://mydomain/auth/realms/something/account/
I'm trying to understand where the values mydomain and auth come from.
I´ve read Where does ${authAdminUrl} come from and how do I manipulate it? and can confirm that the variable is not set in standalone.xml and also not set via environment variable KEYCLOAK_HOSTNAME.
This page: doesn't mention authAdminUrl explicitly, but the value specified in --hostname-admin-url as suggested there got picked in admin clients that use authAdminUrl in my environment.

Fetching backend user in TYPO3 v9 not possible

I worked with older TYPO3 versions (< v9)
I am not able to fetch the logged in backend user in my frontend extension.
In earlier TYPO3 versions I was able to do that.
Now when I logged in in TYPO3 backend and ask for it now it won't work anymore.
My approach is:
$context = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Context\Context::class);
$be_username = $context->getPropertyFromAspect('backend.user', 'username');
I am getting an empty string. I know that backend user might be not available for FE.
But I need to check on him.
Thank you for any suggestions.
If you want to find out if a Backend user is currently logged in, then the code is exactly right (you don't even need to check on the username).
$context = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Context\Context::class);
$isLoggedIn = $context->getPropertyFromAspect('backend.user', 'isLoggedIn');
However, if you do this in your extension in a Plugin, that is cacheable ("USER" cObject, or a "non-cacheable action" in an Extbase Plugin), this information could be cached, which can lead to serious! sideffects.
In general, you should only check for a backend user in Frontend-related events, PSR-15 middlewares or hooks from TSFE, not in plugins/cObjects etc. unless you really know what you are doing.
All the best,

TYPO3 backend deeplink to page record

I am using version 8.7 of TYPO3 and intended to use a link that leads directly to the backend to edit a record (page). I tried anything like typo3/backend.php?edit=57 but got a error:
file not found
typo3/backend.php?edit=57 was the way to do it up until TYPO3 6.2, but the backend URL changed to typo3/index.php in TYPO3 7.6. It still works kind of, however you need a security token which is generated by the core. The URL now is typo3/index.php?route=%2Fmain&edit=57&token=.... There isn't really an easy way to generate URL with a valid token like that from outside TYPO3 though.
If you want to create a link inside a custom module to edit a record you can use \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::editOnClick() or if you're using a Fluid template, the \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ViewHelpers\Link\EditRecordViewHelper ViewHelper. More on that you can find here:
Using the extension pxa_siteimprove deep links are of the following form:{page_uid}:{language_uid}
The parameter language_uid is optional. An example link to a page with uid 42 looks like this:
Optionally we can include a language uid (e.g. 1). Without a language uid set it defaults to 0:
If you want to create deep links for other purposes, you can look how this extension creates the deep link in Pixelant\PxaSiteimprove\Hooks\DeepLinkingHandler. In a first hook it just saves the page uid to the backend user session and in a later hook reuses this information to redirect to the desired page by setting the following global variable:
$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['startModuleOnFirstLogin'] = 'web_layout->id=' . (int)$pageId . '&SET[language]=' . (int)$languageId;

TYPO3 fe_user: Log in as two different users at the same time possible?

One of our clients wants to FE log in as two different users at the same time, using one browser. I think this is only possible when using two different browser. IS there any workaround?
Background is this: We wrote a FE extension where user can login and update some of their data. One client is a kind of superuser/admin. He wants to compare and edit data of several users at once.
Authentication in TYPO3 is performed by cookie fe_typo_user and therefore it is not possible to have two users logged in at same time from same browser.
You may advise to use different browsers or virtual machines for your client.
As Viktor wrote - it's not possible. Here I should finish the answer.
Anyway... while you are creating your own plugin you can easily add 'simulate mode' using for an example custom cookies... Block schema is:
[IF isAdmin AND simulateMode == false] {
Display admin's version
} [ELSE] {
Display common user's version
You can go even farther and switch the admin to simulate some chosen 'common' user, anyway make sure that will not violate some privacy police.