WildFly-10 - APIMAN Publish Issue - wildfly

I have wildfly 10 and installed APIMAN 1.5.1.APIMAN. Organization/API creation is done and while publishing the API, I'm getting below error
io.apiman.manager.api.rest.contract.exceptions.ActionException: Failed to publish API.

I too had this issue, in my case problem was with the ElasticSearch.
apiman.es.host defined in standalone/configuration/apiman.properties was not working.
Check host and port that are mentioned are open/working.


Azure DevOps Server 2020 - Installing Search - error not compatible

Hi We are running Azure Devops Server 2020 update 1 patch 4. We want to use the Search functionality On a dedicated server). Im following the steps on this site: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/project/search/install-configure-search?view=azure-devops-2020#secure-search.
I'm getting stuck at the Readiness checks with an error in the log:
[Error #14:31:33.683] search plugin with version: '' is not compatible, supported search plugin version:
[Info #14:31:33.683] Node returned: Error
[Error #14:31:33.683] Elasticsearch plugin: 'AlmSearchPlugin' with version: '' is not supported. Ensure that your remote Search server has been updated to the latest version prior to configuring Search.
[Info #14:31:33.683] Completed Service Not Installed: Error
When going to through the details of the patch 4 I read that you should check the registry value and set the Version to 5.4.1. For me after the installation it was set to
I gave it a try by setting it to 5.4.1 and run the command:
.\Configure-TFSSearch.ps1 -Operation update -verbose
Unfortunately after this the value was again set to and also the readiness checks gave the same results.
This error was also reported on the blog-page about this patch. But there was not really an answer, but tweaking some files coming from the installation folder (see comment Edwin Siebes; feb 1st). Is this really the solution? Or did I miss something?
After contact with Microsoft support I got a new dll: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Admin.dll which fixed the problem.
This was a private patch they said they going to make it public.

Spring boot Admin Slack notification

Migrated our stack to Spring Boot 2.0.3 and switched our spring boot admin. Everything is working, microservices are registering (hats off codecentric)
Only issue is that we are not getting any slack notification when services are down or up, what is different from earlier versions (which was working fine)
we are using same config as before:
spring.boot.admin.notify.slack.username=Spring Boot Admin Service
spring.boot.admin.notify.slack.message=*#{application.name}* (#
{application.id}) is *#{to.status}*
and the web hook url in yaml file
profiles: production
webhook-url: xxx
Any help appreciated
Was struggling with this same issue when I spotted this question, we recently moved from Spring Boot Admin 1.5.4 up to 2.0.2 with a similar version bump for Spring Boot (1.5.9 -> 2.0.4) and I'd recently noticed that slack notifications had stopped working.
Checking our Spring Boot Admin server logs I could the following exception was thrown when a monitored client went offline : "SpelEvaluationException: EL1008E: Property or field 'application' cannot be found" so it seems that the syntax for the slack message had changed.
Was just about to post in the codecentric mailing list when I decided to double check the docs for 2.0.4 Slack notifications and voila the syntax for spring.boot.admin.notify.slack.message had changed from
"#{application.name} (#{application.id}) is #{to.status}"
"#{instance.registration.name} (#{instance.id}) is

"host not allowed" error when deploying a play framework application to Amazon AWS with Boxfuse

I am trying to deploy a simple web application written using Play Framework in Scala to Amazon web service.
The web application is running OK in development mode and production mode in my local machine, and I've changed its default port to 80.
I used Boxfuse to deploy to AWS as suggested.
I first run "sbt dist"
then "boxfuse run -env=prod"
Things went well as desired. The image is fused and pushed to AWS. AMI is created. Instance was started and my application was running.
i-0f696ff22df4a2b71 => 2017-07-13 01:28:23.940 [info] play.api.Play - Application started (Prod)
Then came the error message:
WARNING: Healthcheck ( returned 400 instead of 200. Retrying for the next 300 seconds ...
i-0f696ff22df4a2b71 => 2017-07-13 01:28:24.977 [info] p.c.s.AkkaHttpServer - Listening for HTTP on /
i-0f696ff22df4a2b71 => 2017-07-13 01:28:25.512 [warn] p.f.h.AllowedHostsFilter - Host not allowed:
The instance was terminated after repeated try after 3 minutes. It gave a warning like:
Ensure your application responds with an HTTP 200 at / on port 80
But I've made sure the application responds in local machine, and I tried both Windows and Ubuntu, all works well.
Also, running "boxfuse run" on local machine, I can connect to it using "http://localhost", but still have the error.
Hope someone with experience can give me some suggestions. Thanks in advance.
ps: not sure if relevant, I added these settings to application.conf
http {
address =
port = 80
Judging from the error message, it looks like the problem might be related to play.filters.hosts.allowed not set up in application.conf. The filter lets you configure which hosts can access your application. More details about the Play filter is available here.
Here's a configuration example:
play.filters.hosts {
allowed = ["."]
Note that allowed = ["."] matches all hosts hence would not be recommended in a production environment.
As stated in the Boxfuse Play Documentation:
If your application uses the allowed hosts filter you must ensure play.filters.hosts.allowed in application.conf allows connections from anywhere as this filter otherwise causes ELB healthchecks to fail. For example:
play.filters.hosts {
allowed = ["."]
More info in the official Play documentation.

