how to check messages from kafka topics with host,server name and brokers list - apache-kafka

I have kafka topics, server name,port, and also brokers list.
How can i see the data from consumer with these details..

Try running this from your kafka directory:
bin/ --bootstrap-server <BROKER_IP>:<PORT> --topic <TOPIC_NAME> --from-beginning
It's the quickest way to test consuming from a topic.


How to list all the messages from producer in consumer from beginning in kafka (Windows)?

How to list all the messages from producer in consumer from beginning in kafka (Windows)?
Not able to display message from producer from beginning in kafka-windows
Console producer does not read data. Use the consumer instead
Try this command in windows powershell:
.\bin\windows\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic cities --from-beginning

Kafka List all partition with no leader

In my kafka Cluster there are more than 2k topics and each topic has 5 partitions. I want list only that partitions which has no leader.
I can go can check for each topic using the below syntax: --describe --topic <topic_name> --zookeeper <zookeeper_ip>:port
But the problem is there are 2k+ topics, can't be done manually. I can also write a script to loop over each topic and get the partition with no leader. But i am interested in some efficient way to get the information.
Using you can specify the --unavailable-partitions flag to only list partitions that currently don't have a leader and hence cannot be used by Consumers or Producers.
For example: --describe --unavailable-partitions --zookeeper <zookeeper_ip>:port

Kafka 10.2 new consumer vs old consumer

I've spent some hours to figure out what was going on but didn't manage to find the solution.
Here is my set up on a single machine:
1 zookeeper running
3 broker running (on port 9092/9093/9094)
1 topic with 3 partitions and 3 replications (each partition are properly assigned between brokers)
I'm using kafka console producer to insert messages. If i check the replication offset (cat replication-offset-checkpoint), I see that my messages are properly ingested by Kafka.
Now I use the kafka console consumer (new):
sudo bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --topic testTopicPartitionned2
I dont see anything consumed. I tried to delete my logs folder (/tmp/kafka-logs-[1,2,3]), create new topics, still nothing.
However when I use the old kafka consumer:
sudo bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic testTopicPartitionned2
I can see my messages.
Am I missing something big here to make this new consumer work ?
Thanks in advance.
Check to see what setting the consumer is using for auto.offset.reset property
This will affect what a consumer group without a previously committed offset will do in terms of setting where to start reading messages from a partition.
Check the Kafka docs for more on this.
Try providing all your brokers to --bootstrap-server argument to see if you notice any differnce:
sudo bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 --from-beginning --topic testTopicPartitionned2
Also, your topic name is rather long. I assume you've already made sure you provide the correct topic name.

How to get the consumer group of the single consumer

I am playing aroung Kafka, when I use
bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --from-beginning --topic test
Kafka will automatically create a consumer group. I am wondering how to get the consumer group name?
You should use The following command will list you all consumer groups.
bin/ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java Consumer API (non-Zookeeper-based consumers).

Kafka consumer query

To launch a Kafka consumer I have to run it with the following params.
kafka-console-consumer.bat --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic MyTopic
Was wondering why it needs to have a zookeeper as a param, if I use the broker param will it not work similar to how the producer is launched. Consumer needs to be aware of the broker/cluster and not the zookeeper location.
.\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker --list localhost:9092 --topic MyTopic
This is on windows, am not sure how its in Unix flavors.
You're invoking the old Kafka Consumer. Old consumer requires zookeeper to co-ordinate from which broker to fetch data.
The new consumer don't requires the zookeeper parameter.
.\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic MyTopic --new-consumer
Optionally, you can add --from-beginning argument to read the old records in the topic.