I am using Vector CANoe version 8.5 and I wanted to know what are the APIs for CANoeILNLVector.dll file.
You can see the short description of the CANoeILNLVector.dll functions from CAPL browser / Functions window, if the dll is linked to the Simulation node/test node you are editing through CAPL browser.
I am designing a PCB board using Altium software. I am trying to generate output in pdf format. Output file is generating properly. And we can see the resulted pdf in file explorer.
But after generating output file, Altium is launching Microsoft edge to show the resulted pdf and We would like to launch chrome/Adobe Reader to display result instead of Microsoft edge.
Appreciates for the response.
I think it is not Altium related settings and Altium uses Windows's default program list to launch programs. Maybe change Windows default programs and give that a try? Default programs list by file type can be found under System Settings>Default Programs>Choose Default Apps By File Type.
I have made a MATLAB GUI but I am facing a problem. The problem is that when I open the GUI figure file straightaway, the resulting GUI does not work properly(I am guessing there is a problem with the loading of the opening_function). But when I open that figure file using GUIDE, I am getting proper results. I want the GUI figure to run properly when I click on it. I have provided the link for my GUI figure file and the M-file for the same in the below link using Google drive:
Google drive link for GUI figure file and code file (along with an image required for the working of the two)
your google drive link is not working. also if its your account of google drive which you have used to login then i can't access the files in it...use some other file hosting services to share the screenshot.
also you can always debug your callback functions using breakpoints to check why its not working properly.
I can perfectly build simulink models and upload it to my Arduino. But I need some more code that I customly create by myself. So how can I add my own custom code with matlab simulink code as well?
In other words, is there a way to get c++ code of the simulink model including Arduino Hardware Support Blocks and make some changes and add some more code and upload it myself?
Yes you can. If my memory serves me well, it's in Configuration Parameters -> Code Generation -> Custom Code. You can include custom code in source files, header files, initialize function and terminate function. You can also include a list of additional include directories, source files and libraries.
Depending on what code you are trying to add there are different approaches:
Already mentioned by am304, the Custom Code option in the Configuration Paramters
With custom S-Functions you write your own blocks with code that gets included in the model. (You may need to learn TLC)
A more manual approach is customizing the Template Makefile to compile your source files, together with the generated source code from the model.
The main file (rt_main.c) can also be customized.
I have a compiled DLL that contains a string resource.
I don't have access to the source code of the dll, but I wish to change that
resource. How can I do that?
I believe you can do it in C++. If so, you can also do it in C# (via Interop).
Look here:
Look at BeginUpdateResource and friends.
So the website constantly changes the data that it displays, and I want to get that data every several seconds and log it in a spreadsheet. The problem is in order to get to the page, I have to have a cookie which I get when I log in. Unfortunately I only know how to program in MATLAB. MATLAB has a function for this, urlread, but it doesn't deal with cookies. What can I do to get to that page? Can anyone help me with this? Point me into a direction where a programing noob like me can succeed please.
You could use wget to download content while using HTTP cookies. I will be using StackOverflow.com as example target. Here are the steps to follow:
1) Obtain the wget command tool. For Mac or Linux, I think it is already available. On Windows, you can get it from the GnuWin32 project or from one of the many other ports (Cygwin, MinGW/MSYS, etc..).
2) Next we need to obtain an authenticated cookie by logging into the website in question. You can use your preferred browser for this.
In Internet Explorer, you can produce it using "File menu > Import and Export > Export Cookies". In Firefox, I used the Cookie Exporter extension to export cookies to text file. For Chrome, there should be similar extensions
Obviously you only need to do this step once, as long as the cookies have not yet expired!
3) Once you locate the cookie file exported, we can use wget to fetch the web page and provide it with this cookie. This of course can be performed from inside MATLAB using the SYSTEM function:
%# fetch page and save it to disk
url = 'http://stackoverflow.com/';
cmd = ['wget --cookies=on --load-cookies=./cookies.txt ' url];
system(cmd, '-echo');
%# process page: I am simply viewing it using embedded browser
web( ['file:///' strrep(fullfile(pwd,'index.html'),'\','/')] )
Parsing the web page is a whole other topic that I will not go into. Once you get the data you seek, you can interact with Excel spreadsheets using the XLSREAD and XLSWRITE functions.
4) Finally you can write this in a function, and make it execute on regular intervals using the TIMER function
Try using the java.net.* classes.
You should be able to use them directly in the MATLAB workspace, as described here: http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/techdoc/matlab_external/f4863.html
Matlab has built-in functions for web downloading. For http sites, there is webread.m and websave.m. For FTPs, there is mget.m