Issue connecting composer to Blockchain on Bluemix - identity or token does not match

I have fabric composer 0.72 installed on my mac, and I was able to follow this thread to get it connected to my Blockchain (v.61 of Fabric) on Bluemix.
Now I am trying to build an ubuntu (16.04) docker container and run composer-rest-server there. When I try to connect to my blockchain service from my docker container (using the same id, WebAppAdmin, that I used on my mac) I get an error:
Discovering types from business network definition ...
Connection fails: Error: Identity or token does not match.
It will be retried for the next request.
{ Error: Identity or token does not match.
at /home/composer/.nvm/versions/node/v6.10.3/lib/node_modules /composer-rest-server/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:417:17 code: 2, metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } }
I tried copying the cert from my mac to my docker container:
but when I did that I got a different error that says "signature does not verify". I did some additional testing, and I discovered that if I used an id that I had not previously used with composer (i.e. user_type1_0) then I could connect, and I could see a new cert in my .composer-credentials directory.
I tried deleting that container and building a new one (I dorked something else up) I could not use that same userid again.
Does anybody know how security and these certs are supposed to work? It would seem as though something to do with certificate generation/validation is tied to the client (i.e. hardware address), such that if I try to re-use an id on a different machine, the certs or keys or something don't match. I have a way to make things work, but it doesn't seem like it's the right way if I can't use the same id from different machines.
Hi i tried to recreate this by having blockchain running on a unix machine and then i copied my connection profile and certificate to my mac and then edited my connection profile to update the ip address and key store. I then did a composer network ping and it worked fine.
I am using composer v0.7.4 so you could try that?
I have also faced this issue, and concluded that
There is inconsistent behavior while deploying network using composer on Cloud environment includeing Bluemix. Problem is not with composer, but with fabric 0.6.
I am assuming that this issue is also indirectly related to following known bugs into fabric 0.6, which will not be fixed in fabric 0.6.
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
at ClientDuplexStream._emitStatusIfDone (/home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/lib/node_modules/composer-cli/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:189:19)
at ClientDuplexStream._readsDone (/home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/lib/node_modules/composer-cli/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:158:8)
at readCallback (/home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/lib/node_modules/composer-cli/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:217:12)
So far, We have understood that following three JIRA are root cause , where essentially the cloud networking layer ends up killing the idle event hub connection after a period of inactivity and the fabric SDK cannot handle this.
https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-4002 FAB-3310
or FAB-2787
There is no alternative way of fixing this issue with Bluemix or any cloud environment with fabric 0.6
You may not experience this issue with Fabric 1.0, but there is still possibilities as all above mentioned defects are not fixed yet.

Deploy managed services into CloudFoundry

I installed Cloud Foundry v2 Nise Installer (with cf-release ea61ec6f8f, VirtualBox)
and successfully pushed 'hello' application with 2 built-in services(mysql and postgresql).
1) How can I add more managed services, e.g. 'echo', 'mongodb' (existing under cf-release/src/services)?
2) I also installed cf_nise_services on the different VM (VirtualBox) but I do not understand how to connect both VMs to deploy services.
I tried to add my service via (on VM1)
I got an error after (at the very end)
cf create-service
CFoundry::MessageParseError: 1001: Request invalid due to parse error: Decoded JSON cannot be nil
HTTP 404
My service does not respond correctly?
Thank you!
The branch ea61ec6f8f is too old and not maintained any longer.
cf_nise_installer_services is, unfortunately, not maintained now. I'll delete it from the README later.
Please try cf-mysql-broker.
Iwasaki Yudai