Standard buttons on custom toolbar not visible - ms-word

In the customUI tool I created the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="">
<tab idMso="TabHome">
<group idMso="GroupFont" visible="false" />
<group idMso="GroupParagraph" visible="false" />
<group id="CustGrp1" label="MyGroup" insertBeforeMso="GroupStyles">
<button idMso="TableInsertDialogWord" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="ConvertTextToTable" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="SpellingAndGrammar" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="AlignLeft" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="AlignCenter" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="Superscript" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="HyperlinkInsert" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="BookmarkInsert" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="AutoTextInsert" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="ReviewNewComment" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="SymbolsDialog" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="ParagraphMarks" showLabel="false" />
I hide two groups and add one custom group. In this custom group I add only standard buttons using the proper idMSO (downloaded from MS). In Word I can only see five of the twelve buttons. What's wrong here? Are my id's incorrect?


cannot set modal background to transparent in android

cannot set the background of the native script modal window to transparent
i have done a example in the below link.
<!-- >> modal-view-xml -->
<Page backgroundColor="transparent" xmlns=""
shownModally="onShownModally" height="300" width="250">
<StackLayout borderRadius="30" backgroundColor="green">
<Label text="android" textWrap="true" />
<Label text="android" textWrap="true" />
<Label text="android" textWrap="true" />
<Label text="android" textWrap="true" />
<Label text="android" textWrap="true" />
<Label text="android" textWrap="true" />
<Label text="android" textWrap="true" />
<!-- << modal-view-xml -->
i need a border rounded modal window
Try this,
if (page._dialogFragment) {
Playground Sample

Insert Hyperlink button not visible in Word CustomUI

I have created the following XML for our Word CustomUI:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="">
<tab idMso="TabHome">
<group idMso="GroupFont" visible="false" />
<group idMso="GroupParagraph" visible="false" />
<group idMso="GroupInsertTables" insertBeforeMso="GroupStyles" />
<group id="CustGrp1" label="Next" insertBeforeMso="GroupStyles">
<toggleButton idMso="AlignLeft" showLabel="false" />
<toggleButton idMso="AlignCenter" showLabel="false" />
<toggleButton idMso="AlignRight" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="IndentDecreaseWord" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="IndentIncreaseWord" showLabel="false" />
<gallery idMso="MultilevelListGallery" showLabel="false" />
<gallery idMso="FontColorPicker" showLabel="false" />
<gallery idMso="ShadingColorPicker" showLabel="false" />
<toggleButton idMso="Superscript" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="SpellingAndGrammar" showLabel="false" />
<splitButton idMso="TableBordersMenu" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="SymbolsDialog" showLabel="false" />
<button idMso="HyperlinkInsert" showLabel="true" />
<gallery idMso="AutoTextGallery" showLabel="true" />
<button idMso="BookmarkInsert" showLabel="true" />
<button id="ReferenceInsert" label="Referentie" imageMso="CrossReferenceInsert" onAction="modCode.ButtonOnAction" />
<button idMso="ReviewNewComment" showLabel="false" />
<toggleButton idMso="ParagraphMarks" showLabel="false" />
The HyperlinkInsert button is not visible. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?
screenshot CustomUI

error when I use ArrayList in fxml

<ArrayList fx:id="buttons">
<Button fx:id="btn1" layoutX="93.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn2" layoutX="187.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn3" layoutX="255.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn6" layoutX="505.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn4" layoutX="351.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn5" layoutX="436.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
I get error in each button and I even can't open fxml in sceneBuilder. What is wrong with thisenter image description here
Full code of fxml below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
<?import java.lang.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.geometry.Insets?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.Button?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
<?import java.util.ArrayList?>
<AnchorPane fx:controller="sample.Controller" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="">
<ArrayList fx:id="buttons">
<Button fx:id="btn1" layoutX="93.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn2" layoutX="187.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn3" layoutX="255.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn6" layoutX="505.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn4" layoutX="351.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
<Button fx:id="btn5" layoutX="436.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
I want to store all buttons in one array in controller
I don't think it's possible to add children in a List, especially standard ArrayList. FX components use ObservableList to store children components.
I suggest you add your buttons to a group, like this:
<Group fx:id="group">
<Button fx:id="btn1" layoutX="93.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button"/>
<Button fx:id="btn2" layoutX="187.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button"/>
<Button fx:id="btn3" layoutX="255.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button"/>
<Button fx:id="btn6" layoutX="505.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button"/>
<Button fx:id="btn4" layoutX="351.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button"/>
<Button fx:id="btn5" layoutX="436.0" layoutY="31.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button"/>
Your buttons will be visible in your app and you can do operations on group children almost like it was a standard list.

Header Footer and content

I already create view : header, content, and footer but footer and content not display and not getting an error. the directory in form1.view.xml is correct because no error when I load the form1 view. when I command the header code and I refresh, the content show and footer still not show. when I command the header and content, the footer show. how to fix this problem?
<App id="navCon"
class="footer-height footer-color header-color background-home background-color
footer-size-color panel-header">
<!-- Header -->
<mvc:XMLView viewName="sap.ui.taspen.taspen.Header" />
<Panel id="panelModule" headerText="Header form" class="panelForm">
<Label text="Ini form 1" />
<!-- Footer -->
<mvc:XMLView viewName="sap.ui.taspen.taspen.Footer" />
<mvc:View xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc"
xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:t="sap.ui.table" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns:tnt="sap.tnt"
controllerName="sap.ui.taspen.taspen.Header" xmlns:html="">
<Page showHeader="false">
<html:img src="icon/logo_taspen.png" class="header-logo-taspen" />
<html:p class="text-header">NEW APPLICATION CORE BUSINESS</html:p>
<ToolbarSpacer width="20px" />
<tnt:ToolHeaderUtilitySeparator />
<OverflowToolbarLayoutData priority="NeverOverflow"
minWidth="20px" />
<Text text="Selasa, 21/4/2017 / 11:07 AM" class="text-white" />
<Text text="Hello, Jhon Doe" class="text-white">
<OverflowToolbarLayoutData priority="NeverOverflow" />
<Button icon="sap-icon://log" type="Reject" press="logoutPress"
class="button-logout button-logout-icon margin-logout">
<OverflowToolbarLayoutData priority="NeverOverflow" />
<mvc:View xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc"
xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:t="sap.ui.table" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns:tnt="sap.tnt"
controllerName="sap.ui.taspen.taspen.Footer" xmlns:html="">
<Page showHeader="false">
<OverflowToolbar id="otbFooter">
<Button type="Transparent" text="Kebijakan dan Privasi"
press="kebdanprivPress" />
<Button type="Transparent" text="Bantuan" press="bantuanPress" />
<ToolbarSpacer />
<Label text="All Rights Reserved PT. Taspen Persero" />
<html:img src="icon/copyright-symbol.png" class="footer-logo-copyright" />
<Label text="2018" />
To Display custome header instead of page header you have to use
tag.and remaining you have to place in <content></content>tag. can see you are missing content tag.

How to iterativly print label in zk using templates with mvvm style

<window apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
viewModel="#id('vm') #init('com.test.labelTest')">
<template <!--model = "#bind(vm.allLabelSets)" some thing like this --> >
<label value="#load(each.label1)" />
<label value="#load(each.label2)" />
<label value="#load(each.label3)" />
how can we use template to iterate over a list without using any of gridModel,treeModel ?
Try this below code
<vlayout id="vlayout" children="#bind(vm.allLabelSets) #template('record')">
<template name="record" var="record">
<vlayout style="padding-left:10px; border:2px solid green;" >
<label value="#load(each.label1)" />
<label value="#load(each.label2)" />
<label value="#load(each.label3)" />
You have to use children attribute